Scripted Love (The Scripted Series Book 2)

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Scripted Love (The Scripted Series Book 2) Page 2

by Karen Frances

  Donovan stumbles across the living room and makes himself comfortable on a chair. I swear all he needs is a damn cigar hanging from his mouth. There’s something odd about him. It’s the way he’s sitting there without a care in the world. His eyes are glazed, pupils dilated. “I came home.”

  “This isn’t your home! Never has been! What is it you want?” I scream at him.

  “You. Only you, Ella.” I wonder if he says the same thing to Katherine Hunter during their intimate moments together. Does she know he’s here today? I bet she doesn’t. Why would he tell his new love interest he was going to see his ex?

  Connor takes a large intake of breath and I feel his fist clench tightly as he holds me. Donovan’s words and intense stare are making me dizzy, or maybe that’s how I was feeling before he showed up. I’m tired and my poor body is hurting more than it already was. I glance at my shoulders and deep red and purple marks are already there. My top is ripped. I want to go for a bath, get changed out of these clothes, and just lie down in my bed, close my eyes, and forget all about today.

  But somehow, I don’t think today is a day I’ll forget about easily.

  “You can’t have me. I don’t want you, Donovan. Please just get out of my house.”

  I hear the clip-clop of shoes walking across the floor. I lift my head and Julie is standing in the doorway, her eyes roaming the damage in my living room before they settle on Donovan, who is sitting calmly, as though he’s entitled to be here.

  “What the fuck? I was going to ask why the cars were abandoned outside with doors open, but I now see why.”

  “You look good, Julie,” Donovan says as she struts into the room.

  Her eyes cast over me, making sure I’m okay. I give her a slight nod because, in this moment, in Connor’s arms, I’m okay.

  “So do you. Blood red suits you.” How she says it with a straight face, I’ll never know. All I want to do is laugh. “Still causing trouble I see. What is it with you? Why can’t you just leave Ella alone? Not happy that she’s moved on and is finally getting on with her own life with someone who loves her?”

  “You never could keep your nose out of our business,” he says. “What’s wrong, Julie? Were you jealous? Did you want me all to yourself?”

  Julie laughs loudly but takes several steps toward him. “God, do me a favour. Me, want you? No,” she says before she looks outside. I hear sirens then see blue flashing lights.

  Thank God. That means Donovan will be removed from my house and I don’t have to look at him with the silly, smug grin that’s on his face any longer. Although, why he’s looking so smug, I have no idea. Something tells me today won’t be the last I hear from him.

  “Hello?” a loud voice calls out.

  “We’re in the first room,” Callum tells them. Either my brother or Connor must’ve called them on the way over after I sent my message.

  Donovan stands as two officers enter the room. “You’ll be looking for me,” he says, holding out his wrists, waiting for them to cuff him. I watch him for a moment as Connor rubs my back in circular motions. What the hell is he playing at?

  The officers look at each other then one walks toward Donovan.

  I turn and look at Julie, and I know straight away she’s thinking the same thing when she shrugs her shoulders.

  “Miss McGregor.” An officer calls my name.

  “Sorry,” I say, looking at him.

  “Is there another room where I can speak to you?” I nod and take a step, but Connor keeps hold of me. “Sorry. I’d like to speak to Miss McGregor alone.”

  Connor kisses and releases me and I walk away with the officer out of the room. I hear Connor cursing as I leave, along with that bloody awful laugh from Donovan.

  Yeah, he’s still up to something.

  I’m almost in the kitchen when dizziness and nausea sweep through me. I stumble in the kitchen and the officer catches me. “Miss, sit down.” He helps me to the chair. I sit down and rest my head on my arms on top of the counter. “Miss . . .”

  “Please, it’s just Ella,” I say weakly.

  “Okay, Ella. What’s wrong? Are you injured?”

  “I’m tired and cold. Other than the bruising on my shoulders and arms, I don’t think there’s anything else.” I shiver.

  “I’ll go and get you a cover.” I hear his footsteps leaving and I close my eyes. I just want to rest. I need my bed. I want to forget about today.

