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Page 6

by VictoriaVallo

  * * * *

  Eric helped the men secure the last boat in a stack on top of the others on the ship’s deck. The sun would set in about half an hour, and they were finally ready to head back to Dannis. It felt as if he’d been away for months yet it had been less than a week. He could see another ship setting sail as well, off to chase down the Bachelor’s Fancy, the ship Drake’s men had set out in.

  Bella had insisted on going to shore on the main island and had been able to give the port authorities quite a bit of information. Drake had lost one ship to a storm recently, and his other was being repaired, though she didn’t know where. If they could catch the Bachelor’s Fancy, they’d be able to arrest nearly seventy percent of Drake’s men.

  Byron stood on the quarterdeck looking over some papers, which he soon handed to Christian. The captain’s gaze then focused on the sunset. Eric walked up to him slowly and studied the contemplative look on his face. “Anything wrong?” Eric asked as he leaned on the railing beside Byron.

  “I won’t sleep at all with him onboard.”

  “You think he could escape?”

  “He’s always got something up his sleeve.”

  “But he’s in terrible shape. I saw Christian put him in irons myself. And there are only four of them, all injured. The men seem to be on high alert. Watchful. The journey isn’t long either.”

  “We checked him all over for poison pills,” Byron said. “But he still looks a bit too smug.”

  “He’s trying to get inside your head. Throw you off. It’s the only power he has now that you’ve won.”

  “I suppose,” Byron said.

  “A few more days and it’ll be over.”

  “I know.”

  Eric watched the setting sun as well, remembering the first time they’d done this. They’d hardly known each other then. Honestly, they still didn’t know each other that much better, but Eric felt he knew what kind of man Byron was. Though he still didn’t know what to say in this moment. “Is something else wrong?”

  “No,” Byron said. “Nothing’s wrong.”

  “All right. I’ll take your word for it.”

  Byron stared at the waves as they picked up speed. “Seems anticlimactic.”

  “Catching Drake? Why? Simply because it wasn’t as difficult as we thought?”

  “I stopped him when his career was practically over.”

  “Doesn’t matter. Stopping him was your goal, and you accomplished it. I daresay Bella wouldn’t call it anticlimactic. And without a leader, his men will be easier to take down. Might disperse on their own. And above all else he’ll finally be punished.”

  “Won’t make up for all the people he’s harmed.”

  Eric linked his arm through Byron’s and said, “Who said it has to? You can’t make up for someone else’s past. Someone else’s wrongs.”

  “I know.”

  Whispering, Eric asked, “Do I need to take you below and make you see sense?”

  After a long hesitation, Byron asked, “And how would you do that?”

  “I’d think of something.”

  “Maybe later. The wind’s picking up. We may be needed up here.”

  The wind blew hard and steady for a time, and Eric stood by Byron watching the clouds. “Will you take a break after we hand him over or try to help capture the rest of Drake’s men?” Eric asked.

  “I think I should stay for the trial. Another ship will likely set out from Edo tomorrow, and once they get the news in Dannis, other hunters might go to their aid.” He looked to the other end of the deck where Bella stood watching the other ship setting sail from Edo. She had a short blanket around her shoulders and wore a plain beige linen dress the harbormaster’s wife had given her. “And we did promise to see her home.”

  “I could take care of that, if you wanted to get back out there.”

  Byron looked mildly surprised, then shook his head. “Thank you, but I don’t want to be parted from you that long.”

  Eric smiled. “All right then. I’ll admit I would worry if you set back out without me.” He glanced to Bella as well. “I feel so awkward. I want to make sure she’s really all right, but I don’t want to press her too much.”

  “Even though she trusts us, we’re still men she hardly knows. The best we can do is get her back to her family and friends.”

  “I know. I’m just used to being able to fix things. Sort them out.”

  “I’ve known dozens of men and women who were used and abused by Drake. There are never … I don’t know … you can never find exactly the right words. Even when you’re close to someone. I had nightmares about Drake for years. No one could help me.”

