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Twisted War

Page 12

by Danielle James

  “Say it again,” I told her as I lifted her up and put her on my desk.

  “I want you to fuck me daddy.” That shit drove me insane. I needed to be inside of her. Everything in me burned with need.

  “Yeah?” I put my mouth on her breast and pressed my teeth down on her nipple until she gasped.

  “Yeah.” I unbuttoned her jeans and pulled them down over her full hips and thick thighs. I had to taste her pussy it was calling me. Those pretty puffy pussy lips were so full in her silk panties. She was squirming by the time I pulled them to the side and ran my tongue across her clit. My lips wrapped around her until my chin was sopping with her juices.

  I couldn’t take the torture anymore between her moaning my name and touching my face and how sweet her cunt was on my tongue. I kissed her and let her taste how wet and delicious she was. “Mmm,” she whimpered. “It tastes so good.”

  “You taste so fucking good, Camilla.” I dug my dick inside of her and she cried out. I slipped in and out of her and it wasn’t gentle or soft. It was rough and fervent and everything we both needed right then. “You know I hate when you talk all that shit.” I told her as I pushed even deeper. She bucked her hips against me and squeezed around my dick.

  “I know, I’m sorry,” she whimpered loudly.

  “You learned your lesson?” I bit down on her neck.

  “Yes daddy. I’m sorry.” She was writhing around under me and I knew she was getting ready to cum. Her clit was stiff as I circled it with my fingers. Her pussy was so wet and it kept getting tighter making it hard as fuck for me not to bust inside of her. I tried to keep my voice down when I felt my dick swell and cum spill into Camilla. For a split second I wanted to put a baby inside her. She screamed my name and locked her arms and legs around me.

  “Camilla, you gotta be quiet,” I urged her.

  “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” she panted. I pulled out of her and kissed her forehead. She pressed her lips to mine passionately and then her tongue was in my mouth and she was moaning. I felt my dick stiffening again but the knock on the door made me jump away from her.

  “Shit.” I pulled myself together and told her to sit back at the coffee table where we were having lunch. “What is it?” I cracked the door open and eyed Angela.

  “I see you finally found a lady friend huh? Lucky girl.” She smirked.

  “I think you’re misunderstanding something,” I chuckled. “I’m just having lunch.” She looked me from my head to my toes and raised her eyebrow.

  “You’re having more than lunch. I’m not crazy. I heard someone in here calling your name.”

  “Angie, look, can you run and get me copies of that policy I was working on?”

  “Sure thing, Mayor.” She grunted. I could tell she was jealous and she would lose her shit if she knew I had my dick deep in Camilla. When she left I closed the door and looked at Camilla.

  “You are going to get me in so much fucking trouble.” I growled at her. She giggled like it was hilarious.

  “Maybe Angela will finally stop throwing herself at you if she knows you’re fucking someone.”

  “Go before she comes back,” I sighed heavily. I could feel the gray hairs growing on my scalp the longer I fucked with her.

  “Okay, okay. Can I take the food?” She asked.

  “Go ahead. Greedy ass.” Before she left I pulled her into me for a kiss and grabbed a handful of her ass. No matter how much I wanted to be pissed at her, I couldn’t. Fucking her in my office was exhilarating and it made me cum so damn hard. I shook my head as I watched her walk away.

  “Oh,” I heard Angela say as she ran into Camilla in the lobby. I cringed and walked out to intercept. “So…you just came out of his office?” Angela asked.

  “Yes,” Camilla grinned deviously. “Have a good day.” She chirped. I was going to kill her. I had so much fucking damage control to do and Angela was looking at me with daggers in her eyes after Camilla walked out of the door.

  “Wanna tell me what the fuck is going on?” She hissed as she slapped the papers to my chest. “Are you fucking Camilla?” I ran my hands over my face and blew out a breath. So much goddamn damage control. Shit.


