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Seducing Innocence: A Hotwife Fantasy

Page 17

by Lexi Archer

When I got back on track Vanessa was walking out the door and the guy, Mike, was putting down the camera and getting a nice shot of the paperwork she’d just signed.

  “So there you have it,” he said. “They never bother to look at the fine print on these contracts when you wave the money in front of their noses. All these goody two-shoes sluts are the same. They want the cock and they want the money and they’re always too fucking dumb to keep themselves from getting taken advantage of.”

  I felt a new emotion rising inside me to go right along with the confusion and the arousal I was already feeling. Anger. Pure anger at this guy for taking advantage of Vanessa like that. For pulling one hell of a bait and switch on her by lying about some paperwork she was signing and then bragging about it after. I wondered if a contract like that would actually hold up in court, but at the same time I figured there probably weren’t too many women out there who would take this sleazeball to court in the first place because of the potential embarrassment.

  Not to mention that the video was already out there. The damage was already done. Vanessa wasn’t exactly a porn star, but I’m sure that this video had already been downloaded, repackaged, and reuploaded on hundreds of locations online. Once something was out there it was very difficult to get rid of it, and because of this prick my future wife was going to be on the Internet sucking this asshole’s cock for all of eternity.

  It would’ve been hot under other circumstances, but as it was I just felt mad. Was everything he did on the up and up legally? Maybe. I wasn’t a lawyer so I couldn’t tell. Was it a fucking sleazy thing to do? Definitely, and it made me want to get revenge. It started the cogs turning, but of course getting that revenge would involve Vanessa agreeing to do a hell of a lot more than that blowjob I’d just witnessed and I didn’t think that was likely to happen.

  The video ended and I sat there staring at the screen without really seeing anything on the screen. I felt cold. I felt numb. Well, I felt cold and numb in my chest at least. Down between my legs there was something that was very hard and ready for action.

  I reached down and ran a hand along my cock as I thought about what I’d just seen. As I thought about what it might mean for our relationship. She’d stepped out on me. She’d blown another man.

  And she’d lied about it.

  I didn’t give a fuck about the infidelity. My hard cock was a testament to that. I did give a fuck about the lying though. How could I expect to build a relationship, build a life, with her when she’d proven herself willing to lie about something this major? Especially when she knew she already had a hall pass to get up to exactly this kind of fun if she wanted to!

  It was infuriating. Absolutely and completely infuriating.

  A sound near the front of the apartment finally brought me out of my reverie. I realized the monitor had gone into sleep mode and I hadn’t even noticed. I’d been that checked out of reality. I listened intently, but there was no noise following that initial one. It must’ve been someone out in the street making noise or maybe the cat finally got up from the spot where he kept his lazy ass rooted to his cat bed 24/7 to have some food. That was about the only thing that ever got him up.

  Whatever it was, that noise was enough to snap me out of my reverie. It might be nothing this time, but Vanessa could be home at any time now and I wanted to be ready when she did get home. I wanted to make sure that I had all of my evidence lined up. I wanted to make sure I had copies of everything saved.

  I still wasn’t sure what I was going to do with all of this evidence, but I figured I was about to have one hell of an interesting conversation with my fiancee. I just hoped she was still my fiancee when that conversation was over.

  Didn’t I?

  14: Secret Revealed

  I pulled into my spot and saw that Nathan was already home. I hoped he had a good time hanging out with Jeremy even if I didn’t want to have anything to do with hanging out with him. I kept thinking about that day in the strip mall. I kept thinking about how I got carried away because of the shared fantasy we’d discovered.

  And to be perfectly honest I was worried about what might happen if I was around Jeremy for a photo shoot again. It seemed ridiculous, but I was afraid that being in front of the camera again like I was for that “interview” would send me into a sexual craze where I was more turned on by the guy getting turned on than I was by how hot the guy was.

  Sure Jeremy wasn’t as hot as that Mike guy, he definitely wasn’t as hot as Nathan, but still. The way I’d lost control had me worried. Worried that all it would take was a guy giving me the eyes and I would lose it again. Add in a scenario where there was a guy who’d obviously been lusting after me for quite some time and he had a camera?

  Well let’s just say I’d realized that was a perfect storm as far as this fantasy went for me. A perfect storm that I was just going to navigate around by not being around Jeremy. It was pretty easy anyways. I always tried to avoid him except for that photo shoot, and it seemed that Nathan was more than happy that I didn’t want to hang out with him and try to get along for the sake of my future husband’s friendship.

  I was even questioning that motive now, though. Had I really insisted on having Jeremy around because he was Nathan’s friend and I wanted to get along with him? Or was there maybe a more sinister reason? Was it maybe that even then I was getting turned on feeding off of the energy he was sending my way, even if I couldn’t articulate that fantasy at the time, and so I’d wanted him around and come up with excuses?

  Best not to think about that sort of thing.

  I grabbed my bags and made my way back to the apartment. They were filled with sexy all white lingerie that I figured would be a big hit when it came to wedding night festivities, and I’d bought it using part of the thousand dollars I’d gotten from my audition. I figured if I didn’t make enough money to afford a nice honeymoon then the least I could do with the money was spend it on trying to make the wedding night memorable!

