Scripted Love (The Scripted Series Book 2)

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Scripted Love (The Scripted Series Book 2) Page 1

by Karen Frances

  Scripted Love

  Copyright © 2018 Karen Frances

  All rights reserved.

  Published by: Karen Frances

  This book is the work of fiction. All characters, incidents and events are the production of the authors imagination.

  Cover Design by:

  Kari March, March Designs

  Editing by:

  Karen Sanders

  Interior Design and Formatting by:

  Christine Borgford, Type A Formatting




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37



  Books by Karen Frances

  About the Author


  This book is for anyone who has ever wanted to help someone else.

  You can make a difference.

  MY HEART STUTTERS AS I struggle to draw in a breath.

  Bloody hell.

  If I could turn the clock back, so help me God, I would turn it back five years and ensure this man was never in my life. It seems every time I pull myself together, allow myself to be happy, he appears in some form, back to turn my world upside down.

  Why now?

  I don’t think I’ve hated before, but, right here, right now, I hate him.

  But I can’t turn back the clock and he’s here, larger than life and staring at me. I blink rapidly, hoping my eyes are playing tricks, but I know they’re not when I hear his smug chuckle. Donovan Bell. The man I hoped and prayed I would never set eyes upon again. He’s here in my living room, but why? Has he come here to torment me further? Jonathon and my dad had someone keeping tabs on him. He shouldn’t be here. He’s not allowed to be near me. As far as I was concerned, he had been keeping a low profile in London with Katherine Hunter.

  I gasp, holding my chest as my heart races, feeling as though it could explode at any moment. My eyes dart around the room, looking for an exit, but he’s blocking the way. Even if I could get past him, my body is too weak to run. He’d catch me.

  “Are you not pleased to see me?”

  I pull my blanket around my cold body and shiver. If only I wasn’t feeling so weak. “What do you want?”

  He takes a step closer, kneeling down on the floor beside me. He reaches out and moves a strand of my hair. I wince from his touch, but he doesn’t seem to notice my reaction. If he did, he’s not interested in how he makes my skin crawl.

  “I’ve come home. We have things to discuss and it looks as though I’m back at the right time, to take care of you. Oh, Ella. You look awful.”

  Home. This isn’t his home. It’s mine.

  Confusion fills the air around me and I want to scream. To tell him to leave. Leave me alone. My head is pounding and my body is sore. He moves his hand across my cheek, sweeping his thumb across my skin. The small, intimate touch takes me completely by surprise. Wave after wave of fear washes over me. A deep churning in the pit of my stomach has me wanting to be sick. My heart pounds so loudly that I’m scared it’s going to pop out of my chest. Pains shoot down my legs.

  I can’t breathe.

  I’m going crazy.

  I’m losing control.

  Why today?


  His voice does nothing to soothe me. The arms that wrap around me don’t comfort me in any way. Tears blind me and I try to push him away, but he’s too strong. He holds me tight. I close my eyes, not wanting to see him. I wish I could switch off my sense of smell. The familiar aftershave that I couldn’t stand wafts under my nose, turning my stomach more.

  He can’t be here. With me. I don’t want him here. Not holding me. His arms aren’t the ones I want.

  I want Connor.

  Connor should be the one holding me.

  I need him.

  Donovan pulls me closer, rocking me in his arms, and I don’t have the energy to pull away. He kisses the top of my head and tears run faster down my face. I will them to stop and I fight to find my strength again. Strength to tell him I don’t want him here.

  Keeping my eyes closed, I try to bring my breathing back under control, but it’s hard. There was a time in my life when Donovan was my world. Now, he’s a part of my past that I’d rather forget about.

  Questions spin around in my head, but right now, alone with him, I don’t want to hear his excuses or anything else he has to say. When we have that conversation, I need to be one-hundred-percent focused, and today, I’m not.

  “There, there. I’m here. I’ll look after you. What has happened to my beautiful girl? Who has done this to you?”

  His question is laughable because he’s the one who has done this to me. In this moment, all the confidence I’ve had over the last few weeks has been stripped away by his presence.

  “I don’t need looking after. I’m capable of doing that on my own.”

  “That’s not what I hear. You’ve had my friend looking after you, sleeping in my bed. You, my darling Ella, aren’t capable of making decisions for yourself. If you were, you wouldn’t be making bad decisions over and over. He’s not the man you need. You need me. Connor Andrews is just another bad decision on your part. You’ll see that soon enough.”

  He has some fucking nerve. The only bad decision I’ve made in my life is Donovan Bell. I don’t need him and I certainly don’t want him. Not now, not ever.

  I open my eyes. My tears finally stop and my breathing is calmer. “Why are you really here?” I ask, freeing myself from his hold.

  “Because I love you.”

  I can’t hide the small laugh that escapes my mouth. “You don’t love me. The only person you love is yourself.”

  “Don’t be like that. It doesn’t suit you, sounding so spiteful. I came back home for you. That must prove something to you.”

