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Beastly Pleasures Erotica Story Bundle (Featuring Ten Blazing Hot Monster Stories)

Page 8

by Christie Sims

  She made the journey from the Overseer's palace to the brooding pits, carved into the living rock below the great city over thousands of years, as she did each day. Belerana caught a glimpse of herself in a large mirror one of the palace designers had recently had installed to reflect light into some of the darker areas of the interior. She paused, hand on hip as she studied the twenty-two year old woman looking back at her.

  Her raven hair hung down to between her shoulder blades and was so dark it had hints of purple and dark blue where the light caught it. She had a round face, yet not chubby in the least, rounded cheekbones and a female jawline framed eyes almost as dark as her hair and a pair of plump, red lips pouted at her from the mirror. Her eye-line ran down her neck to her ample breasts, wide and round; at the moment they were strapped tightly in the leather armor she wore, squashed and tucked behind layers of hardened leather and cloth. Her body was cinched in at the waist below which her hips flared out once more, creating an hourglass figure, fully encased in supple, yet tough, brightly shining, black leather.

  Belerana shifted her stance, opening her legs a little. The leather fit her like a second skin and she could see the mound of her pubis clearly protruding in the tight leather. The leather itself was crafted from the hides of gryphon dead, all the fur and feathers would be removed from the hides and they were then cured for an age before being custom made for the wearer. As gryphons were so highly prized, these outfits could only be made from those beasts which had died in battle or from some injury sustained during training. A light oil was judiciously applied on a daily basis to keep the leathers supple and provide a slippery surface the juvenile gryphons could not claw at.

  Belerana turned sideways and stared at her profile in the mirror, noting with pleasure the curves of both her ass and bust – no wonder she was so popular with the male Overseers. She smiled and moved on.

  The early morning freshness eventually became overshadowed by the stench of gryphon piss and shit, a familiar scent to one such as she, yet still sometimes powerful enough to make her eyes water on occasion. Belerana nodded to the occasional herder she saw as she descended into the manmade caves under the city.

  She knew something was amiss as soon as she entered the pit, the gryphon she had been caring for was almost cowering against the rock of the cave and the two adolescent females were chirping and screeching, flapping their wings in an attempt to fly before they even had full plumage.

  Belerana dashed towards the maddened pair trying to calm them and stop them from injuring themselves. One of the panther-like beasts clawed at her chest and belly, snapping her beak shut scant inches from Belerana's face. The leather she wore did its job, saving her from a disemboweling cut which would have ended her life immediately, but she felt a massive pain flare up and her breath was smashed from her lungs.

  Belerana desperately tried to crawl away from the two gryphons who were now snapping at each other. Not paying attention to anything more than saving herself, the young woman ended up crawling towards the captive female who turned and lunged her beak towards Belerana. Had it not been for the party which had captured the gryphon sawing the end of her beak off, Belerana would surely have lost one of her legs in the attack, the leather would never have stood up to an adult's assault. As it was, the gryphon missed, not able to compensate for the loss of her beak tip. Belerana rolled away from the massive beast's range and tried to get her breath back.

  She studied the female gryphon as she panted through the pain in her chest and belly, the large, eagle-headed monster was flicking her eye-line between Belerana and the open sky above, almost as if she expected something to enter from above.

  Painfully regaining her feet, the woman looked up too, wondering what the massive gryphon might be expecting. The cave walls terminated twenty feet above where Belerana stood, open to thy sky in what she only just realized must be a cruel torture to a creature denied its ability to fly.

  She turned her attention back to the two juvenile females as they had both stopped fighting and trying to fly, and were also staring expectantly up at the sky. Before Belerana could even begin to think about this, darkness filled the cave.

  A shadow, cast by something as large as the cave in which she stood, had blotted out the early morning sunlight making the cave feel like dusk had arrived instantly. Belerana looked up and felt her innards liquify as she saw what had made the shadow.

  The enormous gryphon was a male and the biggest male she had ever seen. Even from this distance, she could make out every detail of his form. His eagle-like head twisted around looking down into the cave with eyes as big as dining plates. Rocks and gravel fell to the cave floor as his massive talons gripped the rim of the roof.

  Belerana gasped in wonder when she saw the eagle-like feet of the gryphon above, never before had she seen a gryphon with feet like this, all others had the cat like claws common to their leonine ancestry.

  His golden beak opened, taking in a massive breath as he dropped straight to the cave floor with a thunderous detonation as he hit. Belerana only just managed to flatten herself against the cave wall before his huge feet hit the floor. She blinked away the dust which his landing had stirred up and saw his magnificent form.

  Sleek and muscular, the gryphon was easily as big as a Shire-horse. The panther-like body was covered in a golden brown hair which caught the light as his immense muscles shifted and moved beneath his flesh.

  The plumage, covering his head and shoulders was of the cleanest, purest white, yet had an iridescent sheen from the oils the feathers produced, and was formed from thousands of individual feathers. His wings, now folded, were lined in perfect rows and had tips the exact same hue as his fur.

