The Witch of the Western Gate: Dragon's Gift

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The Witch of the Western Gate: Dragon's Gift Page 12

by P. K. Brent

  “You find out the best scuttlebutt during gymnastics practice,” said Blue admiringly.

  Blue giggled. "I just hope it improves her mood, landing her gorgeous high-society self on the cheerleading squad with no effort."

  "Not only that, but she acts like she's doing everyone a favor." Blue and Stella collapsed in giggles.

  "Still, it is amazing," said Blue, genuinely impressed.

  “I don’t really know your cousin Ivy, and she sounds immature, but you should cut her a little slack,” said Brando. “It must be hard for her to move to a new high school in the middle of freshman year, especially when the Niagara Frontier is so different from her home downstate.”

  “I suppose,” admitted Blue.

  “I’m just saying, from her point of view it’s a harsh deal. And unless she’s demented, Ivy knows that you are not thrilled about it. She’s probably heard you and Stella giggling behind her back.”

  “Brando, you are just so, so grownup”! replied Stella.

  “I suppose you have a point. We’ll have to make sure she can’t hear us giggling,” added Blue. She and Stella collapsed in giggles again.

  At the Roll-A-Rama they piled out of the car, then went inside and rented skates, except for Stella, who was a great skater and had her own pair of shell pink and mauve rollerblades. As they were sitting and putting on their skates, Brando returned, balancing 3 pizzas and a pitcher of lemondade and paper cups.

  “My treat.”

  "Excellent bro!" said Rafe, helping with the pizza.

  "Merci! You the best!," added Talon.

  "So fast too, and I'm starving," Stella chimed in.

  Blue was already digging into a piece. "Thanks Brando!"

  "I ordered it before we left home," said Brando.

  "I bet you boys all ate dinner at home already too," teased Blue.

  "Mai oui," replied Talon.

  "Of course, never miss a meal," added Rafe.

  Two of the three pizzas disappeared in a flash, as they were tying their skates.

  Stella glided out onto the wooden floor, bowed to the group, then began weaving around the less proficient skaters, making her way quickly around the rink. She looked great in her burgundy colored jeans, and a shell pink long sleeve sweater with white t-shirt under it. Blue watched her admiringly and pulled her thick red hair back into a ponytail. Talon watched for a moment then in a flash was skating beside Stella.

  Blue turned to Rafe,

  "Are you sure Talon's never been on skates before? Look at him go! He's keeping up with Stella!" Now they were holding hands and Talon took the lead in a skate dance, guiding Stella around the rink.

  "Stella's a natural athlete," replied Rafe. "But Talon is wolven, as well as being a naural athlete. He's small in size but his swiftness, strength, and agility are outstanding."

  "Looks to me like Stella has met her match," replied Blue.

  "Don't be afraid, Cheese," Rafe teased. "Even without the use of magic, a little witch sorcerer like you can learn to skate, maybe not so well as Stella, but at least well enough not to fall." Cheese, instead of McChesney, was a very old teasing nickname Rafe had invented years ago and Blue would not have stood for anyone else calling her Cheese."

  "Don't you dare say it!" replied Blue. "You know better than to say it!"

  Rafe laughed, moving out of reach and onto the rink. He was moving slowly skating backwards with eyes full of mirth and a deep grin. "Blue Cheese," he whispered, just loud enough for Blue to hear.

  Blue stiffened.

  “Now you did it!,” Rafe had uttered the worst nickname possible, an old one invented years ago when they were both in grammar school. Blue still had not thought of anything nearly so fine for Rafe. Blue stumbled out onto the rink and Rafe grabbed her elbow just in time to hold her up, then side by side, they made their way around the rink.

  After a couple turns around the rink, Blue was starting to feel more confident about her balance, but now her feet were starting to hurt. So she and Rafe took a seat. He kept looking over at her.

  "Is something wrong?" Blue asked. "Is there tomatoe sauce on my face?"

  "A little right here," replied Rafe, gently pinching her chin. Blue did not realize that he kept looking over because he was wondering why he hadn't noticed how lovely she'd become. When did that happen? Her blue eyes were bright, the color brought out by the aquamarine hoodie she was wearing over a long-sleeved royal blue t-shirt. Blue's coppery red hair was gorgeous, and her skin glowing from the exercise. Rafe especially liked her freckles.