  I have no answer. He’s still playing games; that’s why he’s here. I don’t have the energy to argue with him. If I felt like myself it would be so easy to argue with him, to stand up for myself. But I just don’t have the strength.

  Julie will be here soon. She’ll help me get rid of him, although she might take great pleasure in slapping him hard across the face first. He must be mad if he thinks he can just come waltzing back in here and I’ll welcome him with open arms.

  Yes, that’s it. He has a screw loose.

  “Donovan, go away. I don’t want you here,” I say, finally getting to my feet and walking—albeit unsteadily—towards the window, still with the cover wrapped around my shivery body.

  I stare out to the driveway, looking for someone, anyone, to be there. But there’s no one. It’s damp and grey outside, much like my mood, and it has just started raining again. I watch as large raindro
ps fall quickly outside. How did he get here? There’s no car in the drive.

  “Ella, you don’t mean that. I need you.”

  “What is it this time? Do you need more money? Don’t you think you’ve taken enough from me already?” I’m trying to rein in my anger, but I can’t.

  “No, it’s not like that. I just need you. I want you. I miss and love you more than you could ever know.” He stands and takes a small step toward me, and my whole body shudders as he closes the distance between us. Reaching out his hand, he strokes my face. I flinch and push his hand away.

  “Ella, don’t be like that.” He’s only inches away from me. “Why have you been avoiding me? All those messages I sent and you never replied to a single one of them. Why is that? Is it because you’re so pre-occupied with Connor?”

  “You’re not supposed to be here.”

  “Oh, yes. About that. Did you really think an injunction was going to keep me away from you?”

  Yes. I had hoped so.

  “Connor will be back soon,” I say, trying to sound confident.

  He takes another step closer to me and I feel his icy breath against my skin. “I know he won’t be back soon because your daddy hasn’t been the only one keeping tabs. I’ve been doing that too. And I know for a fact Connor is looking at apartments most of the day, so it looks like it’s just you and me for a while.”


  “I’m not going anywhere, so why don’t you just lie back down and I’ll take care of you. We can catch up. You can bring me up to speed on everything going on in your life.”

  He can’t stay here. I take a step to the side, but he grabs my already aching shoulders, digging his fingers in, stopping me from turning away.

  Where the hell is my phone?

  I glance around the room, not wanting him to see what I’m searching for. I see it on the couch. I need to get to it. “You’re hurting me.”

  “Am I? You know, you’ve hurt me these past few weeks. Connor fucking Andrews. It had to be him. Why couldn’t it have been someone else? Seeing you out with my best friend has hurt me in more ways than you’ll ever know. You’ve no idea the thoughts that have been in my head about the two of you together. Does he make you feel as good as I do?”

  I’m not going to answer his last question because I sense my answer will anger him, so I choose to ignore it and focus on my own hurt and anger.

  “I’ve hurt you?” I shout, finding a little strength. “You left me broke. Not only that, but I find out you cheated on me two years ago. So explain to me how any of this fucked up situation is my fault, because I can’t see it. All I see is a man who disgusts me with his recent behaviour. You’ve followed me, watched me, tried to frighten and intimidate me.”

  He laughs loudly, still gripping my body, “And it’s worked. Just look at your pathetic panic attack. You, Ella, are a weak woman, but you’re my woman.”

  I’m trying not to be the woman he described, but I know, at the moment, I am. If being frightened by him being here makes me weak, then so be it.

  Donovan pulls me closer to him and leans his head forward. No. He can’t kiss me. Tears fill my eyes. I want Connor. I don’t want this, not with him.

  “I love you,” he says softly as his lips meet mine. I gasp and shove him as hard as I can, knocking him off balance slightly, but not long enough for me to rush past him.

  I lift my hand to slap him, but he grabs my wrist, laughing at me. His grip is tight, but I try to pull away from him. He’s strong; stronger than me. I look into his eyes and all I see is darkness glaring back at me. There’s no sparkle as he stares blankly through me. The man holding me isn’t the man I spent five years of my life with. I’m now more certain than ever that he’s involved in drugs or something. Because the Donovan I thought I knew would never have hurt me. The man before me is a complete stranger. I have no idea what he’s capable of and that single thought terrifies me.

  I wriggle against him. “Please let go of me.”

  “If you stop fighting against me, I might just consider it. Come on. Let’s sit down. I need to have you in my arms.”

  My stomach churns at his words. Still holding me, he ushers me back to the couch and I reluctantly sit down. My phone is now under my leg. Please don’t ring. He joins me on the couch, wrapping his arm around my shoulder, allowing his fingers to trail down towards my breast. I close my eyes, hoping and praying he stops, because I’m tired, and all I want to do is sleep.

  “You’re sick, Ella. Just try and sleep.” If it was anyone else saying that to me, maybe I would, but not him. My skin is crawling from his touch and I feel as though I’m going to throw up. “Why don’t I go and make us a cup of tea? I presume everything is where it should be.”

