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Scripted Love (The Scripted Series Book 2)

Page 21

by Karen Frances

  I smile and turn to face Jess as she answers Callum. I listen in awe at what Women’s Aid do, all the help they provide for vulnerable woman and families who find themselves victims of domestic abuse. It will be clear to anyone watching and listening that Jess is passionate about the charity she supports.

  Callum asks me the same question and I reply with confidence, telling him about the services my chosen charity provides for, not just for people who find themselves living on the streets, but for families who find themselves living in poor standards of accommodation.

  Trevor and my dad smile proudly as they lean against the far wall, watching us. Callum wraps up the interview and I see Trevor check the time on his watch. “Ladies, we should head to the changing rooms now.”

  “Okay,” Jess says.

  “I’ll see you soon,” I say to my dad and Callum. Stephen is going to be down by the pitch, filming some of the game.

  “Good luck, although I’m sure neither of you need it,” says my dad before we leave. Trevor leads us through the building. The closer we get to the changing rooms, the louder it becomes. The noise level from outside is almost deafening.

  We stop in the corridor outside the changing rooms. Jess and I wait while Trevor goes inside to talk to the team managers. Peter is the team manager for Fletcher’s team, and his assistant has been training and coaching the celebrity team for the last week, although some of the celebrity players have been training hard in recent months, like Connor.

  He was the first to put his name forward. Connor can play football, and from what I’ve seen recently, he’s actually really good, although I don’t claim to know much about the sport. “Are you nervous?” Jess asks me.

  “About going out there? No. What about you?”

  “Yes. I’m not used to all this attention.”

  “You’ll be fine and I’m going to be beside you.”

  We don’t have that much to do; just walk out in front of the players. How hard can that be? The home team’s changing room door opens and Fletcher is the first to walk out. He’s captain today, and the smile on his face as he looks at his wife is adorable. He nods in greeting to me, but his focus is on Jess.

  The other door opens and I can’t stop myself from checking Connor out when he is the first out of the door. Yeah, my man could totally be a footballer, going on looks and presence alone.

  “Ella, babe, are you okay?” Connor questions me. “You look a bit off colour.” I look at Jess she nods in agreement.

  “No, I’m . . .” I was going to say fine, but the butterflies in my stomach have turned into a full on spinning cycle. “No, I need to go . . .”

  “Come with me.” Jess grabs my arm and pulls me along the corridor. I hear Connor and Fletcher talking, but my focus is on getting to where I’m meant to be going, and I’m hoping that’s a bathroom so I can be sick. She pushes open the door and I throw myself at the toilet just in time.

  “Ella, I thought you weren’t nervous,” Jess says as I finally stand up.

  “I’m not. I have no idea where that came from. I don’t even feel unwell.” I wash my hands, making sure I still look okay. I catch Jess’ reflection in the mirror, watching me. “Come on. If we don’t hurry, kick off will be late,” I say, leaving the bathroom. Trevor is standing outside, his eyes narrowing as he looks me over. “If you have any gum, it would be appreciated, or some mints?”

  He always has something in his pocket. “Here you go. Are you sure you’re okay to do this?”

  “Of course I am.”

  He doesn’t look convinced, but there’s nothing that would stop me from walking out with those teams.

  “Fine,” Trevor says, shrugging. “Go and do what you need to do.”

  And I do. Jess and I walk back toward the players who are waiting for us. When I reach Connor, he pulls me into his arms. “Babe, what’s wrong? Why are you sick?”

  “I’m okay. We don’t have time to talk. You, my handsome sexy man, have a game of football to play,” I say, pulling back out of his arms.

  “I’ll let you get away with that because you said nice things about me, but we will talk later. I promise you.”

  I step in front of Connor and glance over to Jess as we wait to be told to walk out. The noise level picks up, if that’s possible. Music plays and the referee signals for us to walk out. Jess and I have practiced this a few times, but I still wasn’t prepared for the sight that greets us as we walk onto the pitch. Chanting and cheering fills the stadium, and as I look around, I see everyone is on their feet, clapping.

  It’s incredible. I’ve never experienced anything like it.

