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Redeeming the Rancher

Page 18

by Deb Kastner

  To her surprise, she found Griff standing in the vestibule to the chapel. He was dressed in a gray suit that Alexis guessed would cost a cowboy a month’s salary. He’d shaved and his hair was carefully groomed. He looked relieved when he spotted her, and with the smile he greeted her with, Alexis thought she’d never seen such a handsome man in her life.

  But it wasn’t just his good looks that sent her heart into overdrive. She loved everything about Griff Haddon. Somewhere in the past month, he’d become her right-hand man, the person she turned to with both her troubles and her blessings.

  What was she going to do without him? He’d spent the week looking at various potential properties, and she’d seen him several times with Jo Spencer, their heads together as they whispered in conspiratorial tones. He was leaving, and there wasn’t a thing she could do about it.

  Not leaving leaving, of course. He was staying in Serendipity. They’d be neighbors. But their relationship would change, and she didn’t like change. Her whole world was going up in ashes and she was powerless to stop it.

  “You look tired,” Griff said as he approached.

  “Why, thank you.” She hoped her response didn’t sound as snappy as she felt. She didn’t know how much restraint she had left.

  He laid a hand on the small of her back. “I didn’t mean that as an insult. I’m just concerned. You’ve been burning the candle at both ends between this deal with Devon and making sure the rest of the kids got home okay.”

  “Well, it’s over, isn’t it?” This time she knew she sounded short with him.

  He pressed his lips together. “I’m sorry, babe,” he whispered.

  Why was he treating her so kindly? She didn’t deserve it, not with the mood she was in. She wasn’t good for company right now. Maybe church had been a mistake. She shouldn’t be around people right now and she was in no state of mind to rejoice in the Lord. If it wasn’t for Devon and Hannah, she would turn right around and go home, get back into bed, cover up her head and stay there.

  “There’s Jo,” Griff said, nodding toward the red-haired woman who was boisterously making her rounds around the room greeting everyone she met. “If you’ll excuse me a minute, I need to go speak with her. Will you save me a seat in the sanctuary?”

  She nodded and he started to walk away, but she caught the sleeve of his jacket. “I forgot to ask, what are you doing here?” She stopped and shook her head, disgusted with herself. “That sounded really bad. Of course you’re welcome in church. I was just surprised to see you here.”

  “Not as surprised as I am to be here.” He grinned widely. “But to answer your question, I’m here for the same reason everyone else is. To get to know God better.”

  “Really?” Her heart flooded with warmth, especially when he winked at her.

  “Really. Now I’d better catch Jo before I lose her.”

  As she watched him walk away, she marveled at the changes in him. He wasn’t the same man who’d raided her kitchen on that first morning. He’d always carried himself with a masculine kind of confidence, but now he seemed to have an added poise. He spoke to everyone he passed as if they were friends—and they were. He’d found a real home here in Serendipity.

  She was happy for him. She really was. But it was hard for her to see the good when her own life was in such shambles. She had to buck up and face reality. A handsome guy such as Griff would find a nice girl here in town and settle down for real. Meanwhile, she’d have to find a job, and jobs were scarce in Serendipity. She was even toying with joining Vivian in Houston, though that prospect brought her down more than anything.

  She didn’t really feel like talking to anybody, so she made her way into the sanctuary and found a seat in her usual pew. With a sigh, she knelt, closed her eyes and clasped her hands. She desperately needed the peace that only God could give.

  She felt rather than saw Griff sit next to her in the pew. She didn’t know how she knew it was Griff. Maybe it was the spicy scent of the aftershave he always wore, but she thought it might simply be that she was used to him there, next to her. When he knelt beside her and slipped his arm around her waist, she knew for sure it was him. And she knew for sure how hard it was going to be to let him go.

  “It’s okay, honey,” he whispered in her ear. “You know when God closes a window, he opens a door.”

  “I think you’ve got it backward,” she whispered back, but his statement made her chuckle despite her bleak mood.

  “Whatever. I’m right, though, aren’t I? God’s got this?”

  God’s got this.

  Griff’s words echoed over and over again in her mind as the service started. How could a man so new to his faith have hit the nail so completely on the head? It made her question her own lack of faith.

  She had nothing. Did that mean God had something completely different in mind for her, some new adventure for her to follow? She had to believe He did.

  She prayed through the whole service, seeking God’s guidance on her future. She didn’t expect a bolt of lightning or anything, but she was grateful to feel the Lord’s presence and His peace as she sought His face. By the time Pastor Shawn gave the benediction, Alexis was in a better place. She didn’t know what would happen or where she would be, but she knew Who would be with her.

  Alexis was putting her hymnal away after the final hymn when Pastor Shawn stopped everyone by announcing he had something special to say. He held up his hands until everyone quieted and settled themselves in the pews.

  “I’d appreciate it if I can have everyone’s attention for just a moment. There’s someone here today who has got a special announcement to make.”

  Alexis was shocked when Griff stood to his feet and moved up to the front of the sanctuary.

