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Seducing Innocence: A Hotwife Fantasy

Page 14

by Lexi Archer

  I looked over and I breathed a sigh of sort-of relief. Not a robber. Just Vanessa. Although that was almost as bad a given my current predicament. Though my cock was rapidly deflating leaving me with one hell of a case of blue balls.

  Damn it. I needed to be a lot more careful about letting myself get carried away like that. Especially when I knew Vanessa was out there and could be popping in at any moment!

  "Having fun out here honey?" she asked.

  I looked over to her. Searched her eyes for any sign that she might know exactly what I was doing out here and was making fun of me. But there was no sign. No, she looked like she was genuinely just making conversation. I breathed a sigh of relief, but I tried not to make it too obvious.

  The last thing I wanted to do was give up the game now when I already appeared to be free and clear.

  "Oh you know," I said. "Just reading a book on my phone and waiting for you to get done.”

  I looked her up and down again. I’m not sure why I did, but I suddenly felt the urge to drink in her beauty. And damn did she look gorgeous as she always did! Hair up in a pony tail but still spilling down past her shoulders. Her T-shirt tight against her body and her nipples pressing out against the thin material giving me a nice view let me tell you! All of that moving down to her toned flat stomach and a pair of shorts that were so tight they might as well be painted on.

  All in all it was a captivating sight. A captivating sight that I was staring at more intensely than usual. I wanted to slap myself for being an idiot as soon as I realized what I was doing, but it didn’t stop me. No, I was staring at her so intently because I was looking for any sign that what I’d just been fantasizing about had actually happened, and I hated myself for doing it even as I was doing it.

  Damn it. There was just no escaping from this fantasy!

  Only as I looked her up and down I started to wonder if maybe there wasn’t some justification to giving her an intense once over like that. Like the fact that her hair was in a ponytail. I didn’t remember her hair being in a ponytail before. She’d been wearing it down. What happened in there to make her change her hairstyle like that?

  Not to mention the nice view I was getting of her chest. I distinctly remembered her wearing a bra when she went in. Didn’t I distinctly remember her wearing a bra when she went in? Her tits were the kind of thing that I paid attention to, but now that I was thinking about it I guess I couldn’t remember specifically if she was wearing a bra. It seemed like her nipples sticking out like they were right now was the sort of thing I’d remember, but now that I was in the moment I was suddenly doubting my memory. Suddenly very unsure of myself.

  “So what happened with your hair?” I asked.

  Vanessa blinked and then her hand went to her hair. Her mouth worked in silence for a moment which I thought was definitely interesting, but then she giggled and seemed to shrug it off.

  “They had me do a couple of scenes while I was in there,” she said. “My hair was getting in the way so I pulled it back towards the end.”

  Her hair was getting in the way at the end. I could think of one thing she did for me where her hair usually got in the way resulting in her putting her hair up in a ponytail. My mind was flooded with images of her on her knees in front of some strange man leaning forward and opening her mouth into that “O” shape that I loved so much as she was moving down on my cock. My once-deflated cock was now rapidly standing back to attention as I thought of her being naughty like that even though her explanation was plausible enough.

  Really, I was being ridiculous. I was projecting my fantasy onto the real world when that’s the last thing I should be doing. I was trying to make the real world fit the fantasy narrative in my mind, and in the process I was turning my fiancee into a liar by implying that she would do some of the things that were running through my head and not tell me about it afterwards.

  And yet I couldn’t stop myself. I couldn’t stop digging even though the more rational parts of my mind were telling me I was being ridiculous and I needed to sit down and shut the fuck up before I pissed her off or something. Before she realized what I was up to the same way she’d managed to ferret out my fantasy the night before with surprising ease.

  I didn’t do any of that though. The rational parts of my brain weren’t calling the shots right now. No, it was the brain down below that was doing all of the thinking. It was asking the questions, thank you very much, and fuck however I might feel about that.

  “What about your bra?”

  Vanessa blinked again and looked down. Then she blinked a third time as she saw her tits hanging out there with her nipples pressing through the shirt, no bra in sight. I held my breath and watched her. Waited and watched for any sign that her not having a bra might be out of the ordinary because I still wasn’t entirely trusting my own memory here.

  “I don’t have a bra,” she said.

  “Well I know,” I said. “I thought you had one on when you went in there?”

  Vanessa giggled. Did that giggle seem a little forced? I just couldn’t tell.

  “Well if I’m not wearing a bra then I couldn’t be wearing a bra earlier, now could I?”

  That sort of made sense. Why wasn’t I leaving this alone? Why was my cock throbbing thinking about her not wearing a bra and imagining all of the naughty scenarios that could’ve led to that in the first place? Why couldn’t I just drop this? And yet I opened my mouth and did it again. “What if it’s in your pockets?”

  Vanessa looked down at her shorts and lifted up giving me a nice view of the curve of her ass. “In these shorts? Where would I hide anything like that?”