  My stomach is in knots again at the thought of addressing this crowd. Jess and I were asked to say a few words before the game on behalf of the two charities. Jess wasn’t so keen, and me being me said, ‘Don’t worry. I’ll do it.’ Now though, as I look around the stadium at the sea of people, I’m not so sure.

  Hold it together.

  Peter, the manager, walks onto the pitch, microphone in his hand, and I know he’s headed my way. The players on both teams shake hands and make their way to their own halves of the pitch. Connor and Fletcher stay behind with Jess and me.

  Peter speaks to the crowd and silence descends around this great stadium. I don’t hear a word because I’m too busy thinking about what I’m meant to be saying, and I don’t remember that either.

  Peter hands me the microphone, and with a deep breath and a quick glance at my man, who gives me a reassuring smile, I start to speak.

  “On behalf of Homeless and Women’s Aid, Jess and I would like to thank you all for coming here today to support two very special charities. Domestic abuse and homelessness shouldn’t play a part in today’s society, but unfortunately, they do. Hopefully, one day in the future, they won’t, but until that happens, we have to ensure that those who need help the most receive it. On behalf of the charities, we would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone associated with the club for everything you have done in helping to prepare for today. We’d like to thank the players and the celebrities for giving up their free time to put on what I’m sure will be a great game. Thank you.” I hand Peter the microphone, and the crowd claps loudly.

  “You were fab,” Connor says, kissing me on the cheek. Jess nods in agreement, tears filling her eyes.

  “Good luck,” I say to Connor and Fletcher. Jess kisses her man before we leave the pitch with Peter.

  Today, they are all winners on that pitch. A game will be played, but the result isn’t what’s important. The important part of today is helping those who need it the most, and I will take great satisfaction in knowing that lives could change for the better.

  “ELLA, ARE YOU SURE YOU’RE okay?” Jess asks as we walk back through the stadium.

  “Yes, I’m fine.”

  I can tell by the look on her face she’s not convinced. We stop inside before we make our way to our seats. “Ella, is there a chance you could be . . . ? No. Never mind me. It’s none of my business.”

  “Yes, I could. Well, I think I am. I wanted to do a test with Connor, but after today’s game. I already have a test or two in my bag.”

  She squeals. “Oh, exciting. How late are you?”

  “Oh, over two months. I’m not sure of the exact date.”

  “Bloody hell, Ella.”

  “Don’t! I had put it down to stress, but even during all that crap with Donovan, my periods were still regular. I kept putting it to the back of my mind with how busy we’ve been with the final preparations for today, but I’m fairly positive Connor and I are having a baby. Please don’t say anything to anyone yet. I’m more worried about how Jack will take this news.”

  “Of course I won’t, but I expect a text after you’ve done the test. And as for Jack, he’s a great kid and will be happy for you. How do you think Connor will take it?”

  “Honestly, I don’t know. We want children of our own, but we’ve never really discussed it other than to say we’ll have them one

  “Well, perhaps that one day is now.”

  “Yes. Come on. Let’s watch our men, and after the match you’ll have to help me hide the fact that I’m not drinking.”

  “Consider it done.”

  We arrive in the stands just as Fletcher’s team kicks off. The whole crowd cheers. Julie smiles as I take the seat next to her. Dad, Callum, and Jack are in the seats behind with Trevor. Jess says hello to several people before taking the seat beside me.

  I feel guilty for not telling Julie my secret, but I honestly didn’t plan on telling Jess. I’ll tell Julie as soon as Connor knows.

  A baby. Who’d have thought it?

  If someone had told me this time last year I would be Mrs Andrews, with Jack living with us, and having a baby, I’d never have believed it. My life has taken a completely different path and I can’t help but smile at how happy I am. Everything has finally fallen into place and I can’t imagine my life being any better.

  Loud hissing around the stadium draws my attention. I look down at the pitch to see Fletcher lying on the ground with Connor standing over him, helping him up. “What did I miss?” I ask Jess.

  “Our men are out to put on a show. Connor brought Fletcher down.”


