Twisted War

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Twisted War Page 8

by Danielle James

  “She said you saw her have an episode. I know very well how those episodes end, Alexander.”

  “Well, it didn’t end like that. Look, we’re done here. I have patients coming in after lunch and I need to be back at the office.”

  “You work right across the street Doc. Calm the hell down.” I stood up and walked over to the door, ready to leave. “Look, don’t fall under her spell, leave that to me, okay? I already told you I trust you with her wellbeing. Don’t fuck it up.” He pulled the door open for me and I shook my head at him.

  “I’m only concerned about her wellbeing. That’s it,” I snapped.

  “Good.” His signature smile was back on his face as if he wasn’t just passively threatening me. “I’ll see you around, little brother.” He closed the door behind me and I felt anger prickling at the back of my neck. I hated when he called me little brother. Yes we had the same father so technically I am his brother but we hadn’t grown up around each other. We only found out we were brothers because dad died and both of our mothers sent in an obituary to the paper. He showed up at my dorm holding the obituaries asking me a million damn questions. We had lunch together and realized our father Pastor Joseph Scott had been leading somewhat of a double life and going back and forth between our moms since I was born.

  Eventually we both confronted our mothers and they finally told us it was true, dad was seeing other women. Manny’s mom only knew bits and pieces and never knew I existed. My mother knew about it all though. She put the obituary in the paper to be petty and piss Manny’s mom off.

  Our mothers had so many arguments after they found out the truth that I lost count. Manny and I vowed to remain close in spite of it all and through out the years we helped each other when needed.

  When I started hearing about Manny all over TV and saw him rising through the ranks in the church, I wasn’t shocked. When he became Mayor though, I cringed. He’s always been so damn cold and I knew he’d done some bad things. Things I wanted no parts of. I didn’t need to know details to know he took after our father.

  I agreed to see Camilla when he asked, I also agreed to pretend to be married once I read up on her condition and heard about the sexual urges coupled with her swings. He told me explicitly not to fuck her or he’d kill me. He’d kill anyone who hurt her or crossed her but with me…it would be much deeper. Knowing that the woman he loved slept with his brother would bring out a side of him that I had no interest in seeing. It scared the shit out of me just thinking about it.

  I’d neglected to tell Manny that one of my patients for the day was Camilla. I didn’t need him pressing me out about what I planned to cover with her today. Besides, I enjoyed our sessions more and more lately and having him looming over my head would only serve to make things tense. I pride myself on creating a warm and open environment for all of my patients.

  She was sitting in the lobby when I walked in. Her hair was falling around her shoulders in loose curls and she wore a simple white dress. There was nothing simple about her lack of jacket or sweater though. I found myself wishing she’d put something on. She was clearly cold. I smiled at her and led her into my office.

  “You’re late.” She frowned, sitting on the couch.

  “I’m sorry. I had a meeting with a family member.” I told her. I rustled around at my desk finding my tablet and a few other things I needed before I started our session.

  “Family? I didn’t know you had family here in Florida.” She sounded intrigued so I steered far away from that topic.

  “So how are you today, Camilla? Have you gone back home yet?” I asked, jumping right into something to shift her thought pattern. Her lips slid to the side of her face and she grunted.

  “No. I haven’t. Xavier came to Emmanuel’s house telling me to come back but I’m not ready. He’s unstable.” She folded her arms across herself and I noticed the goose bumps on her skin. I took my blazer off and held it out to her. “Thanks, I left my jacket in the car.” She gave me a small smile as she draped my jacket around her arms. It swallowed her entire frame.

  “Camilla, what did we talk about? Xavier’s unhealthy but so is Emmanuel. Have you ever considered just staying by yourself? Just you and Chloe?” I tapped out a few notes on my tablet and looked over at her. She was visibly upset at my suggestion. “You don’t need to stay with either of them. You’re perfectly capable of being on your own.” I reminded her casually. She tossed the idea around in her head as if it were a novel concept.