  “Are they gone now?”

  “For the most part. Maybe once a year I’ll have one.”

  “Maybe they’ll end now. But you can tell me. If you have one, I mean.”

  Byron’s expression softened a little. “You’re really going to stick around?”

  “Yes. I wouldn’t lie about that.”

  “Just checking. You’re simply too good to be true.”

  Eric laughed. “Hardly.” He leaned in and added, “You’re the sexy, dashing hero.”

  “Am I? I don’t feel heroic.”

  Sobering, Eric said, “I can see why you feel that way today, but wait until the trial. Until you see justice done. The way the people react. We did something no one else has ever done. Captured Drake. Even with his injuries, he got away from his last foe.”

  Byron finally smiled. “I don’t mean to belittle what we did. Or ruin the moment. I’m sorry.”

  “It’s fine.” The sun had finally disappeared, and the wind had died down. “So, where are we sleeping tonight? I should hope you’ve given Bella your cabin.”

  “Yes, I have. I thought we might sleep on deck under the stars tonight. Or you can sleep in Christian’s cabin again. It might get chilly.”

  “That won’t be very private, though,” Eric teased.

  “Insatiable, aren’t you?”

  Eric laughed softly. “Yes. Entirely your fault, though.”

  “I’ll gladly take the blame.” Byron sighed. “I’ll be too restless tonight, so I’m taking the main watch. All I really care about is being near you.”

  “Then I’ll stay up here with you. You can teach me what’s to be done when you have the watch at night. I need to start learning, don’t I?”

  “I guess so.”

  Eric pulled his arm from where it was linked with Byron’s and turned to face him. “You wanted me with you so much you set sail without telling me. What’s wrong? You don’t seem at all enthusiastic about me coming with you now.”

  Byron met his gaze. “After today, the danger’s on my mind more.”

  “You’d leave me behind if you thought a mission was too dangerous?”

  “No, but I am rethinking my next steps.”

  “And we’ll discuss it? Together?”

  “Yes,” Byron whispered against his lips before practically branding his mouth with a kiss.

  As they parted, Eric knew he saw something almost frantic in Byron’s eyes. He kissed the man gently and said, “For the record, I’m glad you kidnapped me. You remember that while you pace up here driving yourself mad with worry and chasing your thoughts round and round.” He poked Byron playfully in the ribs and turned on his heel. “I’m going to get blankets for us. I think you’re right about the chill tonight.” He glanced back as he turned off the quarterdeck to go below, and Byron watched him with a strange look on his face.

  Eric sighed as he went below. What is he thinking? I’ll be damned if I’ll let him change his mind just when I’m starting to really see a future with him.

  Chapter Four

  Byron felt some relief wash over him as they prepared to disembark in Dannis. They’d made good time, yet the handful of days had seemed very long to him. Drake hadn’t tried anything, but Byron wouldn’t be able to relax until he’d handed the man over to the vanes. His anxiety hadn’t lessened any as he cont
emplated his next move. He hadn’t come to a decision yet, though he knew one thing for certain.

  He was going to ask Eric to be his mate.

  Never before had Byron considered getting married or taking the mate vow, but since Drake’s capture he’d had a hard time thinking of anything else. Eric had noticed how distracted Byron was, and Byron wondered how he’d react when he learned the true cause.

  He’s made it clear he wants to be with me. There’s no reason to be this worried.

  Byron straightened his coat and leaned on the railing as he waited for the prisoners to be brought up. Unlike marriage, the mate vow couldn’t be broken. According to the priests, there was nothing more sacred to a shifter than the mate vow. Everything about Eric—the sound of his voice, the heat of his gaze, the smell and taste of his skin—all of it called to Byron’s beast and tugged at his heart. It had to be love. But Eric’s feelings might not run so deep. Byron wouldn’t know until he asked, until he made his feelings clear, but fear of scaring Eric off still lingered.

