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Broken: A Devil's Spawn MC Novel

Page 16

by Natasha Thomas

  “Kane, that’s enough,” my grandma cries. Jesus, could more people get in on the spectacle that is us?

  “Everyone please try to calm down. At the end of the day this is about me and Glock, no one else.” I say trying again get everyone to back off a little. I feel suffocated, surrounded, pinned.

  Glock picks me up and places me back on the seat he vacated gently. Cody is still sitting next to me looking ravaged. Lou and Ade smile reassuringly, and grandma winks. I know when it comes down to the nitty gritty grandma will have my back no matter what. But looking over the men in the room I see that even this situation may be too much for her to control.

  Standing directly in front of both my grandpa’s, Uncle Reaper and Steel, and Tank who’s joined the fray, Glock crosses his arms over his chest staring at them one-by-one.

  “I’m gonna pretend you didn’t just say that Prez. I know this might’ve come as a shock, and I get you’re just looking out for your granddaughter, but you know me. You know I’d never fucking hurt her, and I’ll do everything in my power to make sure she’s happy and protected every day for the rest of her life.”

  “Might be so Glock, but that doesn’t change the fact you’ve been sneaking around behind our backs. You should’ve come out in the open with this when it happened, not wait and do it at a public fucking event. That’s not how brothers treat brothers. I expected better of you.”

  I want to jump to Glock’s defense, tell Priest we’ve only been together like that twice, that this hasn’t been going on behind their backs, but I don’t. The sharp look over his from Glock tells me to keep my mouth shut.

  “And I expected better of all of you.” Glock is livid. His hands are clenching at his sides and the vein on the side of his neck is pulsing furiously.

  “What’d you just say to me?” Priest doesn’t look any less angry, and I can all but feel the waves of danger rolling off them.

  “You heard me, but if you didn’t I said I expected better of all of you too. The club is about brotherhood. Supporting each other’s choices, not fucking judging them. I love Lex, and I won’t hear shit about our relationship that demeans it in any fucking way. You’ve got something to say, you come to me like a man. You don’t bring it to me in front of my woman. And you sure as hell don’t say shit like you did a minute ago. Have I ever once questioned your dedication to your women?” He says looking over each of the men individually. “Did I shit about Arrow when he didn’t fight for V? Did I say anything to you Tank when you were dancing around Priss like your feet were on fire?” He says nodding in Tanks direction. “And did I say anything to Reaper when he treated Ade with so much disrespect that he should’ve been put down for it? Fucking no I didn’t. I kept my mouth shut, stayed out of it, and let you sort your shit for yourself.”

  Shaking his head sadly, Glock looks back at me to check I’m still there. With a brittle smile, one I can barely muster, I let him know I’m here for him. That I’m not angry at the things he’s saying. And I’m not. How can I be? It’s all true.

  “He’s right you know,” that comes from Saint. I didn’t even see him there, the man is like a damn ninja sometimes. It’s kind of creepy. “You all wanna preach about brotherhood, respect, loyalty, well Glock’s got that in spades. It’s you who should give a thought to what you’re saying. The man claimed his woman in front of you, you should be congratulating him, not treating him like the fucking enemy.” Walking up to Glock he puts his hand out, “Congrats brother, I expect to see you putting a patch on her back soon, yeah?”

  Shaking his hand, and pulling him in for one of those one-armed man hugs, Glock inclines his head,

  “As soon as I get one made I’ll be all over that, brother.” Nodding with a small smile on his face, Saint steps back, walking around Glock and over to me.

  Crouching in front of me where I’m glued to the couch he says,

  “Well done, little one. I knew you’d win him over in the end. Take care of my boy, yeah?”

  Nodding I reply,

  “Of course I will, Saint.” I lean forward and give him a kiss on his stubbly cheek. For his ears only I say, “Every day, forever. I promise.”

  Saint must be happy with my response because he stands, picking me up in a great big bear hug. Growling, Glock plucks me out of his arms in an instant.

  “Be fucking careful man, she’s carrying precious cargo.”

  Oh. Shit. The room drops into deadly silence for the second time today. But this time I don’t think the air of menace coming from the men only a few feet away is going to be as easily diffused.



  “False friends are worse than bitter enemies.”

  - Rotten eCards

  I want to tell you that after that Saturday at Chasers my brothers and I worked everything out. That Cage came around, and that the rest of them offered their congratulations in the end, but shit didn’t go down like that. Not even close.

  My brothers have been my best friends since before I began prospecting. That relationship only grew, developed, and matured with age when I patched in. I thought they’d always have my back, that no matter how bad shit got they’d be there to stand at my side and we’d get through it. The one thing I thought I never had to be worried about losing is the one thing that disintegrated at the first sign of trouble. What I didn’t know was there is an exception even to brotherhood, and that exceptions name is Lex.

  I feel like shit admitting it, but I hold some resentment toward the woman I love for being the one thing keeping me from my brothers, and my club. I wish it were different. I wish I could turn those feelings off. But as much as I hope that one morning I’ll wake up and I’ll find that bitterness gone, it never is. It’s eating at me like a fucking cancer, and I’ll be fucked if I know what to do now.