  I stepped through the front door and looked around. Funny. The living room was completely dark and empty. Usually when there was a night when I was out shopping and Nathan got home before me he was in the living room either reading or playing a video game. There was none of that tonight, though.

  Very weird.

  “Nathan? You here honey?”

  Of course he had to be here. His car was out there and he’d driven himself out to meet Jeremy earlier. It’s not like he would drive back and then Jeremy would take him somewhere else, right? Then again I suppose something like that could’ve happened, but I figured he would’ve texted me if that was the case.

  Where was he?

  I moved to the computer room, actually a second bedroom that had our desks from college but no computers since we both used laptops, but he wasn’t in there either. Weird. If he wasn’t in the living room playing video games then I figured he might be in the computer room where he sometimes hooked his laptop up to some big monitor so he could play games on that. The room was dark and silent though, which meant he had to be in the bedroom.

  I stepped in with a smile on my face, ready to model the new lingerie I’d gotten and give him a preview of what he could expect on the wedding night. I’d been doing that sort of thing a lot lately, and I tried to tell myself that I was just excited about our wedding coming up and not that I was starting to act like a hypersexual slut because of a sense of lingering guilt over what I’d done with that guy during that audition.

  “Hi honey!” I said.

  Nathan didn’t say anything. He looked up at me with an unreadable expression. He was sitting in the dark and I could only see his face from the glow of his computer monitor. What was going on in here?

  Deep down I felt something that had been lurking in the recesses of my mind ever since that day in the strip mall. Panic. Worry that he would somehow discover what I’d done. Of course that was a ridiculous worry. It’s not like he had any way of knowing the sort of extracurricular fun I’d enjoyed. There was no way
the tape that Mike guy made was ever going to see any sort of release.

  Still, that worry had been gnawing at me for the past couple of weeks. That worry came roaring to the forefront as I saw the look on Nathan’s face. I told myself that I was being silly, that there was no way he could’ve tracked down that video, but that didn’t help.

  “Did you have fun shopping?” he asked.

  I sighed in relief. That was more normal, though his voice still sounded odd. If he was asking about a shopping trip then he wasn’t screaming at me about blowing some stranger and I figured that meant I was safe enough. That meant the cat probably wasn’t out of the bag. That cat was going to stay tied in that bag for eternity if I had anything to do with it!

  Even if living with the guilt was causing me to freak out every time he looked at me with an even slightly odd expression. I’d just have to live with it. That was my cross to bear for my indiscretion.

  “I suppose I had a good enough time,” I said. “I picked up some sexy lingerie that I’m sure you’re going to love! Would you like me to model it for you?”

  “Maybe later,” Nathan said, again with that odd look returning to his face. That odd look returning to his face had that panic returning to my stomach. No. I was still in the clear. I just had to play it cool and figure out what was bothering him. Maybe something to do with Jeremy? It wasn’t out of the ordinary for Jeremy to upset him, after all.

  “So how did things go with Jeremy tonight?” I asked.

  “Oh I punched him out in the bar. He’s not going to be in the wedding, by the way, but I figure Dalton can fill in for him. I like him better than Jeremy anyways.”

  “Are you kidding? You know I can’t tell when you’re joking like that,” I said. Though if he did manage to get into a fight with Jeremy I suppose that would explain why he was acting this way. If anything it was a relief, and in more ways than one. It meant that he didn’t know anything even though that was the first thing that leapt into my mind every time he seemed upset about something, and it also meant that Jeremy wasn’t going to be around anymore.

  I wouldn’t have to put up with Jeremy trying to hit on me all the time. I wouldn’t have to worry about what might happen with this new fantasy taking hold of my erotic imagination.

  Yeah, on balance it seemed like Jeremy being out of the picture was a good thing. As long as Nathan wasn’t going to get in any trouble for getting in a fight or anything.

  “So he’s not going to press charges or anything?” I asked.

  “Nah, I don’t think we have to worry about that given the circumstances,” Nathan said.

  I sat on the bed next to him and I noticed that he moved subtly to pull the laptop screen away from me. Now that was weird. He never tried to hide his screen from me. We had nothing to hide from each other.

  I blushed, an involuntary reaction that I couldn’t help. He might not have anything to hide from him, but I guess for the past two weeks I’d had a whopper I’d been hiding from him. And here came the guilt again. I was getting sick of this, but I couldn’t come clean. I couldn’t risk everything so close to the wedding!

  “Well I guess that’s good then. It’s not like it’s going to screw up the wedding plans too much having him out,” I said.

  “Yeah, but that’s not the only thing that could screw up the wedding.”

  That chill again. I tried to play it cool. No, I had to play it cool. Maybe he did suspect something. Maybe he was fishing. I could comfort myself with the knowledge that even if he did suspect something there was no way he could know something for sure.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Is there anything you maybe want to tell me about that audition you had a couple of weeks ago Vanessa?”