  Belerana saw all four feet were of the eagle type, three fingered and covered in scaled skin the color of ripe corn. Each toe, and 'thumb', ended in a curved talon as long as her forearm and of a midnight black so deep they shone, reflecting all light.

  He's beautiful! Belerana thought, If only he could be tamed and ridden. At that point, the huge male threw his head back and bellowed a screaming roar which shook the cave walls and almost deafened the woman who looked on.

  His cry was a mix of the high-pitched scream she knew from other gryphons and a deep, lion like roar she had never heard from one of his kind. Belerana trembled as she knew this was an entirely new species of gryphon, and she had discovered it.

  Her elation was short-lived, however, as she saw the two juvenile females crossing the cave towards him. Shock ran through her as the young pair nuzzled at his legs and wove back and forth under his belly, brushing themselves against his huge chest muscles.

  Amazement crashed into her as she watched the two tiny, in comparison to him, females jump up onto one of his forelegs and climb onto his back, nestling down beneath the shoulder wing joints, each of which was the size of Belerana's head.

  Cautiously approaching the vast animal, Belerana watched transfixed as the massive male went to the chained female and, almost tenderly, nudged her smashed, naked wings with his golden beak.

  He examined the saw marks on her beak, making cooing sounds like a dove the entire time and Belerana felt a massive dose of guilt smash through her system as she came to the understanding, this was a mated pair.

  The massive gryphon's sadness was almost palpable as he nuzzled and nudged the smaller female and Belerana felt tears roll down her cheeks. What have we done?” She wondered.

  Something like a silent communication passed between the two creatures and the huge male turned one vast eye to regard Belerana. He howled the growling shriek once more and Belerana watched in horror as the chained female lifted her head, exposing her vulnerable throat.

  The male snapped his head around, moving so fast she could not follow his actions, and sunk the tip of his razor-sharp beak into her throat, snapping it shut and ripping backwards with so much force some of the steel chains holding her snapped.

  Fountains of blood welled up, pumping high into the air and splashing
to the cave floor from the ruined neck, a few large drops landed on Belerana and she felt the vita heat of the beast's blood as her horribly abused body slumped over to one side, dead.

  The male spread his wings, the tips brushing the walls more than twenty feet apart, and screamed his pain and rage again as Belerana covered her ears. A massive thrust from his hind legs and downward stroke of his wings and the magnificent beast was aloft.

  Watching in disappointment, Belerana was nowhere near fast enough to dodge the wickedly clawed foot which snapped out to grab her. Pain ripped through her chest and back as the gryphon hauled her out of the cave and up into the sky.

  He gained height with dizzying speed, the buildings and towers of the city dwindling to miniscule size as his vast canopy of wings beat ceaselessly. Belerana struggled and thrashed against the gryphon's hold but she was held in an iron grip as if caged.

  The landscape below flashed past as the gryphon glided southwards towards the towering peaks of the Dromiss mountains. Belerana had ceased trying to escape from the animal's clutches, especially when the only escape would lead to her headlong plummet a few thousand feet to hear death.

  They flew past the foothills where she and the team had found the female and over a tall set of peaks. As far as Belerana knew, no one had ever been this far into the mountains.

  Her stomach turned as the gryphon folded his wings and plummeted for the ground, dropping like a stone. Down past the rocky slopes of the mountains, down past the tree-line and even further down he dropped, the ground rushed up towards Belerana and she screamed.

  The pale green carpet of grass slowed abruptly as the massive gryphon spread his wings like a parachute and dropped gently onto three legs. The two youngsters crawled from his great back, throwing Belerana a spiteful glance as they hit the grass, trotting off towards a copse of trees where she could see another, female, gryphon waiting for them.

  Before the pair had even reached the trees, Belerana felt herself dragged up into the air once more by the gryphon, and powered aloft by his wings. Up past the trees and rocky mountainside they rose before the huge male turned southwards once more and flew for what seemed like hundreds of miles.

  Belerana had come to the conclusion she was never going to see her home or parents again and the probability she would be torn apart and eaten became ever more prominent in her mind.

  As they sailed down once more, the mists over which they had just been flying parted to reveal a cliff, thousands of feet high and hundreds of miles long. She had never even heard of such a feature and stared at the landscape in awed silence.

  The gryphon made for an outcropping of rock which had been formed by erosion, jutting up and away from the cliff face, and forming a column of stone two hundred feet high like a gigantic, erect phallus.

  The apex of this was almost flat and, oddly, had a single oak tree growing from one side. The gryphon landed atop the rock and unceremoniously dropped Belerana to the surface. She rolled to a stop, skinning her hands and bashing her knees and elbows in the process.

  Upon standing, the woman took a brief look about. There was a jumbled mass of wood, leaves and feathers under the cover of the ancient oak, which could only be a nest, a patch of grass had managed to take hold over about a quarter of the surface and the remainder was bare rock.

  The gryphon walked towards Belerana who held her hands out as if to stop him. As he came forwards, she backed up until she felt the edge of the nest against her ass cheeks, then she stopped.

