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Unwrapped by The Billionaire

Page 6

by Joanna Nicholson

  How could she be sorry for being with Theo? She knew what she felt for him was real, and even though her father might not immediately understand or forgive, he would eventually realize that Theo was what made her happy. But now his heart attack had added a whole new dimension to it. Now she was beginning to feel that somehow their actions had caused it. That she had tempted fate or something, and even though she was feeling guilty, she couldn’t bring herself to feel sorry. Being with Theo, being around him…was the most alive she had ever felt and how could she apologize for that?

  Nora had remained sitting on that bench for several hours, staring blankly at the blue painted wall in front of her. All she could think about was that she was going to lose her father, that all this was her fault. Had he heard them downstairs which triggered his heart attack?

  She felt a warm hand on her back and when she looked up, she saw Theo looming over her. His hair was ruffled and falling lazily over his forehead, and his green eyes looked tired but alert.

  “He’s going to be fine,” Theo said and then he lowered himself to a hunched position in front of her.

  “What…what are they saying?” she asked weakly and he remained hunched in front of her, with a hand lying on a knee. He was peering deep into her eyes and she held his gaze.

  “It was a stroke, but it wasn’t a major one. They’ll keep him here for observation overnight or for a few days at least till he stabilizes,” Theo said and Nora tried to suppress a cry of relief. He was going to be fine!

  “Can I see him now?” she asked and he shook his head gently.

  “Not tonight, tomorrow once he’s awake. We can come together during the day,” he said in a kind voice…the voice she remembered him using when she was a kid.

  “I’ve spoken with one of my friends, Dr. Ezra Brown, he’s one of the top five heart specialists in the world. He’ll fly down tomorrow for a quick checkup to give us his second opinion,” Theo continued and Nora bit down on her lip and nodded her head.

  “That’s good. Thank you, Theo, for everything you’re doing,” she said and he frowned.

  “You don’t need to thank me, Nora. Andy has been my best friend nearly all my life,” he said and finally straightened up. She looked up at him, her fingers were itching to reach out to him and touch him.

  “Will you let me take you home?” he asked and she stood up.

  “Yes,” she replied and followed him out of the hospital to the car park.

  They had travelled in the ambulance with her father earlier, but Theo had called his chauffeur to drop his car off at some point, so his Audi was parked there now.

  Nora stole glances at him as she followed him to the car, and when he held the passenger door open for her, she got in. She could feel the Goosebumps prickle her skin, when he settled down beside her. And for a few moments, they sat silently in the darkness of the car park together. A grave silence had descended between them and Nora wondered if he was thinking the same things as she was.

  “I’m not ready to lose him yet,” she said, breaking the silence. She was looking ahead and sensed Theo turn to her.

  “You’re not going to. He’s going to come out of this, healthy and back to normal in no time,” he said and she took in a deep quivering breath.

  “I blame myself for staying away for so long. For not being here to look after my father. This is my fault,” Nora continued in a weak voice and for a second, she thought he was going to take her into his arms and hug her. But he didn’t.

  “You can’t blame yourself for this, Nora. Andy is a healthy active man, and no way is he an old person in need of constant assistance or care,” he said and she shook her head.

  “I still should have visited more often, made sure he visited me frequently…I might have noticed the signs then,” she said and jerked her face to look at him. Theo was searching her eyes. His face was grim and his mouth was set in a firm straight line.

  “You couldn’t have, Nora. This is not your fault,” he said firmly and she suppressed another cry.

  “I’ll cancel my flight back to New York. I was planning on leaving in two days. I want to stay with him for as long as it takes him to recover,” Nora said and Theo didn’t respond. She was worried that he didn’t like the idea of her sticking around for any longer…based on what he had said earlier. She thrust her chin up in the air and looked defiantly at him.

  “I have to do this for dad,” she said and Theo clenched his jaw and then nodded his head.