  Finally Blue shook off her skates and put her feet up on another chair then began rubbing her instep.

  "Sore?," asked Rafe.

  "A little, but I'll be OK to take another turn in a few minutes."

  "Allow me to help," said Quantrill, sitting across from Blue. Before Blue knew what was happening, Quantrill took one of her feet in his hand and began massaging the instep. Rafe gave a low growl.

  Blue's mouth dropped. "Where did you come from Quantrill? I didn't see you earlier!"

  "Oh, I was here, blending in with the background, just observing. I came in the back door. My Aunt Zerelda donated a basket to the raffle and asked me to drop it off for her. And who is your friend?," Quantrill turned toward Rafe.

  "Oh, sorry," said Blue. “Rafe this is Quantrill Reynard, Zerelda's nephew, and Quantrill this is my good friend Rafe Mantooth."

  Blue could see that Rafe had stiffened and his eyes flashed with a look of the wolf as he gave Quantrill a stiff nod.

  Just at that moment Ivy flounced over with Andrea Barnswell, both still in cheerleading uniforms straight from practice.

  "Hello Rafe!" said Ivy. Rafe nodded.

  "Ivy? What are you doing here? I thought you said that you were not interested in any farmer town skate parties?" said Blue.

  "Well, hello to you too, cuz. I wasn't, but then Andrea here convinced me check it out. Also, Aunt Elizabeth donated a basket for the raffle and asked me to drop it off."

  "Have you ever skated much, Ivy?,” asked Rafe. “If you've never skated before, it can be tricky at first."

  "I'm sure you can help me Rafe," said Ivy, as she gracefully lowered himself into his lap and threw her head back, looking up at him. "I'm going to need all the help I can get, learning to skate."

  Rafe ignored Ivy and stood up. Ivy dropped to the floor and landed on her behind with a thump. "Ouch! Rafe! What the heck?" Rafe gave Blue a nod then glided silently toward the front door where Brando was standing, watching the exchange.

  "Well, I never!" stammered Ivy. That was so rude! This is entirely your fault Blue!” Ivy stalked away, fuming, Andrea beside her.

  "What did I do?" said Blue, confused.

  "You just are lovely, darling, that's all," said Quantrill, in a soothing voice. Your charming cousin believes that she is, what teens refer to nowadays as, "all that" and that you are, shall we say, less than "all that." Quantrill had more than a hint of a smile on his face.

  “Oh jeeze, I forgot to introduce you to Ivy and Andrea. They left so suddenly. Next time…”

  “Oh, don’t be concerned,” replied Quantrill. “I do not care to make their acquaintance. You are the one I’m interested in.” Quantrill’s eyes bore into Blue and she started to feel dizzy.

  “Ivy covets Rafe for herself and was annoyed he was paying court to you, and even more annoyed when he stood and her behind bounced off the hard floor. I must say, I would pay to see that again!" Quantrill laughed out loud.

  "Wolven are so blunt. They know nothing about how to treat a woman."

  Quantrill continued on in a soothing voice, and Blue felt her eyelids growing heavy. Wait, was he charming her? What the heck was he doing? He had the other foot in his hands now. Blue yanked her foot back, and gave Quantrill an accusing look.

  "What was that all about?" she said.

  "Nothing, darling, I was merely soothing your sore feet and calming your nerves."

  "My nerves are fine, and nothing needs calmin
g." Blue stood up, angry. He had been doing something and he wouldn't even admit it. Slippery sneak!, she thought.

  "I have to go. Bye." Not much of an exit line, but this was one Blue kept handy to use whenever she was cornered beyond endurance in an untenable situation. Blue grabbed up her skates and started across the floor toward Brando and Rafe, who were at the door, where Brando stood working security. His eyes were on Quantrill, as though he was watching for trouble. Quantrill gave a mock salute in Brando's direction then left out the back door.

  Chapter 14

  "Heh Brando. Seen any troublemakers this evening?" said Blue, following his gaze as he tracked Quantrill leaving.

  "Heh Blue. "Funny you should ask. You did know that your friend Quantrill is a vampire, right?"

