New Beginnings
Page 5
“What are you smiling at?”
“Nothing,” she repeats with exaggeration, the smile on her face broadening. I punch her in the arm. “Ow. C’mon B, admit you like him. Please, for my sake, just fucking admit it.”
I glance over to the other side of the living room. I can only see the tops of the boys’ heads over the counter from where I’m sitting. They’re all laughing at something that Johnno has said and not paying us any attention at all. I lean over against Scar’s shoulder, letting her think I’m about to divulge some big secret, or admit to what she’s thinking, but instead I whisper, “No.”
“C’mon B!”
“No, I’m not interested,” I say, shaking my head. When she raises her eyes to meet mine and her eyebrows shoot up I can tell she still doesn’t believe me. Huh, maybe that’s why the ‘Find Bianca’s Mr. Right’ mission seems to have been aborted - she thinks Seth’s it. “Okay, he’s cute,” I admit, “but I don’t want to date him.” I set her straight.
“Cute? Really?” She scrunches up her nose.
“Okay. Hot then!” I groan and bury my head in my hand. Why is it that she always gets me to admit things I don’t particularly want to? “That doesn’t change anything.”
“If you say so. If you ask me, the guy is perfect for you.”
“Good thing I’m not asking you then. It’s not about his looks, Scar, he’s just not for me.”
A loud laugh breaks out from the other room, causing us both to jump. It’s a full belly laugh that oozes sex. It’s deep and gravelly, and smooth at the same time. I don’t recognise it as one of the boys. I look to Scar who’s just as surprised as I am.
“Is that…?” I ask.
Scar stands up, looks over the counter, then quickly plops herself back down. “Yep … that’s Seth,” she says in astonishment. “Now, you can’t tell me that’s not sexy as all fuck!”
She giggles and I can’t tell her that, so I don’t say a word.
Johnno loses another hand of poker to me and threatens to “kick my pansy-arse if I send him broke.” I just chuckle and collect my winnings. He leans in closer to me when another guy enters the kitchen. “Now this one, he really is a fuckwit,” he whispers to me in warning. He throws a look of disgust over his shoulder and I turn to take in the guy he’s referring to. Dressed in black leather pants, that appear to be cutting off his circulation, and reeking of strong cologne, he looks to be an absolute douche bag. He holds himself in such an arrogant way, turning his nose up at everybody in the room as he waltzes in.
“Let’s get this party started!” he booms, giving Ben a slap on the back.
He positions himself beside Ben, leaning against the counter and blocking out my view to Bianca who is currently standing on the opposite side watching us play poker. It’s rude for him to turn his back to her like she’s not even there.
A couple of minutes later Bianca reappears in the kitchen doorway and glances in his direction.
“Well, well, if it isn’t my favourite girl!” the douchebag calls out loudly. He looks her up and down, like he wants to eat her. And now I’m uncomfortable. I instantly dislike this guy.
“Hey Matt!” Bianca replies. Something about the exchange, the way he’s looking at her, makes me think there’s history between them, and when she smiles back at him, I’m convinced of it. “How’s that bike of yours going?”
“Good babe.” Babe? “Anytime you wanna ride on the back of my Harley you let me know.” He says with a wink before taking a swig of beer, which has somehow appeared in his hand. Harley? Of course he rides a Harley! I look the guy up and down. The uncomfortable looking pants, dark t-shirt and leather jacket, boots, his whole outfit looks like it’s there more for show than anything. His dirty blond hair is gelled to within an inch of its life, greasy and slicked back. I know his type, he’s full of himself.
I peek over at Bianca and catch her smiling at him before looking away. Yep, there’s definitely history between these two. When she looks back at him a second time her cheeks redden. This guy, this guy, makes her blush? My eyes wander in the direction of where hers are aimed to see Matt staring back at her. I get the feeling that they know each other intimately and I feel a pang of jealousy. And disappointment too. If this wanker is the kind of guy she likes, I don’t stand a chance in hell. I’m not her type at all. She’s not playing hard to get, she really doesn’t want to date me. She obviously goes for looks over personality. And perhaps what they have isn’t just ‘history’ either.
