Twisted War

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Twisted War Page 24

by Danielle James

  “I just don’t wanna be in there by myself.” She moved closer to me and I felt the heat from her body. When her soft hand touched my arm I tensed. “I like hanging out with you.”

  “I like hanging out with you too sweetheart. You know you’re on thin ice though. In my bed with a t-shirt and panties on, touching me…” My primal side was close to winning this battle but I still held up a front in case she backed out.

  “I don’t have any clean pants,” she shrugged.

  “No clean bras either?” I glanced down at her hard nipples and my dick twitched. Laurel bit her bottom lip and shrugged again. Her innocent act was morphing from cute to sexy. “Laurel what the hell do you want from me? You’ve been throwing ass at me all day. You do know I just got out of prison right?”

  “Yeah, I know.” She sucked in a breath. “Maybe I think you’re sexy.” She confessed softly.

  “You know I fucked Christina, right?” I asked, making sure she was thinking with a clear head. She nodded and moved closer until her body was against mine and her hands were roaming over my chest. My dick stood completely at her touch. I hadn’t been touched like that since the last time I was with Christina. “Why the fuck are you coming at me like this then?” I grabbed her exploring hands before she went below my waist.

  “Because you look really fucking good and it’s been a long time for me too.” She pushed the blanket back and I let my eyes hungrily trace her curves. She was so damn sexy and her body was amazing.

  “You look good too but Camilla will be pissed.” I explained, still trying to get her to change her mind.

  “She will but she’ll get over it.” Her hands broke away and she plunged one into my pants grabbing my hard cock. I let out a noise feeling her soft hand on me. “Oh my god.” She whispered as she stroked me up and down. All bets were off. My primal side took over.

  “You know I haven’t been with a woman in a while.” I said as she continued to stroke my erection.

  “I know,” she kept staring at my dick like it was made out of gold.

  “So you’ll have to excuse me when I say this but stop jerking my dick. I’d much rather be inside of you.” Her eyes glittered with desire as she pulled her hand away. In a blink I was on top of her, pulling her little black panties down and rubbing her wet pussy with my fingers. She moaned out and I put my finger to her lips. “You need to be quiet.” I told her in a gruff voice. She whimpered and nodded her head. I may have been locked up for a while but I still knew how to make a woman moan. Laurel was more than ready for my dick the way she was squirming and bucking against my hand. I wanted to taste her but I’d been without pussy for so long that I had to go straight in.

  Laurel was so damn tight I paused for a minute so I didn’t cum instantly. Once I regained my composure I slid deeper inside of her and she shut her eyes tight. “Am I hurting you?” I asked.

  “No, Trevor,” she moaned. “It feels so good. You’re just really…big.” Her words were laced with lust and it only made me fuck her harder. Her pussy kept getting wetter and wetter the rougher I fucked her. The way she was matching my rhythm let me know she loved it rough and she could keep up with it too.

  “Goddammit Laurel, your pussy feels so good,” I panted. She moaned in response and I felt her dig her nails into my back. “Shit I’m getting ready to cum,” I warned her.

  “Me too!” Some of my seed shot inside of her before I pulled out and emptied my load all over her stomach. She looked at me and smiled before biting her lip. She knew what the fuck she was doing from the moment she handed me that damn bag when I got out of the shower. I tossed her a warm cloth and she cleaned herself up.

  “I don’t think you’re done yet Trevor.” She pointed to my still erect dick hungrily. She knelt down in front of me and put the head of my dick in her mouth.

  “What the fuck happened to you liking girls?” I groaned.

  “I like both,” she giggled before swallowing my cock. Laurel sucked my dick so well I wanted to give her a fucking medal. I don’t know what the hell she was learning in college but bravo to whoever taught her. I mouth fucked her until I came down her throat and she drank it all down.

  Laurel climbed in bed beside me and we both fell asleep. I woke up only a few hours later and nudged her awake. She could absolutely not sleep in here with me. She was laying flat on her stomach and her ass was uncovered. I sighed as I rubbed it and grabbed a handful. She woke up moaning, which made my dick jump to life again.

  “What’s up Trevor?” She said sleepily.

