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Twist of Fate (Veredian Chronicles Book 4)

Page 38

by Regine Abel

  He found my exposed throat, nibbling, sucking, and licking. My arms trembled, and I tightened my grip around him. Breath ragged, Ghan’s fingers dug into the tender flesh of my bum, and he accelerated his movements, taking me with something akin to desperation. Each time our flesh met, my clit collided with his pelvis, sending jolts of pleasure from my core to my extremities in a million tendrils of electricity.

  I fell apart, shouting his name. The room spun and my entire body went limp. Unable to hang on to him, I started falling backwards, but Ghan held me up and marched us to the wall. The cold shower tiles pressed against the feverish skin of my back. Without missing a beat, my mate, still deeply sheathed inside me, continued pounding in and out of me, occasionally pausing to grind his pelvis against my nub.

  The second time I exploded, he shouted his own release in a feral roar. Breathing heavily on my shoulder, he peppered soft kisses along my markings, thrusting slowly inside me until the last of his passion was spent. He drank from me then sealed the puncture wound. Had I been in my season, my oxytocin would have driven him mad with lust again. I didn’t think I could have handled another round right now.

  After we both came down, he quickly rinsed and dried us. For once, I didn’t complain about his obsession with carrying me around. My legs felt like jelly. He paused by the bed. Guessing what he wanted, I leaned forward and grabbed the blanket, bunching it in my arms.

  He walked us outside to the patio that ran the length of the back of the house, alongside the massive natural pond pool. The landscaping provided some privacy between each guestroom. While we were the only couple occupying one of the five guest rooms on the ground floor, with Ghan’s habit of cuddling naked, we always used a blanket whenever we sat outside at night in case of an impromptu visit by a late night swimmer.

  We settled on the outdoor loveseat with me curled up on my mate, skin to skin. The blanket draped over us warded against the slight chill of the evening. The soft moonlight provided sufficient visibility, not that darkness impeded my vision. Although I knew we were headed into a serious discussion, I didn’t feel any stress. I couldn’t tell if it was due to the soothing chirping of insects in the night, or the sweet scent of ryspak filling the air. But maybe it was simply because I’d been mentally preparing for it for a while.

  I rubbed my face against his neck and kissed the line of his strong jaw.

  “All right, love. Lay it on me. What’s troubling you?”

  He chuckled. I loved the rumbling sounds his chest made whenever he laughed, growled or moaned.

  “I’m not troubled, but we do have some important decisions to make.”

  “Okay,” I said cautiously.

  “Things are changing on Xelix Prime. The work Khel and I are doing is even more extensive than we expected. Every time we think we’re done with one part, we realize we’ve only scratched the surface. The scope of this overhaul is growing exponentially. It will take us a long time to see it through, probably at least a year.”

  I had no problem believing it. It wasn’t just rules and protocols that needed to be updated, but their entire infrastructures to accommodate females and families. Ships, barracks, uniforms, all needed to be adapted. Aside from the Korletheans, who still refused to communicate with us, Terrans and Dantorians were the only other advanced species that had equal female representation in their military. Khel and Ghan had been drawing inspiration from them to draft their own system.

  Lifting my head from his shoulder, I locked eyes with him.

  “And you personally want to handle it to completion,” I said.

  He held my gaze without flinching.


  “And I’m guessing you can’t do this remotely?”


  I nodded, acknowledging his answer. He paused to let his underlying message sink in. It wasn’t necessary. I’d known for a while this would be coming. In retrospect, I realized a lot of our hiking trips and countryside rides had been more than him merely trying to diversify our family activities. It had been a seduction scheme to make me fall in love with his homeworld.

  And it had worked.

  Xelix Prime was an amazing planet, with wide expanses of nature to explore, the perfect weather, peaceful cities with low crime rate, and above all, the people I loved the most; my family. When Ghan first suggested we stay with the Praghans for the remainder of my pregnancy, I didn’t think he’d had any hidden agenda. However, after one month spent here, back in his old life, in the role he loved, and alongside his best friend, things had changed.