  I shook my head and tried to clear the spell I was under. Tried to get rid of the urge to interrogate her which was ridiculous. Tried to get rid of the suspicion that was eating away at me and not in a very healthy way. Finally I shrugged and put the car in gear. I’d left it on because it was fucking hot out and there wasn’t a chance I was going to wait for her without the AC running.

  “What’s going on here Nathan?” she asked. “Why are you throwing all these questions at me?”

  I sighed but I didn’t answer. I didn’t want to answer. It would sound ridiculous even though she’d already discovered my fantasy.

  “You’re thinking of me being naughty with that casting guy, aren’t you?” she asked. “Are you thinking of him feeling me up or something? You perv!”

  I grinned and looked over to her. She seemed to be smiling too. She didn’t seem upset that my fantasy was implying that she’d been cheating on me just a few minutes ago behind the walls of that former strip mall store.

  “I guess you’ve got me,” I said. “I was thinking of you getting a little down and dirty in there. A traditional casting couch scenario and all that.”

  Vanessa laughed again and rolled her eyes. “Well keep dreaming buddy.” Her hand snaked out and she was running it up and down the length of my cock which definitely got my attention. She grinned when she realized I was already rock hard, though given what we were talking about I don’t know why that’d be such a big surprise.

  “Oh my, we are happy aren’t we?” she asked. “Well since you were nice enough to take me to this audition maybe we can have a little fun when we get back to the apartment? Talk about all the naughty things the dirty casting director did to your fiancee?”

  My grin was suddenly so wide that it was threatening to split my face. Damn! Now that was the kind of fun that I could get behind!

  “Sounds like a plan,” I said as I pushed down on the accelerator to get back to the apartment that much faster!

  11: Almost Caught

  I leaned back against the chair and resisted the urge to breathe a sigh of relief. I’d done so well so far, been able to keep a straight face for so long, that it wouldn’t do to go and do something that would give up the game now that I was almost in the free and clear.

  I was surprised there wasn’t sweat running down my face. When he started asking those questions
I felt like I was going to fold like one of those stupid action movies where the hero catches one of the bad guy’s minions and gets them to give away the whole plan. I’d always thought that was the most ridiculous plot device, but now that I was the one in the hot seat I could suddenly have a little bit of sympathy for someone who found themselves in that situation.


  I felt my ponytail pressing against the seat. When had I even put my hair up in a ponytail? Oh, right, when I was cleaning up. I hadn’t even thought about it when I was doing it. I just put it up without thinking because a ponytail was going to make it a hell of a lot easier to hide things that might have flown into my hair in the heat of the moment than trying to wipe all of that stuff out with a wet washcloth. That was the sort of cleanup that required a nice cold shower, because hot showers made it even harder to get the damn stuff out.

  And my bra. My bra! How could I have forgotten to put my bra back on? Talk about a major fucking mistake there. It was true that I had nowhere to hide the thing either. No, it was probably still on the floor back in that small office, and it’s not like I was going to go back for it now. I couldn’t without giving everything away, and that was the last thing that I wanted to do.

  I’d just have to write off that bra forever now. Which was a damn shame. I liked that bra. Oh well.

  “So how’d it go anyways?"

  How’d it go? Well that really was a loaded question even though he had no way of knowing that when he asked it. Or maybe he did have some way of knowing what he was asking. After giving putting the screws on me a minute ago it seemed like he suspected something, as crazy and impossible as that seemed. So I thought about my answer for a moment, knowing that if I gave something away inadvertently he’d jump on it in an instant.

  Of course there was also the problem that I wasn’t going to be able to hide what happened. I had an extra thousand bucks on me, and no matter how I sliced it, putting it in our bank account or spending it outright, he was going to notice something. I’m sure for a rich couple that wouldn’t be a big deal at all, but for us that was still a lot of cash.

  I suppose I would have to come clean about at least that much even if I had no intention of coming clean about the rest of what happened.

  So I grinned and tried to put a good face on things. I’m not sure how well it worked. Oh well. Time to drop the bomb and hope it didn’t cause too much of an explosion. "Well I made a thousand bucks!"

  Nathan was silent as he moved the steering wheel. The silence stretched on until it was downright awkward. I opened my mouth to say something before he finally said something.

  "Are you serious?"

  "Totally!" I said, trying my best to sound upbeat and chipper and not at all like I was trying to hide something from him. Though now that I was thinking back on everything that led to getting that thousand dollars I felt a little like an idiot. In the moment I’d been like a frog in boiling water never realizing that things were getting more progressively fucked up with each passing moment, but now that I was in the car sitting next to Nathan thinking about the strange fucked up chain of events that led to me blowing a complete stranger I realized how foolish I’d been. And because I was starting to realize how foolish I’d been, well let’s just say what I was about to say to justify getting that thousand dollars sounded pretty hollow and flimsy.

  "Apparently it's part of their audition process or something."

  I stopped and thought about that for a moment. Granted I didn't know much about how the world worked. I didn't know much about how Hollywood worked, for that matter. What I did know is that it seemed awfully damn suspicious that they would be offering a thousand dollars to somebody just for doing an audition now that I was out of that office and the spell that seemed to come over me while I was in there. From the way Nathan’s eyes were narrowing it looked like he was finding it pretty damn suspicious as well.

