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The Aeon Star

Page 31

by Hart, Lauren T.

  Gen shook her head. "I don't want this, Nick. This strange reality I've been plunged into and all its expectations." She struggled to find her composure. "I've never really had grand aspirations. But I understand that I've been given an opportunity to make changes and hopefully that means I'll be able to help people."

  A tear escaped him as he smiled. "I know you will."

  "Tell me about the Aeon Princess," she said. "What does it mean? Who is it I'm supposed to be?"

  "That's not a simple thing to answer, Gen."

  "You try to keep it all in English, and I'll try and follow along."

  He chuckled and kissed her.

  They talked until the sky began to darken in the window at the end of the hall, and Genevieve felt the sparks of Zach in her thoughts, along with a flash of Paul, looking taller and more foreboding than he did in her own memory.

  "Paul's back," she informed. "It's time."

  "Time for what?" Nick asked.


  Chapter 35

  The Age of The Aeon

  The air was crisp, cold according to Nick. But she was used to South Dakota winters, where this weather was more in line with a cool night during the summertime.

  The masses had gathered on the expansive lawn to the South side of the Auberon estate. Beyond them, to the Southwest, stood a small city of tents in an open meadow.

  "It looks like chaos, but there's actually a system to it." Nick said, coming to stand beside her. "Alphabetical and numeric. Marcus and I were on Apple and Seventh, when we were here for Prince Xavier's funeral."

  "Wasn't Paul with you?"

  "I slept in the car," Paul said. "I don't do tents."

  "I wish I could've been there."

  "You were there," eight voices replied in accidental concert.

  "No, I mean, I wish I could have been there." She pointed out the window.

  Nick slipped his arm around her waist.

  "Tobias," Gen called casually, trying to target her connection just on him.

  Four others - Zach, Paul, Rianna and Cherity, reacted along with Tobias as they received her thoughts.

  "Don't question it." She shut her mind to them. "Yes or no Tobias?"

  "Say yes, Tobias," Cherity urged.

  "Yes," Tobias coughed.

  "Prince Auberon, oh — and Princess Auberon, and..." Zachary gasped, his eyes darting to Genevieve.

  "I'm counting on you and Caisie to keep watch over them," she said.

  Zachary nodded, wide-eyed.

  "What's happening?" Caisie asked.

  The door opened and Gerard entered, Ian and Lilly followed at the end of his hand and Elle at the end of Lilly's.

  The entire room, save for three of the humans, David, and Genevieve lowered their heads in a respectful bow. The room was quiet for a moment, while the shock and amazement settled. Gerard looked stern, Elle looked wary, and the children unsure and overwhelmed.

  The Star Souls stared; some began to cry.

  The humans primarily just observed, except for Alicia. Alicia cried. Her hand reached out toward David, but she stopped herself, instead wrapping one arm around her waist and holding the other over her mouth. She was standing behind David; he couldn't see it.

  "Are we ready?" Gen broke the silence.

  The room responded in agreement.

  "Hey," Zach said, tentatively approaching Ian and Lilly, taking the long route around the couch in order to approach them from Elle's side. "I'm Zach, and that's my sister Caisie."

  Gerard and Elle let go of the children's hands.

  "I'm Ian, and this is Lilly."

  "Will you join us Alicia?" Gen asked.

  Alicia glanced at David, who was looking at Gen, quizzically. "Maybe it would be best if I stayed here." Alicia smiled diplomatically, as though she were trying to assist Gen out of the inappropriate comment she had just made.

  "David?" Genevieve met his eyes.

  David turned to Alicia then he looked to Gerard then back to Gen, then he looked at Nick and Paul and then, finally, back to Alicia. "Will you walk with me?" he asked, as he offered her his hand.

  She took it without hesitation.

  "Our whole civilization is falling apart," Gerard grumbled. He smiled at Elle, taking her hand in his. "You think you'd have stepped down so quickly if you'd known this was where it was heading?"

  "Lewis was a far better leader than I could have ever been," Elle turned to David. "Not because he did what was expected, but because he listened to his heart, and allowed his soul to be open to possibilities, despite what our antiquated dogma dictated."

  Gen took a deep, calming breath, as the doors swung open and the crowds hushed. It did little good as she caught sight of the thousands of souls gathered before her. She barely caught sight of a few faces, before they began to bow their heads to her.

  "You doing okay, Cupcake?" Paul whispered.

  Nick eyed him.

  Gen nodded. She knew who she was now.

  "Did you just call her Cupcake?" she heard Nick say as she stepped through the door and onto the terrace.

  She couldn't explain how, but something caught her attention, to the left side of the terrace. It was Marcus. She deviated from her path, and crossed to him. "Marcus?"

  "Princess Genevieve," Marcus stammered, confused.

  She took his hand in hers. "Thank you for looking out for him."

  Marcus nodded.