  “You’re right. I mean I love being at Emmanuel’s but all I end up doing all day is fucking him. I’m not complaining but I have work to do,” She smiled. Her finger twirled a strand of hair around and around.

  “Do you and Emmanuel do anything besides have sex? Is your relationship multi-faceted?” I wrote more notes.

  “He makes me feel safe. I can tell him all the things that run through my mind and he never judges me. We just…fit.” She shrugged her shoulders and looked up at me with green eyes.

  “Okay. Fair enough. He fits you in ways you don’t think anyone else does.” She nodded her head, pleased that I seemed to have comprehended. I still failed to see the different facets of their relationship though. The thought of them together made me bristle. “Camilla, I’m going to ask that you take a long hard look at your relationship with Emmanuel. Try to list the different ways he fulfills you. Okay?”

  “I’m guessing sex should be left off the list?” She smiled mischievously. I sighed and nodded in response.

  “Also, seriously give some thought to staying by yourself for a period of time. I think it will do you a lot of good.”

  “Okay Alexander, if I do that though can you do something for me?” I saw a question playing on her lips and I took the bait after shutting my eyes for a moment to prepare myself.

  “Alright, what is it?” I asked her.

  “Can you make your spaghetti for me and Chloe?” When I heard her request I let out a short laugh. I was certain she was going to ask for something way more complicated.

  “I can do that, Camilla,” I said.

  “Okay, then I’ll just tell Xavier to get his shit and get out.” Her tone was so nonchalant it took me by surprise.

  “I thought maybe you’d just rent an apartment,” I frowned.

  “Why the fuck would I rent an apartment when he’s the one that fucked up? Plus, Chloe is used to our house. She’s used to Emmanuel’s house too but if I take her somewhere new I’d have to get her acclimated all over again and her sleep schedule would go to hell.” I liked hearing her put her daughter first in her choices. It was a good sign that she was trying to think from a selfless viewpoint. Camilla’s selfishness was also something we had been working to break through tirelessly and little by little she was chipping away at it.

  “I’m glad to see your chief concern is for Chloe and not spite.” I typed more notes into her file.

  “Well yeah,” she shrugged. “She’s my daughter.” Suddenly her eyes grew wide and she looked at me like she’d just remembered something important. “Alexander, would you like to come to Chloe’s first birthday? I was going to have it at the house but I don’t know if Xavier needs to be there. I mean I want him to be there, it’s his daughter’s first birthday but…” She pulled my blazer tighter around her shoulders for comfort. “What if he does something stupid? Like bringing Jada or flipping out on Emmanuel?” I hated seeing that genuine fear in her eyes. Xavier’s little spaz moment was causing Camilla to doubt everything about his stability now.

  “You need to speak with him. Just you and him in a safe space. Let him know how scared you are of him now.” I sucked in a breath, “And yes, I’d love to come to Chloe’s first birthday.” At least that made her smile. Her smiles were becoming more and more frequent and I found myself liking them. I liked when I put them there more than anything.

  “Okay, I guess I can do that,” She nodded. Her eyes glanced at her phone and then back at me. “Can you do me another favor, Alexander?” Her face wa
s hesitant and she didn’t hold my gaze for very long. I needed to see that smile again.

  “What is it?” I asked.

  “Write me a prescription for those damn pills.” She tucked her bottom lip between her teeth and I trained my eyes on that lip for just a second. I moved my eyes to hers and smiled a little. She was coming around.

  “Yes, of course. I’m really proud of you by the way Camilla. This is a huge step for you.” I pulled my prescription pad out immediately and began scribbling down the information. She held her hand out for it and I gave it to her.

  “Please take them, they’ll help you even more,” I explained, hoping she could see the sincerity in my eyes.

  “I will, Doctor,” she quipped. “Oh and when you bring dinner, can you bring more of that red wine? It was so smooth.”

  “I can do that. Did Chloe like the spaghetti?” I asked with a smile.

  “She did! I got her to eat some and most of it ended up in her tummy and not on the floor.”

