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Seducing Innocence: A Hotwife Fantasy

Page 19

by Lexi Archer

  “Who are you negotiating with? Is it those assholes at Sharing My Slut?”


  “It’s that prick Liam from Cuckold Casting Calls, isn’t it?”

  “Nope again.”

  My eyes went wide as he kept it up. This guy definitely wasn’t very smart, which made me feel like even more of an idiot that I’d fell for his ruse with the paperwork. He proceeded to go through every major site that was his competition, including a lot of sites that Nathan hadn’t mentioned in his own search, and all I had to do was send a “no” reply and he kept right on going. Talk about having market research dropped right in my lap. I started calling off the names to Nathan and his keyboard clicked furiously as he wrote them down and started looking them up.

  So far, so good. Time to twist the knife a little.

  “Look Mike, even if I was talking with any of those guys it’s not like I would tell you. What matters is I’ve got options, and we’re going to have that little auction you were talking about but you’re going to be bidding instead of auctioning.”

  I could feel the frustration coming through the phone as there was another pause. I imagined him staring down at his phone and trying his best not to throw it and ruin the thing or smash it in his hands. I got a great deal of satisfaction imagining him walking around and swearing up a storm as he was outsmarted.

  Sure there was a chance he wasn’t doing any of that stuff, but it was fun to fantasize.

  I turned over my shoulder to where I could still hear Nathan typing furiously at his computer. “How’s it going over there?”

  “Just got a response from those Cuckold Casting Calls guys he was talking about. How do you like this?”

  I walked over and looked over his shoulder. My eyes went wide as I saw the number on the screen. That would be enough to pay for our honeymoon and one hell of a down payment on a house in the neighborhood I’d been looking at. It seemed too good to be true. It seemed way too high. Maybe it was because Nathan had imparted a sense of reality about how much money the porn industry had, but that seemed ridiculous.

  “You’re sure about that? They’re not jerking us around or anything?”

  “I guess something like this where they can verify and sell the show live is a big deal for them,” Nathan said with a shrug. “I think it also helps that they’re in a bidding war with that Mike guy. From the responses I’ve been getting it seems he’s made a few enemies who are willing to throw money around to screw him over.”

  “Interesting,” I said. I picked up my phone and tapped in something that was about twenty percent higher than the number on Nathan’s screen and sent it to Mike. I figured there was no harm in trying to inflate the number just a bit.

  “You’re lying,” he said.

  “He thinks I’m lying,” I told Nathan. “Any way we could convince him?”

  “Hold on a minute,” Nathan said.

  More typing. His eyes moved back and forth across his screen and a smile started on his face. Just the ghost of a smile at first, but after a couple more minutes he was grinning from ear to ear and then actually laughing out loud.

  “Wait for it,” Nathan said when the typing stopped and he looked up at me.

  “Wait for it?”

  My phone buzzed. I pulled it up and glanced at the screen. Another message from Mike the asshole. I swiped and my eyes went wide. Interesting. It looked like Nathan had been at work.

  “I can’t believe you called that asshole Liam! This is going to cost you.”

  I rolled my eyes and shook my head, making a disgusted noise in the process that got Nathan’s attention.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Apparently we got his attention, but he’s still acting like an asshole about it.”

  “Well make him pay for it then,” Nathan said. “It’s the least the prick deserves.”

  So I started tapping in my phone again. Oh yeah, I was good and pissed off now. I didn’t think it would be possible for me to get more pissed off than I already was, but somehow he’d managed to cross that line. He was really going to pay for this now if he wanted to try and stay in the game.

  “I think what that should tell you is who’s in charge here,” I sent. “You’re not in a position to dictate terms. I am. You want me in your video you’re going to have to convince me you’re worth talking to.”

  Damn I felt slimy just knowing he was on the other side of a phone conversation from me. I was tempted to just ask him to meet us at our apartment so Nathan could beat the crap out of him, I figured he could take Mike in a fight, but that would probably just result in a charge for Nathan. Much better to hit this guy where it would really hurt.

  Right in his pocketbook.

  “Fine, fine,” his response came back. “What’s it going to take to get you to talk?”

  I grinned. There was something about the way he’d worded that text that suddenly had a nasty idea popping into my head. What would it take to get me to talk? Well it would be interesting to see just how much money he’d be willing to throw around to get me to “talk.”

  “Nice to know you’re finally coming around Mikey boy, but I’m not sure if I want to talk to you now.”

  “Come on Vanessa. We’re friends. Think of the fun we had!”

  The fun we had. This guy really was a prick. I’d already made it clear I wasn’t happy about him posting the video of that “fun we had” and now he was trying to use that as a selling point? Of course part of the fun of that encounter had been how willing he was to just whip out a thousand dollars, presumably to entice me. I wondered how much he’d be willing to throw out now.

  “You’re right. We did have some fun together. If you were to maybe send over five grand I’d consider talking to you about having some more fun.”

  “Done,” he sent back.