  Genevieve returned to stand in front of a microphone at the edge of the terrace. "Wow," she said. "I am in awe at the sight before me; so many souls who have gathered together, united by a common thread. The Aeon. I know that my return—" She shook her head. "That my existence, is accompanied by questions and fears and hopes and speculation and many unknowns. I am an Angemon. I cannot speak for the atrocities of the Angemon of the past. I can only answer for my own actions. Those are far from innocent, but I have never been the first to strike. I am also an Aeon Princess; a title that is my birthright as a child of two Royals, a title that identifies me as a descendant of one who has taken the life of an Angemon, a title that gives me the right to decide the laws of our people. As an Angemon, and as the Aeon Princess, I stand before you now and accept the call to lead. My intention is not to rule, but to serve, and I believe that begins with change. Righting wrongs and restoring what has been lost for Ange, Daémon, and all souls who wish to follow the ways of the Aeon." She took a slow breath in and let it out again. "From this day forward, taking the life of an Angemon will no longer bring with it the reward of a Royal title. There is no reward for murdering another soul."

  Nick shifted behind her.

  She turned back and slipped her hand into his, pulling him to her side. "Following human tradition, I would like to announce that I am engaged. Following Aeon rites, I am honored to introduce you to my husband, Nicholas Grace."

  The gasps and murmurs from the crowd before her erupted into a cacophony of chatter.

  "Change is the only constant," she continued. "There will be changes, and there will be choice. We will no longer close our doors to those who seek to find answers in the stars. And by doing so, I believe we will recognize the importance of equality among all souls. I have taken on my own advisors and counselors to assist me personally, including Prince Auberon and Prince Xavier. The counsel that existed under Prince Auberon's rule will remain. Its empty seat will be taken by another one of my advisors, a Star Soul, Tobias Wentz."

  The masses murmured and shushed.

  Tobias stepped forward to be recognized.

  Gerard stepped forward and shook Tobias's hand. David let go of Alicia's hand to do the same. The other three counsel members who had been standing on the right side of the terrace then came to greet him as well.

  "One of the objectives of this counsel — the Aeon Counsel — will be the return to the Aeon. There is still work to be done and decisions to be made but for those who desire it, I will do my best to give you the stars."

  The crowd erupted again.

bsp; Genevieve stepped around the microphone and started down the steps to meet the people. Her foot had barely touched the first step when she felt resistance — first from the hand in hers and then another hand gripped tightly around her other wrist, pulling her, stopping her. A sharp pulse of pain shot through her right shoulder, coinciding with the grasp of the second hand.

  "That's not a good idea," Paul said, obviously panicked by her bold move, made more nervous by the sound of his voice amplified through the microphone and out over the crowd. His eyes continued to plead with her.

  She let go of Nick's hand and placed it over Paul's on her wrist. Slowly, he relaxed.

  "My faith. Your hope. Our future," she said.

  Paul's eyes filled with tears. His bottom lip quivered. He took her hand in his and kissed her fingers then lowered himself onto one knee before her.

  She turned as Nick took her other hand, tears in his eyes, and knelt next to Paul. It was then that she noticed that everyone else around her had begun to kneel or were already kneeling.

  Every tear-filled eye she met, hoping for some kind of explanation, simply bowed their heads and knelt before her until she was the only soul left standing.

  Overwhelm and awe could not even begin to describe what she was feeling. Tears streamed from her eyes. "Nick?" she whispered, as she tugged at him to stand.

  He stood, and kissed her teary cheeks.

  Slowly others began to stand.

  Gerard stepped forward and set his hand lightly against her back. "So begins the age of the Aeon," his voice thundered through the loudspeakers.

  The masses cheered and hollered.

  "It's a profound honor to introduce you to this new age, to the future," Gerard beamed, "Princess Genevieve Evangeline Auberon Grace."

  The crowds cheered and applauded and cried.

  She took a couple steps away from the microphone and leaned close to Nick. "Nick, what just happened?"

  Nick smiled broadly. "It's a pretty big deal," he said. "You just fulfilled a prophecy. Are you sure you're ready to hear it?"

  "Uh..." she shot a look around at the happy, tear-soaked faces, cheering and calling her name. "No."

  Nick laughed and pulled her into his arms. "I love you, Genevieve."

  "I love you," she kissed him, then turned and started down the steps to meet the people, her people.

  Chapter 36

  A Little While Later

  "That is the most romantic thing I've ever heard," Ashley cooed as she admired the chunk of diamond that lit Gen's left hand.

  "What are you two talking about in here?" Nick smiled knowingly at Gen as he and Brett returned to the living room with drinks.

  "I hope they're not comparing diamonds," Brett said.

  Nick handed Gen a lemon filled iced tea.

  "Gen was just telling me about how you proposed to her in the hospital," Ashley said.

  Brett and Ashley had heard a version of the events, but many of the details had been altered. It bothered Gen to lie to them, but she was acutely aware of how unbelievable the truth actually was.

  "Dinner smells good, Brett," Gen said, slipping her hand around Nick's waist.

  "That's the rosemary," Brett said, taking a seat on the couch with Ashley.

  "I'm so glad you're back," Ashley said.

  "Yeah," Brett agreed. "Man, I can't even imagine what you had to do to track her down while she was in protective custody. You're lucky you didn't get yourself shot. It's like something out of a movie or something."