  “She has the flu. That’s why I was coming here today, to look after and keep her company,” Julie says. I lift my head slightly and she’s there with the officer. I smile weakly at her. “Can you not just take him away and come back for a statement? After all, he’s handing himself over to you.”

  “Julie, he’s up to something,” I say, sitting up.

  “You’re probably right, but we have no idea what it is yet and I just want him gone. I want him as far away from you as possible before the officers have to arrest me.” She might be smirking, but the lowering of her tone with her last statement tells me she’s deadly serious.

  “I have a few questions, Ella, and then we can come back at a later date.” I agree to a few questions and Julie stays with me. It doesn’t take long and the officer is very nice. Julie gives him my backstory with Donovan. Well, the most recent history. The officer is sympathetic and understanding of the whole situation. When he’s finished asking questions, he leaves. I hear voices in the hallway but I don’t pay attention.

  “I want a bath,” I say.

  “Ella, honey, you’re shivering with the cold. I don’t think that’s a good idea. Why don’t we just get you upstairs, tuck you into bed, and I’ll bring you up a hot drink? And I think I’ll call your doctor to come and check you over.”

  “Fine,” I huff, but I don’t need a doctor. Sleep is all I need, and then I’m sure I’ll be fine. She helps me to my feet. I’m still unsteady but I know that’s more to do with the flu rather than everything that has happened today. Connor and Callum come into the kitchen. Callum is on his phone, no doubt to our dad, but I don’t listen to what he’s saying. My focus is on the man before me. The pained expression on his face has my chest aching. Julie hands me a tissue and I wipe my nose. I cross my arms, holding onto my shoulders and wince from the pain.

  “Ella!” I walk instinctively toward him as my name falls from his lips. He’s hurting because I’m hurt. He looks as lost as I feel. Then I see his bloodstained hands. “Babe, come on. Everything is fine. I’ll take you upstairs, and if you want a bath, I’ll stay with you.”

  Julie doesn’t argue with him. I nod and leave the kitchen with Connor’s arm around me, holding me steady as we walk up the stairs to his bedroom.

  He sits me down on the bed and I watch as he enters the bathroom. The sound of running water pleases me. I’m hoping the hot water and warm hands that will hold me close soothe my aching body.

  But I’m not sure they will.

  I’VE HEARD THEIR MUFFLED VOICES throughout the night. Callum’s, Julie’s, and even my dad’s. They’ve all been here. Checking up on me, along with Connor, making sure I’m okay, but it’s Connor who has been beside me. He’s the one who has looked after me since he brought me up the stairs yesterday. The only time he’s left my side is to go to the bathroom.

  “How is she?” It’s my dad’s concerned voice I hear. I woke up a few minutes ago but I wasn’t yet ready to open my eyes and face the day. I’m still not sure I want to be awake; that’s why I’ve lay here silent and still. But I know I need to face everyone.

  “Her temperature is slowly coming down, but she’s been so restless,” Connor replies. He held me in his arms when I woke during the night after having a vivid dream. It was as though my mind was on repeat, playing over the day’s events.

  “I’m not surprised. A lot happened here yesterday. Has she said anything about what happened before you and Callum got here?”


  There’s not much for me to tell them. I’m so mad with myself fo
r not being able to stand up to Donovan when he first appeared. I was weak.

  I turn over and open my eyes. Connor takes my hand in his and I hold his gaze. He looks exhausted. He needs some sleep too and I tried to tell him that during the night. “Hey. How are you feeling?” he asks.

  “Tired, but a little better than yesterday. Hi, Dad.”

  “Hi, sweetheart. Do you want to talk about yesterday?”

  “What do you want me to say? He scared me. Has Donovan been charged with anything?” I ask, rubbing my cheek. I already know it’s bruised. It’s marked, like my shoulders; I saw it in the bathroom when I went for a bath.

  “I’ve not heard from Jonathon yet.”

  “Ella, can I get you anything?” Connor asks, staring into my eyes. I’m still cold but my body doesn’t ache so much today. “Painkillers?”