  “You gotta go back to your room,” I explained.

  “Is that why you’re grabbing my ass?” She laughed.

  “I’m grabbing your ass because I wanna fuck you again,” I told her bluntly. She giggled and her cheeks flushed. I slapped her ass and watched it jiggle before sliding inside of her one more time. Camilla was going to kill me and Laurel but it would be worth it. The girl has some outstanding pussy.

  The next morning Laurel was expertly ignoring me, but she did a little too good of a job because Camilla was eyeing both of us intensely. I shifted, uncomfortable under her gaze. When she slammed the scrambled eggs down on the table everyone jumped. Alexander was there and he glanced at me curiously since Camilla’s anger was beamed at me. When she slammed down a plate of sausage I let out a groan. She knew.

  “Baby, what’s wrong?” Alexander frowned and led her back into the kitchen. I heard them mumbling and I leaned over the table and whispered to Laurel.

  “Be prepared for an epic curse out,” I warned. She made a gun with her fingers and pretended to shoot herself. I chuckled a little at it. When Camilla returned she sat down next to Alexander and her face was a little less harsh and angry.

  “I hope you two had fun fucking in my house last night.” Camilla said, slicing through the tension with her sharp tongue. Laurel turned ten shades of red but it wasn’t like I hadn’t warned her. “You should feel awesome Laurel, now you’ve fucked me and my dad. You must be in the running for Camilla Jr. or something.” She smiled and poured a glass of orange juice. Laurel wasn’t equipped to deal with Camilla’s mouth because tears welled up in her eyes.

  “Camilla, stop it,” I said with a cautionary tone.

  “No. Fuck that. Let me get this out.” She shrugged her shoulders like she was stretching for a race. “I asked you both not to do that shit but nobody listened to me, right? Because you’re thinking with your incarcerated dick and you wanna get back at Christina and fuck my father. Nice you guys. Nice.” She clapped her hands and it reminded me of Manny.

  “Camilla,” Alexander warned her next. “Stop. You’re being cruel.”

  “So? Did anybody listen to what I wanted? No.” She answered her own question. I looked at Laurel and she was sniffling. “Are you happy now Laurel? Jesus. I let you fuck Xavier and it wasn’t enough? You had to go fuck my father too?”

  “Camilla, stop! I’m sorry,” Laurel sobbed. Camilla turned her green eyes on me and I put my hands behind my head and looked at her unflinching. She wasn’t going to cut me down to size no matter how much she thought she was.

  “Camilla, you need to stop.” Alexander told her calmly. I watched him work his magic on her. Once he made her look at him she softened and folded her arms. “Laurel, are you okay?” He asked with a frown.

  “No.” She got up and went to her room, slamming the door.

  “You’re not gonna chase her so you can make her feel better with your…” Alexander yanked her away from the table just in time. I blew out a breath and shook my head. I knew goddamn well I should have never fucked Laurel. Now Camilla was flying off the handle and slicing both of us with her callous words. I never let her see me get flustered but she had me pissed at how reckless her mouth was.

  I sat at the table and ate my food. It had been forever since I had a home cooked breakfast, I wasn’t getting up just so Camilla could lay into me some more. When Camilla returned she looked up at Alexander and he nudged her with his elbow.

  “I’m sorry dad,” she grumbled.

  “Go talk to Laurel.” Alexander said, taking his seat. Camilla stomped down the hall like a big ass kid and I looked at Alexander and smirked.

  “So…you are like your big brother.” I noticed him tense and shoot me a warning look. “Are you two not close?” I asked just so I could know for future reference.

  “No. We’re not. We actually just got finished fighting. We fucked each other up pretty bad.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry about that. I didn’t know. Well I can’t blame you.” I shrugged.

  “I know you and Manny aren’t on the best terms either.” He told me.

  “No. But I actually understand why he did it. I don’t condone it though.” Alexander looked at me and rested his elbows on the table.

  “Why do you think he sent you to prison, Trevor?” He asked.

  “Because he felt like I betrayed him by plotting behind his back. But in the same breath, he was fucking my daughter behind my back after I trusted him to take care of her.” I felt the anger seeping into my scabbed over wound. If I talked anymore the scab would be ripped off and it would still burn with rage.