  Chapter Fifteen


  So far, celibacy had been entirely too easy. With Jada in the hospital and no other women at New Grace daring to throw pussy at me after the drama with Jada, I’ve been able to keep to myself. Spending time with Chloe helped a lot too. I didn’t have time to even look at another woman. I asked Camilla to let me keep her again tonight since I hadn’t had her in a week. I hated that it felt like we had joint custody instead of us just being regular parents. I couldn’t wait for all this shit to be over with.

  I felt like I was making progress with Camilla before she went ballistic on Jada but ever since it all happened she’d been standoffish. She was going to bring Chloe over after she got off and I planned to ask her about it. I’d been watching the clock ever since Camilla sent me a text saying she was on her way. It only took her about an hour to get there but it felt like forever.

  “Are you sure you don’t wanna just get yourself an apartment Xavier?”

  “Nah. No apartment. I’m not gonna be here for that long.” I told her after I set Chloe’s things down. A diaper bag, extra Pull-Ups, toys, clothes… so many damn clothes, pillows and blankets were stacked on the couch.

  “If you say so,” she grumbled. I wasn’t feeling so good about my chances with her after hearing that.

  “Can you tell me what’s going on with you babe?” I walked over to her and took Chloe in my arms. She was busy fussing with a teddy bear and demanded to be put down. I sat her on the floor and she turned the bear over and around inspecting it. I looked at her and prayed that the doubts I was having were just that.

  “I have a lot on my mind.” She sighed. “My dad is up for parole.” I was happy to hear that. I just didn’t know how Emmanuel would handle it. You could never tell when he was going to be crazed and deranged Emmanuel or normal way too fucking intense Emmanuel.

  “That’s a good thing. Why are you acting funny towards me though?” I quizzed.

  “Seriously, you have to ask?” She snapped angrily. I was lost though.

  “What is going on Camilla?”

  “Everything that happened is because of you. I can’t stop thinking about it.” I felt a punch to my gut hearing her say that. “That bitch got her ass beat because of you. Chloe got hurt because of you. Because you couldn’t keep your dick in your pants. You gave a random bitch the gall to hurt our child, to talk to me any kind of way.” She pinched the bridge of her nose and exhaled. “I’m trying to process the fucking magnitude of your mistake Xavier. Before Jada it was Ava, claiming to be pregnant and threatening to break us up, it’s always something extra with you and your bitches.”

  “I know. I’m sorry Camilla. I’m trying now though. I want this to work.” I explained to her. I hoped that she could see the sincerity in my eyes and hear it in my voice.

  “I want to believe you but how many times have we done this? How many times have you promised me that you’d stop screwing everyone? I even stopped messing around with Emmanuel for you and you still fucked me over. I’m scared to trust you.” She tried not to cry but I could see the tears making her eyes wet.

  “I get it,” I said quietly. What the fuck could I really argue? I’d hurt her so many times and she tried to work with me. She gave me everything I asked for but I just couldn’t take it and be happy with our family.

  I needed to find out for myself that Chloe was mine. I needed to do that so I could settle any uncertainties rolling around in my head. I was so sure of it after hearing how much Camilla didn’t trust me. How could we have a solid relationship if I didn’t trust Chloe being mine and Camilla didn’t trust me to not cheat? I needed to fix this entire twisted shit before I attempted to move forward with her.

  Camilla wiped her eyes with the back of her hand and bent down to give Chloe a kiss.
“I still love you Xavier but I need my space and I need to know what we’re going to do in the future.”

  “We’re gonna be together. You and me,” I told her with a frown. “Isn’t that what all of this is for? So we can try to be together again?”

  “Initially but…it has me in a weird space to be honest.” It felt like she was slowly going to slip away from me. This crazy ass woman that I fell for was slipping away from me. I’d give anything for things to be the way it was before. Even knowing she was seeing Emmanuel was fine with me. I didn’t really care that much anymore. I was done with the war I just wanted Camilla and everything that came with her.

  “How do I get you out of the weird space?” I felt myself getting annoyed the longer our conversation went on because I couldn’t see a good outcome no matter how much I tried.

  “I don’t know. Just give me some time, okay?” She hugged me and I took that to be a good sign. But everything else was a confusing mess and I hated it.