  "A what!" Blue's mouth dropped.

  "A vampire. You know, the living dead. Bloodsuckers."

  "Oh my god! I had no idea! That explains why he's so creepy. I couldn't quite put my finger on it."

  "Well now you know. He was trying to charm you a minute ago, but you snapped out of it. Rafe wanted to pound him, but I convinced him not to, this being a public place. We were watching to be sure he didn't harm you, though I doubt he'd dare to bite you in a public place."

  "I never met one before. So it's true that they bite and suck blood, and can gain power over people?"

  "Yes, that is all true. Though they are not so powerful as popular culture makes out, and not glamourous at all. They are bottom-feeders. The cockroaches of the paranormal world," Brando said, with obvious distaste.

  "It must also be true that wolven don't like them," observed Blue.

  "That is true," said Brando, flatly. "We do not like them at all. Two large predators in the same area will always be competitors and will tend to dislike each other and to be territorial. But there are other reasons to dislike them. First of all they are undead, which is reason enough. That makes them disgusting. Secondly they feed off humans. The wolven are very much against killing humans, unless it absolutely cannot be avoided. It causes unwanted attention and is aesthetically displeasing to kill a race that is so closely related to our own, one with which we often interbreed. Vampires are not satisfied with the blood of lesser prey. Human blood is their main meal. Also, vampires are not courageous hunters. They are sneaky and manipulative and use their powers of glamour to charm their prey. Having a vampire in the area means trouble for the wolven. We don't like them living near us."

  "Wow! I totally get it," said Blue. "No wonder wolven can't stand vampires. That is creepy about them killing humans and being undead. No getting around that."

  "No," agreed Rafe, who had been silent up until then. "Absolutely no getting around that. Vampires don't like wolven either. They consider us to be unsophisticated and simple-minded."

  Blue nodded in approval. The blunt, outspoken quality was something Blue liked about wolven. They did not hesitate to say what they thought and they just came right out with it. Plus no side-stepping when it came to moral issues. Killing and even feeding off humans was just plain wrong. Period. And the undead were disgusting. Lines were clearly drawn.

  "Why do you think he's paying so much attention to me?" asked Blue. "He told me the first time we met that we would marry. Is that crazy,or what?"

  Rafe glowered. Brando nudged him with his elbow and gave him an "I told you so" look.

  "From a vampire's perspective it makes perfect sense," Rafe pointed.

  “Huh?” Blue looked baffled.

  "Look at it from Quantrill and his Aunt Zerelda Reynard's point of view. You are an Escarpment Witch and the only heir of the McChesney Clan. Everyone knows that the Escarpment Witches are uniquely powerful, and that the McChesney Clan is a wealthy and powerful druidic clan of sorcerers. If the Reynards could control you they then could gain control over the McChesney estate and try to learn the secrets of both the Escarpment Witches and the McChesney sorcerers. Even if they don't manage to learn the secrets, you would breed with the Reynards and they could control the power of your offspring."

  "Dam! I knew he was up to something. I just didn't take him seriously. Vampires can, uh, actually breed?"

  "Yes, unfortunately," replied Brando. “Vampires are like wolven in that the traits can either be hereditary or gained by bite. Hereditary wolven and vampires are usually the most powerful, since they are better trained. Those bitten need to be sheltered until they assimilate into the society of their kind and learn to control themselves and follow the rules. If they are not assimilated, then they tend to cause enormous amounts of trouble, slaughtering humans and such, so need to be put down. In both societies it is frowned upon to create others by bite. If it happens, then the new-bitten one becomes the responsibility of the biter to train, shelter, and protect. It's an enormous amount of work and hassle."

  "Sounds like it," replied Blue.

  "It is," agreed Brando. "So it's strongly discouraged and rarely done. Step outside with me so we can talk in private. Rafe, you watch the rink for me, OK?"


  Blue and Brando stepped outside and into Brando's car. He looked all around first and sniffed the air, as though looking for someone. Then turned the car on.

  "The heat feels good," said Blue.

  "Yes," replied Rafe. "Plus if that bloodsucker is still lurking around here, and I expect he is, it will be harder for him to hear us in a car with the motor running. We must keep our voices very low though. They have excellent hearing."

