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Secrets From the Grave

Page 23

by B. L. Brunnemer

  She smiled an embarrassed smile and looked down at the worktable. “Thanks.” Her cheeks turned pink.

  Asher straightened to his full height and shot me a look. What the hell did I do?

  “Let’s get started,” I said. This was definitely the distraction I needed.


  Deep breath in then out. In. Out. The door hadn’t opened in hours. People were out there, they were looking everywhere. My gut knotted as my left foot continued twitching. It had been twitching all day. I had just thought Ethan’s back was hurting so I ignored it. But now I knew what it was. Someone was torturing my brother. And the last thing I said to him was…. I swallowed back bile. I was so stupid. We were fighting just to fight. If I never get to apologize, if I never see him again… Guilt burned a hole in my chest, regret a burning ball in my throat.

  I leaned forward, braced my elbows on my knees and held my head in my hands. Breathe in, breathe out. My foot twitched hard, cramping. I gritted my teeth and breathed through it. Ethan… stay alive. Please... My eyes burned. Breathe in, breathe out.


  Lexie was paler than usual. Her jaw was clenched, her fingers clung to Ethan’s shirt. She was scared, yeah. But it was her eyes that told me she was just biding her time. Her eyes were focused on the door, she was oddly calm.

  It was Isaac who was unraveling. His fingers dug into his scalp, he was struggling to take deep breaths.

  Lexie kept her eyes on the door as she let go of Ethan’s shirt to reach over and put her hand on his back. She ran it up and down, comforting him. All the while, she was still watching the door. Asher came out of the Alchemy lab and handed me a small clockwork generator. “It's a belt clip, but keep it against your skin.”

  I grunted a response and slipped the clip onto the waistband of my jeans.

  “How are you doing?” Asher asked.

  I didn’t answer. If I started yelling, I wasn’t going to stop until we got Ethan back or I killed whoever was hurting him. The rage was eating me alive making it hard to stay in one place. We couldn’t lose him…

  The night passed at a snail's pace. No one spoke, no one even moved from our spots. We just waited.

  The conference door opened. Willow and Bella came out and made their way to us. I pushed away from the wall and joined the others.

  “I’m sorry, my people haven’t found him yet,” Willow said.

  “Neither did we,” Bella announced. “We found his scent from the hotel to three blocks away and then it disappeared. I have shifters going through the city street by street until he’s found. But it’s going to take time.”

  “The vampires?” Lexie asked.

  Willow shook her head. “They’ve managed a quarter of the city street by street but the sun’s up. They have to lay low until sunset.”

  Lexie just gave her that dead eyed stare. “Is there another group going out?”

  Willow sighed. “Yes, we’ve pulled in more people to search.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Fuck this,” Isaac growled as he surged to his feet and ran toward the door.

  I ran after him, and I wasn’t alone. Miles and Asher were a step behind me. Miles eventually passed me on the stairs and out onto the main floor of the distribution center. Asher hit the doors before I did. Miles grabbed Isaac, forcing him to stop. Isaac turned and swung at Miles. He slipped past Isaac and positioned himself out of reach but still not letting him pass. Asher grabbed his arm and tried to put it in a lock. Isaac cursed and slipped out of it, knocking Asher to the ground. I grabbed him by the back of the shirt and dragged him toward me. He stumbled, I moved my arm around his neck and put him in a headlock. He cursed, hit me, punched me. I winced as he landed a blow to my kidneys, thankfully it didn’t have too much power behind it.

  “Isaac, stop.” Lexie’s voice was hard and sharp from behind me. Isaac stopped fighting me and went still. I took a chance on letting him go. Isaac straightened and moved away from me.

  “I can’t just sit here,” Isaac bit out as he turned back to her.

  Lexie stepped beside me to fill in the circle. “We won’t.”

  Miles’s gaze went to her. “Do you have a plan?”

  Her face was blank when she said. “We’re going fishing.”

  I looked down at her as she looked up at me. Our eyes met and held. Fishing…

  She turned back to the others. “They want me. So, let’s make them think they can get me.”