  “Of course,” he said and started the car. Nora looked out to the dark streets, her face being illuminated by the streetlights in intervals. Theo was taking her home; she was alone with him again…she should have been feeling excited but the circumstances had changed so quickly. Now all she could do was blame herself for what had happened to her father.

  They rode in silence the rest of the way to their bungalow and Nora had a feeling that he wasn’t going to come in with her. She knew that everything he had done that night was for his best friend, and not for her.

  Chapter 15

  Nora opened the car door herself, and without saying goodbye, walked up the steps to the porch and stood fumbling with the house-keys. Her hands were shaking and she was breathing hard as she struggled to get the door open.

  “Let me,” Theo’s voice commanded her in the dark, and gently, he pried the keys out of her hands and turned it in the lock. He threw the door open and placing a hand on the small of her back, he led her into the house.

  Nora felt weak as she stepped into the hallway and she had noticed how her body had reacted to Theo’s touch. Even just that small fleeting moment was enough to overwhelm her. She walked straight into the living room, where her father’s discarded glasses of whisky were strewn around the coffee table and the bar in the corner.

  She felt a cry rise up in her throat as she started clearing his things away.

  “You can do this in the morning, Nora,” she heard Theo say and when she whipped around, she found him standing at the door, with his hands in his pockets. “You need to get some sleep now,” he added.

  “I can’t sleep. I don’t want to sleep,” she said irritably and rubbed a hand over her eyes in frustration.

  “Well, you should at least try. So that you look fresh and normal tomorrow when we go to meet Andy. The last thing we want is for him to worry about you,” Theo said and took a few steps into the room. Nora looked at him with widened tired eyes.

  “Why did this happen to him?” she asked in a hollow voice and he shrugged his shoulders.

  “There is history of heart condition in your family isn’t there? These things are usually hereditary,” he said and Nora shook her head, before a cry escaped her lips.

  “Hey! He’s going to be fine!” Theo rushed to her and wrapped his arms around her. Nora sank into his chest, her tears leaving a wet trail on his shirt as she sobbed. He was holding her tightly to himself and she clung to him, relieved that he had followed her into the house.

  “I don’t know if I want to stay by myself here tonight,” she said, looking up at him as he held her. Theo released his grip on her like she was on fire. He stepped away and ran a hand through his hair, looking about him as he tried to make a decision.

  “Yeah, you’re right. I probably shouldn’t leave you here by yourself,” he said and their eyes met. Nora’s tears stained her cheeks but she had stopped crying now, even though she sensed that her eyes and face were probably swollen and she didn’t look her best.

  “You can take the couch,” she said and Theo laughed.

  “I’ve slept on this couch too many times to count. I’ll be fine here,” he said and Nora nodded her head and tried to smile weakly.

  They stood looking at each other for several moments, before he thrust his hands back into his pockets violently. It was almost like he was keeping them there so that he could better control himself from touching her. Nora wanted nothing more than to be touched by him. Whatever desire she was feeling for Theo before was now magnified
by her grief.

  It was as though the scare of losing her father, the hospital experience, seeing Theo running around and making sure that her dad was well taken care of…it all surged something primal in her. She could feel an animalistic longing coursing through her veins. Like she had to have him and if she didn’t, she would go crazy.

  She took a step towards him, and in the next moment; Theo had taken a handful of steps towards her. He grabbed her waist and pulled her up against his body. She angled her face just in time as his lips came down on her and they were kissing.

  Nora tugged at his shirt, pulling it out of his pants so that she could slip her hands under it to feel the tough smoothness of his torso. Theo squeezed her breasts, flicking her pebbled nipples through her t-shirt.

  “I have to be inside you,” he grumbled angrily under his breath when he pulled his lips away from her.

  Chapter 16

  “Get down on your knees,” Theo commanded and he lowered himself down on the couch. Nora’s lips parted with anticipation. She liked being told what to do by him. She got down, bending her knees in front of him and held his gaze as he undid his belt and then pulled down his pants a few inches. Just enough for his cock to swing out in front of him.

