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Blood Legacy (PULSE Vampire Series #6)

Page 13

by Kailin Gow

  Jaegar leaned in to kiss Kalina, but he was interrupted by a loud ahem. Kalina and Jaegar looked up to see Octavius, who was glaring at both of them through dark eyes. Kalina knew that look – it was the raw, furious force of true passion. He was jealous – more jealous than he would ever admit; only his honor and his oath prevented him from staking Jaegar there and then.

  “I need to speak with you, Kalina,” Octavius said stiffly.

  Kalina sprang to her feet, embarrassed. “Look, Jaegar,” she said. “I need to talk to Octavius for a second,” she said. “I'll be back.”

  Chapter 20

  Octavius led Kalina to the back of the plane. Before they could even sit down, Kalina felt Octavius’ lips hungry upon hers, kissing her with abandon, his hands deftly caressing her body, her curves – all of her...

  Kalina pulled back in surprise. Only hours before, Octavius had angrily rejected her advances. But now he was all over her, kissing her with a sheer passionate abandon she thought was lost forever. His touch was electric; she struggled to shut down her telepathic connection with Jaegar. She couldn't let him know that she still felt this way about Octavius, that she still wanted him so much. But something was strange. Octavius’ kisses were not just rough, but brutal – demanding. Overwhelming. Kalina tried to force herself to respond, but instinct pulled her back. Something felt wrong.

  “What's going on, Octavius?” she asked.

  “I've been thinking,” Octavius said. “I've decided that it's not worth the heartbreak any longer. I want you. I want you now. Totally, completely. To spend the rest of eternity with you on your terms.”

  They were the words Kalina had been longing to hear. But something felt wrong – she couldn't bring herself to believe them. His eyes were not loving, but cruel; and they were vaguely red and bloodshot. Kalina thought back to Jaegar in the back of the plane – were his eyes not a little red, too? Kalina sniffed the air – it smelled of nothing but vampires and Carriers, the same familiar smell.

  What could have happened to Jaegar and Octavius to make them both so passionate – so frightening – in such a short space of time? And then, from the curtain dividing the back of the plane from the main cabin, Kalina caught a glimpse of the flight attendant. She was lovely, to be sure – but there was something else about her, too. Something special.

  Kalina pulled away from Octavius, striding towards the girl. The smell was faint but as she grew closer to the flight attendant the feeling in her blood was unmistakable. Did this woman have Carrier blood in her? The smell was almost impossible to make out – so subtle that Octavius and Jaegar would both fail to realize it, to realize they had been drinking the blood of a Carrier.

  Kalina strode over to the woman. “Excuse me,” she said quietly, “I'm sorry, but I'll need you to come with me. We have an emergency that needs dealing with out back.”

  “Of course,” the woman nodded. She followed Kalina to a secluded part of the plane. “What's going on?”

  “What's your name?” Kalina looked the woman up and down. Yes, Kalina thought bitterly – she was beautiful. Certainly beautiful enough to have attracted both Octavius and Jaegar. But she couldn't let herself be jealous now.

  “Suzanne-Alice,” the woman said. “Is there a problem with the plane, ma'am?”

  Kalina shook her head. “It's not about the plane,” she said. “It's about what know...”

  “With them?” Suzanne-Alice raised an eyebrow as she looked over to Octavius and Jaegar.

  “Have you had a blood test done before, Suzanne-Alice?” Kalina's heart was beginning to pound.

  “Ages ago – when I was a kid. I think I was a type O or something – I don't know. It's probably in some medical file somewhere...”

  Kalina frowned. It looked like this girl definitely didn't know about her own Carrier blood – she clearly wasn't lying.

  “And your mother?” Kalina pressed further. “What type was she?”

  Suzanne shrugged. “As if I knew!” she scoffed. “My mother was a drug addict who left me with a foster family in Basel – I never knew her...”

  “And you've been...with vampires before?”

  Suzanne smiled and colored slightly. “Non,” she said, her Swiss accent becoming more evident as she spoke. “Just these two handsome fellows – they explained everything to me. It is safe, I know.”

  Kalina felt her skin prickle with envy. She'd never felt such jealousy before. She'd tried so hard to give Octavius her Life's Blood – but this girl, who didn't even know them – who didn't even know her own strength, had let them feed from her. No wonder they had both been acting strangely. She knew the effect that Life's Blood had upon a vampire who did not drink from his true love. It caused raging madness – a loss of control. Kalina shuddered as she remembered how both Stuart and Jaegar had behaved when under the influenced. She couldn't bear going through that again.

  Max, who had been listening silently to the conversation, took Suzanne by the hand. “Listen to me,” she said. “I'm going to have to explain everything to you...” She led Suzanne away to sit her down leaving Kalina alone with Justin. “Kalina, I'll run some tests. I brought a kit with me...Suzanne, come with me.”

  “I don't understand,” Justin said. “You think we've got another Carrier on board?”