  When the prisoners were brought up, Byron took charge of Drake himself. Everyone watched them and cleared a wide path, whispering and pointing. Their journey through the village was silent at first. But then Drake turned his head and eyed Byron.

  “What is he? I can smell shifter on him,” Drake said.

  “Who are you talking about?” Byron asked, thankful Eric was a good way behind them escorting Bella.

  “The man you’re fucking and making eyes at every damn moment.”

  “He’s a tiger,” Byron replied coolly, unwilling to show any emotion to Drake.

  “Tigers have spirit. Boldness. Probably why he was able to take me down when you couldn’t. And from farther away, too.”

  Byron didn’t reply. He could feel Christian watching them. Drake was likely trying to goad Byron into making some kind of mistake, but they’d expected as much and were ready for it.

  “Maybe it’s the other way ‘round,” Drake said. “You were a bit of a runt. He the one fucking you? Giving it to you hard? Fucking your mouth like the little bitch you are?”

  Byron stayed silent.

  “He’ll leave when he’s done with you. Coward like you, seeking secondhand glory by taking down your betters. You’re nothing to him but a bit of fun. A new flavor, taste of something rough. Mark my words he’ll get his kicks and then find some pretty thing to marry. Spawn some brats and be respectable while you’ll still be nothing but the upstart whore he enjoyed poking for a few weeks!”

  Byron didn’t even stop walking as he raised his arm and elbowed Drake in the face. When the man staggered back, blood running from his nose, Byron punched him square in the temple, exactly as Drake had shown him years ago.

  The man went down hard, and Byron then dragged him by his collar the rest of the way. The other three prisoners limped along silently, wary looks on their faces. Eric and Bella came up beside him, having quickened their pace a bit to catch up.

  “Everything all right?” Eric asked.

  “Fine now,” Byron said.

  After a pause, Eric asked, “You feel better?”

  “Yes,” Byron said, absolutely meaning it.

  As they approached the Hall of Vanes, a young, dark-haired man stopped short in his approach to the stairs that led to the main doors. “Bella?” he said, looking first shocked and then elated.

  “Thomas!” She released Eric’s arm and hurried over to the young man. “Is my uncle here?”

  “Yes, he’s in a meeting now, but I’ll fetch him.” Thomas took both of her hands, his expression anxious. “Are you hurt? Can I get you anything? How did you escape? What happened? What do you need? We’ve been so worried! Vane Godwin has offered a large reward.” His gaze swept over her, his expression ever-changing and his breath almost coming in pants now. “Are you really all right?”

  Bella squeezed his hands, looking ten times more composed than he did. “We can talk later. I’m fine and glad to see you.” She turned and nodded toward Byron and the others. “These men saved me from Drake and have brought him and some of his men in. This is Captain Gregg, a pirate hunter, and Eric.” She let go of the young man’s hands, though he seemed reluctant to break the contact, and said, “This is Thomas. He serves my uncle as a steward.”

  Byron nodded in acknowledgement. “Good to meet you, young man. But you must excuse us.” He gave Drake a little shake. “We have business to attend to.”

  “Of course, sir.” He extended his arm to Bella. “Come, my lady. I’ll get you to your uncle and have rooms prepared.”

  As they turned away, Byron noted how closely Thomas watched Bella, almost tripping on his own feet because he wasn’t paying attention to where he was stepping. Eric apparently noticed as well.

  “You thinking what I’m thinking?” Eric asked.

  “What are you thinking?”

  “That Vane Godwin is going to be so happy to see his niece alive that he’s going to let her marry that young man even though he probably would’ve forbidden it before she was kidnapped.”

  Thomas did seem enamored of her, but Byron wasn’t sure it was quite that serious. Or that the young man’s feelings were returned. “Perhaps they’re just close. They’re about the same age. If his family has served Godwin a long time, they might’ve grown up together. Or maybe he’s just nervous and excitable. Her safe return is a big deal.”

