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Scripted Love (The Scripted Series Book 2)

Page 3

by Karen Frances

  “Okay,” I say quietly.

  THIS IS GETTING RIDICULOUS. CONNOR has cancelled everything he’s meant to have done the last few days. We’ve both been cooped up here, and I’m sick of looking at the inside of this house. I love that he wants to be here and take care of me, but I’m almost over the flu. With the exception of a runny nose and bit of a cough, I feel okay.

  “Morning,” I say, climbing back into bed and snuggling up beside him. Resting my head on his bare chest, I lay my hand on his well-defined stomach.

  “Good morning. You look better. How are you feeling?”

  “Much better,” I say, tracing my fingers lightly against his skin. “What are your plans today?”

  “I don’t have any other than looking after you.”

  “Interesting.” I place a soft kiss above his heart. “Well, why don’t you take me away from here for the day?” I need to get out before I drive not just myself insane, but Connor too. Yesterday, I know my temper was simmering away, and it’s not Connor’s fault. I was snappy with him on more than one occasion.

  “Where do you want to go?”

  “Anywhere, as long as we get out and get some fresh air.” Because I need it. It might help with the flat mood I’ve been in for the last few days.

  “I’m sure that can be arranged. But I know what I’d like to do first if you’re feeling better,” he whispers, running his fingers through my hair. God, I want that too, so badly. Desire fills me. I crave him. “I need you.”

  “I’m yours for the taking,” I murmur, lifting my head. I press my lips to his. I see the excitement in his eyes as he takes in what I’ve just said. This kiss is tender, slow, and thoughtful. He’s being too gentle with me, but I’ll allow him this moment because it’s what we both need after everything. Connor lets out a low moan as his hands glide softly up and down my back.

  We share an undeniable connection. It’s one I’m struggling to explain to myself. There’s a bond holding us together, and I don’t think I ever want it to get broken. As the thought enters my mind, it scares me, yet excites me. What I have with Connor is completely different to the feelings I’ve had for anyone else.

  He’s all my hopes and dreams.

  He’s my future. I hope.

  My heart feels light when I’m with him. Connor has brought me back to life and I want to share my life with him until I’m old and grey.

  He flips me onto my back, hovering above me, breaking our connection. His eyes are filled with so much emotion as he gazes lovingly at me. My heart skips a beat. Nothing else exists in the world except the two of us.

  Connor’s strong hand grazes against my cheek. My eyes fill with unshed tears as I see his deepest feelings. The depth of his love for me. This man before me would walk to the end of the Earth and back again if I asked him too.

  “Ella, tell me you’re mine? Forever.”

  And in this moment, I am. “I’m yours forever and always.” I lift my hand and run my thumb along his lips, savouring the feeling against my skin. “Only yours.”

  He lowers his face to mine and our lips meet. I lose myself to him. My hands roam his back, taking in every muscle and how perfectly they move. His erection presses against my core and I need him to take me.

  I trail my fingers down his back until they reach his boxers. Slowly, I hook them under the waistband and lower them. His free erection presses against me and I want it deep inside me. His lips leave mine and I stare at him. He drops his gaze down my body and my eyes follow to see my erect nipples press hard against my vest top. He sits back and tenderly, ever so tenderly, trails his hands down my body.

  It feels so good.

  “You are so beautiful,” he says, leaning forward and kissing my shoulders where they’re bruised. I’m safe. Yes, I saw another side to Connor when he lashed out at Donovan, but I understand why he did it; he wanted to protect me. His rage was raw and frightening, but with me, he’s himself.

  He looks up and our eyes meet. I hold his gaze, ensuring he sees the desperation I feel for him. Every fibre of me wants him. Of this, I’m certain.

  He pulls at my small shorts and I wriggle, helping him remove them. He casts his eyes over my vest and I don’t wait for him to take it off. I pull it over my head and discard it to the floor. I’m lying beneath him, naked and exposed, my breaths coming quicker as he starts a slow trail, caressing me. My back bows when his mouth reaches my nipple, arching and pushing my breasts toward him, begging him silently for more.

