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SO FOR REAL: A Sugar Baby Novella

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by Rebekah Weatherspoon

  “I have strict instructions,” he whispered against my skin as he gently gripped the fabric that had pooled around my waist and pushed it down to the floor.

  “From who?” I covered my boobs, doing my best to spare Michael from the boob lift tape pads we had to rig up so I could wear my dress without a bra.


  “And what were her instructions?”

  “To treat you like the most precious thing in my world.”

  “Is that so?”

  “It is. If you'll follow me.” Michael took my hand, laughing a bit as I was forced to reveal the horrible price my tits had paid for fashion. We walked through the main sitting room, into the bedroom and then further into the massive bathroom. I glanced back at the bedroom. There were candles lit and rose petals everywhere. It looked so nice.

  “Where are we going?” I asked impatiently. “The bed is right here. Let's have sex on the bed.”

  “And we will, I promise.” Michael smiled that half smile this time. He was humoring me. I turned back and saw what he was getting at. Lit candles and rose petals in the bathroom too. There were two plush bath robes hanging on a hook outside the huge walk-in shower and all sorts of toiletries arranged on the vanity counters. Michael gently helped me pull the breast form thingies off my boobs and then he pulled my underwear down. I stepped out of them and walked into the big fluffy towel Michael was holding open for me. I secured it around my chest and looked up at him.

  “We’re halfway there. Now you just take off your pants at least and we can make this man and wife shit real official.”

  “On the counter, please, if you will.”

  I shook my head at him, but shuffled up on the sturdy marble surface. Michael made a show of slowly removing his suit jacket and then his tie.

  “We’re gonna see if I'm any good at this.”

  “At what??” I laughed.

  He ignored me and grabbed a little folded card hidden among the toiletries, then started searching like he was about to bake a cake. When he turned back to me, he was holding a small cloth and a really expensive bottle of makeup remover.

  “If you'll close your eyes please. We can begin.”

  I did what he asked but I still laughed at him a little. “Babe, this is the weirdest foreplay. I could have taken off my own makeup.”

  “I was talking to Daniella and Zia about how much I love you and Zia mentioned that if I really loved you, I'd make sure that you didn't fall asleep with all this stuff on.” I nodded as he went on. I usually liked to scrub off a layer of my face when I was getting ready for bed at night, but he was being so gentle. “I thought about our usual nightly rituals and the pact we’d made and how for the next two weeks I have no reason to leave your side.”

  My eyes popped open and I looked up at him. I thought my chest was going to cave in.

  “I knew I would either forget or get caught up in trying to dick you down something special because it's our wedding night, damn right I have something to prove and then you'd wake up, and—”

  “I'd roll out of bed groaning and complaining about how gross my face feels and you'd feel extra guilty for not reminding me?”

  “Exactly. When we get back—”

  “Don't say it,” I said throwing my head back dramatically, which was a big mistake because I was still pretty tipsy.

  “Okay, I won't. But we both know.”

  “So you help me take off my makeup and tomorrow I help you shave and we’re one of those married couples who make people want to barf.”

  “We’re a husband and wife who actually love each other. I married you because I want to be with you. Always. But since always isn’t exactly possible, I’ll have to settle for as often as possible.”

  I was too choked up to say anything sweet or even witty back so I just nodded and closed my eyes again, letting a few fat tears of joy run down my face as he finished the job.

  And then he took the forty-eight pins out of my half updo and let me undress him. We showered together, kissing and caressing, teasing each other until we couldn't take it anymore.

  He was hard, erection standing at attention as he led me back into the bedroom. More champagne, a private toast to our future, to us. There was something really hot about watching my husband partake in the bubbly while standing in front of me, butt naked. I told him as much and that seemed to be the end of his patience. Michael and I finally made love. We’d had sex the day before, but this time it was married sex and it was freaking amazing.

