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Colonial Commander

Page 2

by K. D. Jones

  “No, but I would not comment on it if you had. You are exhausted; many of us are. You should go back to your quarters and get some rest.”

  “The Norads…”

  “Are being sedated and treated. The male you came in with—”

  “Zander, his name is Zander.”

  “Yes. Zander is going to be sedated for the next twenty-four hours while we work on providing him with artificial limbs. We have to program the nanos to assist in making sure that his body does not reject the new appendages. We are going to put him in an unconscious state for most of the night. When he wakes, we will test him to see if his body fully accepts the limbs, and then physical rehabilitation will start as soon as possible.”

  “Wow, that’s really fast.” The nanos were an amazing biologically engineered technology that the Katierans used to help repair internal damage to the body. It was one of the things that the EWG had negotiated for with the Katierans. Their medical technology was far more advanced than that of Earth.

  “Our transports have medical facilities which are fully equipped for this type of occurrence. It is not unheard-of for our warriors to suffer such physical losses. We try to prepare for that. We have created artificial limbs with computer chips that connect to the brain so that the patient can use them just like their original limbs.”

  Amazing. She wished that the Katierans had come ten years ago; they might have been able to keep her grandmother from having a heart attack and dying.

  “What about the girl, his sister Lizetta? Is she awake? I don’t want to leave her while her brother is out of commission.”

  “We had to sedate her as well. She suffered—” He looked away, obviously not wanting to elaborate.

  “I saw the torn clothes and bruises. Was she sexually assaulted?”

  Medic LawsON growled in anger. “I wish I could have killed her attackers myself. They have no honor, attacking a young female, still a child in our people’s eyes.”

  Ava was taken aback by the strength of the man’s aggression. The medics were normally so calm, even in emergencies. “I thought medics were peaceful.”

  He snorted. “I may be a medic, but I am also fully trained as a warrior. All our males have to be trained in case we are needed in battle. After the Morins almost annihilated our people, every male was expected to step up and protect those who are weaker. Until now we’ve never had to face such a threat, but re-emergence of the Morins has all three nations on alert.”

  “I don’t know anything about the Morins apart from what I’ve seen on this trip. They are cruel. I wish I could get my hands on those men who hurt Lizetta, too. I’d beat the crap out of them.”

  The medic laughed, breaking some of the tension. “I cannot imagine someone as small and delicate as you hurting anyone.”

  “You’d be surprised. I’m vicious when it comes to someone I care about.” She’d had to learn to defend herself a while back. She wasn’t a warrior or anything like that, but she knew basic self-defense, and how to get away from an attacker. “Let me know when they both wake, if I’m not back before then. I’d like to speak with Lizetta about what happened.”

  “Are you one of the Earth mind doctors?”

  Mind doctors? Oh, he must mean psychiatrists. She shook her head. “No, but I have some experience with this type of thing. I’ve volunteered in similar situations to this.” Most of her experience was with natural disasters, and there was nothing natural about what had happened to Lizetta, but she was sure the other woman would need a friend.

  “Very well, I will let you know if either of them wake earlier than expected. We will have staff here at all times to care for them. We have to get all of the survivors ready to transfer to the Katieran transport as soon as possible.”

  She paused on her way to the door. “You’re going to move them? Why?”

  “Commander AshOR wants the survivors to travel on the Katieran transport when it goes through the wormhole. It will allow our crew to continue on our original mission of hunting down the Morins.”

  Damn it! These people don’t need to be passed around from ship to ship. Hell, they’ve probably never even seen a spaceship before. What they need is to be stabilized and to feel secure and safe. “Let me know when they wake. I’m going to get some rest.”

  She left the medic wing, pissed off. How could AshOR turn these helpless people in need away? She was going to give the Colonial commander a piece of her mind when she saw him next.


  AshOR sighed as he let the water run down his body. He closed his eyes, wanting to wash away the images of death and destruction from his mind and soul. Goddess, how can a species like the Morins commit such atrocities? Do they have no souls at all?

  He turned the water off and stepped out, drying himself with a towel. He needed to find something, anything, to take his mind off the horrors he’d witnessed. But first he needed to speak to his brother. He dressed quickly and headed to operations.

  Walking in, he told his second-in-command, “Get me a secure line with Commander TylOR in my ready room.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  It took a few minutes to get the communications set up, and while he waited he picked up his digital tablet and went over the detailed report of what his warriors had found. One Morin had been discovered on the planet, but he was nearly dead and uncooperative when questioned. He died before making it to the transport. After reading the reports AshOR felt like he had even more questions than before.

  “Good to see you, Commander AshOR.”

  “You too, Commander TylOR. How is your side of the wormhole?”

  “Quiet—a little too quiet. I hear you have not yet found the Morin transport.”

  AshOR sighed. “They have some kind of cloaking ability. By the time we are able to detect their presence in a location, they are gone, and nothing of them is left. Nothing but destruction and devastation.”

  “Your second-in-command sent the report in. The planet Norad was totally destroyed?”

  “Yes. I believe the final count of survivors stood at thirty.”

