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Tangled Up in Tinsel

Page 7

by Candis Terry

  Before she’d walked into his soon-to-be restaurant, her mission had been clear. She needed to keep it that way. If he were like every other man she’d ever met—men who were more than forgettable—and if it were easy to separate a sexual relationship apart from the professional one, then she’d be ecstatic to have him wrap his arms around her again. But she didn’t dare to pretend that Parker Kincade was like every other man she’d ever met. He was the kind of man a woman wanted to hold onto.

  And not just for the incredible sex.

  Keeping her distance, keeping a career agenda in mind, was crucial. Even if she had to carry a baseball bat and whack herself upside the head as a constant reminder, that’s what she’d do.

  From this moment on, seeing Parker as a man she wanted to work for, not a man she wanted to lick up one side and down the other, became her pledge. Her solemn vow.

  Even if it killed her.

  “Who the hell’s crazy idea was this?” Sean Scott pulled his ball cap off his head, shook off the raindrops, and ran his fingers through short hair littered with sawdust before plopping the cap on backward.

  If the project manager didn’t have such a huge grin on his face, Parker might be tempted to rearrange it a little for him in defense of the person who’d suggested the architectural change. “My sister. The event planner.”

  “You mean the gorgeous blonde I saw walking out of here a few hours ago?”

  “Yes. The gorgeous blonde you will be keeping your eyes and hands off of.” Parker folded his arms. “If you plan to keep them intact.”

  “She single?” Sean pushed a little harder, wearing that same playful grin.

  “And you should keep thoughts like that completely out of your head. Unless you don’t plan to keep it on your shoulders.”

  Sean laughed. “I get that she’s got five protective brothers who could kick my ass or kill me and bury my body so it would never be found, but I am not dead.” He held up his hands. “Yet. So I’ll just worship from afar if that’s all right with you.”

  Parker knew he and his brothers could take care of any guy looking at either of their sisters with bad intentions. But Sean was a good guy. So Parker gave him a pass.

  This time.

  “In my books afar means out of touching range,” he said.

  Sean sucked in a breath. “That’s a tall order, my man.”

  “So is a quick and painless death, but it can be arranged.”

  A comical shrug lifted the project manager’s shoulders.

  “Am I . . . interrupting?”

  Before Parker even turned, the sound of a certain seductive feminine voice sent a shot of longing into his jeans. In his mind, he could hear it whispering naughty things and pleading for him to do that “again” and “harder.”

  “Damn, bro.” Sean gave him a look. “You have gorgeous women just falling out of trees around here or what?”

  “Or what.” He popped his fist on Sean’s shoulder. “Get back to work before I make good on that promise.”

  “Yes, boss.” Sean’s response on his way out the door was totally tongue-in-cheek, but the way Sean had checked out Gabriella hadn’t settled well with Parker.

  At all.

  And . . . yeah, that was definitely something he needed to get a handle on. They’d had one night. One fucking fabulous, hot, sweaty Friday night. But that didn’t give him the right to get possessive. In fact, the whole jealous thing didn’t even make sense. He’d never been that way in his entire life.

  Holding a white pastry-sized box in her hands, Gabriella looked sweet and apologetic.

  “Wow. That’s awesome,” he said to her.

  Her head tilted just enough to send her long ponytail swinging against her back. “The cookies?”

  “No. That you’re real. Thought I just had this wild sexual fantasy and imagined you.”

  She came closer in a pair of skintight jeans tucked into the pair of boots that only reminded him of how the leather had felt against his naked hips as he plunged into her over and over last night. Or how the spiked heels had dug into his ass cheeks when she locked her legs around him and came. The pink hoodie she wore might be hiding the soft skin and lush amazingness above her narrow waist, but his mind—and his hands—had an excellent memory.

  “Because I left in the middle of the night?” she asked, setting the box down.

  “I prefer to call it evaporated. Like you’d never been there.”

  “Oh, Parker.”

  She came even closer and brought with her the scent of lemon and vanilla. He had to double his efforts not to grab her and plant his face in the sweet smelling curve of her neck.