  After, he dug up my silk scarf and lay beside me stroking my side and thigh as I preserved the super expensive eighteen inch bundles I'd bought just for the occasion. When he finally cut off the lights it was technically a new day, but I still wanted to include those couple of hours past midnight, those precious minutes, as part of the best day of my life.


  Here’s the thing about traveling to Europe. It doesn't matter how excited you are to go, you feel like roadkill when you get there. People had warned me. Michael’s personal assistant, Ruben, had been to Europe a ton of times with his boyfriend. He definitely warned me and other people, well other people mentioned it too when they found out where Michael and I were spending our honeymoon, but most people were really shocked when I told them I’d never been to Europe before. When you date a man like Michael, apparently you’re supposed to circumnavigate the globe for fun on the weekends, but Michael and I had both been really busy since we met. Even though we knew it was going to take up a lot of his time, his ownership of a professional basketball team took up time he didn’t even have.

  We had our weekend breaks here and there, and proper holidays to see our families, but our honeymoon was our first real big trip together. I was in and out on the plane, but I was too anxious to really sleep. Michael had the sleep habits of a PhD student on crank. He slept a little on the fifteen hour flight, but almost every time I woke up he was awake, answering some pre-vacay work emails or reading.

  And as soon as we arrived at the refurbished shooting lodge (I thought it was a castle, but whatevs) on Loch Torridon on the west coast of Scotland, I was straining to keep my eyes open so we could take in the rustic luxury of it all. There was some gloppity gloop about staying awake until that evening so we could get on Scotland time, but that wasn't happening. We checked in, Michael ordered us some room service to pick at and then it was right to the room for some much needed rest and sexy times.

  We’d booked this massive three room suite with a giant bathroom and a walk-out patio that overlooked the water. I was shocked by the bright, modern decor and I was sure I would enjoy the view after I caught that nap, which we did as soon as our bags were delivered to the room.

  I was tempted to sleep the whole day away. They never tell you how much a wedding will kick your ass. Combine that with some international travel and it was lights out for Kaykay. Still, I woke up around one that afternoon and found my hot babe of a husband already showered and dressed. He was sitting in the armchair opposite the bed with his tablet, looking relaxed and oddly sophisticated. I needed to get him a fancy chair like that for his office. Or one of our bedrooms at home.

  I smiled at him through my sleepy haze. My husband looked so good with his hair all damp and pulled back in a ponytail. As soon as he realized I was checking him out, he came back across the bedroom and kissed me on my cheeks.

  “Hi,” I whispered.

  “Hello. So, hey, I know it's tempting to stay in this bed all day—”

  “It is. We have to find out where they got this mattress from.”

  “I'm on top of it. But before we start furniture shopping, I have a little surprise for you. You up for a short walk?”

  “Awww. Walk?” I said immediately pouting.

  “Too much?” He laughed.

  “No, no. Thinking about walks makes me miss the puppies.” We tried to take Penny and Patch everywhere with us, but they had to sit this trip out.

  “Don't worry. Holger already sent pictures.
What do you say?”

  “I say let me brush my teeth for the first time in a full twenty-four hours and you have yourself a deal, buddy.” I slid out of bed and started backing toward the bathroom.

  “Sounds great.”

  “You want an open-mouthed kiss first? I had some really good cheese on the plane yesterday while you were napping.”

  “You had to be gross about it. Now I don't want to kiss you.”

  “You sure?”

  He just smiled at me again, shaking his head. I was sure he didn't regret marrying me at all.


  Once I ungrossed myself, I followed Michael downstairs. As we walked by the front desk we were instructed to “Follow this hall right here to your left, and Innes and Gregory will be waiting for you.” Sure enough, a tall pleasant woman with brown hair and a bright smile, and a scary looking dude with no hair, were waiting for us at the end of the corridor. They called me Mrs. Bradbury. It felt good.

  Innes introduced herself. She'd be assisting us that afternoon and ole pissy-faced Greg was coming along to ensure our privacy. Aka safety.

