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Seducing Innocence: A Hotwife Fantasy

Page 5

by Lexi Archer

  The door turned. Opened. I felt a small bit of fear run through me. If that was my mom or my sister and they found Travis and I in here making out they wouldn’t be too happy about it. Mom was a traditionalist through and through, though I guess my sister would probably just wag her finger at me and hold it over my head for the rest of our lives.

  And if it was Wae? Well there was still the little issue of me never telling him that my husband had been watching every step of the way. How would he react to coming in here expecting a meeting with just the two of us only to find Travis in there as well?

  He stepped into the room. He. Wade. Not my mom. Not my sister. He had that same easy grin on his face that I recognized from years ago. I immediately felt a fire rage inside me that was almost as hot as what I’d felt making out with Travis a moment ago.

  Wade took in the entire room, and he didn’t seem at all surprised by what he saw here. He looked at me. Looked at Travis. Then his eyes traveled down to where my wedding dress was pulled up revealing white lingerie underneath that revealed most of my ass. I figured it was safe enough to slut it up a little bit under the pure white dress.

  After all, wasn’t permission to slut it up a little bit the whole point of getting married in this day and age? As long as it was with the same man. I was about to slut it up with a new man, though, and that made all the difference in the world.

  “Well hello there Michelle,” Wade said. “Travis. Nice to see you’ve finally decided to come out into the open.”

  It took a moment for the full importance of what he just said to hit home. Travis finally decided to come out in the open. That could only mean that…

  “You knew? This whole time you knew and you didn’t say anything?” I said.

  Wade moved over to take a seat on a couch helpfully placed on one end of the room. It was big and comfortable. That was another reason why I’d insisted the venue move my bridal room to this place rather than the suite they usually used. The wedding planner had looked at me with a tight stare that told me she thought I was being your typical bridezilla, but in the end she’d done it.

  Best not to mess with Bridezilla when she rose from Tokyo bay to wreak destruction on the world. If anyone would know that lesson it would be a lady who worked as a wedding planner for a venue that worked almost exclusively with wedding parties.

  “How could I not know?” Wade said. “You went from basically telling me that I could fuck off to suddenly texting me acting interested. Sending me pictures of you in that dress which, by the way, looks absolutely stunning on you. How else could I account for that sudden change of heart unless your future hubby was in on it?”

  “Now wait just one damn minute,” Travis said, taking a step forward.

  “Hold on there slick,” Wade said. He held up a hand and for a miracle Travis actually stopped in his tracks. “I think we can cut the bullshit here, right? I’m guessing you were planning on hiding in that closet there?”

  Travis looked to the closet and then back to Wade. It was pretty fucking obvious from his guilty look that our plan had been fully and completely caught out.

  “Did you tell him about this?” Travis asked, the barest hint of accusation coming to his voice.

  “Of course I didn’t tell him about any of this,” I said. “Why would I do that? Why would I betray you like that?”

  It seemed a little odd to talk about betraying him. Especially when this whole plan revolved around betrayal at the center. Only was it really betrayal if I had his permission to betray him? It was all so complicated and so confusing.

  “You really need to learn to be better at this if you’re going to do the whole sharing thing,” Wade said. God he was so cocky and arrogant. It drove me wild. The only problem was I wasn’t sure if it drove me wild in a bad way or a good way. Seeing him sitting there on the couch looking like he owned the place was turning me on. I still wanted to jump him, as much as it ashamed me to have those feelings. More than anything I wanted to make a few bad decisions with him, work it out of my system before I walked down the aisle.

  “Sharing?” Travis said. “I mean I guess that’s…”

  “Of course it is,” Wade said. He leaned forward. Cupped his hands together with his fingers interlacing. I blushed as I thought of some of the things he’d done to me with those fingers. Magic things. Things that I’d tried my best to forget about.

  It’s not that he was better than Travis. Not at all. It’s just that it had been so long and seeing him here after I’d done my best to avoid him for years was bringing up a lot of old emotions. It was overwhelming me. It was driving me wild with lust.

  “The pictures and everything are a classic tell. It’s not the first time I’ve had a girl who was spoken for suddenly act interested in a roll in the hay with the old Wadester and it turned out her SO was into it too. People are getting so libertine these days, and I’m more than happy to take advantage of it,” he said.

  “But how…”

  “The heavy breathing I heard in the background when you did that little cam show for me? The way you were suddenly warming up to me after telling me to go to hell? Inviting me here on your wedding day? I had a hell of a time getting in here, by the way. I was trying to wait until you were in here all alone, and I wasn’t entirely certain the coast was clear when your mom and sister left,” he chuckled and shook his head. “Believe me, I’m sure those are two ladies who wouldn’t be very happy to see me at all!”

  “You’re probably right about that,” I muttered.

  Wade’s face suddenly went from all smiles to serious in a flash. “So let’s be honest with each other. Everyone in this room wants something, right? We can help each other out. I want to have the first crack at Michelle here, I’m assuming this is going to be the first time per the agreement?”