  “That would be nice, and yes.” He kisses me on the head and leaves the room. When I hear him in the kitchen, I grab my phone and type out two quick messages, one to Connor and the other to my brother.

  I need you. Donovan is here.

  Callum, I need help. Donovan is here.

  Then I put it on silent and slide it between the cushions, hoping Connor or Callum sees my message soon. I lie down with my feet up, pulling the cover around my body, and close my eyes. Hopefully, if I keep them closed, he’ll stay away from me when he comes back into the room.

  My phone vibrates beneath me and I fight the urge to check it. And when I hear Donovan’s footsteps crossing the floor, I’ve never been so relieved that I didn’t pick up my phone to check who was messaging me.

  “Ella, honey. I’ve made you tea.”

  I wriggle on the couch, pretending he’s disturbing me. “Thank you,” I say weakly, pretending I’m grateful, which I’m most definitely not. I’ll be grateful when he leaves my house.

  He lifts my head and I feel his body sink into the couch before he rests my head in his lap. Oh, no. I cringe at the contact and a lonely tear rolls from my eye and falls onto his trousers. My whole body trembles as he touches me and I’m desperate for him to leave. He must know how I feel about him. I wonder how long I’ll have to lie here and pretend I’m sleeping before help arrives.

  Why the hell did I not think to change all the locks and numbers to the gate?

  A CAR SKIDDING TO A stop on the gravel of my driveway grabs not only my attention, but Donovan’s. He jumps from the couch, my head falling onto the seat, and rushes over to the window.


  I want to smile when I see he’s concerned, but I don’t. Instead, I find myself wondering if it’s Connor or Callum.

  “What the hell have you done?” Donovan shouts, storming toward me at the same time as another car comes to a screeching halt outside.

  He grabs me by my shoulders, pulling my aching body off the couch. I hear the slight rasp of the material of my top ripping. “Stand up, you stupid, stupid bitch!” He spits the words at me. I do as he says because I know that, any second now, someone is going to come barging into the house to help. “Did you call them?”

  “No.” Well, it’s not a lie.

  “Why couldn’t you just leave us alone? Why involve others in our tiff? We would be okay without any interference. We could’ve got through this alone, but, oh no, Ella . . .”

  Tears pool in my eyes. A tiff. He’s funny. There’s no way in hell we could work through what he’s done. I fight against his hold, but his grip tightens. The noise of my front door banging against the wall makes me jump.

  “Let go of me!” I scream, letting whoever has come in know where I am.

  “You bitch.” There’s so much anger in his eyes. Donovan slaps me across the face. Heat spreads quickly across it, and the pain . . .

  “Let her fucking go!” It’s Callum’s voice that echoes around me. I’m not facing my brother, but I’m glad it’s him. Donovan pulls me tighter to him, his nails digging into my skin. Two sets of footsteps rush toward us and I close my eyes.

  Taking a deep breath, I open my eyes and finally pull out of Donovan’s hold. My vision is slightly blu
rry, but I make out Connor as he grabs him, throwing the first punch. Callum takes me in his arms and I bury my head against him and allow my tears to fall. I can’t watch them fight. I don’t want Connor to get hurt because of me.

  “Ella, I’ve got you. Everything is going to be okay now. It’s okay.” Callum’s voice is offering me no comfort as I break down in his arms.

  “You fucking bastard!” The sound of crashing and shouting fills the room. I turn my head. Fists fly. Everything is out of focus except for the two men. Donovan takes a step back from an angry Connor. He bangs his legs on the table and falls backward, crashing on top of it and breaking the table in two. Connor leans over him and punches him in the face, bursting his nose. Blood slowly trickles down Donovan’s face.

  “Connor, stop. He’s not worth it!” Callum shouts. Connor’s eyes dart to me and I see his concern and sadness, but for the first time since I’ve known him, there’s anger and frustration. He nods. Donovan lies on the floor, breathing heavily and wiping the blood from his face, and almost laughing. We all look at him. He thinks this is funny? It all seems like a huge joke. What the hell is wrong with him? Or should I ask him what drugs he’s on?

  But it’s not a joke to me. Far from it. This is my life he’s turning upside down. Playing with my emotions, yet again.

  Connor takes a step toward me and I don’t hesitate in leaving my brother’s arms and walking straight into Connor’s. He holds me softly yet securely, kissing me repeatedly on my head. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here for you,” he whispers. This isn’t his fault and I don’t want him to think it is. Blame can only go to Donovan.

  “Don’t you two look fucking cosy?” Donovan mumbles, getting back to his feet. “My friend, she’s not yours. She’ll always be mine. You, you’re not worthy of her love and never will be. We’ve all made mistakes in the past. I’m here to rectify mine.”

  Past and mistakes. These words play over in my head and I ask myself what mistakes Connor has made. Because I think that’s what Donovan has implied.

  “I think you’ll find Ella belongs to no one. She’s more than capable of deciding who she wants in her life. What did you hope to achieve by coming here today? Did you really think you could bully your way back into her life?”


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