The Witch of the Western Gate: Dragon's Gift

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The Witch of the Western Gate: Dragon's Gift Page 13

by P. K. Brent

  "What about the children who don't inherit all the cool wolven talents? Don't they feel left out?"

  "Maybe, but they all are raised the same until age 16. Even those who are not genetically predisposed to bodily transformation still have inner traits of the wolven, and are Clan members. They often marry other wolven too, either one like themselves or one who can transform."

  "What happens at age sixteen?" asked Blue.

  "Those who transform bodily to wolven undergo the Rite of the Rabbit Moon and they join the Hunters of the Clan and hone their feral wolf abilities. Those who do not transform undergo the Rite of the Owl Moon and they join the Protectors of the Clan. They train their minds and gain positions in the human world from which they can best protect their Clanmates. Anytime a wolven desires to marry an outsider, this outsider must be approved by the Clan. For one to learn about us is to endanger us. Non-wolven mates also undergo the Rite of the Owl Moon and become Protectors."

  "So protecting the Iron Wolf Clan is what my Uncle Basil does?" asked Blue.

  "Yes," replied Brando, "In addition to running a highly profitable law business for himself. The Clan sent him to college and law school. He became a business attorney and advises the Clan on finance-related legal matters, along with all his other mundane clients of course. Thanks to your Uncle, the Clans avoided this last big economic downturn."

  "Wow! I had no idea that Uncle Basil was so involved with the Iron Wolf Clan." That makes sense, Blue thought, since Grandma Lily and Grandpa Lou would never have had enough money to help put Uncle Basil through college and law school.

  "Yes, he is most discrete, and one of our closest brothers," replied Brando. "There are many more like him. The Protectors are devoted to their Clans. There is a reason why I tell you all this, Blue."

  "There is?"

  "Yes," replied Brando. "You have been raised in the Iron Wolf Clan, as much as anyone can be who doesn't transform. Doesn't transform all the way," he hastily corrected. For like her Uncle Basil, Blue could transform one hand at will.

  "I guess that's true," replied Blue, who hadn't given it much thought up to now.

  "Your Grandpa Lou proposed your name at the Council Meeting last month, as one to undergo the Rite of the Owl Moon, and be admitted to the Order of the Protectors. You were unanimously accepted. He chose me to be your mentor, so I have the privilege of telling you. Do you accept?"

  "Why, yes! Of course I accept!, replied Blue. "I'm not sure how I could ever help wolven, you are so much more powerful than I, but certainly it is an honor and I would do anything I could."

  "Excellent!" replied Brando, smiling broadly. "Your grandparents and your father will be most pleased."

  "They know?," asked Blue.

  "Of course," replied Brando. "It would be disrespectful were your father not asked, and your grandmother would have been displeased had she not been consulted."

  "No one would want to cross Grandma Lily," said Blue.

  “ Or Cormac McChesney,” added Brando.

  "I'm surprised I was invited though," said Blue. "Because I'm only the granddaughter of a Wolven, not a daughter."

  "That was brought up in the Council's discussion, but you have the ability to transform your hand into a wolf's paw. That makes it automatic. It would be foolish to turn down someone who can partially change. Plus you've been raised side-by-side with Clanmates and in the care of your Grandpa Lou much of the time. So you already know much about our ways."

  "My hand helped? I thought that was just a weird trick."

  "Yes. A partial transformation carries a lot of weight. It gives you powers beyond the ordinary. Also, if an outsider were to find out, the Wolven would be in danger of exposure."

  “Don’t worry, I’ve never used it as a party trick,” joked Blue.

  "Oh my god! If The Paranormal Council ever knew about my hand, and about me becoming a Protector, they would croak. Because then I have another talent to add to my repetoire. Quantrill and Zerelda would bust a gut too," Blue giggled.

  "They never will find out," said Brando. "The Paranormal Council does not run the wolven. We have our own ways. Yes, we send a representative to their meetings, and we work with them at times, but they do not run our packs. Identities Protectors of the Order are kept secret from all outsiders. You will meet other Protectors at your initiation ceremony and I can guarantee you will be surprised."