  I blushed and turned away. I felt ashamed that he was talking about me so cavalierly, but at the same time it was part of the turn on. We’d talked about what an asshole he was and that he’d walk in here and act like the world owed him one chance with me, but knowing this would happen and seeing it play out right in front of me were two very different things.

  “Yes,” I finally said. “Travis and I haven’t…”

  “Couldn’t seal the deal, huh?” Wade said. “Don’t feel bad about it buddy. I barked up that tree for years and I couldn’t ever get her to give it up.”

  God he was so infuriating and so hot at the same time. It’s like the humiliation of having him talk about me like that was just adding to my arousal. What kind of weirdo got turned on by being humiliated.

  “Yeah, well if you’re going to act like this then I don’t know if…”

  “No,” I said, surprising both men. Both turned to look at me.

  “No?” Travis asked.

  “No,” I repeated. “We’ve come this far. We’ve set this up. Now it’s time for us to finish what we’ve started.”

  The obsession was there. The fantasy was there. Every part of me screamed that this was wrong, but I ignored it. I needed this. Travis needed this even if he wasn’t willing to admit it. It was time to follow through on the promises our fantasy lives had been making for the past few weeks.

  It was time to make good on the agreement.

  6: Disbelief


  It was weird how quickly things could change. How quickly they could spiral out of control and you didn’t even realize it until it was too late.

  It all started with that simple like on a social media page. One little tap of the thumb from this Wade guy and it led to him getting into my future wife’s pants. She looked at me one final time, but she wasn’t looking for permission or approval or anything like that.

  No, she was just letting me know that this was happening. The time to stop all this would’ve been a few weeks back when I flew off the handle and got so jealous. The time to stop it would’ve been the day we fucked and I told her how much it turned me on thinking of her with another man. When she asked me if this
was something I really wanted to do and I let my dick do the thinking for me.

  The mistakes had all been made. The only thing left to do now was to follow those mistakes to their natural consequences. I was going to watch my fiancee with another man, and there wasn’t anything I could do about it at this point.

  It’s a good fucking thing I was more turned on than anything else at the thought of finally seeing this happen!

  Wade sat there with that same cocky and arrogant look on his face. And why not? He was in the bridal room with the blushing bride walking towards him and he knew that in a moment he was going to get with her. He was going to commit the ultimate conquest by taking her before she married me. If I were him I’d be grinning just at the prospect of fucking Michelle, but getting to fuck her on her wedding day had to be the icing on the fucking cake for this asshole.

  And still I wasn’t mad. Sure I knew I should’ve been upset about all this. I knew I should’ve flown into a rage and threatened to punch him out or something if he didn’t get the fuck out of here immediately.

  I didn’t do any of that, though. Because we both knew what was going on here. He was here to fuck my fiancee, and I was here to watch.

  I suppose I could take some small consolation in knowing that I wouldn’t have to hide in that stupid closet. I was never sure if that plan would really work anyways. I’d have to open it just a little bit in order to see the good stuff, and I was pretty damn sure he would’ve looked over and seen me at some point even if he was preoccupied with Michelle.

  Michelle. Beautiful Michelle. My bride. She looked radiant in her wedding dress. She was every bit as beautiful now as she’d been that day she took that picture and posted it online for the world to see. That day that led to this fateful moment.

  Wade didn’t waste any time when Michelle reached him. His hands moved around and then he pulled up on her dress in much the same way that I had just moments ago. Her ass was exposed to me and it was another man’s hands caressing that soft yet firm flesh. Another man’s hands moving to squeeze her ass cheeks and then moving down to run a finger along the edge of her pussy.

  I imagine for him it was sort of like coming home after being away for a good long while. After all, he was the person who first explored every contour of Michelle’s body. He was the one who’d first conquered all but one part of her. Now he was coming back to finish the job he’d started all those years ago.

  “Fuck you,” Michelle said as she looked down at him. “You’re a fucking asshole and I hate you and this is the only time we’re doing this. I want you to know that.”

  Wade looked up at her with a Cheshire grin plastered on his face. “That’s just fine with me. Trust me, I know how fucked up this fantasy is. You’ll be back.”

  Michelle glared at him, but her mouth was hanging open. Her breathing was coming in heavy gasps. She was turned on. The question in that moment was whether or not she would be more angry than turned on. If he managed to piss her off and push her over the edge then there was a good chance all of this would be over before it really started.

  Michelle closed her eyes. She let out a little gasp as his finger ran along the edge of her pussy once more. He grinned. I knew how much she liked that, and it suddenly occurred to me that she probably knew how much she liked that because it was something Wade figured out while they were dating.

  All the moves she’d taught me, all the things I’d done to her to make her feel good, were things that she’d tried out with this guy for the first time. Damn. It was a sobering realization to know that everything I’d done with my girlfriend was something she’d done with another man first.

  And now it seemed that even fucking her was going to be added to that list.

  “Yeah, I remember just how much you like this,” Wade said. “Looks like you haven’t changed all that much, have you Michelle?”

