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What Goes Up

Page 3

by Celia Kyle

  She blushed, and the perfect hint of red crept up her neck and bloomed in her cheeks. “Well…Marlon understood the same thing my granny did. What goes up must come down and that’s all I’m saying about that.” She winked at him, the little minx, and he decided that it didn’t matter how she’d done it all. What mattered was that she had.

  “Love you, Ash.”

  “Love you too, Trev. But don’t think the night’s over. It’s just begun and I have a whole list of things I can’t wait to do to you. Now, take me home.”

  Trevor’s hand froze as he reached for the ignition, key in hand. “What? I thought…”

  Ashley patted his arm. “You don’t get to think just yet. Just take me home, Trev. You won’t be sorry.”

  Chapter Two


  Evans. Ashley Evans. Double-O, eat your heart out.

  She’d done it. Fucking jump up, twist and shout, she’d done it. Trevor was hers. Now and forever, just as soon as he plunked down cash for a ring and said the words. True, she had a few more hoops to lead him through; no sense in calling a halt to the night’s festivities and cueing “We Are the Champions” on her stereo just yet. Not with Richard waiting at her home for them.

  Richard. A smile teased her lips and she turned her attention to the passing scenery. Since she wasn’t inclined to talk for fear of losing her “I’m the boss” image, she remained quiet and thought back to the last time Richard had been at her home…waiting for her, them. Of course, her memories of that night actually started earlier in the day…

  * * *

  Two months ago…

  Ashley’s world had come to a bone-jarring, heart-stopping halt because of an e-mail. Not just any e-mail. No. This particular message came from one person directly to her with a subject only she could understand.

  Eye of the Tiger.

  She resisted the urge to jump from her seat with a loud whoop and run down the hall to the sender’s office. That would cause the type of stir he’d been harping about since the whisperings of his possible promotion began. He kept telling her he didn’t want to count chickens before they hatched, and she was sure he’d get the promotion. He deserved it. No. She wasn’t going to go there. Instead, she gripped her hands together in her lap and did her own happy dance in her chair.

  Wiggle to the left, wiggle to the right, uh huh, wiggle to the left, wiggle to the right…

  She was so lost in her own little world of tiny booty shakes that she didn’t notice Trevor until he cleared his throat and stepped into her office. “Miss Evans, am I interrupting?”

  She stopped mid-shake and swung her gaze to him, heat burning her cheeks.

  Even after five years of working with him, Trevor’s appearance still caught her off guard, his chestnut hair, sparkling blue eyes, and dimpled smile making her breath catch. And she hadn’t even gotten to his body. An ex-football player, he kept up the workout regime from his youth and his muscled body showed it. A pressed, finely made dress shirt encased wide shoulders, and his expansive chest tapered to a trim waist, washboard stomach, and narrow hips which led to his heavily muscled and powerful thighs. All muscle, from head to foot, Trevor was a great big, walking, talking bit of yum. The best part? He didn’t seem to have a clue about his appeal and still saw himself as a geeky teenager tripping over his own two feet.

  She swallowed hard, praying for the lump in her throat disappear. “No, not at all, Mr. Baxter.” She cleared her throat. “Can I help you with something?”

  Being Garrison Corp’s development controller, she and Trevor occasionally worked together. She headed up the development division’s accounting group while Trevor headed up the construction division’s. Both of them held the title of controller, meaning they controlled every penny, nickel, and dime that went in or out in their respective divisions. He held a stack of papers in his hand, and she assumed he wanted to discuss the upcoming Raleigh, North Carolina project. At least, that’s what he probably wanted everyone else to think.

  He closed the door with a soft click then sat in the chair across from her and spread out the papers he’d been holding on her desk. He leaned over the papers, and she did the same. He pointed to a million dollar figure and his cologne teased her nose. It was her new favorite scent, Pleasures for men.

  She focused on what he was showing her and resisted the urge to wiggle in her seat. Her pussy throbbed. Trevor’s presence always did that to her. His smile, those dimples, the sound of his voice always got her motor running.

