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Page 28

by Meghan O'Brien

  Eve shook her head, brushing dark hair away from Selene’s forehead. “It was a good hurt. I wanted that hurt.” Chuckling sadly, she said, “If I hadn’t had such serious emotional pain afterward, I’d probably consider it some of the best sex I’ve ever had.”

  “Masochist,” Selene mumbled, kissing Eve’s shoulder.

  “So?” Eve pushed Selene onto her back and straddled her hips, pinning her down. “But tonight I want us to take our time. Go slow.” Sitting up, Eve tugged her shirt over her head unhurriedly, putting on a tantalizing show. “Make love.”

  Rapt at the sight of bare skin, Selene trailed her hands over Eve’s sides. She seemed paler than normal, and thinner. Clearly their time apart had taken its toll, though she was no less beautiful than Selene remembered. “I do love you.”

  Eve’s happiness lit Selene from the inside. “I know. I love you, too.”

  Selene moved her hands up to cover Eve’s breasts. Her nipples hardened against the center of Selene’s palms, and she bent forward, brushing her lips over Selene’s. Lifting her head, Selene swept her tongue into Eve’s mouth as she stroked gentle thumbs along the underside of her breasts. She moaned at the way Eve wiggled against her in an unsubtle search for friction.

  Eve pulled back. “We should take off our clothes.”

  “What happened to taking it slow?”

  “We can go slow after you’re naked.”

  Selene laughed as Eve scrambled off and pulled her into a sitting position, getting her out of her shirt and bra with skillful efficiency. She helped Eve unbutton and haul off her pants, then they both worked on stripping Eve of the rest of her clothing. As soon as they were naked, Eve melted into her embrace. Eve echoed Selene’s gasp at the electricity of skin on skin, tightening her arms around Selene and holding her close.

  “It feels so good to touch you,” Eve whispered in a voice full of quiet awe. “I knew we had something special between us, but I never realized how special it really was.”

  Selene tickled a line down the center of Eve’s spine, delighting in the tremor the touch elicited. Eve quaked in her embrace, giving off such an intense jolt of pleasure that Selene’s pussy tightened, then contracted, sending an orgasm rolling through her body. Groaning, Selene dragged her fingers down to Eve’s bottom, drawing her own orgasm out by scratching Eve lightly with her nails, triggering another rush of sensation that seemed to flow through both of them.

  Eve shuddered. “You just came.”


  “That is so cool.” Eve dropped a hand between Selene’s thighs, sliding into her folds. The soft touch sparked another orgasm, stronger than the last. Selene dropped her head to Eve’s shoulder and pressed against her body as she surrendered to her climax. “You make it really easy to feel like some kind of sex goddess,” Eve murmured.

  Overcome by the continued motion of Eve’s hand petting her swollen labia, Selene could only grit her teeth and nod. It would take a lot to wear her out sexually—Selene’s stamina always seemed to surpass Eve’s—but if Eve’s goal was to give Selene a run for her money, she was off to an excellent start.

  After coming down from her third orgasm, Selene stilled Eve’s hand with a tremulous chuckle. “I need to breathe.”

  “Breathing is overrated,” Eve muttered, but backed out of Selene’s arms. Collapsing onto the mattress, Eve beckoned Selene to climb on top. “But I promise to go easy on you.”

  “I never said you had to go easy.” Nudging Eve’s legs apart with her knee, Selene settled over her body with her thigh pressed firmly against Eve’s slick center. The heat pouring from Eve’s pussy scorched Selene, inflaming her lust. Needing more, Selene pressed harder into Eve, grinding the firm length of her thigh against Eve’s sensitive clit. “It’s just your turn now.”

  Eve threw her head back and moaned, clutching at Selene’s shoulders as she rode Selene’s thigh. Planting her hands beside Eve’s head, Selene moved against her slowly, setting a steady pace. She stared into Eve’s eyes as they rocked together, thrilled by the unself-conscious noises that fell from Eve’s lips in a steady stream. There was nothing sexier than how vocal Eve could be when they made love. Selene lived for the opportunity to draw forth those mewling, languid sounds. Knowing that she made Eve feel that good was almost enough to make Selene peak yet again.

