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Vantage Point (The Point Series Book 2)

Page 4

by Georgia Hamilton

  He slips past me and pops the food and some plates into the oven.

  I haven’t moved but I need to. My head hurts, and I am confused by the sinking feeling I now have.

  “Just going to freshen up” My back is to him before he can answer.

  He shouts after me “Not a problem, you’ve got a few minutes – grab anything you need”

  As I walk to the bathroom, his bedroom door is open, I walk to his dressing room and grab (steal) a t shirt from one of the hundreds he has neatly folded. I opt to use the En Suite instead, it makes me weak how beautiful his apartment is. The En Suite is beautifully tiled in extra-large grey ceramic tiles are laid landscape throughout the enormous space; The floor is a darker shade of grey, his sink and toilet are also dark grey (According to my brother Alex, Guy would have paid through the nose for them) The shower/ steam room is around a half corner. The first time I used it, I think I was in there for an hour. Today however I take a quick shower. I throw my hair into a knot at the back of my head and dry off. Slipping on his t-shirt which although big for me, it would be indecent to be seen in public with it on. If he thought he had the upper hand, I am about to bring him down a peg a two.

  The other thing about his bathroom is it’s something out of Selfridges. He has a cream, shave balm, lotion and shower gel in every Kiehls, Tom Ford and Creed range.

  I have already destroyed his grapefruit shower gel so it’s only right to avoid the Nivea and head straight for the Crème de Corps. If we hadn’t just had mind blowing sex, I may have thought Guy was in the closet, because no heterosexual man I have ever met has as much product as this.

  “Leilani! Are you coming? I am taking it out.”

  I snigger like Joey in Friends “Be right out” I finish up and checkout my reflection.

  I know I feel good, but I also look good. Happy. My eyes are always the ‘tell’ my dad says. The happier I am, the bluer they are. They are solid aqua in my reflection. That alone makes me smile.

  I fold my leggings and jumper, throwing them into my bag as I head back into the kitchen.

  Guy has got his back to me and it’s a sight for sore eyes.

  He really is sculpted. His hair is short at the back and still a little wet. It looks more brown than dirty blonde. There is only a hint of his tattoo from here and his joggers are hung low. Held up by nothing but a whisper and an amazing butt.

  “Do you need a hand?”

  I push myself up on the worktop, so I am sitting beside the oven.

  Guy takes me in, from the tip of my toe right up to the juncture of my thighs that are barely covered by his t shirt. He bites his lip and narrows his eyes to the smallest of slits.

  “No, I don’t need a hand. I need you to get up of the side and sit at the table please. I need somewhere to rest the plates”

  I shimmy down ensuring that the t shirt stays stuck to the worktop. He hasn’t taken his eyes off me. In order to get off the worktop, I have to part my legs just a little. Guy is on me in a second. His hands run up my thighs and hold me in place. Circling with his thumbs, he applies enough pressure to keep me still.

  “If you want me again Leilani – all you have to do is ask”

  Instead of letting go, he brushes me gently, just parting my lips slightly, his finger barely touching me – if my senses weren’t so heightened I might have missed it.

  “I think, it’s more you wanting me. God PM, you’re insatiable!” The bravado is back in me. I win this…

  He fleetingly dips the tip of his finger into me, it’s out before I realise it was in. He pops it in his mouth drawing it out slowly; the pleasure that spreads across his face weakens me.

  “When you taste this good, I could feast on you for days – but I need more nutrients right now so pop off my worktop please and sit at the table”

  I haven’t won shit. Advantage, Pearce – Morgan

  As always with us, work is the topic of the day during dinner. Not in a “how was your day dear” kind of way, more a “I am so busy and so important, my cocks bigger than yours.” Kinda way.

  “So, what was Rayne talking about? She tried to call me, but I was en route here and didn’t want to lie to her”

  Guy spoons a forkful of food into his mouth before answering. He lifts his serviette and dabs his mouth before answering. He’s such a contradiction. Perfect table manners, perfectly set table with wine and water glasses, linen serviettes and placemats – yet he’s sitting there shirtless, his hair falling forward where it’s drying as he hasn’t styled it to within an inch of its life and barefoot because it’s warmer in here than the tropics.