  “Thirty from an entire planet?”

  “It’s a small planet, very primitive. Its natural resources were demolished and polluted. We will not be able to leave the survivors to rebuild; it is a dead planet and they have no way to defend themselves from predators like the Morins.”

  “So they will need to come back on the Katieran transport with the Earth females?”

  “Yes. As soon as the medics clear them to be moved I am transferring them over.”

  “Could you wait to do that until I arrive? I would like a chance to see the damage to the planet myself, and to interview the survivors.”

  AshOR frowned at the image of his older half-brother. “Why are you coming? Why not send someone else, why not another Katieran transport?”

  “I volunteered to come and escort the Katieran transport through the wormhole. You sound like you don’t want to see me.”

  “I just think you should be on Kiljor protecting your mate.”

  “Well that would be hard to do, considering she isn’t on Kiljor. She insisted on coming with me.”

  “TylOR, what in Kitana are you thinking, bringing your mate through the wormhole where the enemy is waiting to cause more damage?”

  “Are you saying that I cannot keep my mate safe?”

  “This is not about your ability to keep her safe. She is family, my new sister, and I don’t want her anywhere near the ugliness of what the Morins have done.”

  “It is that bad?”


  “I cannot just turn around now. We are already through the wormhole.”

  “Just be safe. Take no chances with my new sister.”

  “Are you okay? You don’t seem like yourself.” TylOR sounded concerned.

  “I am fine, maybe a little tired. What is your ETA?” AshOR knew he was behaving differently. He had been one of the leaders of the Colonial planet, having taken on the responsibilities af
ter his father’s death, but it may have been too much too soon. Those responsibilities had been revoked when he kidnapped a female mated to a Katieran Prime thinking that he was protecting his people. He’d had to work his way back up through the ranks all over again. Then the Morins had attacked the wormhole and sent one of their transports through in search of Earth, and LarIS tasked him with the duty of hunting the them down and protecting the incoming Katieran transport. Now, having witnessed firsthand the cruelty that the Morins displayed toward those they encountered, he felt he had the weight of the world on his shoulders.

  “We are twelve hours away.”

  “I will see you then.”

  “Get some rest, brother.”

  “Travel safely.”

  AshOR ended communications feeling even more stressed than before. His brother and new sister-in-law were on their way into danger, and he wished he could do more to protect them. He hated feeling helpless. He had a medic wing full of survivors from a dead planet. They had no homes to go back to, and no way to defend themselves. Then on top of that, he had to safeguard a Katieran transport full of vulnerable Earth females. The enemy was out there somewhere, waiting to cause more problems, and he felt like his hands were tied behind his back. He needed to find the Morins and stop them from causing any more harm.

  “Goddess help me.” He had never felt so powerless before. He was wound up tight, ready to explode. Now more than ever he needed to find a release for his pent-up anger and energy.

  He checked in with his second-in-command. Everything was quiet, with no sign of the Morins. He left the command center and began walking back to his quarters, passing two pretty Earth females on his way. Some of them had volunteered to help with the Norads, and others were visiting his warriors, who were thrilled to be receiving their attentions.

  “Commander, would you care to join us for a drink?” the blonde asked him.

  Having a drink and spending time a pair of attractive females might be just what he needed to get his mind off everything.

  “I would be honored.”


  Ava couldn’t sleep. She had tried to contact Commander AshOR earlier, but he was on a long-distance communication that couldn’t be interrupted, so she went to her quarters and took a shower. She tried to sleep, but she couldn’t get the image of Zander and his sister out of her mind. All the Norads were in serious need of medical treatment, and psychological aid as well.

  Every time she closed her eyes, all she could see was the destruction of an entire people, and Lizette’s torn clothes. It made her remember a time she didn’t want to think about; a time when she was young and innocent, only twelve years old.

  She had been caught up in a natural disaster in her hometown, near the coast. A hurricane was coming in, and it caused a blackout. Flooding in the streets kept some people from leaving for a safer location. Others were stubborn and wanted to stay to guard their homes.

  Her father was the local sheriff, so he had to help everyone evacuate, but he neglected to make sure that his own family was safe. Her mother was a nurse, working at the hospital taking care of people injured by the storm. Ava was left at home with her elderly grandmother.

  She watched from her window as two men broke into her neighbor’s house. They were looting. When they turned toward her house, she ran downstairs to warn her grandmother. They hid in a closet under the stairs that locked from the inside. She had never felt more scared in her entire life.

  Later she would find out that the two men had raped a girl who was just a year older than her. Her father insisted she learn some kind of self-defense after that. That event changed her life. She’d seen how quickly people’s lives could be destroyed, but then the volunteers came and she learned there were also good people out there helping others. She wanted to be someone who brought hope to those in despair.

  Ava started volunteering right after that event. She helped raise money for food and supplies for various charities. She joined committees at school and worked at homeless shelters, anywhere that needed help. She continued helping others all throughout college. It gave her a purpose in life, and she loved it.

  All her experiences had trained her for this. She knew what these people needed.