  “It’s okay. Look at them.” I watch as they exchange playful slaps.

  The game continues when Fletcher takes a free kick. I try to keep up, but in all fairness, all I see is men running around the grass, chasing a ball. Jess and everyone else gets so emotionally involved in the game, and I know I should, but I’m a tad anxious and still feeling a little sick.

  Jess shouting and standing up beside me brings my head back to the game just in time to see Fletcher score the first goal. Why doesn’t that surprise me? Callum nudges me from behind, and I stand and clap. Cheering rings loudly around the whole stadium as he celebrates his goal by blowing Jess a kiss.

  The noise level drops around the stadium as the game restarts and we all sit back down. Jess smiles lovingly at him, her eyes full of happiness. I settle in my seat and watch the game, trying to ignore the sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.

  I never had Connor down for playing football; I always thought he was more of a rugby man, but as I watch him on the pitch, he looks comfortable and relaxed. The game flows from one end of the pitch to the other and back again, and the celebrities look as though they’re handling the game well.

  The ball gets passed to Connor and I find myself inching forward on my seat as he’s close to the goal. Jess grabs my hand; I look at her and she’s grinning. Connor lifts his head, looks at the goal, and takes a shot. Jess pulls me quickly to my feet as the goal hits the back of the net in slow motion. Julie hugs me too and the three of us cheer.

  “So, that man of yours can score on and off the pitch,” Jess whispers, giggling. I shake my head at her and turn back to the pitch as the celebrities celebrate the goal.

  “One each. Now, the question is, did Logan let that goal in?” Julie teases.

  “No way. Logan doesn’t even let the lads score goals during training sessions. I don’t believe for one minute he would willingly let Connor score,” Jess says.

  The game plays out for another few minutes and then the referee blows the whistle for half-time. Everyone around the stadium claps and cheers. Jess takes us inside. I see my dad and Callum talking to a few men so I don’t interrupt them.

  Jess introduces me to a few of the companies that have sponsored today’s match and I thank each of them for what they’re doing. Their support is truly appreciated. Whilst Jess seemed uncomfortable about making a speech before the game, now she’s more than happy to discuss the charities today’s fundraising will help.

  I can’t hide my smile as she launches into a full spiel, talking about domestic violence and the homeless issues our country has. She is so passionate about the charities; I can hear it in her voice.

  Fifteen minutes passes by so quickly, and Julie and Jess lead the way back outside to the stands. The teams are ready to start. We take our seats, the whistle blows, and the game starts at what seems like a much quicker pace than the first half, both teams looking to get the next goal.

  We don’t have to wait long for that; the celebrities find the back of the net again. Logan kicks at the grass, shouting at his own players. He’s not happy, but Fletcher is laughing at him, shrugging his shoulders.

  This half is more interesting than the first; more entertaining. I sit back in my chair, smiling, and carry on watching the game. I almost jump from my seat when Fletcher scores another goal.

  “Now, this is entertaining,” I say.

  “Yeah, and I hate to admit it, but I think Julie was right about Logan. They are giving the fans a show.”

  That they are. The ball is being passed from player to player, and each team has several shots at goal, but both goalkeepers make save after save, much to the annoyance of the fans.

  It’s great to watch, but I don’t think I’ll become a huge football fan, although, as I look at Julie, I think she might. She’s loving it.

  It’s funny being here, surrounded by people who accept me for me. They don’t want anything from me except the friendship I have to offer. Nothing about my friends feels fake, unlike in L.A. I always felt everyone had an ulterior motive for befriending me. Yes, there are some genuinely amazing people within the industry, like the cast of the soap. They are all incredible; I’ve never worked with a nicer bunch of people and many of them are here today, supporting the charities. But there are also some real arseholes. I’m not going to dwell on them because they don’t deserve my time.

  “Go on.” I think it’s Callum shouting. I turn and see my brother on his feet. “Never mind me,” he says. “Look.”

  I turn to see Connor score another goal, and from what I can tell, it looks like a great goal. The celebrities are winning three goals to two. I’m secretly pleased, especially when I look at the clock. There’s only a minute left.