  “That’s wonderful. You know, I can make other dishes besides spaghetti? I make a mean baked ziti too.” I winked at her and she blushed a little, tilting her head down. Why the fuck did I wink at her?

  “Okay then, baked ziti and wine for dinner. You can’t back out, you already dug yourself into that hole.” She extended her finger in my direction with mock harshness.

  “Deal, but you have to come to Whole Foods with me to pick up the stuff,” I told her. She shed my jacket and draped it across her lap. She was getting warmer. I could tell by the color flushing her cheeks it only served to make her more vibrant though.

  “I’ll have Chlo with me, but sure,” She chirped.

  “I don’t mind Chloe being there.” We held each other’s gaze for a while before I cleared my throat. “Okay so you make sure you speak with Xavier and express your feelings. As soon as you’re able to stay in your house alone, I want you to really survey your feelings about it.”

  “And once I do that, we’ll go shopping and you’ll make us dinner.” She said with a smile. “You might as well make it at my place. I’d hate to send you to the store then back home to cook then back to my place.” She was laughing at how ridiculous it all seemed. I agreed to cook at her house and we shook on it.

  I stiffened just a bit at the site of Manny when the office door swung open after our session was done. He was just standing there like a damn guard. He only softened once he saw Camilla. She seemed just as shocked to see him standing there so I figured she hadn’t asked for a ride or anything.

  “Manny, how long have you been standing there?” I frowned at him.

  “I just walked up. I knew Cami had an appointment today so I wanted to surprise her.” His dark eyes narrowed when he looked at me. He was no doubt pissed that I neglected to tell him I was seeing Camilla right after I’d seen him. He clearly knew. I pushed my hands into my pockets and endured the awkward silence that Manny insisted upon enacting. It was one of his most effective unnerving tactics. Camilla squirmed around a bit then looked up at him.

  “You’re such a goddamn stalker,” she giggled. Her arms wrapped around his neck in a hug and I scanned the lobby. It was empty except for my secretary. Still the hug didn’t look like one meant for someone supposed to be your stepfather. I knew the truth of course but nobody else did and they weren’t doing a very good job of hiding it. Especially since Manny had that possessive look in his eye. He circled an arm around her waist and looked at me.

  “If you’re done with the fucking stare off, I’ll be in my office.” I was way beyond annoyed with his shows of dominance. I wasn’t trying to infringe on Camilla. If I was guilty of anything it was that I liked her friendship more and more. Camilla looked up at Manny and smacked her lips together.

  “You’re doing too much Emmanuel.” Her voice commanded his attention and he looked remorseful as long as she held his gaze. I observed them for a moment and tilted my head to the side. Manny never showed remorse outwardly for anything.

  He’d smooth things over with money or gifts; even positions of power but he never apologized or showed remorse. It’s what made him such a dangerous narcissist. So to see him looking at Camilla so apologetically let me know that he was really in love. I ran my hand over my head and stepped back into my office.

  “I’m going to my car,” I heard Camilla say. Manny didn’t respond, but in seconds he was standing in my office, his grimace had returned.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you were seeing her today?”

  “Because she’s a patient, Manny. You don’t need to know every single time I see her. You will be pleased to know she’s decided to take her pills now.” I gave him a bit of good news to chew on so he wouldn’t start tearing into me.

  I wouldn’t say I was scared of him but he definitely intimidated me in the same way our father did. His presence was larger than life. Any time Manny stood in front of you it was hard to know if you should ask for an autograph or not. I was definitely the calmer of us two and I’ve never been known to strike fear into anyone. If I had to categorize myself in any way it would be analytical and persuasive.

  Whenever Manny flew off the handle and started concocting plans that he wanted me to sign off on as a doctor, I had the smarts to talk him out of it with reason. It was the only thing he responded to. Well, reason and power. I didn’t inherit dad’s intimidating presence but his silver tongue was definitely something he passed down to me.

  “Well at least you’re good for something.” He huffed. “Where is your wedding band?” He asked with a quick glance at my finger.