  But he stops and I groan.

  Slowly, his fingers start moving again, only this time south, bypassing my stomach and slowly lowering to my thigh. My whole body tenses in anticipation of what’s next.

  Again, he stops, and this time the pause has me crying out his name. “Connor, please!” He smiles that cheeky boy grin that I know so well before slipping his fingers between my thighs.

  I close my eyes. My back arches further, pushing my hips closer to him, to where I want him. He pushes two fingers deep inside me. My muscles tighten around him, holding him firmly where he belongs. My pleasure starts to build already as his fingers explore and massage me deeply. “Oh, dear God.” I sigh.

  The sensation builds within. “Don’t come,” he tells me. But I want to. His attention is completely devoted to me as he pumps his fingers into me. I grab hold of the bed sheets, gripping them tightly. There’s no way he can keep doing this and expect me not to come.

  “Please,” I whimper.

  “Not yet,” he says, and his words offer me no reassurance or comfort. He rubs his thumb over and over my clitoris, ensuring he’s pushing me close. My burning need rises and I’m so close.

  He inhales and exhales deeply.

  He stops.

  I watch.

  I wait.

  He grins and removes his fingers and I whine. Just another few minutes and I would have been done.

  His chest meets mine, his arms bending at his elbows by my side. His face edges closer to mine. I feel him, but he should be deep inside, not waiting and watching. Connor’s eyes stay on mine and I know he wants us to keep our eyes open for the moment two become one.

  Taking a deep breath in an attempt to control my breathing, I nod.

  Connor lifts himself from his elbows onto his hands and angles his hips, gliding effortlessly inside me, filling and stretching me. I moan with a sigh, wrapping my legs around his waist, pulling him closer to me.

  Needing him.

  Wanting him.

  Loving him.

  A lonely tear slips down my face as I think about my last thought. I never believed it was possible to love so much, so quickly. Connor lifts his hand and wipes away my tear. “I know,” he says. I throw my arms around his shoulders, pulling him closer to me. “From this moment on, I’m never letting you go. I’m yours. Always have been and always will be.”

  His words hit me. They should frighten me so early in our relationship, but they don’t. They excite me. I’m now looking forward, and I don’t want to take slow, small steps.

  Starting now. I push against him, urging him to hurry up and move instead of gazing into my eyes. He dips his hips and pushes deeper, both of us gasping for breath. When he’s inside, he pulls back before pushing deep, filling me completely. He grinds hard and slow.

  I’m done for.

  Unable to keep my eyes open, I allow them to close as intoxicating sensations flood my veins. I grip his shoulders and I don’t ever want to let him go. In this moment, everything has completely changed for me, and I know he realized it when he looked into the depths of my eyes.

  With the rhythm he’s set, neither of us will be able to hold back. Our moans of pleasure fill the air around us. Our bodies move together in perfect harmony.

  It’s perfect.

  I feel him swell within me and I know he won’t last much longer. I’ve been holding my own release back since he told me not to come. His mouth crashes against mine, kissing me firmly. I whimper and start clawing at his back, my slow-building
orgasm now powering forward.

  “I’m right there with you,” he says into my mouth, pushing forward and rubbing me in all the right places.

  His lips leave mine and I open my eyes, seeing everything we share in his gaze. “Connor!” His name falls from my lips and he roars loudly before a long, satisfied sigh falls from his.

  My body shakes violently beneath him as I bask in the warmth spreading through me. His body falls to mine and he quickly rolls us both onto our sides.

  “I’ll love you forever,” he says softly. I open my mouth to speak but he silences me with a kiss. “No words are needed from you. I already know.”

  “ARE YOU READY?” I CALL out as I stand impatiently by the front door. I don’t know where we’re going, he just told me to make sure I was wrapped up. He doesn’t want me ill again. It was really cute and thoughtful of him.