  “So essentially you two betrayed one another?” Alexander could sure as hell hold eye contact. Maybe he wasn’t close to Manny but he had a lot of his traits.

  “Yeah. I’d say so.” I settled back down and tried to bury the anger that started rising.

  “Do you feel what you did to Manny was wrong?” I pondered his question for a few moments and shrugged.

  “I could have confronted him about Camilla. He could have told me himself too so that door can swing either way.”

  “But do you feel like you were wrong?” He pressed.

  “Yeah. I do, but I don’t think I deserved what I got. You don’t send a man to prison just because you’re pissed at him.”

  “You’re absolutely right. He was wrong,” Alexander replied. “What you have to realize is that you did what you had to do to stay afloat. Being in prison was probably one of the toughest things you’ve ever had to do but you did it. You made it through. You did whatever you knew Manny wanted so you could get home to your family. I commend you for that Trevor.” I felt myself smile a little at him. Talking to him made me feel lighter.

  “You know what? You’re good. I was talking for ten minutes and didn’t realize you were doing your doctor thing.” I pointed at him and he hung his head almost as if he were embarrassed.

  “Sorry. Sometimes I kinda slip into psychologist mode and don’t even realize it.”

  “Hey, you’re good. Everybody has a passion and a talent, yours is getting inside of people’s head but you do it legally and in a good way.” I laughed. “You and Manny are night and day. He’s the devil on the right and you’re the angel on the left. You sure you can handle Camilla? You know she’s got some devil in her?” I warned him. He was a good kid and my daughter was still hell on wheels no matter how much she’d calmed down.

  Camilla walked back into the dining room and looked at us both before sitting down. “Is everything okay now?” I asked her.

  “Yes.” She looked over at me and sighed.

  “Thank you for breakfast baby girl.”

  “Whatever.” She poked at the food on her plate. “I’m going to Emmanuel’s house today.” She announced. Both Alexander and I looked at her in total shock.

  “Why?” We said in unison.

  “I’m going to see what the hell he wants from you.” She pointed at me with her fork.

  “You want me to go with you?” Alexander asked.

  “No thanks. I can handle this.”

  “You don’t have to speak to him on my behalf Camilla. This is my shit to handle.” I growled at her, I was on the verge of being pissed at how she kept stepping into my business with Manny. She slammed her hand on the table and stood up. Her temper was as fiery as ever.

  “What have I been asking you to do Dad? Let me fucking protect you for once! Who in the entire goddam world knows Emmanuel better than me?” Her voice rose and I heard Chloe wake up crying in her room. I shot her an icy glare and I was ready to dash off to pick up my grandbaby, but Laurel was on the job.

  “Calm down, Camilla.” Alexander said quietly.

  “I’m calm!” She swiveled her gaze back to me. “You might not want me to step on your toes but fuck that. I’m not going to send you back into the lion’s den with Emmanuel. I can’t risk having something happen to you again!” Her eyes started watering and she let the tears fall down her cheeks. I felt my heart crush. She was worried sick about me and she felt like she was the only one who could protect me. Hell, she might even be right. If I’d been on the fence about her tactics before, I couldn’t be anymore. I had to do what she asked me to at least this time.

  I gave her a hug and let her cry against my chest. “It’s okay Camilla I’m not going anywhere. Not ever again.” I told her. “Go see Manny, okay? We’ll stay here with Chloe.” She sniffled and looked up at me, her eyes red from the tears.

  “Just let me handle this for you, okay?”

  “Okay baby girl. You got it.”

  “And don’t fuck Laurel while I’m gone.” Even with tears in her eyes she had to bite back in some way. She wouldn’t be Camilla if she didn’t.


  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  Emmanuel hugged me for way too fucking long when I got to his house. He even buried his nose in my neck and inhaled my scent. “Okay,” I laughed and pushed him away.

  “You smell so fucking good.”

  “So do you,” I grinned. He put his hand on my lower back and guided me towards the den. Then he sat down and pulled me into his lap. I froze and shook my head.

