Secret Affair With A Billionaire

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Secret Affair With A Billionaire Page 10

by Longton, Heather

  He slid the material along her thighs, rearranged his grip to get past her knees before finally releasing them and leaving her naked. She lay on the bed with him kneeling vertically above her and he explored her body with his eyes. Everywhere he looked it was as if she was being touched and caressed by his hands.

  She lifted her arms and turned her wrists inward reaching towards him, and though she didn't say anything, he knew. He leaned towards her allowing her hands to traverse over his shoulders as he gripped her waist and lifted her further up the bed. With her head on the pillow he stretched out beside her and began running his hands along her body from her hip to shoulder and back again.

  "You are so soft." He barely whispered as his hand continued moving around her throat to her mouth and back down her body once more. "So soft."

  Emma trembled, not with cold nor nervousness. She trembled through sheer physical exuberance as her body reacted to the sensation and pleasure of his touch. "I hope you have something."

  There was no need for her to spell it out, and he lifted his head, balancing it on one arm. "You don't have any with you here?"

  He continued caressing with his hands down by her thigh, continuing to the sensitive area behind her knee before running his hand back towards her breast. "No I haven't, I've had no reason to... for a long while."

  "A long while?" His fingertips just leaving her knees once more and making their way inside of her leg.


  His head lowered as he began to kiss her with his mind controlling passionate kiss that made her lose her trail of thought. His fingers moved towards the junction of her thighs as he kissed her cheek from ear to jaw. "If we go to my place I have enough of those things for us to be doing this for the next two weeks. But I couldn't persuade you to pack your bag, could I?"

  She realised this meant he didn't have any with him.

  She gave out a groan of frustration, agonising and soul destroying as she felt her heart sink. He gave a chuckle into her ear before nibbling on a low and kissing his way back down her neck. "I haven't come here to make love with you."

  That wasn't his intention? What does he mean he hasn't? Then what were they doing?

  He flattened his palm on her thigh and slid his fingers downwards causing her to wriggle with a sense of dismay as she lost the touch she so desperately needed.

  "Daniel, ple..."

  She realised she had almost asked him, indeed begged him to satisfy her.

  "I came here because I thought you were bluffing. I wanted to call your bluff and see you chickening out." He kissed her shoulder and put his tongue in the dip at the side of the blade. "I wanted to prove to myself that you didn't mean what you said back in the alleyway, and that all you were doing was trying to win another battle."

  Emma's heart sank and imploded as his words hit her ears. Had he come to embarrass and humiliate her? If he had then he has succeeded. She knew that he wanted revenge for how she had treated him all those years ago, and it seems that now he had that revenge.

  Chapter 8

  Just what is he thinking? How could he behave in such a way?

  She lay on the bed motionless as Daniel moved his lips over her mouth. "I've always known that you are a dangerous woman, Emma. I am unable to stop and that is all because of you."

  She felt a burst of emotion bubble to the surface as she took in the words he had just used. He was making a confession to her about how much he wanted her, as well as how much he didn't want to want her.

  Yet she was so desperate in her need for him, that she just longed for him to want her and want to want her. How she ached for him, how she needed him and how much she needed him to need her.

  He moved his hand back up along her thigh forcing her legs wider as he did so. She noticed how that seductive and irresistible tone in his voice had returned and her bones were melting as his sound vibrated through her body.

  "I just have to touch you, I can't stop touching you and it's all your fault."

  He began to kiss her with a greater ferocity causing her to moan against his mouth with an intensity stronger than anything she had known since first kissing him in anger. He was making many demands of her, and she could do nothing but give him everything of which he was asking. She felt she was being punished for her own weakness, and yet she felt she had to accept full responsibility for her past transgression.

  His hand moved to her very centre, the place she had been longing for him to touch. He found clear proof of how much she desired him and wanted him as he discovered her warm, moist, physical heart.

  He moved his head away from hers and rested on his hand. She felt the warm air of his breath pound against her cheeks as his voice growled out. "Good God Emma, you should've packed that rucksack, it would have been so much simpler."

  She gave a soft girlish laugh but it was only covering up her innermost desire, what she wanted most of all was him, and she wanted him so badly it was painful. "I can be very creative."

  Daniel moved backwards slightly as far as he could without over balancing. "I am sure you can, but there is something I want from you much more. That is more important to me right now."

  She wasn't quite sure what he meant but before she could question it he moved forwards once more and silenced her with his lips. His fingers were carving gentle circles in her warm moisture, going lower, pulling up, and yet never quite making contact with the part of her she needed to be touched the most.

  "You are going to surrender to me the first time, and all I am going to do is watch you."

  "I'm not sure..." Emma reacted with instinct without being certain what she was going to say.

  Did she want him to watch her losing control and show him just how much power he had over her? She had sworn in the past not to give anybody so much control over her, not to get lost in the power that another could exert. And yet he was doing things to her that had never been done to her before.

  "You'll be fine." He leaned in and gently kissed her forehead, moving his lips along her closed eyes, down the ridge of her nose before reaching her mouth, his deep tones adding to her pleasure once again. "I know you want to, and you know you want to."