  Grabbing her clothes, she dressed and left her quarters. When she reached the commander’s quarters, she knocked on the door, and thought she heard someone yell out for her to come in. The door was unlocked, so she slowly slid it open and entered, then froze immediately. AshOR wasn’t alone.

  She watched the scene before her, stunned. One woman was straddling the commander’s hips, her hands on his cock, while the other woman was sitting on the commander’s face; he was clearly eating her out.

  She was shocked, a little bit turned on, and a whole lot jealous. The last feeling she didn’t understand at all. She had barely known the commander a week, and they’d argued most of that time. He annoyed her with his flirtations, and she always turned him down, so it shouldn’t bother her to see him with other women. But it did.

  “Oh, I see you’re busy.”

  Chapter 3

  Holy Kitana! AshOR jerked up to a sitting position, accidentally knocking both females to the floor. He immediately forgot about his current bedmates as he stood up and stared at the pretty blonde. “Miss Collins, why are you here?”

  He stood there without making any move to cover himself. He hadn’t really been into what he was doing with the blonde one—Sheila?—and the other woman, whose name he couldn’t remember. The moment he brought them back to his quarters he knew that he had made a mistake. They were attractive, but he just wasn’t into being with them. He felt guilty for leading them on, though, and had committed himself to ensuring that they found their pleasure. For a moment there AshOR thought he was losing his ability to become aroused. Then Ava walked in. His cock was standing at full attention now.

  “Commander, I need to speak with you privately.” Ava avoided eye contact with him as she spoke. Most humans were shy about nudity.

  “How dare you just barge in here!” Sheila pulled a blanket off the bed to cover herself, glaring at Ava.

  AshOR frowned. He didn’t like the female yelling at Ava. He turned to the two naked females. “I’m sorry, but I have business to discuss with Miss Collins. I need you two to leave.”

  They were not happy about that at all. Both women pulled their dresses on in a huff. Holding their shoes and undergarments in their hands, they shoved past Ava, knocking her aside.

  AshOR reached out to steady her. She glared at the retreating females for a moment, before turning her glare on him. She looked adorable when she was angry. Pulling herself away from him, she walked further into his quarters. He shut the door and turned to face her.

  “What can I do for you?” he asked, noticing that her eyes kept glancing down to his cock as a rosy color developed on her cheeks. She really was quite lovely. He thought of all things he would like to do to her, but she obviously wasn’t in the same mood as him. What a shame. He found the redness of her face fascinating.

  “Could you cover up? I can’t—talk with you like that.” She waved her hand up and down at him.

  He smiled as he walked over to the bed and bent to pick up his pants, chuckling when he heard her gasp. The female was watching him. He pulled on his pants and snapped them shut, then turned back around.


  She sighed. “Yes.”

  “Now, what can I do for you?”


  Ava was trying her best to get her heartbeat under control. AshOR had to be the best-looking man she’d ever seen, with or without clothes. His baldhead was smooth and shiny, like a Buddha figurine. She had an urge to lean up on her toes and lick him for good luck.

  He wasn’t ashamed of his body either, but who could blame him with a body like that? Every muscle he had was cut and firm. He definitely worked out a lot. She felt very self-conscious of her own imperfections; the two women who’d just left had large breasts and
skinny waists. Ava was more slim than curvy, but she was fit and toned. Her body was proportionate. She suspected the blonde had implants. Her boobs were way too perky for their size. Wait, did he just ask something?


  “I asked what I could do for you, Miss Collins.”

  “You can call me Ava.” Why did she want him to use her first name?

  “Ava. I like the way that name sounds. Call me AshOR.”

  She wanted him to keep saying her name over and over. He had a deep baritone voice, and when he said her name it gave her chills all up and down her body. His voice made her think of sleeping in on Sunday mornings, waking up to a cup of hot chocolate, and making love all day. She shook her head to clear it and try to refocus. She’d come here for a reason.

  “I wanted to talk to you about the Norad survivors. I heard that you planned to move them to the Katieran transport as soon as possible.”

  “Yes. I have to get back to hunting the Morins. Every day the enemy could be further and further away.”

  “The survivors can’t be moved right now. They just suffered a huge trauma; some of them haven’t even woken up yet. A steady environment is vital to their recovery.”

  “Why do you care? These people mean nothing to you. You will move on and forget them.”

  She felt like she had been slapped. “I care because they’re living beings who need to be treated with sympathy, not something to be tossed to the side without thought. If you do that, then you’re no better than the Morins!” She realized as the last words left her mouth that she might have gone to far. She was about to apologize when he began to stalk toward her, backing her up against the closed door.

  “Are you comparing me to the Morins? A race that nearly destroyed my people?”

  She was breathing hard, and she could feel the heat coming from his body. Her nipples hardened and she felt a growing ache inside of her. “I didn’t mean it that way,” she whispered.

  He leaned down until his forehead was almost touching hers. His dark brown eyes with those strange gold irises stared into hers, trapping her like a deer in headlights. “What did you mean, then? Explain it to me.”


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