  "Or something," Nick smiled then leaned in and kissed Gen on the forehead.

  "It kind of makes sense now that I think back, how certain things made you a little skittish — and the nightmares," Ashley added. "I can't even imagine what it must have been like for you to witness such a terrible thing. Terrible things," she corrected. "I mean, we saw stuff about it on the news. It's kind of strange to have known someone who was so close to something like that and not know about it, but I understand why you didn't talk about it. I wouldn't have."

  Gen was amused at how Ashley was carefully skirting around the topics of murder and death, maybe she didn't want to bring up any unpleasant memories.

  "Was it hard to get used to people calling you Jennifer, when your name was Genevieve?" Brett asked.

  Gen half-shrugged, half-shook her head.

  "So have you guys picked a date?" Ashley changed the subject.

  "Not yet," Nick answered, "Gen wants to wait until things are a little more... settled."

  It felt good to be home, in the yellow house with the overgrown ivy. But it was strange for her too, after a month of living at the Auberon estate, of being Princess Grace, and knowing that it was only temporary.

  They talked and caught up over a delicious dinner of rosemary chicken, vegetable-stuffed potatoes and, of course, lemon sorbet for dessert.

  Peaches sat curled in Gen's lap, purring contentedly. Roger, who had gained a few pounds in their absence was perched behind Brett.

  "Traitor." Nick ran a hand along Roger's back as he returned from the bathroom.

  It was amazing the affect he had on her simply by walking into a room.

  She bit her lip, overcome by a memory of his skin against hers, his kisses tracing her body, the firm caress of his hands on her hips, and the look in his eyes as she slowly lowered herself onto him. And—


  "What?" She tore herself away from the memory, though the butterflies continued to dance.

  "Is three pounds a lot of weight?" Brett asked.

  "For a cat," Nick added.

  "Yes," she said, catching her breath as the butterflies began to swirl, slowly settling. Her fantasies had always been a distraction but, they were nothing compared to her memories. "Sorry, I'm just a little... tired," she tried to cover.

  "It is getting kind of late." Ashley stood. "We should get headed home."

  Gen glanced at the clock; it was ten after nine.

  "I guess we're going," Brett shrugged.

  "Don't sweat it," Nick smiled. "I don't think that means the evening is over."

  "Not by a long shot." Ashley winked.

  Brett was upright, with his arm around Ashley and half way to the door in mere seconds.

  "I'll call you tomorrow," Ashley called.

  "See you, guys. Love you!" Gen called.

  Gen and Nick shared a chuckle as the front door swung closed. Nick shooed Peaches from Gen's lap as he took her hand and pulled her to her feet and into his arms. The butterflies took flight as his lips hovered for a moment above hers before he kissed her.

  "Well, Sleepy, should we get you to bed?"

  "I'm not really tired," she smiled up at him.

  He set his lips against hers. "I didn't think so."

  About The Author

  Lauren T. Hart

  Photo by: Denver Robbins

  Don't you just hate it when authors write about themselves in third person? I do. So, for this "about the author" you get me, talking about me.

  I've always loved stories. I began my writing career in the entertainment industry where, as one does in that field, I held a number of other job titles as well: director, producer, actor, voice actor, and on and on... But none of them could hold a candle to the joys and frustration of staring at a computer screen for hours on end, daydreaming, researching, constructing and reconstructing sentences that would ultimately be nixed during editing. Writing, some like to call it. Some say crazy, some say passionate. It's probably a bit of both. And I love it!

  As for me, just me — I love to learn, to laugh to read, to write. I love to lounge about with friends and family and music. I have nerdish tendencies and overuse the word awesome. I love words and artistry and intangible magic. I think a lot — it's one of my favorite pastimes. I'm prone to repeating myself and I loathe taking things too seriously.

  Some of my broad term areas of interest (at the moment) include: writing, reading, grammar, language, the human condition, creativity and the creative proc
ess, science fiction as well as science fact, the supernatural, animals, art, culture, the pursuit of happiness and the interrelatedness of all things.

  I was born and then raised throughout the mountainous desert state of Utah, located in the western part of the USA, where I currently reside with my partner in life and love, our 3 sons and some dogs. Life is good.

  Happy Reading!

  You can find me online at these exotic locations:


  I have to — because I want to — give super big thanks to some people.

  Denver Robbins: My reluctant story assistant, dream supporter, sexy cheerleader, late night company keeper, maker of food and tea and coffee and cocktails. Distracter of distractions, best friend, romance guru, constant encourager, and love of my life. I love you!

  Sage Steadman: Fire-starter, ass-kicker, advice-giver, dream-maker, and doer of all the things. You really are the best sister ever.

  Laura Klarman: Typo finder, who vs. whom master, dream believer, mayo hater, and enthusiastic cheer coach — which outranks cheerleader —they're cheer management. ;-)

  My Parents: Doug & Trissa. Dad — for introducing me to my favorite genre, science fiction. Mom — for teaching me to be the person I am.

  Diana Varnes & Erin McMaster: My 1st Readers, Fur baby Mamas and in Erin's case: user of the word "fangurl." I haven't forgotten!




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