  She felt he was reading her mind, yet she knew there was enough physical evidence that mind reading was not necessary. His fingers were gently building the pressure inside her, so deep that she was arching her back with each touch as she made small pleasure sounds from the middle of her throat, which in the intensity of her sensations seemed to echo round the room.

  He kissed from one corner of her mouth to the other as he slid a finger inside her. She gave out a gasp as he spread her moisture towards her vibrating clitoris, but he moved his fingers away just at the moment she felt her aching needs were about to be satisfied.

  "Daniel." She said his name in a way that sounded as if she was pleading.

  "Yes?" She was lost in the moment as she turned her head away towards the light giving him a clearer view of her beauty.

  "Turn this way, Emma." She slowly turned her head back and their eyes locked. "Surrender to me, surrender to me now."

  His finger slid into her again, slowly and with purpose upwards, and so gently that she thought her heart was being ripped out of her chest. Her breathing had become ragged and her voice was soft and agonised, a barely audible whisper.

  "Please... Daniel..."

  He was applying what seemed like the perfect amount of pressure, as he touched her with his fingertip which moved back and forth. She felt her blood rise to the boil as it seemed to roar along her veins. Her ears felt like they were listening to the inner noises her body was making as they drowned out all the sounds around her. And it was his final and smallest touch which finally sent her spinning, and falling into a great abyss of pleasure which she felt would never end. And when her body had finally stopped its convulsing and shaking she could still feel the soft ripples of pleasure radiating through her nerve endings.

  And that was his hand. He'd done that with just his

  She felt a small sigh vibrate through her mouth at that thought, and realised her own vulnerability was greater than it had ever been. But as if sensing this discomfort he reached his arm over to her waist and rolled her towards him so they were lying full length together and side-by-side. Her breasts were pressed against the solid muscle of his strong chest and his arms folded around her offering her shelter, a safe place from the just passed storm.

  They lay there in calm and peace. Her breathing took a few moments to return to a normal quiet, unnoticeable state. His deep voice broke the silence. "I'm going to tell you to pack that rucksack again. And I'm going to keep telling you to pack that rucksack until you say yes."

  She felt a smile come across her face and pulled her head away from him so he could see it. But before she could respond a loud noise of shouting and screaming came from the other side of the wall. They just looked at each other in acknowledgement of the disturbance they were experiencing as the noise and tone of the argument got stronger.

  "Noisy neighbours you have. Is that normal?"

  Emma gave a visible agreement with a small nod of her head. "This street seems to be the home of turbulent relationships."

  "We have found a way of taking the friction out of our relationship." His hands gently caressed the spine of her back.

  Another burst of shouting ended with the sound of something smashing, most likely a pottery piece as the low sound of breaking ruled out the possibility of it being glass.

  "I need to get up." She wriggled out of his grip and sat on the edge of the bed.

  He released her immediately. "You're packing?"

  She began pulling her clothes on and spun her head to face him as she spoke. "You're not giving up are you?"

  "Well it won't take you long, even less time than it would have done had you packed earlier. You don't need any underwear, in fact I'm not sure you need to pack any more because I'm going to have you naked for the entire weekend." He grinned as he lay there, reclined with his elbow in the mattress and his head propped up by his hand.

  She knew that a whole weekend with him would mean he owned her soul for ever and she felt her hand tremble at the thought as she pulled up the zip of her jeans. "We can talk about it shortly, I'm just going next door."

  Daniel had been enchanted as he had watched Emma getting dressed. The intimate moment they had just shared meant that he didn't need to steal glances of her any more, he could point his eyes at her in a way that only intimacy allows. He had been so engrossed he had all but forgotten the commotion from the other side of the wall. Or maybe it was his male pride which had caused him to so quickly ignore that noise. He had just seen her fall apart at his touch, to be so receptive to his pleasuring of her in a way he'd never observed in any other woman. He found it so intoxicating to observe a vulnerability in her, and he didn't feel as if he had taken revenge on her but he wanted to hold her and protect her because of that vulnerability.

  She ran her hands through her hair as if she was combing it quickly. It wasn't until she started to put on her shoes that he realised she intended going somewhere.

  "You're not going next door are you?" He sat upright and swung his legs over his side of the bed. "Forget that, no, you shouldn't be going round there."

  "I just want to see that she is all right."

  "You said it happens all the time. It's blown over before, it will blow over again."

  "I'm sure it has." There was another outburst of screaming from next door, this time louder than before. "But it's never been this loud."

  She began moving towards the door and he leapt across the room to block her exit. "No." He put his hands to her wrists to prevent her from moving.

  She felt a rise of fury inside her at being restrained, and instinctively flashed him a look which said get off me, release me, I am going it is my decision, all rolled into one. Daniel, in turn, saw exactly what her face was conveying. She was concerned about another human being and she really wanted to help. This was new to Daniel, he hadn't seen her be concerned about another person ever. Just as he thought he knew her, he was being faced with evidence that he didn't know her at all. He had been certain of who she was, but now she was becoming something of an enigma.