  “You want to use yourself as bait?” Miles surmised.

  “Yes,” she said in that dead voice. “I’ll walk around town seemingly alone. And when one of them starts following, I lead them into an alley or dead end.”

  “And we jump in.” Isaac finished for her.

  She nodded. I thought it over. It was a good plan, it would work. But the danger to her… I didn’t like it. But Ethan was being tortured, and Lexie had improved immensely at hand to hand… My eyes met hers, asking silently if she could handle this. Being followed, possibly being attacked… Did she understand the risk of a flashback? The risk that she’d be putting herself at?

  Her eyes were determined when she gave me a slight nod. She was confident about it. Lexie wasn’t one to overestimate her hand to hand skills, in fact she usually underestimated herself. If she didn’t think she could handle it, she wouldn’t suggest it.

  Isaac scoffed. “Like Zeke would ever let her play bait.”

  “I’m in,” I announced. The guys gaped at me. The fact was that we had no leads. No clue where Ethan was being held. And they were torturing him. The longer it took us to get him back, the worse the damage would be. Lexie was smart. She said she could do it; I needed to trust her. Her plan scared the hell out of me and made me want to beat the shit out of someone but it was the best one we had.

  “Did he just agree?” Isaac asked, dumbfounded.

  “He did.” Asher blinked.

  “Then let's get moving, we’re wasting time,” she snapped.

  Chapter 15

  July 16th, Monday, Late Afternoon

  I walked around town most of the day. All we caught so far were two wanna be muggers, a pickpocket and one couple looking for a museum. It was frustrating. Everyone was on edge but no one even considered the idea of quitting. It was around six when we got a promising nibble.

  I had just put a silk scarf back on its hanger when I noticed a man in his forties watching me about ten feet away. Nothing really stood out about him. He wore jeans, and a brown t-shirt. But he was watching me and not looking at the postcards in his hands. Creeper or council?

  I was betting council. Testing my theory, I walked away from the storefront and made my way down the sidewalk. I only went down two stores before stopping again. I watched the sidewalk out of the corner of my eye as I pretended to check out souvenir key chains. He didn’t pass. Then again, he might not have followed either. I pulled my phone out and brought up the group text.

  Alexis: Think I got one. Anyone?

  Cookie Monster: Jeans and brown shirt, you got one.

  Tough Guy: Make your way toward the alley.

  Nemo: Slowly, as if you’re really shopping.

  Ash: But don’t let him get too close.

  Alexis: Meet you there.

  Tough Guy: Isaac, stay on her.

  Cookie Monster: No shit.

  I tucked my phone away and made a point to buy a key chain with a little red crawfish on it.

  I started back down the street, trusting that Isaac was still blending in with his hat. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up. My follower was watching me again. I made a point to act normal as I stepped off the sidewalk and crossed the street. When I reached the other side, I made a point not to notice Asher shopping at another store. Halfway down the block, I got a text.

  Cookie Monster: Go faster.

  Tucking my phone away, I focused on listening behind me as I stepped off the sidewalk and started down the alley where Miles and Zeke were already waiting around a corner. I headed down t
he alley as if I didn’t have a care in the world. Footsteps followed. Heart pounding, I grinned as I passed the boys. There was a yelp behind me. I turned. Zeke had the man against the brick wall by his throat. The guy’s face was white as Isaac and Asher hurried down the alley to join us.

  “We would be immensely grateful if you’d tell us where our friend Ethan is being held?” Miles asked politely.

  The warlock’s eyes flashed to Miles then back to Zeke. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I-I-I was just walking.”

  I eyed him. Then stepped up beside Zeke. His brown eyes flashed to me and stayed there. Recognition lit in his eyes. “You know who I am. And you know what I can do. Tell me where he is, or Zeke will let go and you’ll be mine to deal with.”

  “You don’t scare me, little girl,” he hissed.

  “Zeke, back up,” I told him without taking my eyes off the man. Zeke’s hand dropped from his throat and backed up a step. I moved closer. “Wrong answer.” That rage that I was barely holding back burst to the surface and filled my chest. My golden ribbon appeared and wrapped around him. His eyes grew wide. I dropped.