  I blinked. It was that easy? Five grand just like that? I was surprised he was so willing to go to that amount so quickly. I was also starting to think that maybe I’d been a little to low ball in my attempt to extort him out of a lot of money. At the same time it gave me an idea of how much the other guys we were talking to should be willing to pay for a chance at making this video with me.

  “So he just accepted an offer for five grand just to talk to him,” I said. “Makes me think we should be a little more aggressive with some of our other offers.”

  “Only five thousand? I would’ve gone for more than that considering what some of these other guys are offering.”

  “Well I didn’t know that to ask him for more, did I?”

  Still, it was a good amount of money. Especially considering it was specifically five grand just for the privilege of talking. I guess he’d been so fixated on getting me back to the table that he hadn’t been paying attention to the exact wording or he hadn’t thought I would try to screw him over in the same way he screwed me.

  I had a feeling he thought that five grand was for the privilege of being the one to film the video, but he was going to have another thing coming.

  “So when are we going to talk making the video?”

  “We’re going to talk when I have my money and not a moment sooner,” I sent back. “That five grand is just to get me interested in talking to you. It’s not a guarantee we’re making the video with me.”

  “Whatever,” he said. “You can just count that towards what I pay you when you decide to go with me. You’re not going to get that kind of money from anyone else.”

  I looked over to Nathan. “He says we’re not going to be able to do better than the five grand he’s promising.”

  Nathan rolled his eyes and gave me a thumbs up. “Not likely. I’ve already got much better than that. We’re gonna be rolling in the dough with this one.”

  So I sent back one last message. “If I decide to go with you. We’re clear on that.”

  “Right, whatever. We know who you’re going with. ;)”

  “Just send the money. I’ll give you an email you can use to send it to an online wal
let and we’ll go from there.”

  I shot over an email Nathan had created specifically for this. As soon as we had the money I would be willing to talk with him. To talk and tell him there wasn’t a chance in hell I was ever going to go with him.

  “I think everything’s in motion with Mike,” I said. “All we need to do now is wait for the money and then we can talk and I’ll tell him where he can stick the rest of his money.”

  “You sure about that? You were clear it’s just for talking?”

  “Absolutely. Confirmed a couple of times. If he thinks I’m insinuating something else that’s his problem.”

  Mike didn’t send any more messages so I figured that meant the conversation was probably over for now. It was actually a relief to know that the really tough negotiating was over. Or at the very least that most of the tough negotiating was going to be in Nathan’s hands. He had a look of intense concentration on his face and his fingers were moving furiously across the keyboard again.

  I collapsed back on the bed and stared at the ceiling as I listened to Nathan typing. That had taken a lot out of me. I still had trouble believing that we were actually going through with this. We were going to get some revenge on Mike and at the same time we were going to go through with me fucking another guy, and from what Nathan had said it sounded like me fucking another guy was going to be the highlight of our wedding day.

  I suppose I should’ve felt conflicted about that, but to be perfectly honest all I felt was turned on when I thought about it. I think that was partly because there were so many people fighting over the opportunity to be my first, but it was also because I knew that Nathan got so turned on thinking about it. That fed back into me and got me even more revved up and ready to go.

  The only real problem was that I was so horny that I felt the urge to give in and have my way with Nathan now a couple of weeks before our wedding. I was just that hot. It was going to be really fucking hard lasting two weeks thinking about what I was going to be doing on our wedding night, or who I was going to be doing on our wedding night to be more accurate.

  “So how are things going on your end babe?” I asked Nathan.

  “Great. Amazing how much money niche sites who charge fifty bucks a month have to throw around. Who would’ve known they had that much money?”

  I giggled. I wouldn’t have thought any of this was possible even a couple of months ago, but now that we were here I couldn’t wait to see this through to the finish. The revenge and the fantasy fulfillment.

  I loved it when a plan came together.

  17: Down the Aisle

  Organ music. I was expecting it. Hell, I was the one who picked out the pieces. That was one of the few parts of the wedding planning that I’d done entirely on my own because most of the options were from musicians who were well and dead for at least a century and that wasn’t really Vanessa’s area of interest or expertise.

  It was cliched, but that music starting up sent butterflies running through my stomach. Interestingly enough I also immediately had a raging hard on as the doors swung open and Vanessa appeared down at the end of the aisle looking radiant as light streamed in from the windows on either side of the sanctuary illuminating her like a bright white torch standing next to her father.

  Then they started moving and that moment was gone, but it was something I was going to remember for the rest of my life. No matter what happened I would always remember the smile on her face and the way the light seemed to be ushering her into the sanctuary.

  In short, she was more beautiful in that dress than she’d ever been before, though I had a feeling that I was going to continue thinking that before the night was over. Thinking about that didn’t particularly help the engorged situation down below, let me tell you.

  No one ever talked about getting a hard on while you were standing at the front of a church with everyone from your family and your wife to be’s family gathered in front of you. I suppose the only consolation I had in that moment was that everyone’s attention was on Vanessa rather on me so there wasn’t any worry that someone might see my embarrassing scenario.

  Unless one of the bridesmaids was looking, but I figured if one of them was staring at my junk while Vanessa was walking down the aisle we had much bigger problems than the big problem between my legs.