  “I can still call you Parker, right?”

  When he nodded she reached up and touched his cheek. “Are you pouting?”

  “Real men don’t pout.” He caught her hand in his and found her fingers cold from the chilly November day. “I was worried about you getting home safely and I didn’t have your number to check.”

  “Well that was sweet. But as you can see . . .” She swept the hand he wasn’t holding over her body. “I made it home fine.”

  He couldn’t have stopped his eyes from roaming her mouthwatering curves if he’d tried. And he didn’t try. Not even a little.

  “I’m glad you made it home safe. But I’m a little confused why you’re here now. I thought I made it clear last night that I wasn’t ready to hire anyone yet.” He let go of her hand and she tucked it in the pocket of her hoodie. “Or are you here for a different reason?”

  “Don’t worry. While I had a fantastic time, I’m not looking for a replay of last night,” she said, and he was amazed at how badly her affirmation stung.

  “But you’re here now and I have to wonder why.”

  “Well.” A saucy smile curved her lips. “If I learned anything at all last night, it’s that I work very well under you.”


  That she did.

  She did a fucking fantastic job on top of him too.

  “So even though I know you’re not hiring just yet, I wanted you to know that I’m still very interested in working here. And I’d like you to keep me in mind.”

  Keep her in mind? Hell, he’d thought of little else since she’d walked through his door last night.

  “I’m sorry to interrupt,” a different female voice said.

  Parker turned to find Lucy, his future sister-in-law, standing in the open doorway.

  “Don’t be sorry.” He went to the door to greet her with a hug. “It’s great to see you. What can I help you with?”

  “I was actually looking for Jordan,” Lucy said.

  “Are you really sure you want to do that?”

  “I’m sure.” She sighed. “If only to keep him out of trouble.”

  “What’s Groomzilla up to now?”

  Lucy laughed. “Groomzilla?”

  “Hey, he earned the name.”

  “And apparently he’s still earning it.” Lucy sighed again. “This morning he mentioned something about reindeer for the wedding.”

  “Oh, God.”

  “I know.” Lucy nodded. “Before I could ask if he was serious—actually I would have said freaking serious—he took off and I haven’t seen him since. My fear factor is up around two hundred percent. He really is taking this wedding planning thing to the max.”

  “He could be anywhere up to God knows what by now.” Parker knew that anything with Jordan was possible, and nothing was out of the question.

  “I really didn’t mean to interrupt,” Lucy whispered, glancing over his shoulder. “But who’s your friend?”

  Parker wouldn’t exactly call her a friend. Sexy, gorgeous, and confusing as hell? Yeah, she was all that.

  “Lucy, this is Gabriella Montani. She’s interested in a chef position here at the restaurant.”

  Gabriella stepped forward and shook Lucy’s hand. “It’s very nice to meet you. So you’re planning a wedding?”

  “Actually, my fiancé is doing all the planning

  “Really?” Gabriella grinned. “I like that.”

  Lucy sighed. “You wouldn’t if you were engaged to Jordan.”

  “Tell her about the prom,” Parker urged. The story was sweet and thoughtful, but so totally over the top it’d had Jordan Kincade written all over it.

  “The prom?” Gabriella tilted her head and her long ponytail caught in the hood of her sweatshirt.

  Before Parker could stop himself he slipped his hand under all that silky brown hair and lifted it away from the hood. But not before he probably, maybe, accidentally brushed his fingers across the back of her warm neck.

  Gabriella gave him a confused look before returning her attention to Lucy.

  “Jordan had asked me to the high school graduation dance but then he stood me up,” Lucy said. “So a few months ago he created a prom just for the two of us.”

  “Well yay for him doing that,” Gabriella said. “But boo for him standing you up.”

  “Believe me, he’s made amends,” Lucy said. “Many times over.”

  “So he’s planning your wedding now as penance?” Gabriella asked.

  When Lucy laughed again, Parker felt like a fly on the wall. He didn’t mind being left out of the conversation. In fact, he rather enjoyed watching the two of them chat.