  “No, I’m okay just now. You shouldn’t be here. Are you not supposed to be looking at more apartments today?”

  “I’ve cancelled all plans for today to stay here and look after you.”

  “You do know you didn’t have to do that?”

  “Yes, I know, but I want to be here with you.”

  I sigh. “Fine,” I mutter before coughing. God, my head hurts when I cough. It feels as though it’s rattling about. “Who else is here?” I ask, thinking how quiet the house is.

  “Callum is on his way over. He’s been with Trevor all morning. I told Julie to go home last night. She has work today, but she said she’d be here tonight to see you.”

  “Why has Callum been with Trevor all morning?” I ask, although I already have a horrible feeling yesterday’s events have made today’s news. Connor and Dad share a knowing look. “It’s fine. I’ve already guessed. I’m today’s headlines.”

  “Sorry, sweetheart. We’re not sure how the story was leaked so quickly, but it will be dealt with. What did Donovan want? What did he say to you?”

  I shift in the bed, sitting up. Connor starts fussing and props the pillows behind me. “It was all very strange. I had expected him to be . . . I don’t know. He was different, kept telling me he loved me and that he had come home to me. Made me tea. That’s when I sent the text messages. But he hurt me. At times, he seemed so calm and collected. As though it was the most natural thing in the world for him to turn up here. Then he would lash out. There’s still something wrong.”

  “What do you mean?” Dad asks.

  “He’s still playing some sort of game. He didn’t discuss the money, but I get the feeling he’s looking for more and hiding stuff.”

  “Well, you’re right that he’s hiding stuff. Sweetheart, he owes millions to different people, and as I’ve said before, from what I’ve been told, some of them are very unsavoury characters. Not people I want my daughter to be associated with.”

  Millions. How can he run up that amount of debt? “Dad, you don’t have to worry about that. I don’t want to get mixed up with whoever he owes money to.” Loud drilling and banging stops my words. I pause for a moment and listen. “What’s going on?”

  “I’m changing all the locks and the security system at the gate.”

  “Okay.” That’s something I should’ve taken care of months ago when he first left me.

  “Sweetheart, if you feel up to it, why don’t you go and grab a shower then come downstairs and have something to eat?”

  I suppose I could do with a shower. After all, I’ve been sweating most of the night. I must stink. “Shower, yes. Food, no. I don’t feel up to eating.”

  “Fine.” Dad huffs before leaving the room.

  “You’ve had us all worried,” Connor says, moving his position so he’s sitting on the bed, facing me.

  “Connor, I’m fine. It’s only the flu.”

  “That’s not what I mean and you know it. Truthfully, tell me, how did you feel yesterday?”

  “I was scared. I was scared that if I put up a fight, he would hurt me more. Yes, I argued with him, but then I just gave in. My body felt so weak yesterday. All I wanted to do was sleep, and I thought if I just tried to ignore him and pretend to sleep, you or Callum would arrive.”

  He moves closer, wrapping his arms around me, and I rest my head on his shoulder. “Ella, you did the right thing. I know it might not seem like it, but you did. Now, do you want me to stay here and help you shower?”

  “No, because I can’t have you.”

  I lift my head to see his reaction. He’s smiling brightly at me. “You always have me.” His words are my undoing as my tears fall and he holds me close.

  “What the fuck do I pay you for?” My dad’s voice is hardly ever raised, so to hear him shouting above the noise of all the drilling and banging is somewhat alien to me. I know why he has workmen here today, I agree with it, but I wish it wasn’t today when I still don’t feel like myself. Now that I’m up and moving about, my head is still banging, and the noise really isn’t helping. “You had better sort this because, so help me God, if he comes near my daughter one more time, I’ll kill him. And that’s not a threat, it’s a promise.”

  I enter the living room and Dad is pacing the floor, his phone tight to his ear. Connor is sitting on the couch, leaning forward, his head in his hands. My brother stands by the bay windows, watching Dad closely.