I grab another beer for myself and retreat back to the lounge room. Please don’t follow me, please don’t follow me. Doesn’t matter how much I chant that internally I know he’ll follow. I could tell by the look on his face that he was in the mood to harass me and Scar’s disgruntled, “Hi Matt,” tips me off that he’s right behind me. I take a seat on the lounge next to her and I’m not at all surprised when Matt sits on my other side; making sure to press the length of his body against mine, of course. He starts sprouting rubbish that I ignore. Something about a modelling job he has lined up, but I’m too busy trying to lean away from him, and listen in to the conversation going on in the kitchen, to hear what Matt is saying.
When Scar excuses herself to use the bathroom I glare at her angrily. She knows the last thing I want is to be left alone with this guy. She gives me a sympathetic look before she slinks away. Matt’s hand comes to rest on my thigh and I discreetly move it away by turning my body to face him, inching away from him and towards the end of the couch at the same time. His eyes attach to mine and he gives me this crooked half-smile that has girls hanging on his every word. I used to be one of those girls. Not anymore.
“When do you think we can go for that extended ride?” he asks. His voice is laced with sexual innuendo and his brow arched for emphasis. He moves closer to me on the couch, ramping his sexy smile up a notch as he does. And he is sexy, there’s no denying it, but the fact remains he’s a pretentious arsehole too, and no amount of sex appeal can override that.
“I don’t think so, Matt.”
“Oh, come on B, you know we could be good together. There’s a spark here that I think we should explore.” He reaches up and brushes the hair from the side of my face. It takes everything in me to remain seated and not to cringe away.
“If by ‘explore’ you mean you using me for sex for all of five minutes, then no, I won’t be ‘exploring’ with you.”
His hand drops from my hair to my knee. He makes a tsking sound as he shakes his head. “Babe, five minutes definitely wouldn’t be enough time for the two of us. We’d need at least a whole night to do all the things I want to do to you.”
I slam my hand down on top of his when it starts to move up my thigh. It doesn’t deter him, only encourages him to smirk at me and move it higher. “Matt,” I say in a warning tone that gets me nowhere.
He leans forward and I lose my cool. Digging my nails into his skin, hard enough to cause him to wince, I get right up in his face and practically hiss my words. “Matt, if I have to tell you one more time to keep your hands off me-”
“Stop with the hard to get bullshit, Bianca.” He chuckles. He fucking chuckles! “I know you want me.”
“Argh! I swear to god-” My anger deepens with his determination when he leans closer still. I dig my nails harder into his hand and push it away at the same time. “Go away!”
Scar chooses that moment to re-enter the room and I sigh with relief when he moves his hand away and sits up straighter. He hasn’t pulled this shit for months. Why did I even attempt to be civil to him in the kitchen when I knew it would encourage him? Oh I know, because Seth was watching. Stupid!
“Matt, are you harassing my girl again?” Scar asks before sitting back beside me.
“I wouldn’t put it that way, Scar. I’m just stating my case, letting B know that I’m ready and waiting.” He gives another sexy chuckle that really doesn’t match his dickhead move
s or the conceited words spewing from his mouth. I give Scar an exaggerated eye roll and stand up. “C’mon B! Don’t get all pissy. I’m only messing with ya,” Matt pleads as I walk away.
“I’m getting another beer,” I grumble.
“Be a doll and get me one too,” he says, his voice all smooth and gravel-like, laying the charm on thick. It annoys me that he’s so damn attractive. It’s so wasted on him.
“Get me one, too,” Scar adds.
I scull the rest of my beer on the way to the kitchen and toss the empty in the bin, before lingering behind the guys playing cards. I don’t play poker. I don’t understand all the rules and I’m not interested in learning. Not in the slightest. But I’m not in a hurry to return to the lounge room and Matt’s gropey hands either. So I hang back and watch the guys play. It looks like Seth’s cleaning up, if the pile of money in front of him is any indication. Johnno looks none too pleased.