  “You don’t want to move to Haven,” I said.

  It wasn’t a question.

  Ghan sighed.

  “In all honesty, no, I don’t. Besides you and our children, there’s nothing for me there.” He kissed my forehead and stroked my hair. “Although you are a formidable military leader, I can’t deny that it’s uncomfortable for me to have my mate as my superior officer. I’m sure you would feel the same having to report to me.”

  Yes, I could understand that. In truth, I’d been surprised how well he’d handled it for nearly three months onboard the Tempest. Sure, there’d been a couple of awkward moments, not to mention the dressing down I gave him and his warriors.

  “It’s all the more uncomfortable that I don’t even have an official status,” Ghan continued.

  My cheeks heated. I cast my eyes down, suddenly very interested in the material of the blanket covering us. Kamala had brought that up weeks ago, but I hadn’t known how to fix it. Since things were working out just fine regardless, I figured I’d address the matter the day it became problematic, while hoping it never would.

  “I’m a career soldier. I’m not a builder, farmer, crafter, or politician. I wouldn’t know what else to do on your world.”

  “And yet, you had volunteered to come,” I argued.

  He nodded. “Yes, because back then it was the sensible choice to make. Not so much anymore.”

  “Why? What’s changed?”

  “Everything has changed, Sameha.” His fingers traced the pattern of my markings along my thigh in a tidal wave motion. “Back then, you were endlessly roaming through space, trying to find your Sisters. You had the greater responsibility, and I had no choice but to follow you so we could be together. Thanks to Gruuk’s medallions, that’s now a thing of the past. You no longer need to raid and battle. Your army is no longer scattered. Your Sisters are safe behind nearly impregnable defenses.”

  “But Haven still needs to be completed. All our infrastructures are still basic.”

  “And that’s work for architects, urban planners, and agricultural experts to tackle. Your Sisters need you to continue the work you’ve been doing right here for the past month. You don’t need to be in Haven to do it.”

  All arguments I’d given myself over the past weeks. Hearing them verbalized by him really drove them home.

  “What if I insist we go to Haven?” I asked, curious as to what his answer would be.

  “Then I would ask you to give me rational arguments as to why you feel it’s the wisest course of action.”

  “And if I succeed?”

  “Then I’d agree,” he said, matter-of-fact.

  In that instant, something settled inside me.

  “You’ve changed,” I said.

  “Not in a bad way I hope?”

  “No, not bad. Well… Yeah, bad I guess to the extent that you’re not letting me just have my way with everything anymore,” I said with a playful pout.

  He chuckled.

  “Well, I used to think that I didn’t deserve you. I would thank the Goddess daily that a female as perfect as you would settle for someone like me.”

  “Oh, Ghan,” I said, my chest tightening. “That’s nonsense. You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

  He gave me a sad smile. “Watching Lenora struggle with being different and teaching her that she, too, was worthy of love forced me to recognize that I was, too.”

bsp; Ghan cupped my cheek with one hand and ran his thumb over my lips.

  “The Goddess made us for each other. Whatever my insecurities, I deserve you, and I deserve for you to fight for me, for us, like I do.”

  Turning my head into the hand holding my cheek, I kissed his palm before looking back up at him.

  “So Xelix Prime, huh?”

  He nodded. “I’d offer to build you a summer home in Haven, but I’m kind of broke on that planet.”

  I giggled and gave him a playful slap on the chest.

  “Silly. I’ve got that part covered.”

  My fingers slid down his chest to the hard muscles of his abs, my fingertips tracing each defined line.

  “I will agree under one condition,” I said, my pulse suddenly racing with nerves.

  Body tensing slightly, his gaze bore into mine.

  “Name it,” he said.

  “You must let me claim you before all of Xelix Prime at the Fastening Ceremony next week.”