  After Camilla left and I laid Chloe down for a nap, I started flipping through my phone looking at apartments just outside of the city.


  Chapter Sixteen


  I always felt strange not having Chloe attached to me after dropping her off with Xavier. Even though he’s her father, I still worried about her nonstop when she wasn’t with me or at daycare. I was having dinner with Alexander later on though, so I was sure he’d take my mind off of it for a little while.

  I checked my phone and saw a text from him saying he was in the car and he’d be at my house in fifteen minutes. I scrunched my nose up at the time because it usually only took him ten. I stood in my room in front of the mirror, flat ironing my hair trying to actually look presentable.

  I’m always in my pajamas whenever he comes over and he always looks so good even though he usually just wears jeans and a fresh t-shirt that clings to him in all the right places. Tonight, I was putting some damn effort into my appearance. I wore a yellow floral shirt and a pair of jeans. It wasn’t a date or anything and I wasn’t trying to fuck him but I found myself wanting him to think I was pretty at least.

  Alexander and I had dinner and wine every single night for a week straight and I think we’d both started to look forward to it. We’d stay up all night after I put Chloe to bed laughing and watching movies then he’d go home and we would text until we fell asleep. In the mornings Chloe, Alexander and I drove all the way to fucking Fort Lauderdale to get breakfast and coffee just so none of Emmanuel’s eyes would see us. Alexander was starting to make each day special.

  When he rang the doorbell my stomach did a small leap into my throat, but I swallowed my nerves down. It wasn’t like this was the first time he was coming over. It was the first time I’d actually tried to impress him though.

  I assumed my efforts were not in vain because Alexander stood at the door for a good two minutes just blinking. At first I felt stupid and overdone for just a night in but when he finally came inside, he wrapped me up in a big hug. “Wow, Camilla…you look so damn beautiful…” I can’t remember the last time I giggled so hard. “Oh, here.” He handed me a bouquet of yellow roses before we went into the kitchen. “They’re yellow for friendship and I noticed you wear yellow a lot. Corny? Yes. But I thought you’d appreciate the fact that they were on sale.” I laughed and put them in a crystal vase.

  “They’re perfect. Thank you.” I blushed. “Why flowers?” I quizzed. I couldn’t take my eyes off of them. They were my favorite color and they brightened up the entire kitchen.

  “I saw them and I thought about you, I guess that’s really all there is to it.” He shrugged like it was the most common thing in the world but to me it was amazing and special. I nestled my nose against the soft petals and inhaled deeply. They smelled fresh like they’d just been cut. Alexander was rummaging through the fridge pulling out the ingredients he asked me to buy earlier today at the store and I just walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his body. He relaxed against me and turned to look into my eyes.

  “What was that for?” He chuckled.

  “For being so nice. You didn’t have to get me flowers.” He brought his hand up and touched my cheek then pulled it away quickly. I hated when he did shit like that. Like I had the fucking plague or something. I knew I was his patient and Emmanuel was his friend but I didn’t mind him touching my face or giving me lingering hugs. I knew there was nothing lustful behind it.

  “Alexander, should I start seeing another therapist?” I asked with my arms folded across my chest. He looked confused by my question.

  “Why? You don’t think we’re making steady progress?”

  “I do but I feel like it’s putting you in a weird spot being my friend and my psychologist. You always act like I’m made of lava or some shit.” He let out a deep laugh and shook his head quickly. He put chives and onions on the island and rested his hands on the counter top.

  “Camilla, I like being your psychologist. I like being your friend too. I just know there’s a line between the two and sometimes with you, lines get blurred.” He looked down at the patterns in the granite.

  I swallowed down the feeling edging in on me. It made my skin prickle and my mouth dry. “So it’s not you at all. You’re fine. You’re perfect. It’s just me trying to balance on that line.” He told me after a few moments. I nodded my head and didn’t push it any further because when I pushed it I felt consumed with too many fucking things. None of which I felt like sorting through. I just wanted to enjoy my dinner with my friend.

  “Okay what can I help with?” I asked looking over the ingredients on the counter.