  Kalina began to feel nervous. Justin would be able to control himself around Kalina's blood – but would his desire for another Carrier outweigh his good intentions? He wasn't as strong as Jaegar or Octavius at controlling his emotions yet. “We'll have to do some tests,” she said, watching as Justin's eyes followed the girl's beautiful frame down the aisle of the plane, darkening with desire.

  “I'm going to go sit down,” said Justin.

  Octavius came over to Kalina. His eyes had grown redder; his expression was even more passionate than it had been. He pulled her aside once again, pressing his lips against her fingers, sending thrill after thrill through her as his tongue darted over her knuckles, over the tips of her fingers. He leaned in, murmuring throatily: “Remember when we were at the castle, my love? Remember how we shared that tub? So warm, the water. So caressing. I want to do that again, Kalina – but this time I'd like to do far more than hold you...” He kissed her ear, beginning to nibble greedily on the lobe. Kalina closed her eyes and sighed. Perhaps the Life's Blood wasn't turning Octavius evil, she thought hopefully – perhaps it was only taking away his inhibitions...

  “You drank from Suzanne...” Kalina began.

  Octavius smiled at her. “Why? Jealous?”

  “Yes,” Kalina flushed.

  “Silly Kalina – you don't need to be jealous. You know what I want. You and only you.”

  Max returned without Suzanne. She took Kalina aside, whispering into her ear. “I've done the tests, Kalina,” she said steadily. “She's not a full Carrier. But she has some Carrier blood in her – perhaps a relative, perhaps a distant cousin. Blood not as strong as yours or mine – but just a drop of Life's Blood...” she sighed. “Don't let any of the vampires drink from her until this is sorted out.”

  “Too late,” said Kalina.

  “I see,” Max looked worried. “Then keep an eye on them. Won't you? You know them better than I – you'll know if they start acting...strange.”

  “Do you think she's one of the Carrier children?” Kalina asked. “Are they all half-Carriers, like her? That could be why we've had trouble smelling them out.”

  Max sighed. “I don't know,” she said. “You were all experimental. None of us knew what to expect. Your blood was a combination of mine and the Calloways' serum – others injected with the serum had little to no Carrier blood at all…the serum that finished the Doctor's work.”

  At the mention of the Doctor, Kalina remembered the metal box she had found at the Doctor's residence in China. She reached into her bag and showed it to her mother. “I found this a few weeks ago,” said Kalina. “At the Doctor's residence, after we fought Molotov. Do you know what it is?”

ax shook her head. “Open it.”

  But before Kalina could do so, Jaegar walked over, interrupting them. “I've been going through some of the papers we recovered from the compound,” he said. “A map of Rutherford – marked with an X. It looks like Mal was planning to bring the girls to Switzerland after all – once he'd narrowed down the most likely Carriers. He was going to drink the rest...”

  Kalina felt sick again. Yet as she looked into Jaegar's eyes, she felt sicker still. His irises had turned bright red. His desire was palpable – mingled with danger. He wanted her, she knew – and he was going to take her. Right here, right now. It was no longer a look of love. It was simply savage obsession.


  At the sound of her name, Kalina whirled around. Octavius stood before her, his eyes also bright red – his face also bestial in its hunger.

  She gulped. These weren't the men she knew – kind, gentle, loving vampires. The Life's Blood had done its work.

  Their humanity was hanging by a thin thread. She was standing between two Life’s Blood monsters.

  And they both wanted her.


  Kalina’s heart was pounding. If both Octavius and Jaegar were under the influence of Life’s Blood, then they were both dangerous. Forget about saving the other Carriers, Kalina thought as she blanched in terror – right now, she’d have to focus on saving herself. She was trapped 38,000 feet in the air with two vampires hopped up on Life’s Blood. There was no way out. She remembered what had happened last time – how Jaegar had turned so cruel, so evil. Would he turn that way again? And Octavius? She looked back and forth from one to the other, horrified. How could she bear to lose either one of them?

  “Get Suzanne-Alice out of here,” Kalina said, looking over at Max.

  Max nodded. “Go sit with Stuart, Suzanne. Wait at the front of the plane – in the cockpit. Lock the doors and don’t open them to anybody but us.”

  Suzanne-Alice looked confused but she complied silently. Before Kalina could say anything, however, Jaegar was at her side. His eyes were filled with lust and longing. He turned his penetrating gaze onto her, and Kalina felt chills running up her spine. “Kal…” he whispered. “Something’s going on – something’s wrong. I’m losing control.”

  Kalina knew the first thing to do was to get him out of view of Octavius. They were dangerous enough to her right now, but she imagined – if they were as prone to jealousy in this condition as she suspected – that they would be more dangerous still to each other. “Just go sit down,” she said to Jaegar, trying to pat his arm reassuringly. “I’ll come over in a second.”

  Max was examining the box Kalina had given her. “I’ve tried the box,” she said shortly. “It won’t open – it’s stuck.”

  “You think it needs a key?”

  Max shook her head. “Doubt it,” she said. “The problem isn’t a key – it’s…something else. Something deeper. Magic, I should say.”

  “Magic?” Kalina whirled around to face her mother, surprised.