  My breath caught at the raw emotion that swept over his rough features. I had known how much he’d wanted to be claimed in the traditional Xelixian fashion, I’d seen it during our Veredian wedding, but now, it struck me even more than before. Two Fastenings had taken place since the beginning of our stay at the Praghan estate. Both times, while he’d tried to maintain a neutral expression, I hadn’t missed the dimness of his mood.

  Holding my face with both hands, he crushed my mouth with a passionate, almost violent kiss.

  “Yes, my mate. A thousand times, yes.”

  * * *

  The next week passed in a whirlwind of activity, between my duties as military leader, supervising the construction work at our new estate, being a mother and a mate, and preparing for our Fastening. Okay fine, and some meddling in the meet-and-greets which had Clarissa and Camelia sternly shooing me away. It only resulted in me breathing down the necks of the contractor and architect. When it came to letting go, I still had a ways to go.

  The only dark cloud in my otherwise perfect sky was the complete absence of any news from Mercy, aside from one cryptic message she’d sent a week after her arrival on Guldar saying she’d contact us when next she could but that all was well otherwise. My big sister had survived all these years without my help. I had to trust she would keep herself safe. That wouldn’t stop me from worrying, though.

  Mother, Amalia, and Jhola made a big fuss about my Fastening. I didn’t understand why. From their own admission, echoed by Valena, the Fastening Ceremony would put even the most hyperactive child to sleep. While somewhat annoyed, I submitted to their eccentricity. In the end, I had to admit that the silver halter dress they came up with was quite flattering. As a non-Tainted, non-Xelixian female producing oxytocin, I was labelled a Pearl and therefore expected to wear the same type of outfits Prime females did. While it fit the bill, the slightly cinched waist flattered my figure and boasted a bare back, uncommon with Xelixian traditional outfits. Mother twisted my hair into an elaborate messy-bun to show off the markings between my shoulders blades.

  I still felt a little self-conscious of my muscular body. As I filed into the Fastening Hall alongside seven of my Sisters, three Xelixian females, and two Terrans, I couldn’t help comparing the softer lines of their exposed arms and legs. I’d even considered wearing heels to appear more feminine. While I had to admit that high heels did wonders for a female’s legs, the torture of walking in them, not to mention the potential damage to my back, simply didn’t feel worth it.

  Kamala nearly lost it when I ordered her to keep the protective detail for the ceremony to a minimum. For my Mother’s and Valena’s Fastening, we’d gone all-out and made quite the statement. Over the previous two Fastenings, for unions resulting from the meet-and-greets, we’d kept the Tuurean numbers to a more reasonable level, supplemented by the First Division. Kamala argued that as their military leader, I needed extra protection. I had to remind her that this was Aleina Fein’s Fastening, not Admiral Lee’s.

  Going through the process the girls had described felt surreal, with Advisor Fihn pricking my finger with a stylus to confirm I was a Pearl and piling up by the line while our aspiring males paraded before us in their indecently tight trousers. The shouting of the over-excited crowd of witnesses sounded like a swarm of insects buzzing in the background. To our surprise, the start of the Fastening Selection was slightly delayed by the last-minute arrival of half a dozen more Xelixian females who had decided to join the Fastening.

  Not counting my Sisters who had already exchanged vows with their males, the number of Xelixian and Terran females participating constituted a new record, considering there were no Prime males to fight over. Such record attendance usually occurred when a Prime male from one of the main noble families presented himself.

  An uneasy feeling settled in the pit of my stomach as the newly arrived females piled themselves up to the left side of the line. The Prime alcove stood empty at the far left. Right next to it, the Norms—the males showing the least signs of the Taint—stood on their pedestals waiting to be chosen. Ghan, looking like a Prime, stood on the very first pedestal. The Xelixian people loved their General Praghan. That affection carried over to his First Officer and best friend. During Khel’s long recovery from the Blood House explosion, Ghan had carried the mantle of protector of Xelix Prime and earned even more respect from its citizens.