  “I’m not wearing it. Look, Camilla is past the point of throwing herself at men when she faces a mood swing. I’ve seen her go through an episode myself and while her headaches are still prevalent, the sexual urges are simmering down. Once she starts her pills they’ll probably stop altogether.” I knew to only speak about shallow, doctor patient topics with him. I’d never get into a deep discussion about Camilla’s sessions but he needed something to feel in possession of a piece of her mind.

  If he ever found out I’d promised her dinner again he’d be pissed. Seeing Manny pissed is never a good thing. It usually ends up in someone’s face getting fucked up. I damn sure wasn’t in the mood for hospitals or stitches.


  Chapter Eleven


  When I came home from work, I was pleasantly surprised to see Camilla’s car in the driveway. Nerves overtook my stomach though. I wasn’t scared when Rashad damn near bashed my face in with a gun, I wasn’t scared standing in front of Emmanuel listening to him tell me he could take my family if he wanted to either but knowing I was getting ready to walk into the house and see Camilla and Chloe scared the fuck out of me.

  When I walked in I heard my daughter’s laughter in the air and it warmed me from the inside out. Camilla was in the kitchen running water in the sink and for a minute I just wanted to stand there like that. Soaking in the sounds of home. I knew I had to face her and we had to talk though.

  “Hey, Xavier,” She wiped her hands on a kitchen towel and looked at me. I knew she was upset because she only washed dishes by hand when she needed to redirect her energy. My gaze fixed on the spot where the wine glasses shattered on the floor. I shut my eyes for a second and then pulled my gaze to hers. Green eyes looking back at me.

  “Camilla, I’m so fucking sorry.” I blurted. I had physical pain in my chest knowing that I fucked up so bad with her. Her eyes were wet with tears and even though everything in me wanted to kiss them away I knew she would push me away.

  “Dada!” Chloe ran over to me, she didn’t even stumble or fall. She was walking better and better every day and I hadn’t been around to see it happening. She even looked a little bigger and older. I pressed kisses all over her cheeks and she giggled loudly. Her little hands were all over my face trying to understand why I had bruises on my skin. Her tiny features wrinkled into a frown. “Owie?” She asked pointing to the healing wound where stitches were.
/>   “Yeah baby girl. Owie. You gonna kiss it for me?” I smiled. Chloe stuck a small finger in my dimple and then kissed my face. It made my heart burst inside of my chest. Why the fuck was I trading this feeling for easy pussy? “Hey, go play with your toys so I can talk to Mommy. Okay?” I put her down and she went back to her toys. I let my eyes rake over Camilla’s body for a moment and I realized how much I missed holding her and kissing her.

  “We need to talk,” Camilla said softly. She walked into the living room and I followed. We sat beside each other on the couch and I fought the urge to pull her into my arms. “Xavier, I don’t trust you anymore,” she began. “And it’s not even because of Jada. I mean it’s not like she’s the first bitch you’ve fucked while we were together. It’s the first time you broke a promise and lied though.” Her voice sounded hurt and angry and it made me kick myself a million damn times. “I don’t trust you because you allowed yourself to lose control. I didn’t know what the fuck you were going to do to me that night. I didn’t know if you were going to hit me or what.”

  “You know I would never hit you, Camilla,” I groaned. I’d only put myself in that situation though.

  “Okay? And before that night I would have also said I knew without a doubt that you’d never come in the house drunk and breaking dishes but here we are, Xavier.” I let the sting of her words settle in and I endured it because I deserved it.

  “I know, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. How do I fix it, babe?” I asked sincerely. She looked away from me and hugged herself loosely.

  “I need some time away from you,” she said. Tears threatened to break her voice apart.

  “Time away?” The words sounded foreign to me. I was in love with Camilla and I wanted to fix shit not break it up. How could I fix it if she didn’t want to be around me? “What the fuck do you mean?” I snapped. I hated the way she flinched at my tone. It made me settle down immediately.


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