  I close my eyes and pray that Connor’s goal is the winning goal, and when I hear the final whistle, I open my eyes and stand. Cheering and clapping for the teams fills the air around the stadium. Tears fill my eyes as I take in the enormity of what we’ve achieved today. I know I’m being over-emotional, but I can’t help it.

  “Hey, what are those for?” Julie asks, wrapping her arm around my shoulder.

  “I don’t know.”

  “As long as they’re tears of happiness,” Jess takes my hand in hers. “You and me, we make a great team, and I’m so glad we’re friends. The sky’s the limit for all of us. Now, I think we should make our way inside. You and I have to face the media again. Are you ready for this?”

  “Yes.” I turn to my dad and make sure he’s okay with Jack, who is raving about Connor scoring the winning goal.

  “That’s the Ella we all know and love.”

  Everything happens so quickly. One minute we’re in the stands, the next we’re giving an interview, and now, a club official is leading Jess and me toward the players’ lounge where all the players are with family and friends.

  I can’t wait to see Connor and have his arms around me. I’d love nothing more than to slip away, alone with him so he’s with me as we wait for the results of a pregnancy test.

  Jess and I are busy chatting when the official stops and opens the door to the lounge.

  I look around the room and everyone is standing and clapping. My body trembles and I can do nothing to hide it. “Come on. No tears,” Jess says, taking my hand. Connor walks toward us and Jess lets my hand go.

  I stop after a few steps and my body sinks into Connor’s warm embrace. “Babe, I’m so proud of you,” he says, kissing me. My eyes glance around the room and I sigh seeing Jack laughing with some of the players and Callum.

  “Seeing them kind of reminds me of us a few years ago,” I hear Jess say to Fletcher, but I don’t lift my head. I’m too busy trying to compose myself.

  “Come on, Ella. There’s so many peo
ple waiting to meet you and Jess. Are you okay?” he asks, holding me at arm’s length and studying me closely.

  “I’m fine. It’s been an emotional day.”

  “It’s about to get more emotional for you. The club chairman has some news for you and Jess.”

  A waiter approaches us with glasses of champagne. He hands one to Jess and then offers one to me. “No, thank you. Could I just have some water, please?” The waiter nods and walks away.

  I can feel Connor’s eyes burning through me.

  “There’s only a few times a woman refuses champagne. She’s either ill or preg . . .” I cringe a little then smile hearing Fletcher. He doesn’t get a chance to finish what he’s saying as Jess nudges him.

  I finally turn to Connor and, dear God, his face is priceless. His grin is from ear to ear. “Babe, do you have something to tell me?”

  “Fletcher!” Jess grabs her man by the hand and marches him toward the bar.

  “Yes. I think I’m pregnant.”

  “What do you mean think?”

  “I wanted to take the test when you’re with me.”

  “Well, let’s nip away and get a test. I need to know.”

  “I have some in my bag.”

  “So what are we waiting for?”

  “What, here and now?”

  “Yes.” He takes my hand, pulling me quickly toward the bar, and speaks to Fletcher, asking where we can go. Jess is smiling as she looks between us. Fletcher leads us to an empty office; there is a bathroom just outside it.

  Taking the test from my bag, I leave Connor in the office and go into the bathroom.

  When I open the bathroom door, he stops pacing. He looks so damn adorable right now as he stops and stares at me. God, I really love him. “Well?”

  I hand him the stick. “We need to wait two minutes.”

  “I know we’ve never got as far as talking about kids except that we both want them one day, but if we’re having a baby, all my hopes and dreams have come true,” he says, tears filling his eyes. “My hopes and dreams have always been so close, in touching distance, but at the same time, always felt so far out of my reach. Until not so long ago. Having you share my life is not something I’ll ever take for granted. There’s nothing scripted about the depths of my feelings for you. The love I have for you can’t be written. It’s pure and comes from the depths of my soul.” He looks at the stick and his tears fall, but in this moment, there is nothing that can mask his happiness. He drops the stick, picking me up in his arms, and spins me around. “You have given me the best gift a man can ever get. I love you so much,” he says through his tears.


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