  He shuffled a few pages and laid another one in front of her, pointing to some other hundred thousand dollar number and she furrowed her brow, confused. Everything they worked with was in the millions. Nothing, not even the cost of doorknobs came in hundreds of thousands. Did that mean his salary…“Trevor… What—?”

  His deep baritone cut her off, singing the lyrics to “Eye of the Tiger,” which both of them knew by heart due to watching Rocky way too many times on a Friday night.

  She swallowed past the lump in her throat. Again. And whispered, “Seriously?”

  Her gaze met his and he nodded.


  “Yup.” He smiled, dimples and all, like the smug bastard he deserved to be.

  “Starting when?” she whispered. There was no reason to whisper with the door closed, but she still couldn’t wrap her head around the thought of Trevor being promoted. Her Trevor was now the Chief Financial Officer of Garrison Corporation, and his paycheck now had more zeros than she could have imagined.

  He shuffled the papers again, probably to make it seem like they were working. Since they’d begun dating six months before, they’d both agreed that keeping their personal relationship private was for the best. Even though they worked as equals, Trevor worried about talk circulating the office, and she reluctantly had bowed to his wishes. More than once she’d wanted to set the record straight when one of the other women in the office stared at his ass a little too long, but she kept her mouth shut.

  Trevor pointed to another area on the piece of paper. Replacement. This is how it was with Trevor in the office. He somehow imagined that everyone was listening, watching, and waiting for them to slip up and reveal their relationship. They weren’t doing anything wrong by being together. The company handbook didn’t prohibit intercompany relationships, but he still wanted to keep it a secret. He didn’t want anything to stand in his way when it came to his career.

  Secretly, she had worried about what this promotion would mean to them. Now, he truly held a position of power over her in the boardroom and not just in the bedroom any longer. Ever since talk of his promotion began circulating, they’d managed to skirt the issue, but now it was staring them square in the eyes.

  “Wow. How long do you think that’ll take?”

  Trevor sorted the papers and grabbed one before he leaned back into his chair, pretending to read it. He shrugged. “I don’t know. We’re debating on promoting from within or looking outside the company. There’s talk that Eric will take my place. For now, I told them I’d think about their offer. I’m taking the rest of the day to think it over.”

  Ashley slumped back into her chair, mouth hanging open. “Think it over. What’s there to think about, Trev? I mean, this is what you’ve been working toward—”

  “I’m worried about what it’ll mean to us, Ash.”

  She snapped her mouth closed. “It won’t mean a damn thing because we won’t let it. Period.” She reached for the other papers he’d left strewn across her desk and straightened them. “Our relationship is just that, Trevor, ours.”

  “But there could be talk and one of us might have to…”

  “Sue the company for wrongful termination?” She raised her eyebrows and snorted. “Ha, Garrison is old, not stupid. You worry too much, Trev. Nothing’s going to change. This isn’t an either or situation. Now, how are we celebrating?”

  Ashley was sure the change of topic wasn’t lost on Trevor, but for once he let her lead. The grin she fell
in love with appeared in no time, and she didn’t miss the sparkle in his eyes. And it was all for her. She still couldn’t wrap her head around the fact that the man across from her adored her like no other, but he did. Thunder thighs, big ass, wide hips, and all, he really did care for her. Hell, if she wasn’t so insecure, she’d think he loved her.

  She readily admitted to herself, and only herself, that their relationship wasn’t normal by today’s standards, but it was hers. Lock, stock, and flogger, they had each other, and everywhere but work Trevor was in charge.

  Trevor rose from the chair in one fluid movement and gathered the papers strewn across her desk. “We still have a lot to talk about—”

  “There’s nothing to talk about. This changes nothing, Trevor.” She covered one of his hands with her own. “Nothing.”

  He nodded, but she still saw the hesitation in his eyes. A wariness she’d never seen crept into his face, and worry gnawed at her belly. “We’re celebrating at your place tonight. I’ll handle everything; you just need to come home and be beautiful.” He strode toward the door and looked back to issue one final order. “You’ll be home by six, no earlier, no later. Understood?”