  Nora’s eyes widened and she felt a quickening of her pulse when she finally saw his cock. It was big, just as she had imagined it and now it throbbed with an angry pink head as he directed it towards her.

  Theo parted his legs, narrowing his eyes on her and Nora edged closer to him and he clamped his legs shut around her, like he was trapping her.

  “Take that t-shirt off. I want to see your breasts while you suck me,” he said and she felt a shock run down her spine. Despite all the fantasies she had about him, she had never imagined him actually using those words. She did as she was told though. Her hands shook as she rolled her t-shirt off and then un-clasped her bra. Her breasts swung a little as they came into view and Theo’s eyes seemed to enlarge as he watched her.

  He reached out and squeezed her fleshy ample breasts, stroking her pale nipples with his thumbs. Nora moaned, thrilling at the touch of his rough warm hands. She arched her back, thrusting her breasts towards him and he pinched her nipples tightly. A sharp pang ran down her back and she parted her lips and moaned again.

  Then she felt his hands on the back of her head, he was lowering her face down towards his cock.

  She opened her mouth wide as her lips drew closer to his throbbing angry cock. He was in a rush, pushing her head further down and Nora took in a deep breath before she slid him into her. The saltiness of his skin, the slipperiness of his cock surprised her and she gasped as his cock pushed deep inside her throat. She heard him let out a deep groan.

  Theo’s hands were weaved into her hair, bunching a handful of it with one hand. He held her in position like that as she began sucking. She could hear him moaning and the more she pleasured him, the more wet she got. She felt him move over her, reach for her butt and his hands squeezed them.

  His cock was thick and tight inside her mouth and Nora continued to suck. He reached deep inside her and she couldn’t help but fantasize how it would feel to have his cock inside her pussy. That was all she’d ever wanted from him and now it was coming true.

  “Good girl,” she heard him say, before he reached for the front of her jeans and he unbuttoned it, then rolled it gently down so that her wet panties were exposed. Nora couldn’t stop sucking, she couldn’t get enough of pleasuring him like this. But when his fingers found the wet throbbing mound between her legs, Nora gasped, pulling her mouth away from him.

  “I didn’t ask you to stop,” he said, rage dripping from his voice as he glared into her eyes. But he took the opportunity to pull down her jeans even further. Nora opened her mouth again and slid him in. Her throat flexed and stretched to accommodate his girth and she started sucking again.

  Theo stretched back on his couch, and when she wasn’t expecting it, she felt his toes graze against her exposed pussy. Nora gasped and he bunched up her hair again.

  “Keep sucking like a good girl,” she heard him say and his voice jolted her body into action. She slid her mouth down and up his cock as his toes expertly stroked her clit. She could feel the pressure building up inside her. She knew she was a ticking time bomb and she could explode any moment now. His toes were stroking her at the right spot, bringing her closer and closer to the edge. She had no control over her body any longer.

  Nora could hardly breathe anymore, as she sucked him. She could feel his balls swinging against her chin and heard his raspy harsh breathing. They were both close to an orgasm and she wanted nothing more than to feel his release. To taste his salty seed inside her throat. Her body shuddered at the thought and Theo stroked her clit harder with his toes.

  “No, not like this. I want to be inside you when you come for me,” he said and grabbing the back of her head again, he gently peeled her off him.

  Nora was panting, sitting on folded knees she stared up at him. Her eyes were pleading with him. She wanted to feel the release. She had been so close to an orgasm.

  “What do you want, Nora?” he said in a low guttural voice, bringing his face close to hers. He grabbed the side of her cheeks and she could feel his hot breath fall on her face.

  “I want you to make me come. I want you inside you,” she breathed the words hurriedly. She was desperate for him.