  But Selene held back, solely focused on Eve’s rising ardor. What she wanted more than anything was to feel Eve release beneath her, to experience the psychic aftershocks of Eve’s orgasm and hopefully join her in a mutual crescendo of sensation. Coming with Eve in the past had always forged such a powerful, intimate connection, and Selene was desperate to recapture the singular experience of losing herself in their self-contained world of shared ecstasy.

  A hot curl of pleasure flared between Selene’s legs just as Eve murmured, “I’m going to come.”

  “Come for me.” Selene kissed Eve deeply, lowering one hand to squeeze her hip as she kept up her hard, driving thrusts. Arching her back, Eve cried out and did just that, grabbing Selene’s ass in both hands as she jerked helplessly against her thigh. Then all of a sudden Selene was climaxing as well, and she could tell by the way it originated in her belly that what she really felt was all from Eve.

  It was breathtaking.

  Breaking their kiss, Selene pressed her forehead to Eve’s and stopped the motion of her hips when she sensed that they were both on the verge of passing out. Selene slipped her hands beneath Eve’s back, gathering her into a tight hug.

  “I’ve missed you so much,” Selene mumbled. Now that the sexual tension had eased, turbulent emotion that her release had stirred up threatened to take over. She had come so close to losing Eve—to losing the single most astonishing thing in a life filled with constant surprises. But she hadn’t. “I never thought you’d want me like this again.”

  “You’re still the woman I fell in love with.” Eve ran her fingertips up and down Selene’s spine, but now the touch soothed rather than inflamed. “What you can do doesn’t change that. And even though honesty is the most important thing you can give me, I don’t blame you for being scared. All that’s over now. I know what you are, Selene, and I still want you. I still need you.”

  Embarrassed by the tears that rose and threatened to drip onto Eve’s face, Selene rolled to the side, throwing her arm around Eve’s waist to stay close. She didn’t want to lose contact for even a moment. “I have no idea what I did to deserve you, but I’m grateful.” She glanced out the window again at the new moon, and a niggle of anxiety took root in her belly.

  As though sensing where her thoughts had gone, Eve said, “I want to help you this month. On your full-moon night.”

  Alarmed, Selene regarded Eve’s solemn expression. She wasn’t kidding. “What?”

  “Instead of using a call girl this month, I’d like to do whatever they do for you. Tie you down, whatever you need.”

  Selene shook her head. “No way. I don’t want you near me that night.”

  Frowning, Eve said, “Listen, I’m not some delicate flower. And even though I know why you’ve used an escort service in the past—and despite the fact that I do trust you to be faithful—I don’t exactly love the idea of you continuing to have call girls come to your place once a month.”

  “And I don’t love the idea of you having anything to do with what happens to me during the full moon. If you’re there, it’ll only arouse me more. Make me crazy.”

  “How do you know that?” Eve ran her fingers over Selene’s jaw, giving her a reassuring peck on the cheek. “Listen, I can do whatever needs to be done. And I already know your secret. I know why it’s so important that I tie you tight. Wouldn’t you rather have someone you can really trust who can help you? Someone who actually cares?”

  Selene couldn’t argue that the idea had definite appeal. More than once she’d been disappointed by a call girl who hadn’t done exactly as she’d asked, partially because they had no way of knowing why it was so important to follow her
instructions precisely. Plus, the thought of never again having to see confusion or suspicion in the eyes of a complete stranger exhilarated her.

  “If we’re going to be together, I’ll have to experience the full moon with you eventually. I’m not doing this relationship halfway. This is me telling you that I’m all in, for better or worse.” Eve inhaled to continue her speech, but Selene cut her off with a light kiss on the lips.

  When Selene drew back, she whispered, “Okay.”


  “Yeah, okay. I understand what you’re saying, and I appreciate it. Plus, if I have to be super horny around a beautiful woman that night, I’d rather it be my beautiful woman.”

  Eve’s eyes sparkled as she gave Selene a playful glare. “Me, too.”

  “I’m not sure about this month, though.” Selene raised a hand when Eve opened her mouth to protest. “Not if Kevin Pike is still on the loose. You’ve got the cops watching you, Eve. Even if they shift most of their focus to Pike, I suspect they’ll keep at least one team on you. I can’t have the cops outside my apartment on that night. If something did happen, they’d bust me for sure.”