  “The inscription on the box – it’s classical Chinese; I can read it. It says it right here – The rights of Life’s Blood are strong. Strength is sealed by age. Presumably it means that only an ancient vampire can open the box.”

  Kalina – Kalina was interrupted by the voice of telepathy in her head. Jaegar was sitting as she had asked him to – but his thoughts were less compliant than his body. You look quite delectable, my darling. His voice was cruel. I want you right now – right here. I’m this close to simply taking you – even here. In front of everybody. I’ve waited and waited for you, and you’ve denied me too long…”

  Kalina colored but said nothing. She didn’t want to panic Max or anyone else just yet. Listen to me, Jaegar, she said. You drank from Suzanne-Alice – she’s a Carrier, like me. Or at least a part-Carrier. You might have been tainted with Life’s Blood; you need to stay calm. Fight your urges – please, Jaegar. Just try to stay calm, for me?

  She gasped as she felt a hand wrap around her from behind. It was Jaegar, stalking silently behind her.

  “Just a moment, Max,” Jaegar smiled. “If I could borrow your daughter for a moment…”

  He led her to a secluded part of the plane, pushing her behind the curtains, his mouth finding hers, devouring her as his passion found upon her lips its fullest expression. “Did you say something, Kalina?” He smiled, cat-like. “All I can hear is that pounding in your heart for me…the pounding of desire.”

  Kalina thought fast. If Jaegar did want her – the best thing she could do would be to convince him to drink from her, first. Her Life’s Blood might well save him; it might turn him human. After all, it had done so before.

  “Do you want me, Jaegar?” Kalina gave him her most seductive look, widening her eyes as she stared into his face. “If you do, take me.” She pushed back her hair, revealing her long, white neck.

  Jaegar smiled as he fingered the soft, creamy skin. “Of course I do,” he murmured. “But I want to enjoy you in so many other ways first…”

  “Kalina!” Octavius broke in before Kalina had a chance to respond. She cursed silently as she looked up to find Octavius standing over them. “I wanted to inform you that you will be dining with me tonight – in Beverly Hills. I’ve telephoned the servants already – instructed them to prepare a sumptuous meal.”

  Kalina flashed back to the last time she had been to that mansion. Back then, Octavius had been arrogant, cruel – power-hungry. He had been her enemy, grown cold to human suffering by too many years on the job. She had almost forgotten that Octavius. But now, in his eyes, she saw him again.

  “And the Carriers?” Kalina asked, hoping Octavius would be stronger against the Blood than Jaegar. “We have to find them.”

  “Yes,” Octavius said curtly, “we do.” He turned to Jaegar. “You’ve always gotten in my way, Jaegar. Always gotten underfoot. I sired you, so I let you have your fun flirting, playing with my woman – but no more, Jaegar. Why she desires you as she does is beyond me; I made you, Jaegar – every ounce of blood in your veins is mine. But her heart wanders when you come calling. No more. You defied my orders once in keeping her from me; you will not defy me a second time. From this time forth, you will stop your quest for her. You are my offspring, Jaegar, and you will do as I command.”

  Jaegar scoffed. “I’m no newborn vampire,” he said. “You can’t tell me what to do. I’ll fight you if I have to…”

  “Fight your sire?” Octavius raised an eyebrow. “Fight a vampire more than twice your age with more abilities than you’ll ever have? You fool – you wouldn’t dare.”

  Jaegar stepped forward, his stance threatening. He looked like a tiger who was getting ready to pounce. “I bet you I would,” he growled. “You have no hold over me, Octavius.”

  Octavius smiled. “Oh, but I do.” In a swift, graceful movement, he shot out a hand, catching Jaegar by the throat. He pushed him against the wall, staring at him with his enormous dark eyes. It took a moment for Kalina to realize what Octavius was doing.

  “Octavius – don’t!” she cried, but it was too late.

  “You will no longer feel anything for Kalina,” Octavius said. Jaegar’s eyes were growing misty with the effects of the glamour. “You will no longer want her. You will no longer desire her. She will be nothing but a Carrier to you.”

  “No…” Jaegar was fighting it, fighting Octavius’ words with every muscle of his being. “No, I love…” He was shaking violently – fighting the compulsion, trying so hard to cling to his love for her. And then his muscles went slack.

  “Shut off your feelings,” Octavius said. “Now!”

  Jaegar’s face was now serene – almost blank. He looked up at Kalina, but she saw no recognition there. No love. “Very well,” he said simply and lightly. “What do you wish me to do with the Carrier, then?”

  “Octavius, no!” Tears were falling down Kalina’s face, but it was no use. Jaegar hardly seemed to recognize her at all.
r />   “Now I can have you all to myself.” Octavius shrugged.

  “Kalina!” They were interrupted by Max. “Octavius needs to try to open the box. Perhaps he’s old enough – he might be the one.”

  Kalina turned her face from her mother. “Just give us a second, Mom,” she said, her voice shaking. She knew that sooner or later, she would have to admit what happened – but right now, she couldn’t bear it. If Max gave her blood to either vampire, it would only make things worse. She was the only one who could feed Jaegar or Octavius.


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