  He pulled her by her waist, in a quick smooth movement and she felt helpless in his grip. He tossed her to the side of the couch, whipping her around and then gently pushing down on the small of her back. Nora was on her knees, her palms clutching the arm of the couch while her butt was thrust up in the air towards him.

  Theo’s hands slid down her jeans, pooling them around her knees. Then he did the same with her panties. Now she was completely exposed, totally at his mercy to allow her to feel the release she had been waiting for all those years.

  “Are you ready for me?” he said and his fingers wound around her waist to her clit again. She gasped when his middle finger slid authoritatively inside her. He was judging her wetness, his finger slipping and sliding in her hot juices. He had pulled down his pants as well and now his cock thrust against her butt and Nora groaned with anguish. Of course she was ready! She was ready since she turned sixteen!

  “Good girl,” Theo said and when she heard the words, she saw a flash of an image. She was a teenager again, her father and Theo were lounging together by his pool. She was watching him, bobbing up and down the side of the pool. She was studying the shape of his solid muscular thighs, the dusting of hair in the middle of his bare chest. Her father and he were laughing, clinking crystal glasses of whisky together. He wasn’t even looking at her. He was her father’s best friend.

  And now he was behind her, squeezing her butt…she could feel the tip of his cock graze the throbbing folds of her pussy.

  “Nora…” he said her name with a groan as he pushed his cock into her. She felt him slide in, inch by inch as he fit himself in. They moaned together when he was inside her fully.

  “You’re so tight. My God!” she heard him exclaim and a shiver ran down her spine. He was so big! she thought.

  Theo Heffernan was inside her. His cock was deep inside her pussy and now nothing in the world could ever change that. Nora moved her hips and he started thrusting. It was like he had turned into an overcharged machine, he was suddenly pulsing and pumping into her with renewed force. Nora’s body shook and moved and bounced as he pumped into her in a quick rhythmic motion. Nothing had ever felt so good and she could feel herself being stroked in that spot of no return. He was going to make her come and nobody had made her come so quickly.

  She screamed, calling out his name as her toes curled. He continued to plough repeatedly, with no break in the motion as she drifted closer to the edge. Her orgasm came in waves, in a breathtaking explosion and Nora felt her body collapse. She dug her nails into the arm of the couch as she tried to remain upright.

��You are so beautiful,” she heard him say aloud and then she felt the hot shoot of his orgasm. He wrapped his arms around her waist and belly and held her tightly up. He was draining himself into her as he came. She could feel him emptying, dribbling his seed inside her. Nora was panting, and Theo grunted.

  It took them several minutes to realize that it was now over.

  Nora felt a panic rise in her when Theo began to pull himself out of her. She wanted to scream out and tell him to stop, but it was too late. He was no longer inside her. Nora felt empty but satisfied as she collapsed on to the couch. She turned and brought her knees up to her chin, watching Theo as he sat sprawled out at the other end of the couch.

  He had his eyes close and was breathing hard. His shirt lay open on his torso and his pants were pooled at his ankles. He was trying to even his breath and Nora took the chance to stare at him. To admire his strength and sexiness. This man had just made her orgasm.

  He caught her looking when he opened his eyes and Nora felt her cheeks flush. Theo’s face darkened and he looked away from her. She wanted nothing more than to be pulled into his arms again. She wanted to hear his heart beating against her ear.

  “This shouldn’t have happened, Nora,” he said, closing his eyes again.

  “You said you never regret anything,” she said and his eyes flew open.

  “I don’t regret it. I’m just saying that we probably should,” he said, staring deep into her eyes. There were Goosebumps on Nora’s flesh and she could see how pumped up his muscles looked. They were both exhausted, especially after the day they had just had.

  “Probably, but I don’t either,” she said and a grin formed on Theo’s face. That grin of assurance and confidence and Nora felt her heart flutter. She felt foolish for staring at him so much, when she knew that he wanted nothing more than to get out of there.


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