  Before Michael purchased The Flames, his official security team numbered exactly two. I had no clue ’cause he insisted on not drawing attention to himself, but his driver PJ was actually an ex-cop and Holger was ex-military, and both were strapped, eyes peeled at all times. Even our part-time housekeeper, Vera, had served on a police force in Romania before she came to the US. They blended in so well with our family and Michael’s business that I never assumed a thing, but the minute Michael’s hotness went viral, it was clear that we needed to step things up a bit.

  Through PJ’s contacts, John and Emmanuel had joined our little crew, making themselves a tad more conspicuous just in case anyone got any ideas. Nothing had happened, but Michael was actually stopped on the street now. He was really popular within the whole of the NBA, with players and fans, because of how down to Earth and involved with the team he was, and after one visit to a top-rated late night show it was a wrap. People who had just seen pictures of him got to hear how sexy his voice was and you know how that goes. And his friendship with Duke, De’Bonay and the Chrises had made him more appealing. Paparazzi followed us, and by us I mean him, on a semi-regular basis. I was sure we’d kept our honeymoon location a secret, but in any case, Gregory was our man.

  I took Michael’s hand as we emerged from a side entrance of the magic castle and followed Innes down a beautiful wooded path. The cool air was a nice break from the August heat back home. She told us a bit about the property, knowing exactly how much to say to keep us interested without talking our heads off. She was quiet though as the woods broke, revealing a large grassy field. Two poshly dressed servers were standing on either side of a large plaid blanket, covered with an elaborate picnic lunch. There were a few neatly wrapped boxes among the flowers and china settings. That husband of mine had brought gifts.

  “Was this worth the walk?” Michael teased, giving the back of my neck a gentle squeeze.

  “No. This is awful. I want a divorce.” I looked up at him. We’d just gotten to Scotland. I didn’t need to start sobbing already. I could tell he could read my mind ’cause he leaned down and took me by the chin, softly kissed me on the lips.

  We made ourselves comfortable and Innes explained what all four courses would entail. I won't lie and say Michael and I hadn't been out for our share of fancy dinners in the last year, but those were mostly business related. When it was just the two of us, Holger usually cooked our favorites or we ordered the most unhealthy takeout ’cause I am fat and Michael’s nearly a senior citizen. What did we have to lose?

  The food was delicious, but it was honestly outdone by the setting and the company. After we finished the first course, Michael handed me a smallish square box wrapped in glossy white paper with a blue ribbon.

  "We already exchanged wedding gifts," I said, opening the present anyway. Who doesn't like things? I'd gotten Michael this beautiful handmade pocket watch, then had another dirty haiku about how horny he made me engraved inside. It was not meant to be a family heirloom. He'd bought me a new car to match the one he'd recently upgraded to. I wanted to choke him, but when I opened the driver’s side door I found a journal full of a year's worth of love notes he'd written for me starting from the day we began officially planning our wedding, I decided I could live with an SUV that cost almost as much as my parents' house. He'd even given his own poetry a try too. It was terrible and cute and so funny. My favorite among them:

  Rose are red

  Violets are blue

  I considered getting a prescription to viagra today, but I figured an eight-hour erection wasn't worth the risk of dying on top of you from a heart attack or stroke.

  I love you.

  A car was plenty. The love notes were priceless. And I had Michael. I didn't need a single thing.

  "I realized I don't spoil you enough," he said with a little smile. He was being bashful, but he was serious.

  "Uh, what?"

  "Open it."

  "Here, put this in my hair. You can tie a bow, right?" I handed Michael the ribbon and turned my back to him.

  "I think I can manage it." He scooped my hair off my shoulders and went to work.

  When I pulled back the white paper, it revealed the engraved lid of a fancy jewelry store in Miami. Inside was this really cool multi-strand charm bracelet. Two different strings of pearls were interwoven with two strings of blue sapphires. The charms were all clustered near the clasp: a K and an M encrusted with diamonds, a large pearl heart and two small doggie charms. It was so beautiful and so me.