  “Nothing will happen.” Eve caressed Selene’s cheek. “Stop worrying.”

  “I can’t, Eve. I can’t ever stop worrying. I spend half my life planning for and anticipating the next full moon. Asking me to let you participate is a big deal, but letting you do so when it means the police will be watching is beyond my comfort zone.” Hating the disappointment that creased Eve’s brow, Selene said, “I’m sorry. I really am.”

  “Okay, then.” Eve exhaled. “I’ll sneak away that night. Now that they’ll be watching Kevin Pike, it won’t be as big a deal for me to slip their protection detail for just one night.”

  “No.” Selene took Eve’s hands in her own, kissing her knuckles. “Jac would kill you. Hell, she’d kill me, if she figured out where you went. It’s too dangerous. I can’t let you do it.”

  “Unfortunately you don’t have a choice.” From the determined set of Eve’s jaw, Selene could see she was speaking the truth. “I’m staying with you that night. Nobody needs to know. I promise Jac won’t find out.”

  It was an impossible promise to keep, but Selene knew she wouldn’t win this argument. Even without their empathetic link, Selene could hear in Eve’s voice just how much this meant to her. She made the offer as a show of trust and commitment, and no matter how nervous Selene was about accepting, she couldn’t refuse.

  “All right,” Selene said quietly. “But promise me one thing?”


  “I want you to leave after you tie me down. You can do it before dark, then go back to your protective detail. I understand and appreciate what you’re trying to show me by staying with me during the full moon, but I won’t be able protect you from myself, let alone Kevin Pike.” Selene cradled Eve’s face in her hands. “I need to know you’re safe. Okay?”

  “Okay.” Eve smiled broadly, closing the discussion with a quick kiss on Selene’s chin. “Thank you.”

  “No, thank you.” Selene hauled Eve back on top of her body, ready for another go. “On that note, how would you like me to thank you?”

  Eve gave her a wicked smirk, then got onto her knees and turned around to give Selene an enticing view of her slick pussy. “How about we thank each other?” Eve said, just before she lowered her head to swipe the flat of her tongue along Selene’s labia.

  Groaning, Selene grabbed Eve’s hips and pulled her down onto her mouth, sucking languidly. She had a lot of gratitude to express, and they had all night.

  Chapter Thirty-two

  Eve sat at her desk in the lab, trying to distract her wandering mind by working through her never-diminishing mountain of paperwork. Since she’d reconciled with Selene the week before, life had been good. Had Kevin Pike not still been walking free, Eve would even have said she was downright content. The experience of being with Selene in a trusting relationship was more wonderful than she could ever have hoped. And having Selene constantly by her side, poised to come to her defense, eased Eve’s mind about the threat that Kevin Pike posed in a way all the police officers in the world couldn’t.

  A whine drew her attention to the floor, where the large Rottweiler lying next to her chair stared directly into Eve’s eyes. Even in canine form, Selene’s fierce love for her shone through in her gaze. Sprawled on a dog pillow, hidden in plain sight, she gave Eve quiet support that made her feel like she could conquer any challenge. Dropping her hand to stroke Selene’s head, Eve looked down at her but said nothing. With Wayne working at his own desk across the lab, chatting with the dog wouldn’t be prudent.

  The lab door slid open and Jac strolled inside. She nodded at Wayne without taking her eyes off Eve, mouth set in a grim line. All business, she softened her expression slightly when Eve greeted her with a friendly wave. “Afternoon, Eve.”

  Selene lifted her head but didn’t stand. This wasn’t the first time Jac had met Eve’s new canine friend, but today she came bearing a gift. Crouching in front of Selene, Jac offered a dog biscuit with a quiet “Here you go, girl.”

  Eve covered her mouth with her hand, trying not to laugh at the sight of the large Rottweiler taking the biscuit delicately between its teeth. She had no doubt that the last thing Selene wanted was to gobble up a dog treat, but apparently she was committed to staying in character. “Cookies. Perfect.”

  “Have I mentioned how glad I am that you managed to find such a badass-looking dog?” Jac stroked Selene’s chest, triggering Selene’s mouth to stretch into unconscious doggy pleasure. “I don’t know why I didn’t think of this. A dog is an excellent deterrent.”