  “Oh fuck… you… fuck!” Michelle gasped.

  I glanced to the door. I wondered if there was anyone out there who might hear what was going on in here. I went over and locked the door just to be sure. It wouldn’t do for someone to hear the noises in here and come investigating. That would be a fucking awkward situation and I wasn’t sure where we would begin to explain it.

  “Fucking me is the idea, my dear,” Wade said.

  His fingers moved between her legs and slipped inside her thong. I stared at that spot where his finger moved up inside my wife. The gentle curve of her ass moved down to that glorious treasure between her legs that no man had ever experienced and now there was another man’s fingers moving in and out of that spot. His fingers were slick with her arousal. It was pretty fucking obvious that she was into this despite what she said about hating his guts.

  She didn’t hate him in that moment. She needed him. The lust had taken control and she needed him. It was a sentiment I could understand considering how much I needed to watch her needing him.

  Wade didn’t seem satisfied just with fingering her, though. He used his position to move her around. His fingers pulled out and I sighed in disappointment, that was something I could watch all day long, but he wasn’t done with her by far. He laid her back on that big fluffy couch and then buried his face between her legs.

  Michelle’s eyes shot open and she let out a wailing moan that was loud enough that I was almost certain they could hear her all the way down in the sanctuary. Wade didn’t make any move to stop her, either. I’m sure the prick would be just fine with her moaning loud enough that both our families could hear the end result of his oral ministrations down below.

  I moved across the room and put a hand over her mouth. She locked eyes with me but that wasn’t my future wife looking up at me. No, that was a woman possessed. She was overwhelmed with lust and pent up sexual frustration and it was all exploding out of her in one amazing moment as Wade worked at her pussy with his tongue. She was his fuck toy. She was his in that moment even if she would be mine again after this was all done and she walked down the aisle to join with me forever.

  That would be in an hour or so, though. Right now she was his completely and totally, and my cock was on the edge of exploding as I watched it happening.

  I was on the edge of exploding, but Michelle was already throwing herself over the edge as she gave herself totally and completely to another man. Over and over again she moaned into my hand that was the only thing muffling her and keeping the entire world from knowing what was going on up here. Her body bucked as she tried to press her pussy against his face. A face that was well hidden under the white folds of her dress.

  She screamed into my hand and I put a finger to my lips to try and get her to quiet down even as I knew there wasn’t a chance in hell anything like that was going to happen. She was enjoying the forbidden pleasure of her ex’s tongue. He was taking her fully and completely. She’d given herself over.

  The screams continued and all I could do was keep my hand over her mouth and try to stay on for the ride. Fuck this was intense. It felt like she was having an orgasm that easily beat out anything she’d ever had with me. I wondered if that was because he was that much more skilled or if it was simply because there was so much pent up sexual energy from the fantasy we’d been discussing for the past few weeks.

  Either way, it was fucking hot. That was all I really cared about. Watching her was all I needed. I didn’t care that this was technically cheating. It couldn’t really be cheating if I told her it was okay.

  Finally the moment started to subside, though. Finally she seemed to come down from whatever high he was giving her. The screaming grew less and less and her chest stopped heaving quite so much. She was breathing heavily through her nose and said something that I couldn’t quite make out since her mouth was still muffled from my hand.

  She reached up and smacked my hand away and I smiled down at her. Right. She wasn’t screaming anymore and so there was no need for me to cover up her mouth.

  Wade reappeared from under her dress and grinned up at both of us. His mouth wa
s slick with her juices. I shivered as I thought about his tongue down there exploring the pleasures of her pussy. An exploration that he was only going to continue with his dick very shortly.


  “You taste just like I remember you Michelle,” he said. “You always were the best.”

  “Not good enough for you to stay faithful to me,” she spat out at him. Well then. Apparently there was still some venom there between the two of them even if she did just have that incredible orgasm.

  “Is that stopping you now?” he asked. “Say the word and I don’t fuck you. Say the word and I’m gone. That was just a little taste of the past, after all. What comes next is a little taste of what you’ll never get to have because you were so frigid.”

  Damn. I was seeing red as he said that. Come in here and insult my future wife when we’re giving him the opportunity to fuck her? That wasn’t very nice at all. Before I could think about what I was doing I’d moved over and grabbed him by the shoulders. I lifted him up and slammed him against the wall and a couple of pictures rattled and wobbled from side to side. None of them fell, thankfully. I’m sure the venue would’ve charged us an arm and a leg and kept our damage deposit if there was even so much as a scuff on one of the frames.

  “What the fuck is your problem?” I said. “We invite you out here to do this and all you can think to do is be a fucking asshole? You really haven’t changed, have you?”

  His eyes went wide and he held his hands up. He folded almost immediately. The little prick. All talk but nothing to back it up. About what I expected. I glanced over to Michelle and she was starting to breathe heavily again. I wondered if that was because she was already so turned on or if it was because she got to watch me pulling the whole alpha male routine when most of our fantasies had involved me being anything but over the past couple of weeks.


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