  "If you think it's bad then let's phone the police." He let go of her and picked up his jacket pulling out the mobile phone. She took the opportunity to make a bolt for the door causing him to stick out his foot to prevent her getting the door open wide enough to get out. "Look, I'll go round there, you stay here."

  "No." She smiled at him softly and appreciatively. She could see that his motivation was to protect her and to keep her from harm's way. "A man turning up on the doorstep could make matters worse for her, even if you don't get through the door. And if things are bad when you arrive, the situation could escalate and it could be you who the police are taking away."

  Her argument silenced Daniel briefly.

  He put his hands on her hips and pulled to him. She let him move her towards him and he felt a sense of satisfaction causing him to keep a calm tone as he spoke. "Okay. We'll call the police whilst you pack your bag. I'll listen out for any noise and if it starts up again we can both go round together. I might be tempted to do something round there, but I'm not the only one, am I?"

  He had a point. She looked at him with a knowing smile, and he squeezed her waist and raised his brows as if questioning her and searching for her answer.

  "Fair point."

  He moved his head up and down slowly. "Great. Now you go and pack."

  She stood motionless for a few seconds looking up at him. He began to get ready for an argument or the very least prepare himself for more persuasion. Yes he wanted her, and he wanted her back at his place. But it wasn't just the thought of finishing what they'd started that evening, he also wanted to get her out of this place. He couldn't leave her there, he wouldn't have been able to leave anybody there when he had the means to do something about it.

  But Emma surprised him once again. She didn't protest, or begin yet another argument. She lifted her hands and placed her flat palms on his chest. Looking up into his deep brown eyes and smiling she just said. "Thank you."

  Daniel was taken aback by her response, yet again seeing the side of Emma that he'd never seen before. "Packing your things is all the thanks I need."

  Once they had got back to his place there would be no distractions or noisy neighbours and they could spend the next few days satiating his unwanted desire, making love to her. He thought he would find out whether this new woman he was discovering was real, or was it Emma playing the same old games? He was wary but very intrigued and by getting her alone at his home he would find out just who she was.

  The door opened silently and Leila ran forward excitedly sniffing at every new thing she came across. Daniel took the first door on the right along the hallway, and tossed her bag onto one of the extended sofas that lived in his living room. Then he leaned back against the wall as he watched Emma wandering around his home.

  He was a little unsure about what he was thinking, and as so much had happened that night he was feeling tired. But there was one thing which had been irritating him and he was determined to solve the problem as soon as he could. He watched her as she walked around the room, pausing to study the paintings and photographs around the walls. He was still very aware of the way her breasts rose and fell with every breath she took and the movements in her legs as she stopped, rocked in front of each picture leaning back on the heel, standing at ease before turning on her toe and slowly moving on. He couldn't help but admire everything about her, the way her hands moved and how her face would concentrate when she found an image she wanted to inspect further.

  "I'll arrange for a removal company to get the rest of your things on Monday."

  "I haven't agreed to making a move yet, so slow down Daniel."

  "Yes you will." The area she lived in wasn't really suitable for a woman on her own and a small dog like Leila was no kind of
protection, she would have been better protected if she carried a pillow around with her. "I will make sure you move, and it's non-negotiable."

  "You may be able to turn me on as easily as it is to turn on the television set, but that doesn't give you any other control over me Daniel. That's a nice photograph, what prize are you receiving there?"

  Daniel was feeling rather smug being told that he could turn her on easily, and that she told him so readily without him having to pressure it out of her made him all the more self satisfied. But it could have distracted him and he wasn't going to allow that.

  "Cheshire businessman of the year. I mean it about you moving house, Emma. I'm not going to let you stay there. If Toby had any idea..."

  "Toby has nothing to do with it, I thought I had made that clear." She gave a deep sigh at having to repeat herself and continued around the room to take in another set of pictures. He observed how she brushed her hair backwards parking a few wayward strands behind her ears. "And where I choose to live is none of your business either."

  He gave out a burst of laughter the suddenness of which caused her to turn round and look at him. "Did you say choose?"

  "Are you trying to start an argument so that I have to come over there and kiss you, Daniel."

  "You do what you think is best." He made his left leg straight and bent his right leg in front of it so as to cross his ankles and have his toe resting on the floor. "If you want to come and kiss me, that's fine. But on Monday morning the first thing we are doing is finding you a new place to live."

  "No I am not."

  "Yes you are."

  She was using the pictures on the wall to casually, yet confidently avoid looking at him. Once again she went to brush the hair back at the side of the head and put it behind her ear, but there was no hair out of place so it was a pointless manoeuvre. But Daniel couldn't help but adore her each time she did it. She moved on to a bookcase and stood back, crouching slightly to gain a view of the books. "We are not looking for accommodation on Monday, and that's final. If you put me into one of your flats I would feel as if you were keeping me as a mistress, or worse, paying me off for this weekend. Now forget it. What are you doing here in this photograph with all these children?"


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