  Looking down upon her as if she was something he had never seen before, the gryphon lowered his head to inspect the woman. She could hear the wind whistling in and out through the holes in his beak as he tilted his head from one side to the other, studying her.

  Belerana's fright became outright terror as he lifted the foreleg he had carried her with and ran the tip of one talon over the slick leather armor she wore. He snorted as if confused by the garb and hooked the very tip of his razor sharp nail into the material, taking such care not to pierce her flesh, she wondered how he had learned such control. Gryphons in general were clumsy creatures, only capable of large, powerful movements; none she had encountered had the finesse he showed.

  The leather ripped making Belerana squeal as her large breasts sprung out, unfettered, into the chilly air. Her nipples responded almost immediately by hardening in the chill breeze which tickled across her flesh.

  She folded her arms, feeling stupid for hiding her nudity from a beast, after all he was naked, and she was easily able to see... Belerana looked down at the gryphon's genitalia in amazement, it appeared he was fully aroused and she could see his thick penis, which protruded from inside his abdomen, pulsing rapidly with his heartbeat.

  A terrible feeling settled inside Belerana as she began to understand what this creature meant to do to her and although she admired him, thinking he was beautiful, she had never, ever considered copulating with one of these beasts.

  A talon flicked and caught the waistband of the trews she wore, cutting through the leather as if it were paper, from waist to crotch and down her right leg. He repeated the process, slashing her left pant-leg leaving her naked apart from a pair of black, ankle length boots he was, apparently happy to let her keep.

  He nudged Belerana towards the nest, laying his beak on her chest and belly, “No!” She commanded and pushed his beak away. The gryphon reared up and screamed the leonine bellow in frustration before grabbing Belerana's naked form and springing into the nest.

  He dropped her into the soft down he had lined the nest with and she could smell the male musk of him surrounding her. Belerana drew her knees to her chest and stared up at the animal in front of her.

  Maybe if I just get it over with? She thought, He'll let me go then. She sucked in a deep breath and let out a sigh. Where did that thought come from? She wondered. Her head began to swim as if she was drunk and she breathed deeply, the scent of his nest almost intoxicating to her human senses.

  Belerana lay back in the soft down, unwittingly breathing in the gryphon's pheromones as she buried her face in the feathers. She was warm, laying here on this soft bed, warm and safe and... Something else seemed to nag at her from the depths of her mind but it was buried so deep in the powerful smell of the feathers she disregarded it totally.

  Belerana felt liquid heat pool in her belly and rolled over to see the gryphon standing over her. Why she had ever not considered mating with these creatures was now a mystery to her and she reached up, clawing at his iron hard chest muscles with her own sharp talons.

  Something like a chirping purr escaped from his bird-like head and the woman felt a wave of pleasure wash through her, knowing her touch made him happy. She sat up, cross-legged to see his hard cock bobbing around before her eyes. While she had not been promiscuous back in the city, Belerana was no maiden and she had seen a few of these before.

  None this big however. She ran her hands down his under-belly, feeling his muscles tense and pulse as she got closer to his dick. This close to his swinging balls, the scent he gave off was so intoxicating she almost came without being touched. Every nerve of her body felt as if it was attuned to his and she could barely think straight, relying in instinct and both of their reactions to guide her hands.

  She cupped his fuzzy-haired balls, feeling each of his testicles slide around inside, easily as big as grapefruits. He continued making the purring chirp as she caressed and stroked the massive, red hot balls.

  Eventually she worked her hands forward and wrapped her fingers around the base of his fat cock. His entire body jerked as he felt her hands on his member and he thrust forwards into her grasp once before controlling himself.

  She could sense another smell here, something which combined with his masculinity to produce yet more arousal inside her and she ran her hands up and down the slickness of his meaty cock before surprising herself by pressing her tongue against it.

  He growled as she began licking along the length of his cock which was hot and
covered in a lightly salty lubricating fluid. Belerana reached down between her legs, shocked to find her pussy was swollen and dripping wet.

  As she sucked, kissed and licked the length of his cock, she began rubbing at her achingly sensitive clit in hard, tight circles, trying to make herself come and relieve the nearly painful ache in her belly. Her mouth found the tip of his cock and she poked her tongue into the hole in the end, receiving a large drop of his salty pre-come in her mouth.

  She spread it over his member with her tongue and began working her head up and down his cock, sucking it hard as she played her fingertips across the hard nub of her clit.

  Pulsing, thumping delight coursed through Belerana as she finally managed to orgasm. She cried out, her mouth still full of gryphon, dick as wave after wave of pleasure spread out from her core.

  She grabbed onto the fur at either side of his belly and screamed at the top of her lungs, “Ahhh, god, yes!” The gryphon bellowed with her.

  As soon as she had calmed a little from the powerful climax, Belerana could still feel something was amiss, the ache inside her, if anything, had intensified and she instinctively knew she needed to have this creature fill her pussy with his cock in order to relieve it.


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