  “You can uncork that wine. You got the white blend, right?” He asked me over his shoulder. I double-checked the label because the last time I got the wrong thing and he teased me about it for hours.

  “Yes. White blend,” I smiled.

  “Perfect. I don’t need to take you to get your eyes checked. Last time you had me worried.” We both laughed and I threw the cork at his head. He picked it up from the floor and tossed it back at me but I dodged that shit. I stuck my tongue out at him and he flipped me off. Alexander actually flipped me off.

  I walked over and shoved him playfully and he shoved me back. I could tell he had his kid gloves on. I jabbed his chest with my pointer finger and he grabbed my hand so I couldn’t move while he tickled my sides.

  I laughed until my ribs hurt as he backed me against the refrigerator. “Tell me your blind as a bat and I’ll stop,” he smiled down at me. I wasn’t giving in though. Fuck that. I never give in. He lifted my arms above my head, pinning me in place no matter how much I wiggled around. “Say it, Camilla,” he grunted.

  “Say what? That you fucking suck?” I laughed in between words.

  “Really? How stubborn are you woman? I’m gonna have to unleash the ultimate tickling trick on you I see.” He wiggled his fingers in front of me and went straight for my under arms. I howled with laughter and tried my best to break free. He just pressed his body into me more until my laughs became so hearty that I couldn’t even talk shit anymore. “I’m still waiting,” he laughed. Okay, fuck it. I caved.

  “I’m blind. I’m so fucking blind,” I panted. He let my wrists go and I rested my elbows on my knees to catch my breath. I looked up at him and felt my stomach clench and it wasn’t from the tickling. He licked his lips and we stood there staring at each other for a few seconds longer than we should have. My phone was the only thing that broke our concentration. I nervously tugged at my hair and went to answer it.

  “Hey slutface.” Laurel’s voice chimed in a singsong tone. A smile flooded my face. I hadn’t heard from her in weeks.

  “Laurel! Bitch!”

  “I wanna come see you and help plan Chloe’s birthday.”

  “Um of course, when?” I asked getting excited.

  “What are you doing on Friday?”

  “Work but you can come anyway. What time?” I started to jot down the details as s
he spoke.

  “Will early in the morning work?” She asked. I glanced at Alexander and shook my head against the phone.

  “No, I usually have something to do in the mornings.” I told her, thinking about the breakfast runs that Alexander and I took daily.

  “Okay, afternoon?” She asked.

  “Yeah, that’s perfect.”

  “Yay! I miss you,” she sighed. “I have so much stuff to tell you.”

  “Same,” I said biting my lip. I couldn’t wait to tell her every fucking thing.

  “Okay, put it on your calendar. I’ll see you Friday.” She had a smile in her voice that made me smile too.


  “Do you have a second to talk, or are you putting Chlo down for bed?” She asked.

  “Um…no, Chlo is with Xavier but I’m getting ready to have dinner.” I tried to convey to her that it wasn’t just any old dinner. She made a noise that let me know she understood.

  “Okay, so we definitely need to talk,” she laughed. “I’ll see you Friday, Camilla.”

  “Okay. Bye bitch.”

  “Bye.” She laughed again and we ended our call. I went back into the kitchen and peered over Alexander’s shoulder to see what smelled so good. Last I checked he was just sautéing onion in the pan.

  “You and your friends always insult each other like that?” He raised an eyebrow at me. I rolled my eyes and swatted at him playfully.

  “No, daddy.” Sarcasm dripped from my words. Alexander poked my side and I laughed a little.

  “Daddy huh?” He glanced over at me and I felt my cheeks heat up. Did he just flirt with me? How the fuck can two words make you wonder if someone is flirting? I ran my fingers through my hair and cleared my throat.

  “God you drive me crazy,” I grumbled.

  “I drive you crazy?” He laughed. “You just called me daddy.”

  “I was just playing. You know it.”

  “I know. I’m just saying maybe I didn’t hate it.” He smiled and placed a salmon filet in the hot pan.

  “Oh my god!” I slapped his shoulder and his grin spread wider across his face.


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