  "When will it take place?" asked Blue.

  "The Rite of the Owl is performed during a blue moon and they don’t happen often. I can fill you in more on the details later. It must be kept secret, even from Stella. We better get back to the party now before anyone misses us."

  Chapter 15

  Blue followed Brando back into the Roll-A-Rama. She scanned the room. Quantrill was gone. Rafe was talking to some kids he knew. Talon and Stella were finally leaving the rink floor after their long skate. Talon headed toward the refreshment stand and Stella sat down with Blue in a booth.

  "Wow, that Talon can really skate. I can't believe it's his first time."

  "Well, he is a natural athlete," replied Blue. "Just like his two cousins. Looks like you two were having fun."

  "Yes, we had a blast," replied Stella. "Talon's a lot of fun, and has such good manners. He's a thoughtful guy and seems more mature than most. I'm glad you filled me in on his situation with Raveen. If he really was the father of her baby, I couldn’t'date him. He'd have to go work things out with her."

  "How about the language barrier?" asked Blue.

  "Didn't seem like much of a barrier," replied Stella. "We seem to understand each other, it's almost psychic. His English is coming along fine. I think he understands nearly everything that is said, and his English vocabulary is growing quickly. I just wish I was better at speaking French, or Quebecois."

  "I'm glad to see you two are having such a good time together," replied Blue. "Talon is a great guy and very cute too."

  "True, but I'm not looking for anything serious at my age. Besides, he has that situation with Raveen."

  "That's right!" exclaimed Blue. "I was waiting for you to tell me what you found out. Did you ask him about Raveen?"

  "You bet I did! I grilled him thoroughly. He was not inclined to talk about her, but he had no choice. I wouldn't let up."

  "So, what did he say?," asked Blue.

  "Well, he says they baby is not his. He and Raveen spent some time together, but nothing serious ever happened. It never seemed entirely right, so he broke off the relationship. She kept stalking him so one of the reasons why he moved here, was to get away from her. Plus he wanted to improve his English and spend more time with his cousins."

  "Does he know that Raveen followed him, and is here?"

  "Yes. He has met with her already and told her to stop following him, that it's over, and that she should go back home."

  "I bet she wasn't happy to hear that, but I hope she stops this crazy stalkng," replied Blue.

  "I feel sorry for her, a little" admitted Stella. "But you can't force love. She should know that."

  "Rafe tells me that Talon had a vision of "a spirit girl" that he describes as "dark and beautiful. He saw you, Stella."

  "He never mentioned that."

  "Of course not, how weird would that sound? "Nice to meet you, by the way, I had a vision of you and have moved here to pursue your love."

  Stella giggled, "That would sound awfully odd. I'd run the other way if ever I heard that."

  "You bet," replied Blue.

  "What the heck was going on with you, Rafe, Ivy, and Quantrill earlier? I looked over when Talon and I were skating. First I see Quantrill rubbing your foot, then Ivy plops herself into Rafe's lap. She was obviously trying to flirt with him. Next thing you know, Rafe stands up and stalks off and Ivy lands on her bum. She looked very ticked off. Looks like Rafe doesn’t fancy her at all."

  "Oh my god, you saw that? I think it was a big shock for Ivy that Rafe wasn't swooning with delight when she plopped herself in his lap. I still
can't believe she did that! Wolven hate to be touched by strangers. They have very specific ideas about personal space and propriety."

  "Ivy couldn't be expected to know about all the Wolven etiquette, but it was not very nice of her to flirt with Rafe," said Stella. "Because she knows there's something between you and Rafe, even if it's not anything official."

  "I'll say it's not official" laughed Blue. "Rafe and I don't even know what it is yet." Blue looked over at Rafe, chatting with friends from school, several booths away. She could tell he was watching her from the corner of his eye. "But there is something there, and I want to find out what it is, eventually. No rush though and no pressure."

  "How are you going to do that if Quantrill keeps cornering you? And what was he doing rubbing your feet?"

  "Well," replied Blue, "I think he was trying to be charming in his own creepy way. I found out why he's so creepy, Brando told me."