  “I appreciate you all hanging out here for a second,” Griff said, easily taking over the role of orator from Pastor Shawn. “As you know, I’m a relative newcomer to Serendipity and a brand-spanking newcomer to this church.”

  He waited while people clapped and shouted in welcome.

  “I do appreciate you all, more than I can say. Not only have you welcomed me to town, but you’ve helped me establish myself here. You’ve given me plenty of good leads on land I can call my own, and you’ve held out the hand of friendship to me.

  “But it’s not for me that I’m up here today. I’m here about a very worthy cause that you all know about. Alexis, if you would join me up here?”

  Alexis’s heart jammed into her throat. What was going on here? Why was Griff asking for her, of all people? And what was the worthy cause he’d mentioned?

  She stood and stumbled up the aisle. With everyone’s eyes on her, it was reminiscent of a wedding. She hoped she wouldn’t be this klutzy on that occasion, should it ever happen.

  When her gaze met and locked with Griff’s, the odd premonition of being a bride only increased. His eyes were full of male admiration and his smile left no doubt how much he appreciated her. She could only smile back, even as she realized that her life was more of a mess than ever. She was looking into the eyes of the man she was in love with. A man who was standing up there looking every bit the handsome groom, but who no doubt did not return her feelings.

  And the entire town was looking on. How awkward could this be? She wanted to turn around and run right out of the sanctuary, but she was committed, so she did the only thing she could.

  She kept walking. Right up to the front of the aisle. Right up to his side. Pastor Shawn was standing between them, his Bible tucked in his hands.

  Alexis was blushing to the roots of her hair. Did anyone else in this room see the incredibly awkward parallels going on here?

  She sucked in a deep breath. They probably did. It was hard to miss. And although it felt incredibly painful to her now, she reminded herself that this was definitely the kind of situation she would be able
to laugh at later. She’d probably be telling this to her grandchildren forty years from now.

  If she had grandchildren…

  The thought made her sad, because she couldn’t imagine her family without the man standing beside her being a part of it. When had her life become such a crazy mess?

  Griff reached for her hand and turned her to face him. Yet another similarity to a wedding ceremony. She squeezed her eyes shut for a moment and then mentally shrugged. She had to snap out of it or she was never going to get through this.

  Whatever this was.

  “Redemption Ranch,” Griff said, smiling down at her, “has been an important part of the community for several years now.”

  The ranch. This was about the ranch. Her gaze darted to his but he didn’t give anything away in his eyes.

  “But as you all know, Alexis and her ranch have not only contributed to the good of Serendipity, but to the lives of dozens of troubled teenagers. To say her ministry is worthwhile is a blatant understatement. It’s important. No—it’s crucial.”

  Tears sprang to Alexis’s eyes at the nods and murmurs that went around the congregation. She’d never felt so much love as she did at that moment.

  “That is why I’m happy to be standing up here today to announce to Alexis and this community that Redemption Ranch will be continuing its good work well into the foreseeable future. Many, many teenagers will thank you for your effort, Alexis.”

  As the congregation began clapping, Alexis looked up at Griff in confusion. “I—I don’t understand.”

  He tapped the end of her nose with his finger. “Did you think I was going to help your sister achieve her dreams and watch yours flounder to a halt? I don’t think so. You’ve got your ministry sponsors. Redemption Ranch is a go.”

  Tears streamed unheeded down Alexis’s face but she didn’t bother wiping them away as she launched herself into Griff’s arms. “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you,” she repeated, squeezing him tightly around the neck.

  He laughed and swung her around, then set her back on her feet again. “I appreciate the gratitude, honey, but you’re thanking the wrong person.” He made a grand gesture, sweeping his hand around to indicate the people in the congregation. “These are the folks who deserve the real thanks.”

  “What?” Her head was spinning and her heart was so full of joy that she wasn’t quite sure she was following what he was saying.

  “It’s simple. Meet your new ministry partners.”

  “My new…ministry partners,” she repeated, feeling entirely bemused. Her friends and neighbors were the ones who’d committed to preserving Redemption Ranch? “But they have obligations. Families to feed. They can’t—”

  “We can and we did,” Jo announced from the front row where she always sat. “And not a word out of you, missy. The Lord says we are to be generous with all the blessings He’s given us. And that’s exactly what we’re doing. We’re believin’ and we’re givin’.”

  “I…” Alexis stopped, too choked up to speak. “Thank you doesn’t seem like enough. There are no words.”

  “Thank you is plenty enough words,” Jo assured her, and the congregation once again burst into applause. Even Hannah and Devon wholeheartedly joined in with the whoops and hollers.

  “So there you have it,” said Griff, squeezing her waist. “You can arrange for your next group of trouble.”

  “I’ll do that.”

  “Oh, and one other thing,” he said, as if it was an afterthought.

  “What’s that?”

  He flashed her a cheeky grin. “You can hire that administrative-assistant-slash-accountant that you so desperately need.”

  His gaze caught hers and she saw something there that she hadn’t seen before. He seemed to be asking something. His gorgeous gray-blue eyes were pleading with her for—


  “I was rather hoping I could hire you,” she said, feeling suddenly shy, especially since they were still in full view of a curious audience.