  "So they just gave you a thousand dollars?"

  "Yeah." It sounded so weak now that I was using this as an excuse. I was terrified that at any moment he was going to figure out exactly what happened in there and that would be the end of our relationship, his fantasy be damned. I felt sick to my stomach. I couldn’t believe I’d actually given into temptation like that even if it had been pretty damn fun giving into that temptation in the moment. No amount of pleasure, no amount of feeling powerful and in control like that, was worth the sick feeling settling into the pit of my stomach now.

  "All that just for showing up to an audition?"

  "Well yeah…"

  "That seems a little suspicious. That seems a little odd that they would be just throwing around money like that…"

  The suspicion was back. I could tell when he shifted from just making conversation to questioning me again. There was a subtle change to the way he was sitting, to the way he gripped the wheel, to his tone of voice. None of it boded well for me.

  I let out an exasperated sigh. An exasperated sigh that was coupled with a blush I could’ve done without because a blush made it pretty damn obvious I was hiding something. I hated that my body was betraying me like that, damn it. For that matter I hated that Nathan was able to read me like a book when I got like this.

  "Okay, what is it?" he asked.

  I let out another sigh, though this one was more defeated than exasperated. It was that damn blush that gave me away. Still, it’s not like he knew everything that happened back there. I felt like slime for even thinking it, but there was still no way I was going to tell him everything. I just had to scramble to try and find a version of the truth that would fit everything that happened in there without revealing information that could potentially lead to the end of our relationship.

  I rationalized that I was saving our relationship. That I was trying to prevent a blowup from one little indiscretion. That didn’t change the fact that I also felt like a cheating piece of shit even as I made that rationalization. All the more so because I knew there was a damn good chance he’d just be turned on and I was denying him his ultimate fantasy, but again, too much risk. I wasn’t going to take it.

  Yeah, like I said. Cheating piece of shit. A pretty clear-cut example too. Whatever. Time to launch into my version of the truth and hope it was convincing.

  "Fine, so maybe that was sort of the kind of company that you thought it was," I said.

  I figured there’d be a blowup followed by a million questions considering how he was questioning me before, but instead he just took in a sharp breath. He squeezed his eyes shut which worried me for a moment considering he was still driving the car and probably should’ve been paying attention to the road, then he opened and looked at me with an odd look. A look that I usually only saw when he was giving me the bedroom eyes. A look that said he was turned on.

  My eyes ran down his body on a hunch. Down to between his legs and I gasped. His cock was standing at full attention! The thing looked hard as a diamond. We’re talking painfully hard. Okay, so he was turned on. He was actually enjoying hearing about this. At least he was enjoying hearing that he was partially right about what kind of casting agency that was. Still, there was a little voice in the back of my head telling me that I needed to play it cool. That he could still get very upset, and that was the last thing I wanted. So I didn’t spill the beans even though I got a rush between my legs seeing how turned on he was that was accompanied by a strong desire to open my mouth and come clean.

  A strong desire that I viciously stomped down on as he opened his mouth and started asking questions again, though he was far less insistent about his questioning now. It seemed that telling him this company was exactly the sort of thing he’d been worried about had taken some of the wind out of his sails.

  Good. Less pressure on me. I felt guilty for making this all about me, but what else could I do if I wasn’t going to confess?

  "Really? The kind of company I thought it was? What are you talking about?"

  I was surprised at how cool and collected Nathan sounded. I figured
he’d be crowing about how he was right and I was wrong. The levelheaded treatment had me more worried than if he was pissed off.

  I sighed again, really trying to play it up and present a version of the truth. A version of the truth that was closer to what I initially thought the company was than what it turned out they were.

  "I suppose you're going to get it out of me eventually. It was actually a company that does casting for shows that need people doing nude acting in the background."

  Nathan cocked an eyebrow, but he still looked more curious than anything else. I glanced down to his cock and the way it was tenting out of his shorts and it suddenly occurred to me why he sounded so cool and collected.

  He wasn’t trying to hold it together because he was angry. No, far from it. He was trying to hold it together because he was turned on! I could work with this. At least I thought I could. I hoped I could.

  "Really?" he said. “That’s interesting. I guess I never would’ve thought there were groups that did casting exclusively for that sort of thing.”

  "Well it makes sense, doesn't it? You see shows on TV, especially on cable, and you've got all those people walking around with their tits flopping around and their dicks swinging in the breeze to try and make things a little more interesting. I suppose they have to get people who are willing to do that sort of thing from somewhere, don't they?"

  I could see the wheels turning in Nathan’s head and I hoped he was buying it. At the very least I hoped he was so turned on that he wouldn’t think about it too much. I was thinking about it a lot, and it still seemed pretty damn flimsy to me. Nathan grinned.

  “Yeah, that does make sense. Sort of. I have to tell you that’s better than thev worst-case scenario I had in mind. Or maybe it's the best case scenario, depending on how you look at it.”


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