  "Babe, I love this so much." I turned to face him. "Tell Gregory to avert his eyes."

  "He's not looking."

  “Okay good.” I put down the bracelet and kissed Michael something good. It was one of those kisses that came just shy of a full blown make out session, but I came back to my senses and remembered we had an audience.

  After the second course, Michael handed me a bigger box, same white wrapping with a more elaborate box. I was tempted to shake it in jest, but knowing my luck it would be a delicate crystal figurine. It was a figurine of sorts, alright. It was a red dildo laying on a delicately arranged white pillow.

  "Okay. Tell me Gregory isn't looking for real this time."

  "Trust me, baby. Gregory does not give a shit."

  "Can I hold it?" I said, letting out the most unladylike snort.

  "It's yours. You can do whatever you want with it."

  "Don't make promises you can't keep, ’cause I'll ask Innes to run down to the village shop for a strap on and we can have some real fun."

  I grabbed the dildo, weighing it in my hands and that was the exact moment one of the servers realized my water was low. Angela came over just in time to get a real good look at my new toy. She blushed purple and failed to hide her smile, but she kept it professional. Michael thanked her, drawing her attention away from the giant red cock in my hands. There was something about that cock. I just couldn’t put my finger on it.

  "Babe," I whispered. "This dick looks familiar." I whipped my head up as soon as I realized. "You didn't." I’d seen those Make-A-Dick kits, but this looked far more legit. It was an exact replica of his penis, cast in high-quality silicone. No seams, no odd bumps or bubbles. That dildo would outlive us both. “This is the real deal.”

  Michael shrugged. "It was an experience having to hold an erection while I had my dick 3D scanned, but you said you wanted me to take you both ways. I figure it's time we test it out."

  "This will go nicely with the surprise I have for you tonight.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Yes, but it’s a surprise and, no, you’d don’t get any hints.”

  After the third course, another smaller box, this time diamond earrings floating in a hexagonal setting that matched my engagement ring. That earned him another long, thorough kiss. He gave me my final gift—of the afternoon. He was sure to mention that—as we were enjoying our d
essert. A framed picture of us standing at the altar. I closed my eyes for just a second, reliving the moment all over again.

  "Of course you can put it wherever you like, but I figured it would look good in your office in the Miami house," he said, smiling wide. He knew he did good.

  "How did you even manage this? It was like forty-eight hours ago and we've been traveling for half of that."

  "I paid Shannon a little extra for a rush print job. Little hand off to Holger and it made it into my luggage."

  "Well tell Shannon I said nice work." I stared at the picture for a few long moments, running my finger over the glass. Michael didn't say anything, just held me as I tried to wrangle my composure that was dangerously close to slipping. I realized this had been a consistent theme to our whole relationship and it would probably carry on throughout our marriage. I could be as silly and sarcastic as I wanted with Michael. He seemed to prefer it that way, but then he would blindside me with the most intense feelings of pure love.

  I ran my finger over the two of us, looked at the way I was looking at him and the way he was looking at me and suddenly I wondered if it was too much for me to contain. And then I remembered I didn't have to.

  Gently, I set the picture back down on top of the wrapping paper, then moved to my knees so I could turn around and face Michael.

  "I'm not gonna say I don't deserve you 'cause I do. I'm fabulous."

  He smiled and reached up to wiped a few renegade tears off my cheeks. "You are pretty great."

  "Thank you. I do want to say I love you though, and I'm gonna have to give some of these feelings to you because I'm about to explode.”

  "Come here."

  Michael wrapped his arms around me and pulled me down on the blanket, rolling so I was kind of under him. We missed the edge by an inch or so. I knew I'd have grass in my hair after, but that was just something I had to charge to the game. He looked at me closely, drawing his fingers lightly down my cheek. I looked at his deep blue eyes and then his lips as his hand made its way down my body, over the curve of my breast and farther down to my hip. He pulled me closer, rolling my body toward him as he kissed me soft and slow. Loving him for the rest of my life was gonna be a breeze.


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