  "Do you think Zerelda is also a vampire," asked Blue.

  "No," replied Brando. "The Clan would have known if she was. But there are rumours about vampire blood in her family and now I can confirm that as true. She probably carries some vampire blood but not enough for physical effects."

  "Still, it explains a lot about her," replied Blue, recalling how she had always disliked Zerelda Reynard and felt uncomfortable in her presence.

  "There is another difference also that you should know, since Mr. Quantrill Reynard has chosen you for his special attentions. Vampires are not monogamous. They mate and even sometimes marry for fun or manipulation. The Wolven, on the other hand, we take after the wolf side of our nature where matings are concerned. The Wolven mate for life and are monogamous. Also we care deeply for our offspring, our families and our clans."

  "I see," replied Blue. Why was he telling her this?

  "Which reminds me, I asked Grandma Lily about the Raveen situation and she tells me that Talon is not the father and that Raven admitted as much to her. But she still has a thing for Talon and followed him here."

  "Raveen is a little confused," replied Brando. "Talon did date her last year, but it never was serious. He never requested permission to court her. Their romance, if you can call it that, lasted less than two months."

  "Uh, how did she become pregnant then?" asked Blue.

  "Apparently she became involved with someone else after she and Talon broke up," replied Brando. "Obviously. He hesitated a few seconds.

  "Talon met with Raveen and made it clear that she needs to move on. He's hoping she goes back to the baby's father. He's wolven also, and he did ask for and receive permission to court Raveen. Though it appears he did more than just court her…"

  Why should she care about wolven courtship and marriage practices. Blue was feeling uncomfortable. This line of discussion was getting too close to the unanswered questions surrounding her and Rafe. Besides, if there was anything to discuss, Rafe should be the one doing it, not his big brother. "I had that impression from observing wolven over all these years, you know, my Grandpa Lou and Grandma Lily. They have been very happily married all these years."

  "Yes," agreed Brando. "Mating with humans has always been done but is even more prevalent now."

  "Why?" asked Blue.

  "Well, there have always been more wolven males born than females. At one time the mortality rate was much higher for males than it is now. They'd do most of the dangerous jobs -- hunting and protecting while females took care of t
he young. Many died. So it sometimes was hard back then for a female wolven to find a mate. Now there is not so high of a male deathrate as there once was. We've become better at assimilating into society, and more careful about where we run in feral form, so as not to be shot. Male wolven still are born in higher numbers than females, and now die less often, so now there are too few female wolven."

  "Is it considered better to have a wolven mate?" asked Blue, her mouth growing dry. She was afraid to hear the answer.

  "Not really," replied Brando. "It’s an individual preference. Some wolven prefer a mate who can run with them. Most do not.”

  “That’s good to hear. I wouldn’t want someone choosing me just because there aren’t enough females to go around. That would make me feel like second best.”

  “If and when Rafe claims you, it will because you are the one who makes his heart sing.”

  Blue said nothing, but her discomfort was palpable. Brando had brought out into the open the issue between her and Rafe. Brando glanced over at her.

  “It’s a very big deal for a wolven to engage in courtship with a female. It means far more than it does for a human, or a vampire. So it’s scary. Plus Rafe is young and idiotic. He’ll come around and claim you, eventually. I’d be surprised if he didn’t.”

  “Well, he better not assume that I’m just sitting here at his feet waiting!” Blue squirmed angrily in the seat and glowered out the window.

  Brando laughed, and continued. “Only an idiot would assume that! Then again, only an idiot would care about whether or not their mate could transform, more than they care about other qualities. What can I say…Rafe is an idiot. I just hope he grows out of it. The best thing is to choose the one who makes your heart sing!"

  Blue recalled the melodic howling chorus wolves make when together, singing their hearts out at the moon.

  "The only advantage to choosing a wolven mate is knowing that with both parents being wolven the offspring will be also. But that is merely a convenience, all children are a blessing, and choosing the mate of one's heart is the most important thing. Usually the offspring will take after the parent with their same gender, but not always. You never know how much wolven blood lies lurking since wolven have been mating with humans for centuries. Often there are suprises."


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