  "Why?" asked Stella.

  "Quantrill Reynard is a vampire," answered Blue.

  Blue and Stella stared at each other

  "What does that mean?" asked Stella, who now was polishing the table nervously with a napkin.

  "I'm not yet entirely sure," replied Blue. "He's one of the undead, not alive in the way we are, but not truely dead."

  "That's creepy right there," replied Stella. "I'm an expert on the dead, and I'm pretty knowledgeable about the living. The undead, well, that strikes me as an aberration. A mistake."

  "Most people would agree with you," replied Blue. "Also, vampires kill humans. Sometimes they just trance their victim and then suck blood without causing death, but other times they kill. Not good."

  Stella made a face, clearly disgusted.

  "The wolven in particular detest vampires. Brando explained that the wolven don't like the vampire moral code, or lack of it. Plus they don't like being blamed for messes, read murders, caused by vampires."

  "That's understandable," replied Stella. "But why is Quantrill so taken with you? Not that there isn't a lot to be taken with of course. I mean, anyone with taste and sense should be interested in you. You know what I mean."

  Blue winced, “Anyone should be but Rafe isn't."

  "That's not what I meant," said Stella. I just don't understand how a vampire, who probably is quite old, is so interested in a fifteen year old high school girl."

  “I found out that Quantrill is four hundred years old!”

  “Oh wow! I don’t understand though, why would a four hundred year old vampire fall for a sixteen year old school girl?” Stella quickly corrected herself. “Not that there isn’t a whole lot to fall for but, but, jeeze Blue. You know what I mean. It’s just plain weird.”

  "Well, there is an explanation for that," replied Blue. "I'm sorry to say that the explanation does not include ancient vampire being entranced by my teenage charms and beauty. Brando thinks that Quantrill wants to marry me in order to find out and control the McChesney and Escarpment Witch powers. All his attention is just a plot hatched up by Zerelda and Quantrill to control me and my family."

  "That must be it," replied Stella. "But how could Quantrill be so dumb as to tell you he's going to marry you the very first time he meets you?"

  "I think in his case, Quantrill is merely overconfident. He knows that he is gorgeous and charming. Plus he has glamour and can entrance humans. Many women have fallen for him. So why would he ever expect to have difficulties with a mere sixteen year old girl?"

  "True," agreed Stella. "But he has no idea how difficult a witchy sorcerer girl can be!" Both Stella and Blue broke into giggles.

  "I can break out of his glamour trances," confided Blue. He has tried that already and I realized something funny was going on. As soon as I realized that I was able to break out of it. Probably it's harder for mundane people to escape his glamour."

  "That's good to know," replied Stella. "So I don't have to worry about him biting you?"

  "No," replied Blue. "If he tries anything funny, I'll blast him into next week. I am going to have a talk with him though, next time he lurks by, and I'll make it clear that I am not liking his attentions and totally not interested in pursuing any relationship beyond being casual acquaintances. Hopefully we can be acquaintances, but only if he behaves."

  "Good plan," replied Stella. "But if he won't stay within the boundaries you set, then you need to drop him entirely and have nothing to do with him. A pissed off vampire is someone you don't want lurking around."

  "You're right," agreed Blue.

  "Be prepared to get harsh," said Stella. "I know you want everyone to like you. But not everyone is going to be in your fanclub all the time, Blue. Sometimes you have to just draw the line."

  Blue frowned. "Well, if I can't convert him to just a friend, then I'll have to drop Quantrill entirely."

  "Yes," replied Stella. "But I bet he won't take this graciously and just leave you alone. I have a feeling, Blue, that ancient vampires can become unpleasant when their plans are foiled. So be careful."

  Blue looked thoughtful.

  "What's wrong," Stella asked.

  "There's one more thing Brando said," Blue paused. "He explained about wolven courtship and said that he fully expects Rafe to someday claim me as a mate."

  "So, what did you tell Brando?" asked Stella.

  "There's nothing to tell." replied Blue. "I got angry that I’m expected to just sit around waiting for Rafe to claim me, like I don’t have anything better to do. I was startled Brando even discussed such a thing."