  “She’s made serious headway with Malachi, they’ve worked out a project and she’s just filing in the gaps, she needs me to look at any legal implications they need to be careful of, like being sued for by any similar organisations wanting to make a buck off Malachi and how they go about officially setting it up. Is it a charity or a trust? One thing I want to get started on tonight is whether Connor and Malachi need to set up a company to offset any initial costs they may have, amongst other things”

  I join him in taking a sip of wine

  “She really does love a passion project, doesn’t she? I don’t doubt this is exactly what Malachi needs to shift the spotlight. With such an important Summer ahead I need him focused. Have we set a timeline on this? They’ll be heading to the England camp in 4 weeks, this needs to be out there by then.”

  “That’s why I want to start tonight. I won’t have time in the office to give it the attention it deserves”

  Oh my gosh! I haven’t even congratulated him on his deal today. The movie studio announced the deal this afternoon. It’s ground breaking to have two major industries crossover like this. God only knows how he managed to pull it together. His stock has just risen considerably. Guy Pearce Morgan officially put a pin in today.

  “I can’t believe I haven’t congratulated you yet! What an amazing achievement! Not that your head needs to be any bigger but you da shit now” I raise my glass in a mock toast and he salutes me back with his.

  “How come you’re not out celebrating? If it were me I would be missing for days. You could retire now PM and still have a legacy in 20 years”

  He gives me a wiry smile. “Thanks Leilani, glad someone gets how hard I worked on this. You know me, work is my way of celebrating and you’re here, so it’s all good really”

  I don’t mean to frown but I do. He should be swinging his dick around the city showing everyone why he’s top dog, yet instead he’s having a take away at home with me.

  “Well, I for one, think you should celebrate. Why don’t we all do something at the weekend? All the usual suspects – the lovebirds, Aaron, Shaan, invite your brother and sisters. Even if it’s just a meal, we need to do something. It’s been a long few weeks and a little fun never hurt anyone?”

  “You’re not going to let this go, are you?” He’s not cross. And he’s definitely not about to do back flips and cartwheels over it buts he’s warmed up to it.

  “Nope!” I punctuate the P with a huge pop.

  “Well you organise it and tell me where to be”

  “Who the fuck do you think I am? Your social PA? You’d better speak to Rayne this is right up her street”

  I know full well I will get roped in, but I refuse to give him the satisfaction

  We sit and talk and drink until it’s way after midnight. Once we’d cleared up the dinner plates, we end up going for round 2. Guys stamina is unreal. I feel sorry for his wife when he eventually settles down, she needs to be fit as fuck to keep up. That’s the reason I don’t think I will ever get married, who wants to be at someones beck and call? Not me.

  My head is screaming at me to call a cab and get my arse home, but I am on a fluffy bed of heaven and my body is weightless. Just 5 minutes sleep and then I will leave.


  My body clock never lets me down, I glance at my phone on my bed side table 6.07. 8 minutes before my alarm goes off. Oh, and whe
n I say body clock, I should have said body cock. Morning Wood at your service. I roll onto my right and tuck in behind her.



  We must have fallen into a deep sleep as we don’t do sleepovers, she’s going to freak out, the no sleepover rule was made after I tripped, and my dick ended up in her the second time. We were in Liverpool, in the same hotel and one thing led to another the night we arrived. We argued, we drank, we shagged. I got up and went back to my own room. It was a release. I thought it would be awkward in the morning, but Leilani was the same as normal. Efficient, professional and the most stunning woman in the room. It made it so much easier to go back for more, what man wouldn’t want fantastic sex with no strings?

  I try to ease away from her, that’s my plan. Back up, then wake her up.

  Only she’s awake and she’s pulling me back to her and I’m a man who can’t say no to this woman.