  “Actually, he’s doing me a favor,” Lucy said. “I’m a teacher at the high school and have a couple of difficult students this year. So my extra time is really limited right now. Jordan didn’t want to postpone the wedding, so he took over the planning duties.”

  “That is so sweet,” Gabriella said. “It sounds like he’ll make a wonderful husband.”

  Parker laughed. “Jordan’s a former NHL hockey player. Sweet isn’t quite the word to describe him.”

  “He is sweet,” Lucy insisted with a smile. “And annoying. And full of himself. But mostly sweet. And apparently I’ve got to find him before he comes up with any more crazy ideas.”

  “Did you check up at the main house?” Parker asked.

  “Not yet. I thought I’d come here first in case he was here pestering you.” Lucy turned her attention back to Gabriella. “It was really nice meeting you. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that the job here works out in your favor.”

  “Thanks. If you could put in a good word for me with the boss I’d appreciate it.” Gabriella extended her hand and shook Lucy’s. “Good luck with the wedding.”

  Lucy turned to go then stopped and said, “They’re giving me a bridal shower in a couple of weeks. Maybe you’d like to come? You wouldn’t have to bring anything. Just come have some fun.”

  “I’d love that. Thank you.” Gabriella reached in her bag, pulled out a card, and handed it to Lucy. “Here’s my number.”


  Parker scratched his head.

  How was it he’d had the woman screaming out his name when she orgasmed multiple times, but she wouldn’t give up her contact info to him? Yet Lucy mentioned a bridal shower and bingo, she just gave it over?

  As he waved goodbye to Lucy, he didn’t understand why Gabriella twisted him up over shit that shouldn’t matter. He had too many things going on right now to worry about whether the woman he’d just had out-of-this-world-fucking-amazing sex with would give him her phone number or not.

  Yeah. He was done with that crap kind of thinking.

  “She seems nice.” Gabriella tossed him a smile after Lucy left.

  “She is nice. So back to why you’re here.”

  “Cookies.” She picked up the white box and opened the lid. Then she reached inside, took one out, and held it up. “And not just any cookies. Ricotta cheese cookies with lemon icing.”

  He reached for the cookie but she beat him to it and took a bite.

  “I thought those were for me.”

  She chewed thoughtfully around a smile that tempted him to kiss it right off her face.

  “They are.” She offered the same cookie to him. “Taste.”

  Had he not spent last night with his mouth on hers and his tongue all over her body, he might hesitate. Instead, he wrapped his fingers around her hand, brought the cookie to his mouth, and sank his teeth into it. The light buttery and almond flavor with a hint of sweet lemon woke up his taste buds. Almost as deliciously as the woman who’d made the cookie.

  “Good?” she asked.


  “My nonni will be happy you approve. It’s her recipe. In addition to my appetizer, entrée, and dessert skills, I thought you might also like a sample of my baking abilities. You know, just in case you decide to offer bakery goods on your menu.”

  He still didn’t know what the hell he’d be offering on his menu, but he sure as hell wouldn’t mind sampling her again. But that was against his rules.

  “Do I get the rest?” he asked, because she still held the remaining bite of cookie in her hand. “Or are you just going to tempt me with it?”

  She looked up at him from beneath those thick sooty lashes. “Do I tempt you, Parker?”

  “Loaded question, Ms. Montani.” In a last ditch effort to maintain professional control, he used her formal name. His good intentions went to shit when he leaned in and snagged the rest of the cookie between his teeth.

  A smile curved her plump lips and he couldn’t help but think of all the places that beautiful mouth had been last night.

  Damn. It wasn’t like he was some pubescent kid unable to control his urges.

  He redoubled his efforts and let go of her hand.

  “Thanks for the cookies. They’d make a nice addition to the dessert choices.”

  “Does that mean you’ll give me the job?”

  What he wanted to give her had nothing to do with the job. “So what do you think of the place?”

  “Nice detour.” She chuckled.

  “I told you, I’m not ready to hire anyone yet.”