  So, I’ve done what I’m told, and that’s not like me. I’m wearing jeans and a T-shirt because it’s nice outside, but I have a heavy knit cardigan that I’m taking, just in case the weather changes, because this is Scotland and we can get four seasons in one day.

  Wherever we’re going, I’m just looking forward to spending more time with my man, because in the next few weeks, our schedules are going to be hectic. When I start filming, we won’t see much of each other until he’s on set with me.

  “I’m more than ready for a day with my girl,” he says, slipping his hands around my waist. I’m standing with my back to him, flicking through today’s mail that sits on the sideboard. I presume Connor collected it whilst I was having my shower.

  I lean back against him and enjoy the feeling of his mouth against my neck as he trails sweet kisses around it. Heavenly. “If you don’t stop that, we’ll be going nowhere.”

  “Spoilsport. I’m not sure I’ve had my fill of you today.”

  His words go straight to . . . well, I’m standing here pressing my legs together. “If you’re very good today, I’ll make it up to you tonight when we’re home.” I pause and stare at the envelope in my hand, putting the other letters back on the sideboard. My whole body tenses. This was hand delivered and has my name printed on the front. It has to be from Donovan. Who else would be hand delivering mail to me?

  “Ella, what’s wrong?”

  I turn in his arms and I’m met with his confusion. “Can you open this?” I say in what I hope is a controlled tone. He releases his hold and takes the envelope from me.

  I watch as he opens it carefully and removes a letter. His eyes scan it before he looks at me. A deep sadness washes over him briefly before being replaced with anger. There’s a tightness around his eyes and he’s shaking his head in disbelief. “Do you want to know?” I nod and take the biggest breath I can. “Your man owes me, and if he doesn’t pay up, I’ll be personally coming to collect his debt from you.”

  “What the fuck? Who is it from?”

  “It’s not signed. Ella, please. I don’t want you to get angry and upset over this. Fuck, I’m angry enough for the both of us. Why the hell did I not think to look through the mail when I collected it?” He pulls me tightly in his arms and I feel the tension in his body.

  “What do I do?” I ask.

  “We’ll go on a detour today. Pick where you want to go. Your dad’s, or straight to Jonathon’s office?”

  “My dad’s.” It’s the closest to here and I want to see him.

  “Okay. I’m driving.” I don’t argue with him because I’m probably not in the right frame of mind to be driving, even the short distance to my dad’s. We leave the house and Connor sets the alarm. It’s funny, a few months ago, I never really set the alarm. I was always forgetting, but now it seems too important.

  I get into the passenger side of my car, avoiding looking at Connor, because I know if I do, I will put a fake smile on my face and pretend everything is okay. But it’s not okay. It’s far from it.

  Whoever Donovan owes money to knows where I live. That means he’s been giving out my address. But what does it have to do with me? Doesn’t that person not realise we’re not together anymore?


  “I’m fine,” I say, trying to convince not only Connor, but myself. He sighs as the engine roars to life and we drive away from my home. A home that was always my safe place. A home I thought I’d stay in forever. Now, though, I’m not so sure. Doubts are lingering in my head. I have so many happy memories, but those seem so distant now with everything that’s going on in my life.

  Why is it that one person can cause so much damage and hurt?

  I stare out the window and watch the scenery change. My car is speeding along the long country road that takes me toward my childhood home. A home that isn’t tainted by my past mistakes. It’s a home that was and will always provide me with happy memories.

  Connor was right about the weather. It does look as though it’s going to change. Trees are swaying as the wind picks up and the clouds are darkening. It looks as though a storm is brewing in the distance. A bit like my life. A storm is brewing and there’s not a thing I can do to stop it.

  My car stops, but the engine is still running. We’re at the gates to my dad’s estate. I watch as Connor punches in the code and the gates open. We drive until we’re in front of the house.

  I’m already opening the car door before Connor has even put my car into park. As soon as I get out, I stop and take in the beautiful house before me. It’s an incredible, faultless home with a truly arts and crafts era feel to it. The porch is amazing with its archway matching the original brickwork.