  “This is so wrong” she pants “we’re breaking our own rules”

  I can’t slow down, to have this conversation as I have a meeting at 8 and need to be out of here by 7.10.

  She’s warmer than a hot toddy on a snowy day. Warm, pliable, comforting and

  “I’m going to cum” she hurtles passed me and tugs me over the edge.

  Flat on my back I can do nothing but watch her get out of bed and stroll into my bathroom. Figuring joining her is out of the question I take out a pair of tracksuit bottoms and a t shirt for her and head to the other bathroom. She’s dressed and consumed by her phone by time I finish my shower.

  “Just ordering a car and I’ll be out your hair”

  I cover the screen with my hand, “I’ll drop you home. It’s on my way”

  She doesn’t answer with words, just tossing her phone in her bag and heads to the kitchen.

  “Might as well make a coffee, want one?”

  “No you’re ok. Will grab a juice at the office”

  “Suit yourself.”

  I carefully pick out my suit for the day. Corporate shit this morning then a client lunch. I opt for brown Ozwald Boateng wool check suit, blue shirt and navy tie. I pick out some cuffs and navy and mustard stripy socks. I finger bed head through the top of my hair and grab my case from the study.

  Leilani is huddled over her phone, furiously typing when I get to the kitchen.

  “Why? Like seriously why? I don’t need this bullshit.” Her voice sounds like it’s breaking as she speaks

  “What’s the matter?” She’s ignoring me and still bashing her keyboard


  Nothing. Her face is contorted like she’s ready to kill someone or cry.

  I walk over to her and put my hand over the screen to get her attention

  Tipping her chin up so she is looking at me as I ask her again

  “What’s the matter?”

  Her eyes have misted over. I have seen her in a room full of high-flying people at the top of their game, in amongst directors and owners of football clubs – nothing phases her. They’ve made sexiest jokes, propositioned her and she’s always been cool and calm. Never got angry or upset. She’d banter back and then dazzle them with her intelligence. In all the years I have known her she has never cried. Ever.

  “Hey, talk to me”

  Realisation crosses her face and any signs of weakness are gone. The armor is up and there’s no getting through it.

  “Ignore me” she smiles weakly. “My period must be due; can’t believe I am getting worked up by some random email. I will be fine once I’ve had my coffee and am at my desk. Now that offer of a lift still going? I’ve got to dash”

  She drains her coffee and slings her bag over her shoulder. Before I can argue she’s out the flat and calling the lift.

  As much as she’s making out it’s nothing, I know her. Part of me wants to call Rayne to clue her in but that would mean explaining why Leilani was with me this morning.

  We walk in silence to my car and I open her door for her. No sassy snap back, no comment at all. She’s still tucked in her phone.

  When I first brought my car, Leilani would call it the penis extension on the rare occasions we socialised. Our paths used to barely cross, sometimes at the odd social event or mutual friends’ birthday. I know two of her brothers through work as Trent looked after their business affairs. Their file was passed to someone else when Trent left, I should probably oversee it to be honest, make sure they’re getting the right advice.

  I fire my baby up and decide to shake Leilani out of her funk. I am going to be late for my meeting so getting her home quickly works in both our favours.

  I take the corner like I am on rails. The handling on this car is unreal.

  What car is it? I hear you ask.

  Nope! Not a Ferrari or a Maserati too obvious. No, it’s not German. Too common. Give up? My baby is a brand-new Nissan GT-R in gun metallic. The car melted my balls when I saw it, the second I took it on the road, I knew I was in love.

  Leilani is leaning back in her seat watching London fly by. She’s mute. I pull up to her gates and she’s clearly on autopilot.

  “Thanks for the lift, speak to you soon” No comment about my dick driving, no insult.

  And then she’s gone. Her hair has dropped out of the bun thing she had it in and it’s hanging down her back, it usually swishes as she walks, like a raven flag warning of impending sex appeal. Today it hangs and her shoulders sag.