“Pass me a beer would you please, love?” Johnno asks, giving me a grin over his shoulder. I like Johnno. He comes across as this big scary guy but he’s such a softie. He’s always treated me with respect and kindness, and I’ve got the feeling that he would threaten to hurt any bastard that didn’t do the same. In fact, he’s told Matt to pull his head in a time or two where I’m concerned. I kinda wished he had seen where Matt’s hands were a few minutes ago, he could have helped me out, put Matt back in his place.
I love that Johnno’s like a protective uncle to me and Scar, albeit a slightly inappropriate one at times, which he proves by slapping my arse when I turn to fetch him his beer. Dirty old bastard! He’s a flirt and could come across as a sleaze I suppose, to anyone that doesn’t know him, but he doesn’t mean any harm. I forgive him. He’s old and lives alone next door, he has to get his kicks somehow. Besides, I know if I told him not to touch me he would listen, unlike the dick supermodel wannabe in the next room.
I hand him his beer and lean my hand on his shoulder, checking out his cards and the small amount of money in front of him. “Thanks B,” he says before having a swig.
“Not having much luck tonight, Johnno?” I ask.
“Luck’s got nuthin’ to do with it. Pansy arse here’s a hustler if ever I met one!”
“No I’m not!” Seth laughs. “I never pretended I didn’t know how to play. You were the one that presumed I couldn’t.” He shrugs and grins at Johnno with a raised brow. “I just never corrected you.”
I can’t help but laugh at the banter that continues around the table. All the guys gang up on Johnno - calling him a sore loser and laughing along with Seth while Johnno grumbles. It’s hard not to focus on Seth. His chocolate brown eyes twinkle with amusement and his laugh, oh god his laugh. It’s good to see him relaxed and having fun. He always looks so serious when he comes into the café. Uptight. But seeing him like this, I’m starting to appreciate the guy in a whole new light.
Bianca gives Johnno a squeeze on the shoulder and wishes him luck before going back to the fridge. I watch her leave the room with three beers and I’m overcome with jealousy, knowing she’s headed back into the lounge room to sit and drink with Matt. I saw them earlier, when I grabbed myself a beer, they were talking quietly on the couch. I couldn’t hear what they were saying but whatever it was it was intimate. Matt was leaning over her with his hand on her thigh making it blatantly obvious that there’s something going on with the two of them. I quickly looked away, grabbed my drink and pushed thoughts of her with that douchebag aside. I’ve known the guy for all of two seconds and can already tell she can do better than him. Is she actually dating that arsehole?
It’s none of my business and I have no right to be jealous. So I try to focus my attention solely on the game I’m winning and the guys I’m winning against. Ben and Johnno are good people it turns out. The other two guys, Travis and Scott, have been really welcoming, too. Ben and Travis are brick layers who work together. Scott’s a plasterer who lives about thirty minutes away with his wife, Renee, who’s expecting their first child. Apparently a few quiet drinks and poker are something that usually happens here on a Friday night. Not quite the ‘party’ I imagined when Scar invited me. It’s good though, they’re my kind of people, down-to-earth, genuine and fun. I’m feeling really comfortable and relaxed in the kitchen having a laugh with them. It’s a great improvement on my regular lonely existence, that’s for damn sure.
When Scott goes home he takes a half-drunk Travis with him, both guys stating they look forward to winning their money back from me next week. And though I haven’t officially been invited, it seems only natural that I do come back next Friday night. I could see this becoming a regular thing for me. It’s such a relief to finally be making some friends in this big city.
“Deal me in?” Matt asks, taking a seat at the table after the guys are gone.
“This old fella’s calling it a night,” Johnno says, abruptly jumping from his seat before Matt has a chance to get comfortable. “Need me beauty sleep and all that shit.” He turns to me and holds out his hand. “Good to meet ya, Seth.”
“You too.” I shake his hand, realising that it’s the first time he’s addressed me by my actual name all night. For some reason it makes me feel like I’ve got his approval to join the gang or something. I have to stifle a laugh when Matt calls out a goodbye and only gets a grunt in response. Yeah, I really like Johnno.