  “Well, I’m not convinced a dog will deter Kevin Pike, but I do feel better with Luna around.” Eve glanced at Selene, knowing she wasn’t a huge fan of the name Eve had given her Rottweiler form. They’d both agreed that it was a nice little inside joke, though. “I’m really grateful that Selene was able to talk her friend into letting me borrow her.”

  Jac rolled her eyes. “At least Selene’s good for something.” She startled when Selene growled low in the back of her throat, then pulled her hand away and quickly stood. Glancing at Eve, Jac said, “You train her to do that?”

  Eve gave Selene a mock glare that she hoped didn’t betray her amusement at the situation. “Maybe Selene did.”

  “Nice.” Jac took a step away, jamming her hands into her pockets. “So Kevin Pike is officially the most boring man on the face of the earth. One week watching his every move and we’ve got nothing. He likes to go into the city and hang out at coffee shops—one near the morgue, the other relatively close to your apartment. But so far he’s done nothing to arouse suspicion. Certainly nothing we can pick him up on.”

  “You think he’s gone dormant, or that he’s made his tail?”

  Grumbling, Jac said, “My guys aren’t complete amateurs. I don’t see how he could have made us so quickly.”

  “He’s a smart guy. Meticulous.” Eve pushed aside her paperwork, resting her hand on Selene’s head. Bolstered by her quiet strength, Eve didn’t let herself get swept away by the familiar fear that always rose when she thought back to her encounter with Kevin Pike. Five minutes beneath him hardly made her an expert, but she did feel as though she knew him through the way he left his crime scenes. “He’s observant. I don’t think it’s a stretch to imagine that he might sense he’s being watched. Maybe he’s just generally paranoid.”

  “Or maybe he’s not our guy.” Jac sat on the corner of Eve’s desk, eyeing Selene warily. “Look, the chief has given me a lot of leeway on this case. Putting department resources on a guy we think might be a serial killer because we got some anonymous tip with no real weight—”

  “The tip was good,” Eve said. She fingered one of Selene’s thick, furry ears, hoping to soothe the frustration she could feel building at Jac’s words. “Kevin Pike isn’t careless. Building a case against him won’t be easy. But nobody’s perfect. We just have to wai
t for him to slip up.”

  Jac sighed. “Well, I hope we catch a break soon. I can’t exactly tie up department resources forever when we have no real evidence pointing to this guy. I’ve combed through his background and haven’t come up with anything suspicious. No criminal record, not even a parking ticket. To the casual observer, the guy looks thoroughly uninteresting. Cleaner than clean.”

  Eve heard the unspoken subtext in Jac’s statement. “Maybe a little too clean.”

  “Maybe.” Jac’s face softened and she leaned in, lowering her voice. “I watched him the other day for almost ten hours. He didn’t do anything suspicious, not one thing. Nothing about him suggests that he’s our guy.”

  “You said he’s completely bald, Jac. No eyebrows. Sounds like someone who doesn’t want to leave forensic evidence behind.”

  “Baldness isn’t a crime.” Despite her attempt to play devil’s advocate, the frustration in Jac’s eyes signaled that deep down she also believed Kevin Pike was their killer. “Is it a little strange? Sure. Does he have plenty of other reasons to be hairless, besides being a serial killer? Absolutely.”

  Eve shook her head. “He’s our guy. I know it.”

  “Honestly? I think so, too,” Jac said quietly. “He may not have done anything wrong yet, but he feels wrong. Unfortunately, my gut isn’t exactly admissible in court.”

  “Shame, that.”

  “Tell me about it.” Jac hesitated, then touched Eve’s shoulder. “Trust me, nothing makes me happier than the idea that Kevin Pike’s our guy. I’d feel a lot better knowing that we’ve got eyes on our killer now. If we’re watching him, he can’t get to you.”

  Eve agreed, which led to her next request, spurred on by the impending full moon. All week she’d been brainstorming about how to elude her security detail long enough to help Selene through that night—without drawing any attention to her justifiably reclusive lover. “In that case, what do you think about lowering my security detail just a bit? As long as we know where Kevin Pike is, there’s really no reason to watch me twenty-four hours a day. I’d rather you take protection off me than surveillance off him, if resources are a problem.”


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