  “And I’m not ready to give up hope that there’s a place for me in your restaurant. But back to your question.” She set the cookie box down on a makeshift table of sawhorses and plywood. “I’m growing fond of the large hole in the back wall.”

  He turned and looked. “Last-minute design change. My sister suggested I put in doors and a patio for outdoor dining and private parties.”

  “Your sister has excellent ideas.”

  “Stick around. You’ll find out our family doesn’t run short of opinions.”

  “That works for me. Because sticking around is exactly what I plan to do.”

  Parker could have taken her comment a hundred different ways and all of them could have been as innocent as the words had sounded.

  But he didn’t.

  For some reason the idea of her sticking around excited him way more than it should. And that kind of thinking was a whole mess of trouble just waiting to explode.

  Parker realized he couldn’t help but wonder what Gabriella really had going on in that clever mind of hers. But like her phone number, she wasn’t exactly forthcoming.

  A hint of mystery could be fun, as long as he knew what road to follow. With Gabriella, he had no clue.

  When Parker had brought her fingers to his mouth, Gabriella wanted to toss aside the good intentions she’d come here with today. Everything about this man kept sidetracking her.

  Watching him at his food truck, she’d known he had the kind of devastating good looks that could melt a girl’s panties right off her body. But she hadn’t seen his keen sense of humor. She hadn’t known the genuine love he had for the restaurant he was creating. Or the love he had for his family.

  At this very moment she should only have one thing on her mind.

  Proving herself.

  Determined to stay focused, she took a breath.

  When an army of construction guys in brown coveralls gathered in the large opening at the back wall of the building, she saw her opportunity to take a step back.

  Literally and figuratively.

  “Looks like there’s a lot of work still to be done here,” she sa

  “Yep.” Parker turned to look at the workers gathered in the opening. “There sure is.”

  “So put me to work.”

  His head snapped around. “What?”

  She’d seen another chance to prove her worth and she seized it. “Put me to work. I know how to use a screwdriver, a hammer, a saw, and any kind of electric tool that makes a guy do that manly grunt thing.”

  “Oh really.” He folded his arms. “And where did you learn these skills?”

  “Habitat for Humanity. I’ve assisted on dozens of projects. Most recently I helped build a three bedroom house in Alabama after a tornado leveled an entire town.”

  “You’re kidding.”

  “What.” She held out her hands. “Don’t I look like a hammer and saw kind of girl?”

  “Not even close.”

  “Well I am. We built that place in a hundred hours. Handed over the keys to a wonderful woman and her small children. And we walked away knowing we’d just put a roof over a family’s heads.”

  Parker folded his arms across his broad chest. “Looks like you’re continuously going to surprise me.”

  “Hopefully in a good way.”

  “You’re off to a damn good start.” He tipped his head toward her feet. “Although I can’t see how you’re going to manage wielding a hammer in those.”

  “No worries. I always carry a pair of work boots and sneakers in my car. Along with a small toolbox. Just in case.”

  “I’m impressed.” His smile increased to a grin. “Maybe the next time I have you naked I’ll ask you to leave those on instead of the dominatrix heels.”

  A web of sensation tickled all those places he’d touched last night with his hands and mouth. Even though he’d been the one telling her they only had one night, he’d just hinted that maybe there could be a repeat. While her body said yes, yes, yes, she grabbed hold of her earlier promise and determination slid back into place.

  As she turned to retrieve the boots from her car, she tossed him a look over her shoulder. “Who says there will be a next time?”

  Chapter 6

  Hours later Parker’s growling stomach got the best of him. The construction crew had called it a day, and the sun had disappeared below the horizon. Ready to call it a day himself, Parker went to find Gabriella, who’d disappeared into the kitchen area some time ago. He hadn’t asked for her help. She hadn’t asked to be paid. Instead she’d offered out of the goodness of her heart. Not many people would do something like that and he appreciated her help. Most of all it gave him an opportunity to see that while she was an excellent cook, she wasn’t afraid to put in the hard work either. And even though he was a long way from making any decisions, she was exactly the type of person he wanted working for him.


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