  "You shouldn't be that startled," replied Stella. Everyone thinks there's something going on between you and Rafe."

  "Everyone except Rafe," Blue laughed.

  "What does that mean for a wolven to claim you?"

  "I don't know, but must have something to do with their courting rituals. They do mate for life you know, so I expect it's a very big wolven deal with lots of wolven protocol. I could just ask, but they always clam up if I ask anything. I find out more if I keep quiet and wait for them to explain things. It's probably secret wolven information."

  "You could ask Brando," pointed out Stella. "Because he brought it up in the first place, so if he brought it up I think you're entitled to ask him.

  "Good point," replied Blue. "I'll ask him next time I get him alone."

  "I can explain that," replied Talon, appearing out of nowhere with drinks.

  "Talon! Stella jumped. "You startled me!"

  "Pardon," replied Talon. "I did not mean to startle you. I just walk quietly. Also, I did not intend to overhear, it's just, well, my hearing is very good."

  "It's OK. If you can explain what Brando meant, please do," said Blue, patting the seat next to her, and across from Stella.

  "Mais oui," replied Talon, placing glasses of lemonade in front of Stella and Blue.

  "Thank you," Talon," replied Blue. She felt awkward accepting the drink because Talon had not expected an additional person when he went to buy drinks for himself and Stella. So now he was giving her his drink. But Blue reminded herself of wolven etiquette. Wolven men always took care of females and children before themselves. If she refused the drink it would insult Talon. Like when Grandma Lily's cat brought her a dead mouse as a gift. She had to look pleased.

  "MMMMhhhmmm, this is good," said Stella. "Here, have a sip Talon. You must be thirsty too." Stella pushed the glass toward Talon and he took a long sip, looking very pleased.

  Blue reminded herself that she better explain to Stella what food-sharing and handfeeding meant to a wolven, definitely courtship behaviour and Talon obviously liked Stella very much.

  All the skaters left the rink and over the loudspeaker numbers were being called for the raffle baskets. Stella, Blue, and Talon pulled out their numbers.

  "You wished to know what 'claiming' a female means to a Wolven." He hesitated.

  Blue tried to help, as Talon was gathering his thoughts and worlds.

  "I suppose courting a female is a very important project, particularly because wolven mat
e for life, expect to have children, and must raise these children with their special wolven gifts."

  "Oui," that is part of it, agreed Talon. But it is more. Wolven love their mates with their entire being, to the core. For happiness a wolven needs that same depth of feeling in return. One cannot expect a prospective mate to feel so passionately without knowing her proposed husband well. Thus courting rites can take years. The first step is for the wolven to announce at Clan Council that he is performing an Honor Stalking of a prospective mate. This is to ensure that no two wolven attempt to woo the same female. Then he stalks the female as he would any other prey, learning her habits, studying her likes and dislikes, leaving her gifts and signs of his devotion. These gifts must be left stealthily, to prove his worth as a hunter. If the honor stalking shows him that they are compatible then he asks permission of the female for him to claim her. Often the female's parents or guardians are consulted at the start of the honor stalking."

  "Does that mean they will marry?" asked Stella.

  "No, it is like an engagement, a chance to engage in courtship rituals, only without obligation on the female's part. She can back out at any time if she wishes to end the relationship."

  "Oh my god! They just called your number Talon!" Talon was still in skates and looked reluctantly at the long walk ahead of him.

  "I'll get it for you," said Stella. "I've already changed back into my shoes. She scampered back in a minute with a raffle basket and Talon's shoes.

  "Sounds like a pre-engagement," said Blue.

  "Yes," replied Talon. "Because it can still take years of courting after that to win the female entirely and to marry. Wolven are very serious about marriage and uh mating."

  "Wow," not like modern humans at all," replied Stella.

  "No," agreed Talon. "Any ahh... physical mating does not occur until after the marriage. Bringing babies into the world is a very big deal and they must be born into a comfortable, stable home. Plus there is plenty of time since wolven mate for life. Sharing of bodies is a very big and sacred deal. We are particular about that point."


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