  After that clusterfuck that was the opening day of Chasers showcase, Lex like the trooper she is, went about her business like nothing ever happened. Like people weren’t whispering about her behind her back. Like they weren’t looking her over trying to see if they could see for themselves what I revealed was true. Sure, people were respectful enough not to ask her about it outright, but that didn’t change the fact that they were all just lying in wait, waiting for the right time to pounce when I was looking.

  I don’t trust the bitches that hang around the club as far as I can throw them, and Candice is one of the worst. She might work for Chasers, listen to the guys that employee her for the most part, but separate her from her job, and Cage in particular, and the chick is a rabid bitch. She been after me for a while, and I’ve never wanted to upset Lex, but one night when I was fucking wasted I gave in and fucked her. It only happened once, but it explains a lot when it comes to why she’s particularly vicious toward my woman.

  The weekend went off without a hitch, other than the obvious, and everyone remained civil enough to give off the illusion that we’re a professional outfit. We made so many sales the showroom was nearly empty by Monday morning, and the boys wrote up more orders, scheduled more work that we’ll know what to do with, but it’s good, real good for the club.

  Monday the following week Rob finally showed up. His ass was only three weeks later than I originally expected him, but that’s not unlike him. Rob’s never been one for keeping to a plan. He like the freedom his life provides too much to be tied down to something as insignificant as being where he says he’ll be, when he says he’ll be there.

  I mentioned Rob’s visit to Lex in passing, and she was all over making provisions for his elongated stay like a rash. I swear she had him a full-time gig at Rough Shod within minutes, one of my spare rooms’ re-painted, new furniture ordered, and the place decked out like a fucking hotel room within two days. She was like a woman possessed. A woman on a mission. I knew why she was doing it too, and God love her for it, but even that didn’t take the sting of rejection from my brothers away.

  Lex has been doing everything in her power to be everything to me. To make up for my
brothers effectively turning their backs on me. All but Saint, Nick, Shame, Noah, and a few of the prospects have barely spoken two words to me since shit went down.

  Reaper and I had words, as did Tank and I, but aside from a head nod from Pipe, which effectively ended the majority of the anger he had toward me, they were the only ones that had breached the issue. Reaper and Tank both said they were glad I was happy, but that they needed time to get their heads around it before they’d be able to accept it. I get that, I really do, but fucking come on, three weeks and nothing’s changed. Not one fucking thing.

  It’s like a freeze out, and I’m the one that’s been left out in the cold. And all because I had to go and fall in love with the only woman that would cause this kind of derision in the club. The one woman that has the potential to tear me and my brothers apart for good. So yeah, that’s where my resentment of my girl comes from. That’s why I’m having a hard time taking our relationship to the next level, and she knows it too.

  Lex isn’t fucking stupid. She knows something’s going down with me, and I haven’t been hiding it exactly either. There are times when I’m being an asshole that I don’t get why she stay, I’ve asked her as much too. Lex tells me she loves me, and that’s all there is to it. That it doesn’t matter how much I push her away, how much I yell at her, how much I make her feel like it’s all her fault she stills stays. She hugs me, tells me she loves me and that everything will get better, and holds on tight even when I tell her she’s full of shit and she couldn’t possibly know that.

  She doesn't live with me, I haven't asked to her to move in, and I don’t see myself doing it either. Lex doesn’t even stay the night for Christ’s sake. She lets me use her body to take what I need. She lets me take from her without giving her anything in return. And I feel like shit for it, but that doesn’t stop it from happening every night.

  Sinking into her tight, wet body helps me forget. Helps me to block out the bad, and focus on the pleasure her pussy can provide. The changes in her body are becoming more noticeable and I love it. I love her. I love that her tits have gotten bigger overflowing my hands now. I love that her pussy feels more swollen, wetter when I thrust deep inside her. I love how soft her skin is, that she flushes from the tips of her darkened nipples to the base of her neck when I make her cum. And I love how she cries out my name, desperately raking her blunt nails down my back trying to hold on. What I don’t love is that when I’m done, when I’ve blown inside her, I feel just as empty as before I took her. I don’t love that it all feels like a lie.

  I’ve done everything I can think of to get back in my brothers good graces. I know I shouldn’t be the one kissing ass, trying to make things right, but I can’t sit by and not try. It’s not in me to do that, and I don’t want to. I’ve put my hand up to do the extra runs the other guys’ haven’t wanted to do. I offer to put in shifts at Chasers, even after a full days’ work manning the door at Kitty Kats. I organize the prospects work schedules, do parts runs, pretty much anything to put me in better stead with my brothers. None of its worked.

  In doing all that shit, I’ve missed Lex’s first obstetrician’s appointment, the first ultrasound, and the first night Rob was in town. It makes me the biggest asshole I’m taking out my feelings on her, making her suffer when none of this is her fault, but I can’t change it now. Worst part is; I wouldn’t even if I could.