  “No.” I stood up quickly. He laughed and held his hands up like he was innocent.

  “Just testing you. You sure you don’t wanna go upstairs real quick?”

  “I’m sure.” I slid my lips to the side and grunted. I looked up when Wolf walked in. “What is he doing here?” I frowned. I knew my uncle would be there and I knew what time but I didn’t want them to feel like I was clocking them. I wanted both of them to come to Chloe’s birthday party and stay afterwards to talk and get things out in the open.

  “Come on Camilla, you still mad at me about Trevor?” He held his arms out for a hug but I flipped him off instead. Uncle or not, he was fucked up for agreeing to frame my father. Emmanuel had felt my wrath now it was Rashad’s turn. He laughed at me and sat down on the couch in the corner. He removed a gun from his back and set it on the table. My eyes got wide.

  “What the fuck is that for?” I squeaked.

  “I thought Trev would be here. Not you. Chill.” Wolf assured me as he lit a cigarette.

  “Why the fuck do you have a gun for my father?” I shouted angrily at him. He shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly at me.

  “Just in case.” I looked to Emmanuel and he was frowning.

  “Wolf, seriously? We agreed Trev wasn’t a threat anymore.”

  “You agreed,” he snapped. Emmanuel nodded his head as if he were taking mental notes. I watched the both of them and conjured a wavering voice.

  “Look, I just came to make sure you two are staying after Chloe’s party. If you want to talk to my father then I’m going to be there.” I threw in a sniffle or two for good measure. Emmanuel softened instantly Wolf eyed me for a few more seconds before nodding.

  “We’ll hang around baby girl,” Washad smiled.

  “Don’t call me that,” I frowned.

  “Oh for fuck’s sake, how long are you gonna be fake mad at me?” He groaned.

  “Until I get over it. I’m not over it yet,” I told him. Emmanuel stood up and walked me over to the door before telling Wolf to put his gun away. It looked evil especially with the suppressor attached to the end. It was perfect.

  “Don’t bring that shit with you to my child’s party.” I told Rashad making sure to point at it.

  “We’ll see,” he smirked at me.<
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  Once we were at the front door, Emmanuel ran a hand over his face.

  “I’m sorry about that. Wolf has been on edge ever since Trev came home. Maybe a meeting with everyone is what’s best and I think you’re smart setting it up for Chloe’s birthday so no crazy shit can go down.” He pulled me in for another long hug and I let him hold me there for a while. “I’ll see you tomorrow at the party,” he told me.

  “Okay, and no over the top gifts,” I sighed.

  “I can’t make any promises.” He closed the door behind me and I went back to my place quickly.

  I heard Chloe whining and before I even set my purse down I went to pick her up. Dad had her but she wanted me or so I thought. As soon as I held her she cried for Xavier. It was a gut punch. She missed her daddy and I couldn’t even fault her for it.

  “Is that what’s wrong princess?” Dad cooed in her ear. “You just want your daddy?” He looked up at me. “Can you get Xavier over here?” Oh god, having him around all the time was going to have my child spoiled beyond reason.

  “He’s at work but I can take her up to the daycare. That way I’ll get some party planning done.” I was going to head back out but Dad took Chloe and told me not to worry about it.

  Once he was gone I started cleaning the house and playing loud music. Laurel walked out and watched me with a sad expression. I turned off the vacuum and sighed. I’d apologized to her for going off the way I did but she still was mopey. Maybe my father didn’t dick her down again while I was gone.

  “What is it?” I frowned.

  “I still feel bad for everything,” she said quietly. I shut the music off and sat on the couch, patting the space beside me.

  “Laurel, I’m sorry for going off on you okay? I know you’re both grown and all but shit, wouldn’t you be pissed if I fucked your father?” She recoiled at the question and nodded her head quickly.

  “I’d halfway expect it though. I mean come on.” I deserved that shot so I let her have it.


  “How the hell did you know we had sex?” Laurel asked in awe. I recalled last night and being sound asleep until I woke up to moaning and a squeaking bed. The noises are seared into my memory and there’s no amount of talking to Alexander that will erase it.


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