  Well it was a big problem if I did say so myself, at least.


  That wasn’t what was important right now though. No, what was really important was how insanely gorgeous Vanessa looked walking down the aisle towards me. Was how beautiful she looked with her hair done up perfectly and that huge smile on her face. That was a natural smile that said this was the happiest day of her life so far, though hopefully that would eventually be replaced with happier days like having kids and stuff like that.

  But for this one moment with the two of us locking eyes across the church sanctuary everything was perfect. Everything was great. And I still had this goddamn hard on that refused to go away, damn it. Plus it’s not like I could even do anything about it without drawing the sort of public attention that was usually enough to get somebody on a registry of some sort.

  It didn’t help that while I was concentrating on how beautiful she looked in that dress I was also thinking about other things she’d be doing in that dress later this evening. Other things that would definitely shock everyone at this ceremony if they knew what we had planned.

  I winced as I thought about that. I really hoped that no one in this room ever found out. I’d heard of people doing porn and being discovered and humiliated, and the sort of thing we were going to do tonight while she was still in that wedding dress would be even more humiliating than usual if word got out.

  All I could do was hope that nobody figured it out. Sure there were people who’d had trouble because they did porn, but I figured the Internet was a big place. There were a lot of videos out there these days. I could only hope that we’d be the proverbial needle in a porn haystack and even someone enterprising like Jeremy wouldn’t be able to track the video down.

  Not that I figured I had much to worry about even if Jeremy did track the video down. Just a week ago he’d shown up at my job which pissed me off and gave me an SD card that he claimed had all the pictures he’d ever taken of Vanessa. He’d stressed that he didn’t want any trouble and I marveled at the transformation he’d undergone. Going from sniffing around Vanessa whenever he could to being afraid of even having pictures of her.

  Hey, I’d take it. I had a feeling he knew what would happen if word ever got out. I wasn’t a violent man, but I’d made it absolutely clear I’d be happy to make an exception for him.

  I shouldn’t be focusing on Jeremy right now though. For one thing focusing on him was giving him power. It was a reminder of what an asshole he’d been and it just made me angry every time I thought about him and how I hadn’t been able to get rid of him. How he was like a barnacle on our relationship for so long.

  For another it was just adding to the turn on thinking of why he’d been a barnacle on our relationship for so long. Thinking about how he’d been so hot for Vanessa was feeding into the raw sexual energy that was already pulsing through me as I thought about what my beautiful blushing bride in white was going to be doing later tonight.

  Better not to think about that any more than I had to. I was already having enough trouble with my hard on and worrying that it was going to be revealed in front of all of our friends and family.

  A little more than halfway there. Either the organist was going slow on purpose or time seemed to be stretching out. I could see people staring and oohing and aahing out of my peripheral vision, but I only had eyes for her. God she was gorgeous.

  The dress got me thinking about tonight again. I hoped we’d be able to make it to the hotel out by the airport in time. I figured I was building in plenty of time to get out there, but now that I’d seen the timescale that things actually went on at a wedding I was starting to wonder. Even before the wedding
it felt like everyone and their mother, quite literally in some cases since this was a family affair, had stopped to offer me congratulations or advice. If that kept up then we were going to have trouble getting away from the reception in time.

  I also wondered about the other part of the plan. The part where we made it clear just how unhappy we were with that asshole Mike by giving him the shaft. By showing him that he wasn’t the only one who could take some legalese and fuck someone over with it, though I suppose in this case he wouldn’t be getting to fuck anybody if everything went to plan.

  Still, it seemed dangerous. As we got closer to the moment of inevitable confrontation I was getting more nervous. It would’ve been safer to just take the five grand he’d sent us, five grand that was helping in part to pay for our honeymoon and also going into the pool of money we were keeping from the pay-per-view extravaganza.

  Only that wouldn’t be satisfying enough. No, I wanted to see the look on his face when he realized he’d been screwed over. I wanted to Vanessa to see the look on his face considering she was the one who’d really been screwed over. It was going to be so satisfying.

  But dangerous at the same time. Even if Liam, the guy who gave us an assist while we were negotiating and the man we ultimately went with after he made us an offer we couldn’t refuse. An offer that was going to set us up quite nicely, thank you very much.

  I still wondered if I could’ve gotten more money, but ultimately Liam had been the nicest and most considerate on top of offering us a pile of money that I never would’ve expected given the conventional wisdom about how little cash the porn industry had to throw around these days. Turns out niche sites had a lot more to throw around for the right scenario, and I think the bids we were getting also had more than a little with an entire cottage industry of niche porn sites wanting to screw this Mike guy over.

  I hadn’t been joking when I told Vanessa he seemed like a guy who’d made a lot of enemies. Which was just fine with me if it got us more money.

  I came back to reality again and Vanessa was right there. Her dad was kissing her on the cheek and then she was moving up the steps to stand in front of me with the pastor off to the side. I wondered what the pastor, a man she’d known her entire life, would think if he knew what a member of his flock was going to be doing later tonight. No sooner were we going to be making some vows than we were going to be breaking them in a hell of a way.


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