  Her answer was immediate, as was the moisture flooding her pussy and soaking through her panties when he took that tone. “Yes, sir.”

  Five-thirty didn’t come soon enough for Ashley. She’d tried to keep herself busy with reviewing different proposals and projects, but thoughts of the night to come plagued her. She didn’t doubt for a second the cuffs would be out when she came home, but what else did Trevor have planned?

  She brushed the thoughts aside as she pulled into her driveway and cut the engine on her car. Butterflies took up residence in her belly, and her pussy felt heavy, achy. Twin emotions of anticipation and fear coursed through her, and she took a deep, calming breath and begged her heart to slow. Nothing that would happen in her home with Trevor would be harmful, but she couldn’t help being a bit wary and excited at the same time. In six short months, Trevor had burrowed into her heart and camped out. As her Dom, he’d pushed her to her limits, strained her boundaries, and even crossed a few when he sensed that they were in place due to fear of the unknown.

  Would he be pushing limits tonight? Or would it be an evening of pleasure? Part of her craved the pain and his wicked sharp tongue, while the other relished his gentle touches and sweet murmured words. Unwilling to delay the inevitable any longer, she grabbed her briefcase and opened the car door. It was a few short steps from the driveway to the front door. She tried the knob, and when it turned easily she stepped through the doorway, realizing her error a second too late.

  Strong hands gripped her arms from behind and pushed her through the entryway and to the living room. She was bent over the couch before she could utter a word of protest, and a heavy breath panted in her ear. “What was the order, princess?” Deep, growling. The hard body molded to her ass and back, keeping her pinned to the back of the couch.

  “Six, not before, not after, sir.” She whimpered in need and fear. She’d already earned a punishment, and while her mind screamed no, her pussy couldn’t wait to feel his lash on her back and ass.

  Trevor’s hands stroked her sides and then skimmed her arms before knotting in her hair to pull her head up and back. “And what time is it now, princess?”

  She gasped and winced against the stinging pain in her scalp. Her eyes searched the room, looking for the clock that was no longer there. Bastard. He always did this. Always anticipated her mistakes and seemed to stack the cards against her so she’d earn another punishment. Good thing she loved the man.

  One of his hands left her hair and reached around her to cup her breast. He kneaded and squeezed the flesh. Fingers finding her hardened nipple with ease, he pinched through her blouse and bra. She arched into his hand and shrunk away at the same time. She both craved and hated the pain and pleasure Trevor could cause. “Well, what time is it? I won’t ask again,” he all but growled in her ear.

  Her watch. The one on her wrist. Fuck. Sometimes she really was a lust-crazed idiot. She brought her wrist into her line of sight and glanced at the hands marking the time. “Five fifty-eight, sir.”

  He gripped her nipple tighter, twisting as he pinched. Trevor’s erection seared her ass, sliding between her cheeks, and she wished he’d just order her to strip already. The musk of leather mixed with Trevor’s cologne surrounded her, shrouded her in his scent. The warmth of his bare chest seeped through her blouse, and a chill raced up her spine. Already he was prepared for the night to come.

  She knew what she’d see if he released her. Bare-chested, his lightly tanned skin would glow in the low lighting of her living room. A dusting of hair would circle his pecs before forming a straight line beneath the leather pants that she knew he loved to wear when they played together because of the way the material melted and molded to the his body and truly became a second skin. He’d be barefoot, comfortable enough in her home to wear his pants and nothing more.

  He rubbed his cock against her ass once again before releasing her breast. “And you’ve already earned your first punishment, haven’t you? Such a disappointment, princess.”

  Princess. She hated that nickname, which had only served to make him use it whenever they enjoyed these sessions. Bitch, slut, whore. She could tolerate anything but princess. To a woman who’d worked damned hard for everything in her life, being called a princess was galling. And he loved it.