  We landed in the Veil, only this time I landed on my feet. He was gasping as I pulled him to me using that ribbon to control him.

  “What… where am I?” His face turned snow white.

  “This is the Veil,” I announced, getting his attention. I stepped toward him, using my will to lift him into the air. He tried to struggle but it was pointless. I gestured to the sky. “You see, that is the Way. That’s where you move on after death.” I walked through the flowers, pulling him with me like some macabre balloon to the edge of the abyss. “And that, is the pit. That’s where you go to be unmade.” I focused, and brought him down so his feet could touch the sandy rock.

  His knees buckled, he dropped to the dirt. “Am-am I dead?”

  I grinned down at him. “No. But all I have to do is let go of you and you will be.” I loosened the ribbon around him. Horror filled his eyes. “Now, where is Ethan?”

  The man swallowed hard. “I-I-I don’t know but…” He took a deep breath. “Um, there’s a group out in the old abandoned amusement park. They’ve been there a day or so, that’s the only place I know of.” He held up his hands. “Please, please let me go home,” he pleaded.

  My stomach rolled, I hated this but it was this or lose Ethan. And I wasn’t about to lose anyone I loved. I closed my eyes and pulled us out.

  I opened my eyes in the alley. I let him go slowly. He dropped to his knees, a wet stain began to move down his leg. I held his gaze as he tried to get his breath back. “Tell your friends exactly how far I’m willing to go for my family. Make it very clear.”

  He nodded.

  I lifted my gaze to the guys. Isaac was bouncing on his toes, Miles watched me with a curious expression, Asher seemed worried while Zeke… well, he was Zeke. “The abandoned amusement park.” We left the warlock in the alley, pissed pants and all. We just needed back up.

  * * *

  Willow didn’t approve of my method of getting Ethan’s location. Apparently, leaving a grown man pissing himself in fear wasn’t an approved interrogation tactic. I didn’t give a fuck, which I had shouted rather loudly at her while she lectured. I vaguely recall telling her to stop lecturing and get people out there to get Ethan or I’d walk out the door myself. Since the witch had basically just grounded me in front of everyone, she hustled to move her people.

  Now, we were waiting in the common room. Again. It had been an hour and there still wasn’t any news. I paced in the common room, trying to breathe through the anvil in my chest. No news, not a word. If it wasn’t for the rather large shifter bikers standing in front of the door I would have been gone long ago.

  Shouts echoed on the other side of the door. We rushed toward the door. One of the shifters met us and kept us back while the other opened the door. Ink and Diesel strode into the common room with a stretcher between them. Ethan’s sweaty mess of black hair caught my eye. I moved toward him; the shapeshifter in front of me stopped me again, this time grabbing my arm. The guys followed Ink and Diesel into the makeshift hospital. I fought to break free.

  “Let me go,” I growled. The biker didn’t care, he pulled me back to him and dug his shoulder into my gut. I was suddenly upside down and spitting mad. “Put me the fuck down!” I tried driving my elbow back into his head but he only hooked his arm behind my knees and dangled me off his back.

  “Calm down, firecracker,” he said. “They’re going to strip him down and get him in a gown first.”

  “Put me down, or I’ll yank your soul from your body,” I snarled.

  “Go ahead, my missus will have an issue with you afterward,” he countered.

  Bella finally walked in, eyed me only to sigh. “Lloyd, you better put her ass down before one of those boys see that you have her over your shoulder.”

  “They’re human,” he countered.

  She nodded. “And if you even scratch one of them, she will do what she said she would.”


  “Put. Her. Down.” Bella ordered.

  “You’re lucky Ink’s my boss,” Lloyd muttered as he set me back on my feet but kept hold of my arm so I couldn’t get anywhere.

  “Oh, sweetie,” she said in a sarcastically sweet tone. “That makes me yours.”

  Lloyd thought about it and nodded. “Alright, you got a point. But I’m not letting her go until we get the all clear that he’s dressed.” Shouting came from the open door, and frantic beeping. I needed to get in there.