  Connor lifts his head and offers me a smile then holds out his hand. I take it and he pulls me down onto his knees and wraps his arms around my back, holding me close to him. He rocks me nervously as we wait for my dad to end his call. But I’m sure we all know what’s just happened.

  Donovan Bell must have been released from custody.

  Dad ends his call. His eyes glare straight ahead and his brows are knitted tightly together. He inhales deeply before turning his attention to me. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. There was nothing I could do. Donovan has been charged but he’s been released.”

  “It’s not your fault, or Jonathon’s.”

  “Maybe not, but it feels like it is.” Nothing I say is going to make my dad feel any better. I’m not a parent so I can only imagine how he’s feeling; helpless is the one word that comes to mind. “Callum, why don’t you tell your sister what’s happening? Bring her up to speed on the media.”

  Callum walks away from the window and sits down, crossing one leg over the other. “Well, there are various stories running and they’re all so far-fetched, but in your world, maybe not so much so.” I want to laugh at his honest statement. Nothing in the showbiz world would surprise me anymore. “Sis, I do think you need to issue a written statement about yesterday. I’m sure one of the nationals will be more than happy to print your side of the story.”

  “Okay. Trevor can organise this.” I know if there are any problems with the PR side of things that he couldn’t handle on his own, he would bring in an outside party.

  “Perfect. Now, one of the stories running is about Connor finding you and that arsehole in a compromising position. That’s why a fight broke out.”

  “We were never in a compromising position, although he did try to kiss me.” I don’t know why I say it, but I do.

  “He what?” Connor shouts, and I rub my ear.

  “Connor, please. I still have a sore head.”

  “Sorry. But the thought of him forcing himself on you . . . I’m going to fucking kill him.”

  “Look, can we not dwell on this? Because, if I do, I’ll end up making myself ill and I don’t want him having the upper hand with me. I don’t want him to control my life. Not again.”

  With my last words, I feel my dad and Callum watching me, but my focus is on Connor. He nods, reluctantly agreeing with me. He understands. I’ve accepted that Donovan had been controlling parts of my life these last few years, even though I didn’t realise it at the time.

  “Is there anything else I need to know?” I ask, not wanting to be surprised with anything else later on.

  “At the moment, no, but you know as well as I do that can change at any time,” Dad reminds me. “I’m going to check and see how much longer it�
�s going to take the guys replacing the locks. The gate code and new security is already in place, and there’s a new camera there too. It’s all hooked up to the intercom. You’ll be able to see who is at the gate.”

  “Thank you,” I say as he leaves the room. Callum is watching me and Connor with a strange look that I can’t place. “What is it?”

  “Even after yesterday, and I know you’re still not feeling a hundred percent, you still look happy. Looking at you with Connor has me thinking about what you were like before with Donovan, and you never looked this happy and content.”

  “I am happy, and even he can’t take that feeling away from me.” Connor’s grip tightens and I lean further into his arms. He kisses my cheek.

  “Connor, I think of you as family, but if you hurt my sister, I’ll hunt you down, because she doesn’t deserve it.”

  “You won’t have to hunt me down. There’s no way I’m hurting her or letting her go from my life.”

  “The guys are finished,” Dad says, re-entering the room. “Callum, come on. We’ll let your sister rest.” My brother laughs and I feel my face redden at what he’s thinking.

  “Head. Gutter,” I say. Everyone laughs. I attempt to stand up but Connor holds me.

  “Don’t even think about getting up to see us out,” says Dad. “I’ll give you a call tonight and see how you are. Take care of my girl,” Dad tells Connor.

  “Of course.” Dad and Callum leave, and suddenly the house seems very quiet without them and all the noise of the drilling and banging. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, just a bit tired.”

  “Come and lie down here.”

  I look at where he’s sitting and wanting me to lie down and I freeze, my heart hammering in my chest. “I c . . . can’t. Please don’t make me.” My lips tremble as I speak and my eyes cloud over.

  “Ella, what’s wrong?”

  “He sat here, with me lying on the couch and my head resting against his lap.”

  “Let’s go upstairs. I want you to relax, and hopefully we’ll both get some sleep.”


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