  “No. He’s in love with her. You could see it in his eyes. He could barely contain himself.”

  “You could tell that from one glance?”

  Eric gazed up at him. “Yes. Couldn’t you?”

  His mind focused on his feelings for Eric, he shrugged and fibbed, “I wasn’t really paying that much attention.”

  “Then let’s free ourselves of this scum and get your attention refocused.”

  They ascended the stairs to the main doors, and guards came out to help them. As they answered questions and signed the necessary papers, Byron kept stealing glances at Eric. What does he see when he looks in my eyes? Does he know lust has turned to love? Want has turned to need? Does he suspect a confession is coming? Know what I’m going to ask him?

  Once they were finished, Eric turned to him and crossed his arms. “There. Our mission is complete. Let’s get something to eat and then pay our respects to Godwin and to Harold.”

  Byron nodded slowly. “Yes. Good idea.”

  Eric stepped closer. “Or we could go back to my home for a bit. You haven’t fucked me for days.”

  Would this be the perfect moment? Perhaps. Trying to appear collected, he simply said, “I’d like that.”

  Eric smiled and whispered, “You can always read a man’s heart in his eyes.”

  “Can you?”

  Eric took his hand and began walking. “Yes, you can. I know what you want.”

  Do you? Byron wondered as he followed his lover home.

  * * * *

  Eric crawled atop Byron after they’d both come down from the pleasure of their fucking. He kissed his lover gently before saying, “Tell me what’s on your mind. You’re driving me crazy.”

  “I don’t mean to.”

  “Then stop doing it and just talk to me.” Eric pushed a strand of hair off Byron’s face. “I want to know what’s troubling you. This isn’t about Drake. It’s something to do with us.”

  Byron sighed. “I’m trying to decide what to do with my life. The life I want us to share.”

  “We can talk about it. Take it one day at a time. We’ve been over this.”

  “That’s fine for lovers, but … I want more.”

  “Define more,” Eric said, suddenly realizing why Byron had changed slightly toward him. He had to make himself release his breath as he waited for Byron to answer him.

  “I’m in love with you. I want to take you as my mate. I want to pledge my life to you before the gods.” He paused. “If you’ll have me.”

  Eric felt a bit shaky as he looked down at Byron. He rolled off the man and looked away a moment bef
ore meeting his gaze again. “You’ve been scared to say it. Are you scared I’ll reject you? Is that what’s been wrong with you?”


  “I want to be with you, but the mate vow … that’s serious.” Much as it pained him to do so, he said, “I can’t answer you right now.”

  “I understand.”

  “Do you?”

  Byron took him by the neck and pulled him closer. “No, I don’t. Is that what you want to hear? Do you want me to threaten to spirit you away again, after you lectured me about giving you a choice? I know it’s a serious matter. I want to give you time even though, deep down, I can’t understand why you aren’t as sure of us as I am.”

  “I care for you. You know I do. My heart nearly stopped when I saw that pistol in Drake’s hand.”

  Byron pressed his forehead to Eric’s. “Did it?”

  “Yes. I’m coming to love you.”

  Byron drew back, his expression unreadable. “I’ve never been the most patient man, but I’d say your love is something worth waiting for.”

  Eric ran his hand over Byron’s chest. “Where’s the cock-sure man who kissed me in that alley?”

  “I’m right here, trying to be a bit less arrogant and possessive.”

  “Hmmm.” Eric settled into the pillows as he studied Byron. “Do you believe the old legends? That the first shifters changed to human form because of desire? Wanting to have sex with humans?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “I believe it. I think desire and love can drive one to anything. Some people think it’s silly.”

  “It’s not silly. It is a fascinating story.”

  Eric’s hand slid over Byron’s waist and down to his cock. “You call to my tiger like no one else ever has.”

  Byron sighed at the caress. “I want you like I’ve never wanted another. Just tell me how to make you mine.”


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