Bianca takes Johnno’s seat and starts collecting all the cards from the table. We’ve been here for hours and this is the first time she’s sat at the table. She’s spent the entire night in the lounge room with Matt the douche.
“You wanna play a game?” I ask her.
“Nah.” She scrunches her nose up in an adorable way, while concentrating on stacking the cards into a neat pile.
“I’ll play. Strip poker, B. Whaddaya say?” Matt winks at her from across the table.
“Fuck off!” She laughs and throws a card at his head.
It bounces off him and he shrugs. “It was worth a shot.”
Her cheeks are flushed and her sandy hair is shielding most of her face. She’s bent over, shuffling the cards in her hand for something to do, I guess. When Ben and Scar come back in the room from having smokes outside and saying good night to Johnno, I tear my eyes away from Bianca and unfortunately they land on Matt, his are focused on her. I hate the way he looks at her. It’s sly … and heated. His eyes gliding over her body in a slimy way. She could do so much better. What does she see in him?
“You did alright,” Scar says, taking a seat at the table. She motions to the pile of cash in front of me – close to two hundred dollars. Considering I was rusty, having not played in a while, I’m quite impressed myself.
“Yeah, not too bad, hey?”
“You coming back next week? Johnno really wants his money back.”
“Sure. I’d like that. Well, the coming back part, dunno about letting him win though.” I laugh and I feel Bianca stiffen beside me, I sneak a peek at her and see her eyes are closed. I wonder if she’s feeling ill or something. Maybe she’s had too much to drink. Before I get a chance to ask, Ben announces he’s about to head off to bed. Looking at my watch I see that it’s almost one and when Scar yawns I figure I best get going too.
“Well, thanks for having me guys. I had a great night.” I stand and collect my winnings.
“Yeah, it sure looks like it,” Scar says with a laugh, while I shove the crumpled notes into my wallet and the coins into my jeans pocket. She gives me an unexpected hug and a whispered, “Thanks for coming,” before both her and Ben say their goodbyes and head down the hall for bed.
I turn to Bianca and Matt, unsure what to say to either of them. I assumed when I arrived with Bianca that I’d also be leaving with her. I thought I’d be the one driving her home, but now Matt’s here I guess I’m no longer needed for a ride. He has his Harley after all. I try to ignore the disappointment I’m feeling and plaster a bright smile on my face.
“I suppose I’ll se
e you at the café,” I say to Bianca, who’s suddenly looking awkward, propped on the edge of her seat. I again want to ask if she’s okay but I guess I’ll just have to trust that her boyfriend will look after her. I turn to Matt. “Nice to meet you,” I lie, because I can’t help but be polite. “Night guys.”
They both say goodbye and I leave them seated at the kitchen table and head to the front door. I hear Matt snigger, “Just the two of us now,” and cringe at the thought of what the ‘two of them’ will do after I leave. I’m almost at the car when the front door flies opens behind me.
“Seth?” Bianca calls out. I purposefully don’t turn around, the last thing I want to see is the two of them walking hand in hand out to his bike or, worse, her straddling it with him.
“Would you mind driving me home?” Her voice is uncertain and when I face her she’s taking tentative steps towards me. “Please?”
“Ah, sure.” She looks instantly relieved and quickens her pace, climbing into the passenger seat before I’ve even opened my car door. “I would have offered to drive you home,” I say after I get into my seat, “but I presumed you’d be getting a lift from Matt.”
“He’s had too much to drink,” she says quickly.
“Oh … does he need a lift too?” I focus on the front door, hoping like hell that he doesn’t walk through it. I want to slap myself for asking, but my parent’s brought me up with manners and if he needs a lift I’d begrudgingly give him one, too.
“Nah, he’ll probably sleep it off on Scar’s couch.”
I quickly start the car and back out of the driveway before the situation changes. I don’t know what’s going on between her and Matt but I’m more than happy to have her in my car without him. Bianca gives me directions to her house and the whole way there I want to ask her what the deal is with the two of them. Is he her boyfriend? They sure looked cosy on the couch. She spent the whole night with him in the other room. So why is she going home alone?