  Kamala’s words once more echoed in my mind.

  “Ghan is an amazing male and probably the best catch on Xelix Prime…”

  He was. And those vultures thought to snag him out from under me. I didn’t doubt Ghan’s love for me or his loyalty. After all, we were already married under Veredian law and with a baby on the way.

  Except no one but Veredians recognize Veredian law.

  Advisor Fihn announcing the Fastening Selection officially opened snapped me out of my grim thoughts and insecurities. Under the excited roar of the witnesses sitting on the balcony, the Xelixian and Terran females took off in a run, pushing and shoving each other to race toward the males. My Sisters and I exchanged a horrified look, speechless at such an unexpected display.

  Seeing half of those females headed straight for my mate had me seething. They were lucky I didn’t have claws like Amalia or a few of them would be walking out of here not looking as pretty as they did now.

  Forcing myself to stick to a dignified walk, I strolled down into the main area toward my mate’s pedestal under the chuckles and sympathetic looks of my Sisters. They had all chosen heavily Tainted males whose pedestals were located further down the line, and usually not visited by any—or very few—of the participating females.

  My wannabe rivals shouted over each other to draw Ghan’s attention, each offering to fasten with him. None of the Xelixian females were Prime, which explained why none of them had left already. When no Primes were available, the Terrans usually left and made private arrangements with Family Welfare to help match them with one. That they stayed for Ghan spoke highly of his reputation and of the power conferred by his position.

  Ghan ignored them, his gaze glued to mine, a loving smile playing on his lips. With unexpected boldness, one of the Xelixian females grabbed Ghan’s hand to force him to pay attention to her. His head snapped toward her. Tearing his hand from her grasp, he glared at her in outrage.

  “No.” His voice cracked like a whip. His gaze roamed over the other females surrounding him who had suddenly gone silent. “I am flattered by your interest, Sehas, but I have already exchanged vows with my soulmate.”

  Squeezing through the little cluster they had formed in front of my mate, I walked up to Ghan. Feeling suddenly playful, and to my shame, wanting to rub it in the face of those vultures who thought to take my male, I gave Ghan a once-over as if evaluating his worth. He raised an amused eyebrow.

  “I’ll fasten with you, Xelixian, if you would have me,” I said, tauntingly.

  Ghan snorted and shook his head at me.

  “I guess I’ll consent, Veredian, an
d hope I won’t regret it for the rest of my days.”

  I gasped in fake outrage, and he burst out laughing. Jumping off his pedestal, he pulled me into his embrace.

  “Fucking Veredians stealing all our best males,” a female behind me muttered.

  I looked over my shoulder but couldn’t see who had spoken those words as the females were already scattering. Ghan claiming my lips in a tender kiss chased it all away. There would be plenty of time later to worry about whether or not this indicated a real problem.



  It turned out that I’d been worrying myself sick for no reason regarding our living arrangements. Aleina had been way ahead of me on that front. That day we discussed staying on Xelix Prime, she’d already decided we would but took malicious pleasure in letting me believe I had to convince her.

  I should have known, considering she and I were both observant and approached problems with the same rational thinking. Aleina had not only weighed our respective roles but also how she would continue to be the most beneficial to her people.

  After the death of Veredia and their species being declared extinct, all existing diplomatic and trade agreements with other worlds had been nulled. While the Veredians weren’t ready to open their borders to foreigners, they needed to import a lot of base materials and resources. The first trade route had been established between Tuur and Xelix Prime for steady supplies of ryspak. To avoid any appearance of inappropriate dealings or favoritism, Khel and Lhor had opted out of any trade agreement with the Veredians for at least the first two years.

  The Galactic Council and its member planets were showing a great deal of interest in the inclusion of Tuur, especially to benefit from the Tuurean military power in case of a galactic war or during peacekeeping efforts. Those were treacherous waters to navigate, not only to spare sensibilities but to avoid having Tuureans sucked into far more than they bargained for.


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