  “I was hoping you’d say that,” he said, sounding relieved. “But am I pushing it if I say I was wishing for a little more than a job offer? I kind of still need a place to live and I was thinking that maybe…well…”

  He dropped to one knee and Alexis’s heart stopped dead in her chest. Suddenly she knew what it was she’d been reading in Griff’s gaze, even before he pulled a small velvet box from the pocket of his jacket.

  Was this…? How could this be happening to her? An hour ago her life was as low as it had ever been. She’d thought every door and window had been slammed in her face.

  And now?

  Now she was looking at her future, and it was full of life in every conceivable way.

  Her ranch. Her teenagers.


  “You’re killing me down here,” he said with a shaky laugh. “Are you going to answer my question?”

  Her face heated until she knew she must be a bright red. She’d gotten so flustered she hadn’t heard a question.

  “I’m sorry, I—”

  Griff swallowed hard, the smile dropping from his lips. “Please don’t say no, Alexis. If you need to wait, I understand, but—”

  She cut him off with a kiss before he could say another word. “I’m not saying no,” she assured him between kisses. “I seriously didn’t hear the question. I’m slow, but I think I can figure it out from here.”

  “Oh, man, you had me worried there for a second,” he said through a ragged breath.

  She dragged him to his feet. “Yes, yes, I’ll marry you. Oh, my goodness. I can’t believe I could feel so happy. An hour ago I thought…well…forget what I thought an hour ago. Yes. Yes!”

  Griff laughed, slid the diamond on her finger and kissed her hard, and the congregation exploded, echoing the joy Alexis was feeling in her heart.

  “Did anyone else kind of feel the whole wedding vibe here?” Samantha asked, rushing up the aisle to be the first to congratulate her friend. “Like Griff standing at the front of the aisle, and her walking up to him? Pastor Shawn officiating?”

  “I thought so, too,” agreed Mary, who was right on her heel.

  “So everyone will come back for the real thing, right?” Griff asked, wagging his eyebrows.

  “You’d better believe it.” As usual, Jo Spencer answered for the whole crowd.

  “There’s no rush, but I’d like to speak to you folks about supporting the ministry of Redemption Ranch,” Hannah added, embracing them both. “You’ve done so very much for my Devon. I’d consider it an honor to help other teenagers in his position.”

  In moment they were surrounded by people. Their friends. Their neighbors. Their ministry partners.

  Griff pulled her close as they accepted the well-wishes of the community they both loved. When the crowd finally started thinning, he pulled her around to face him.

  “I know you missed the part where I asked you to be my wife,” he said with a chuckle, “so I wanted to reiterate that you’re going to marry me, right?”

  “I want that in writing,” she insisted.

  “Oh, you can count on that, honey,” he replied, brushing a kiss across her cheek. “I’m ready to sign, seal and deliver on that wedding license. The sooner, the better, as far as I’m concerned. But since you didn’t hear my proposal, you might have missed another important fact I mentioned to you.”

  “Yeah?” she asked, gazing up at him with so much joy in her heart that she thought she might burst from the feel of it. “And what’s that?”

  “I love you,” he murmured. “I can’t even believe how much I love you. I never knew this much love even existed in the world, until I met you.”

  Alexis stopped breathing and perhaps the world stopped turning. “I love you, too, Griff. Now and forever.”

id I mention I’d like to have a lot of kids?” He grinned impishly and his eyebrows danced.

  She burst into laughter. “Oh, you’re going to get them, all right. A whole new crop at the beginning of each of our new Mission Months.”

  “Hmm,” he said, narrowing his teasing gaze on her. “Not that I mind loads and loads of troubled teenagers, mind you. But I meant our kids. Yours and mine. Together.”

  She cupped his face in her hands and pulled his head down until his lips hovered just over hers. “Those, too, my love. Those, too.”

  * * * * *

  Keep reading for an excerpt from SMALL-TOWN HOMECOMING by Lissa Manley.

  Dear Reader

  Welcome to the final book in my Serendipity Sweetheart series. With Alexis and Griff’s story, all three of Serendipity’s Little Chicks have finally found their happily-ever-afters.

  Have you ever experienced a time in your life when you believed a specific situation, person or thing was what you needed, only to discover the exact opposite was true? Griff Haddon thought he was looking for solitude and anonymity in Serendipity, when the real desire of his heart was to be loved and accepted into family and community. He didn’t realize God’s blessings would be so much bigger than he could have imagined.

  God loves you fiercely and furiously. He has a plan for your life that is lovely beyond what you can imagine. He knows even when you do not what will bring you the most joy and happiness in your life, and I pray you’ll experience all of the fullness of joy His love can bring.

  I hope you enjoyed Redeeming the Rancher. I love to connect with you, my readers, in a personal way. Please look me up at I’m on Facebook at, or you can catch me on Twitter @debkastner.

  Please know that you are daily in my prayers.

  Love Courageously,

  Questions for Discussion


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