  He slid his hand over her stomach to the juncture of her thighs and pressed with the heel of his hand. She arched and moaned in response, the slight pressure sending tremors of pure pleasure zinging along every nerve. “Please…”

  Trevor’s forceful tone and deep murmurs against her ear as his hand played her body aroused her like nothing before. Her pussy throbbed with the need to be filled, fucked. The moisture gathering in her folds soaked through the silk of her panties and coated her inner thighs. She knew what he’d find if he delved beneath the fabric under his palm.

  He pressed harder, fingers curling against the fabric of her skirt. “Please? What are you begging for?” He scraped his teeth along her neck and she shivered. “Tell me.”

  “Fuck me, let me come, please.”

  Trevor rubbed small circles above her pussy, and her knees folded beneath her. So close. A few harsh words and twinges of pain and she was ready to come all over his hand if he’d let her.

  “I believe you left something out, princess.”

  She cringed. “Sir. Fuck me, let me come, please, sir.”

  She looked over her shoulder and forced a sweet smile she prayed was alluring and tempting at the same time. It didn’t work.

  Just as quickly as he’d pinned her to the couch, he released her and took a step back. Ashley was thankful for the support the furniture provided since her knees weren’t quite ready to bear her weight just yet. Anger and arousal warred within her, and just as soon as she could stand, she whirled on Trevor with a growl. Bastard. She nearly said it, but the promise of what was to come kept her in check.

  “Not quite yet, but maybe if you play nice for the next little while you’ll get more than you bargained for, baby. Now, go on into the bedroom and get ready for me.” His smile didn’t quite reach his eyes, but she pushed the thought aside. Sometimes, when he was really going to push her, he worried at the same time.

  He’d told her once that the evil sadist within fought with the Southern gentleman his momma taught him to be. She’d assured him that her masochist appreciated that, but could he hit her just a few more times with the cane before the gentleman made himself known again?

  They’d dissolved into laughter, and the next time they’d actually planned a scene, he’d shown up in an old nineteen twenties suit and called her ma’am with every swat of her bottom as he gave her an over the knee spanking. Yeah, their sex life wasn’t the norm, but they embraced each other’s quirks, and even though she’d never said it, she really did love him. From her head to her toe
s, no bullshit, love. This is why she didn’t hesitate to skirt around him toward the hall. Of course, no order was complete without a quick swat to her ass, which Trevor delivered with well-practiced precision.

  Ashley released a high-pitched squeak and hurried toward her bedroom. One step over the threshold and she froze. Ho-ly shit. She couldn’t really get past that thought for a good minute. Maybe even five. Her room had been turned into an impromptu dungeon. Floggers, canes, and whips lined almost every available surface. Those spaces that didn’t hold something that would cause her the best kind of pain held items that would give her immense pleasure. Dildos, vibrators, butt plugs, and lube. Whoa.

  Trevor had obviously been planning this for a long time. He’d gathered both of their toy collections into one room. She took a halting step toward the bed and froze again.

  A letter. A note actually, waited for her there. Printed on fine vellum, it outlined her orders for the next few minutes in what seemed to be as few words as possible. That was Trevor for her.

  Use the bathroom.

  Lose the clothes.


  Kneel on the bed.

  Using the bathroom before a scene with Trevor was a given and what he’d left off the list was an enema, but bathroom was their code word for the icky task. Naked was another given, but they’d never really done the blindfold thing. Her fear of the dark had always been a deterrent. Guess the Southern gentleman was out for the evening.

  Ashley did as instructed. She relieved herself in the bathroom quickly, took care to make sure she was all “cleaned out,” and shed her clothes before she approached the bed again. The blindfold was folded on the end table, and she eyed it warily.

  Her heart rate kicked up a notch the moment she touched the soft silk. A knot formed in her throat and she pushed it down. She could do this, would do this, for Trevor. Only for Trevor. They’d shared fantasies before and one of his greatest desires was to have her blind and bound for his pleasure…and hers. Right now, she doubted the whole pleasure angle of not being able to see. A lot. But at least he wasn’t asking to bind her at the moment.


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