  I wouldn’t take back my efforts at getting back in the clubs good books, and I wouldn’t take back distancing myself from Lex either. What kind of man does that make me? What kind of man claims his woman publically, and then throws her away? The kind of man that’s doing the same thing that’s happening to him, that’s who.

  Banging on my bedroom door pulls me from those wholly depressing thoughts.

  “Hey asshole. You awake in there,” Rob yells.

  “Fuck off.” Yeah, I’m being an asshole to him too. Seems like I’m an equal opportunity asshole at least.

  Less than five seconds later my door flies open, and in the doorway is a half dressed, fuming Rob.

  “Yeah, that’s not happening. What the fuck is your problem fuck nugget?” Without pause he says, “You’ve got a fucking magnificent woman who’s out there cooking your stupid ass and mine breakfast. You treat her like a piece of shit on your shoe, and you lick the ass of ever man in a club that’s treated you like a second class citizen. You wanna explain that shit to me before I kick you in the face and I make you my bitch.”

  A humorless laugh escapes me, and I want to punch the cocky bastard in the throat.

  “You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about, so mind your own business, Robbie,” I say getting up and pulling on a pair of jeans.

  Closing the door behind him, he leans back against it cocking his brow.

  “No, I don’t know what’s going on, that’s why I’m asking. But what I’m telling you is that woman out there,” he gestures over his shoulder with his thumb, “is not going to hang around and put up with this shit forever. For now, sure, but for the long haul, I don’t think so. And if she did I’d be coming in here and taking her from you.” My blood boils at the thought of him, of any man trying to take Lex from me. I might not be treating her the best right now, but that doesn’t mean I’d let anyone else touch what’s mine. “Get that fucking look off your face, you’re doing this to yourself, and you’re not fucking dumb enough to claim different. You don’t want her, then you let her go. Let her find someone who does. You don’t cage beauty like that, brother. Beauty like that, locked away from the sun withers and dies, and that’d be a crying shame if someone as perfect as her was left to that future. You hear what I’m telling you?”

  Yeah I fucking hear him alright. That doesn’t mean anything’s going to change immediately, probably not even in the foreseeable future, but that also doesn’t mean I don’t hear what he’s telling me.

  “She not going fucking anywhere, Rob. She knows better than to take a man’s kid from him, and she knows I’d find her ass if she did take off,” I bite out.

  Sighing, Rob shakes his head at me.

  “I didn’t say she would take off, but that doesn’t mean you won’t lose her, Thomas. She might not leave you or Blackwater, but you’ll lose her all the same. Lex isn’t the kind of woman to be able to take an emotional beating for long, and you’re doing a pretty good job of beating her like a stray dog.”

  “What would you know about what Lex can, and can’t take,” my insinuation isn’t lost on him, and before I have the chance to react, Rob launches himself at me landing a solid punch to the right hand side of my jaw.

  “Fuck you twice motherfucker. I don’t know you as well as I thought I did if you think I’d lay a hand on your woman.” Breathing heavily, I slump down until I’m sitting on the edge of my bed. Standing over me Rob spits, “Who do you think sits and watches movies with her at night when you’re out with the club? Who do you think has been helping her bring in groceries she’s buying for your house because you’re too busy to do it yourself? And who the fuck do you think she says goodnight to every night when she leaves after cooking you and me dinner, cleaning your house, and doing your laundry? Not fucking you, because you’re not here. Not to say thank you. Not to give the poor woman a hug when she tries to hide the fact she’s been bawling her eyes out. And not you because your head is so far up your ass you don’t know a good thing when you’re losing it,” he ends on a snarl.

  Jesus Christ. I didn’t know Lex had been doing all that. But who am I kidding, Rob’s right. I haven’t been here so how would I know.

  “Wanna know the saddest thing though? I say don’t worry he’s being a fucking prick now, he’ll get over it, and you want to know her response?” I nod slowly in response. “She tells me you’re not a prick, that all this is hard on you, and that she’ll wait however long it takes till you come back to her.”

  Hearing that from my best friend. Hearing Lex is willing to take my shit, still make my life better even though I’m not ack
nowledging her efforts tears at my heart, but that still doesn’t help the way I’m feeling. It still doesn’t erase my anger at her for being the sole cause for the shit I’m in with the club.

  “Maybe she shouldn’t wait. God knows I have no clue when this shit I’m in with the club going to end. And to be honest with her being with me I don’t think it’s ever going to. It’s bad enough I resent her, I don’t want her hating me too.” Shaking my head sadly I go on to say, “I can’t be with her if it means losing my brothers, Robbie. I just can’t.”

  “Do you give a shit she’s carrying your goddamned kid in there? Do you give the first fuck she loves you to death even though you don’t deserve it? Fuck you’re a selfish bastard,” Rob sneers baring his teeth at me.

  “Yes I care she’s carrying my kid, and I’ll see it all the time even if I’m not with its mother. Jesus Rob, what do you want me to say?”

  “Something that doesn’t make me wanna punch you in the face?” It comes out like a question, but I know it’s not.

  Raking my hands through my messy hair I retort,


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