  The double wooden front door opens and my dad stares at me. I know he must be wondering what I’m doing here.

  “Hi, sweetheart. What a wonderful and unexpected surprise,” he says as I walk toward him on auto-pilot. I wrap my arms around him. “Hey, my girl. What’s wrong?” I don’t cry, but I don’t let him go. “Connor, what’s wrong?”

  “Someone hand delivered mail today, saying that if Donovan didn’t pay up, they’d be calling by in person to collect his debt.”

  “Ella, we’ll sort this out,” Dad says, but his voice doesn’t convince me. When I was little, I used to think my dad could solve all my problems. Now, though, I’m not so sure.

  “Okay,” I reply, taking a step back from his hold. “I’m sure it will all work out, but can we let Jonathon know about this? Maybe he can find out who is behind this note.”

  “Of course we can. Are you staying for a bit? I’m sure I can make us all some lunch.”

  I turn and look at Connor. He shrugs, letting me decide. “Yes, we’ll stay for lunch, but I’ll cook.” I laugh.

  “Come on inside then.”

  I don’t mind cooking. It will give me something to do to keep my mind off things.

  Dad turns and walks inside. I wait for a moment with Connor. “Is that okay with you?”

  “Yes, of course, it is. I’m happy to do whatever you want today, and if being here is what you need, then we’ll spend the day here.”

  “Thank you,” I say, pressing a kiss to his lips.

  “You can thank me later.” He takes my hand and we enter. I pause in the great hallway. When I was younger, I hated the fact that it was all wood. Wood on the walls and floor, but now I’m older, I truly appreciate the period style inside my family home. The old oak beams on the ceiling are exquisite. The best part of the hallway is the grand oak staircase that leads to the bedrooms. Many a time, as kids, Callum and I would chase each other up and down, usually causing our mum to shout at us to stop it.

  We find my dad in the kitchen; he’s already having a look through the fridge. “Leave it,” I say. “You two can talk. I’ll do some lunch.” I don’t look at Connor or my dad, but I see them from the corner of my eye, exchanging glances. I know they both want me to talk, but I’m not sure what to say to them. “Go on. Go and sit in the sun room.” If they’re in there, I can’t hear whatever they say about me, and right now, I’m sure that’s for the best.

  “Okay, sweethe
art. But, whatever you’re making, can you make extra? Your brother should be coming over.” I nod as they leave me alone.

  This kitchen is still full of my mum. It’s very modern and practical. This is where she could be found most days when I was growing up. I was allowed to help her with cooking from a very young age. She was always cooking and baking, and there was nothing better than clearing the bowl after she was making cakes.

  It’s funny the memories that stay with you.

  I find everything I need to make toasted club sandwiches and go about it. Everything is exactly where it should be. Footsteps carry through the hallway and I turn to see my brother watching me.

  “It’s strange seeing you there cooking. It’s taken me back. I wish she was still here with us,” he says softly, walking toward me.

  “Me too.”

  “Connor called me and told me about the note. He also said you’ve not said much about it.”

  “What is there to say?” I reply, turning back to what I’m doing.

  “Ella, if you’re scared, you don’t have to pretend. Not with any of us.”

  “Yes, it freaked me out when Connor read it to me, but there’s nothing I can do about it.”

  “Jonathon has already been sent a copy of the note and wants you to inform the police.”

  “What good is that going to do?” I shout at him. “Fuck, they even let Donovan go!”

  “Ella, turn around.” I shake my head. He’s standing right behind me. “For pity’s sake, just turn around.” He pulls my hand and spins me around to face him. “I won’t have my sister being tormented because of that bastard.”

  “Callum, I’m not sure there’s anything anyone can do about it. I’m trying not to let it get to me, but it’s hard. I need to stay focused on all the good and exciting things going on in the next few weeks.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. Now, if you’re in the kitchen, you can help. Why don’t you make some tea?” He kisses me on the tip of my nose before turning and switching the kettle on. My phone beeps; I have a message. I hope it’s from someone I want to speak to. Alex.


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