  I rolled my eyes and scoffed. “Oh, protect my non-virginal eyes.”

  “She’s a Necro, not a tiger shifter,” Bella pointed out. “She isn’t nearly as modest as you lot.”

  Lloyd finally gave up and let me go. I ignored them as I rushed to the clinic area.

  Asher met me at the door, his hands grabbing my arms, stopping me from going in. “Ally, slow down. They’re checking him over now.”

  “I’m going in.”

  “Ally, let them get him stable!”

  I stopped fighting him as I looked up and met his eyes. “He’s not stable?”

  He shook his head. “He coded as soon as they got him in the clinic.” Agony exploded in my chest, my legs became jelly. Asher slowly lowered me to the floor, staying with me. He was still talking but I couldn’t hear past the blood rushing in my ears. My lungs stopped working. Ethan… Ethan, gone…. No, no, no… Asher’s mouth was moving but I couldn’t hear. The white-hot pain grew hotter making my lungs and chest tighter with every heartbeat. I was barely holding on to control by my fingertips. Any second I was going to explode and shatter into a billion pieces.


  I stepped through the door to find Asher and Lexie on the floor, his hands wrapped around her arms. He called to her but she wasn’t hearing him. Her eyes were unfocused, her breathing ragged and shallow.

  “What happened?” I snapped as I knelt down beside them, lifting her chin so I could see her eyes. Agony stared back, sightless.

  “I told her he coded.” Asher pulled her to his chest and held her close.

  I shot him a look before holding her cheek in my hand. Tears fell down her face and rolled over my fingers. “Lexie. Ethan is alive.”

  “She can’t seem to hear us,” Asher said, his voice strained as Lexie gave him her weight.

  “Damn it.” I focused on growing calm, I took several deep breaths and let them out slowly. When I found my calm, then and only then did I open my eyes. “Lexie, Ethan is alright. Ethan is safe,” I said in that silky-smooth voice that seemed to relax her.

  She blinked, tears falling faster.

  “His heart is beating, Ally girl,” Asher whispered against her hair.

  She took a deep body shuddering breath. Then another, and another. The tightness in my chest eased as she began to shake. I dropped my hand from her cheek to her hands. She was cold. Shock. I squeezed her fingers as I reached down with my other hand and touched the
skin at her mid-thigh.

  “Miles.” Asher’s voice was almost a slap.

  “She’s cold and most likely in mild shock,” I informed him. Letting her go, I got to my feet and ran to our bags that we had left near the chairs. I tore into them, cursing Asher every step of the way. Lexie liked to wear our clothes when she was upset and she didn’t have her set here.

  I pulled my emergency hoodie out of my bag, threw the bag aside to grab another. I tore open the new bag and pulled out one of Zeke’s shirts. Then I moved on to the next bag. And the next. Pajama bottoms from Asher, Zeke’s shirt, my hoodie, what else? I found the twins bags, jerked open the zippers, and snagged a sock from each of them. That should work. Right?

  I hurried back, set the clothes down and started to put her hands through Zeke’s shirt.

  “We’re not stripping her down out here,” Asher bristled as he looked at the clothes.

  I fought not to curse at him. “Obviously, we’re putting them on over her clothes.” I slipped the shirt over her head and tugged it down to her waist over her tank top.

  Asher got his pajama bottoms, took off her sandals and slipped them up her legs. Lexie’s hands trembled as she realized what we were doing in time to help shift her weight to get the pants up past her butt. She tied the drawstring herself before crossing her arms over her stomach. I picked up the hoodie and slipped her arms in. She wrapped it around herself and leaned back against my chest while her legs stayed hooked over Asher’s thigh. Asher finished pulling on the mismatched pair of socks. I ran my hands over her arms, hoping to warm her up quicker.

  It wasn’t long before she snapped back. “Can we go in yet?”

  I shared a look with Asher.

  “I’ll go check.” Asher shifted her further into my lap before getting up and going through the glass sliding doors.

  She looked up at me with wide eyes. “His heart is beating?”


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