  I want to know what’s wrong, but she’s got to be able to come to me. We’re friends after all. That’s what friends do.

  I watch her go in safely and head to my office. I am so grateful that Trent never moved outside of Barnes. He was never transfixed by the lure of the central London currency. A buck is a buck he used to say.

  “Can I get you a coffee Mr. Pearce- Morgan”

  Jill asks as she rises from her desk to give my notes for the meeting.

  “Can I be really cheeky and get a turmeric morning boost from Joe’s please. See if anyone else wants anything and get them to deliver”

  I throw her a wink, because that’s the kind of boss I am. She blushes which tickles me. In the year that she’s been here, every guy in in the office has tried to get her on a date and they’ve all failed. I know full well if I asked she’d go. Not because I am her boss but because she told me after our Christmas party last year. A lesser man would have taken her to the nearest hotel and screwed her brains out but that’s not my style. Work is work. I never mix my social life with my… (yeah, except Leilani, but that’s different) Thinking about her I get the urge to send her a text and see how she is, but we’ve not gone there ever. It’s either been about business or sex. Last night was a blip. It won’t happen again. Maybe that’s what this morning was about. She didn’t know how to act so pretended to be mad at something else instead of herself.

  I ponder that theory whilst taking my seat in the boardroom. By 7.55 everyone is seated, and I have a look through my notes

  Matt, our head of Finance starts the proceedings

  “It seems there’s been an anonymous complaint about our practice. I know we have done everything by the book so there is no cause for concern. It is a blinking inconvenience as I am preparing half year statements to go out next month but the SAR calls and we go running. We’ll be ready for them come Monday”

  I let out an internal sigh of relief. Complaints are a pain when you know that they are coming, when they appear out of the blue like this one? They’re a problem.

  I motion through until mid-morning, something isn’t sitting right about this.

  We specifically have the right people in the right places so us mere solicitors can leave the superhero stuff to them, it’s the thought that someone has raised an anonymous complaint that worries me. We’re small fry compared to most. Yes, we have had a few high-profile cases, but that’s not unusual now days. With social media the way that it is and the fact that a lot of the cases I deal with are with those who have a large following in social media, we
get thrust into the limelight.

  Considering Willie is a legal adviser now and tends to be called upon where there is a divide in public opinion (I still have the clip of him on GMB with that stupid MP and Piers Morgan in my favourites. I am still convinced Piers is a distant relative) he’s not my go to phone call.

  “Afternoon Guy how is everything going”

  I lean back in my chair and reach for the tennis ball I keep in my drawer to help me think.

  I start bounce it in the table, something I absentmindedly do a lot.

  “Crumbs, it must be serious if the balls out” I chuckle at how well Trent knows me. He is so intuitive it frightens me. Nothing escapes Trent, not only does he see it all, but he knows it all. That is not a flippant statement. It’s a fact.

  I launch straight into in, no point in pussy footing around, I called him for a reason, I called him to help me figure this out.

  “Someone has reported us, and they have sprung an audit on us. Due on Monday at 8.00. Complaint has been raised that the elusive ‘someone’ believes we have breached regulation. Matt says there is nothing to worry about, but the timing is off on this.

  We’re in the middle of a media storm – our stock is on the up and suddenly after all these years, we’ve had a complaint raised? Doesn’t add up to me”

  Trent takes a deep breath and I hear him moving around.

  “How tight is the conglomerate contract?”

  He is thinking the same thing as me, that deal is worth millions on the retainer. It makes us a target

  “Air tight. If that’s what they are coming for then it’s going to be a wasted journey, I can send you the file.”

  “NO.” Trent stops me mid-sentence.

  “If they are in for that, remember I am no longer a practicing solicitor. They will question why you sent that on to me, there is no trace on my emails and I have no compliance to adhere to. Are you free in say an hour?”

  “I have a lunch that I was due to attend. I can send someone else, Where do you want to meet?”

  “In the office, hold on” Trent sounds like he is walking down some stairs, I suddenly hear singing in the background and realise it’s his wife


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