  He locked eyes with me and I felt like he could see straight into my soul. I felt like he somehow knew everything, impossible as that was. More than anything I had an overwhelming desire to come clean with him and tell him everything that happened despite the potential risk to our relationship, but somehow I managed to hold fast. Somehow I managed to keep my mouth shut. Managed to look him in the eye and lie through my teeth.


  “I already told you everything that happened with that interview baby,” I said. I even managed to get a little bit of irritation to creep into my voice. That was good. Sound annoyed. Make him think I was getting pissed off that he kept bringing it up.

  “Would you like to know why I got in a fight with Jeremy?”

  I blinked. All of this switching tracks was getting seriously fucking confusing. Why was he jumping back to talking about his fight with Jeremy? Did he want to brag about finally getting a chance to beat the crap out of the guy or something? Though if that distracted him from thinking about that interview and what I may or may not have done during said interview that was just fine with me.

  “Sure honey, what caused the fight?”

  I could imagine plenty of things that would start the fight, most of them revolving around me. Maybe he made a comment that Nathan didn’t care for. Maybe he said something about the photo shoot that finally set Nathan off even though he was secretly delighted at what had happened during said photo shoot. There were so many simmering issues that had Nathan flying into an angry rage when he talked about his friend that it was hard to pick just one that was more likely than any other when it came to setting him off and prompting him to finally punch out his buddy.

  “Turns out Jeremy found a video online. The sort of video that only a guy with a creepy obsession would be able to find. A needle in a haystack full of porn, if you will.”

  Okay, this time I figured that cold feeling was at least partially justified. Talking about a porn video, particularly a porn video that only Jeremy with his unique ability to go above and beyond when it came to the creepy department, was worrying. It felt dangerously close to the secret I’d been trying my best to keep from getting out.

  “Oh really? What sort of video?”

  Nathan didn’t say anything. I did hear a click on his laptop though. A click that was followed by something that truly did chill me to the bone. My own voice coming out of his laptop’s speakers, followed by Mike’s voice.

  15: Confession

  It was weird. I never thought I’d be so calm and collected as I heard evidence of my entire world falling down around me. I looked at Nathan and the look on my face must have been enough to confirm his suspicions because his face fell as soon as I locked eyes with him. It was obvious he could see the truth of what I’d done, that I’d been hiding this from him deliberately. It’s not like there was much chance of me hiding the truth from him anyways if he had video proof of what I’d done, damn it.

  “Jeremy found the video?”

  Nathan laughed, but there was no amusement to that laugh. No, he just sounded defeated. “Of course Jeremy found it while he was creeping on you. I don’t know exactly how he did it, reverse image search or some bullshit like that, but that’s not the point.”

  “I suppose it isn’t,” I said. I figured that would be enough of an admission to get him to stop, but Nathan went right on talking about my sins.

  “No, the point is that this video is out there in the first place. The point is that you lied to me about this after I made it clear to you that this was my fantasy. I wouldn’t have even had a problem with it if you’d just come clean and told me about it when it happened!”

  I felt more and more like a piece of shit with every word. Every word stung because it was absolutely true. Because it was a mirror of something I’d already thought myself over the past couple of weeks. I couldn’t help myself. The emotion was too much. The thought of losing my relationship because I told a lie that probably wouldn’t have been a big deal if I’d come clean about it right away was starting to sink in and it terrified me.

  I started crying. I thought that maybe he would move over and try to comfort me, something to make me feel better, but it appeared that this wasn’t in the cards. He sat there listening to
the video of me giving another man a blowjob and that was the only soundtrack to go along with my sobs.

  That got me to thinking, though. How the hell did that video even get out there in the first place? I was certain when I signed all that paperwork that he wasn’t going to post the video anywhere. That he couldn’t post the video anywhere even if he wanted to. Now it was reaching out of the past to slap me across the face, but that video definitely shouldn’t be. I wondered if I’d have a way to sue them or something as anger started to replace shame and terror that my relationship with Nathan was over.

  “So I know this probably isn’t what you want me asking about, but how the hell is that even online?”

  Nathan shook his head and for a wonder he seemed angry at someone other than me which was a relief. “I don’t know. He said something about the paperwork you signed actually being a release or something. Then he said some other less-than-charitable things about your intelligence, things like that.”

  “That son of a bitch! He said that paperwork was just to cover him legally!”

  “Yeah, well it looks like he had you sign some paperwork that lets him plaster this all over the Internet.”

  “Damn. So what do we do about it?”

  Nathan sighed. “I really don’t know what to do about this. On the one hand this is fucking hot, but on the other hand you just lied. We’re getting married in less than a couple of weeks and you just kept something this big from me. How am I supposed to trust you if you’re willing to keep something this big from me?”

  I blinked. I’d been thinking out loud wondering what we were going to do about getting back at this asshole for posting that video online in the first place, but it seemed Nathan had other things on his mind. Other things that should’ve been on my mind as well. I felt guilty for thinking about what to do about that video when he was thinking about what that video meant for our relationship.

  Would we even have that wedding in a couple of weeks? I suppose that ball was firmly in Nathan’s court now. I still very much wanted to have the wedding, but at the same time there wasn’t a hell of a lot I could do if he decided that he didn’t want to go forward with it.


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