Maisy's Keeper: Club Drift, Book One (The Club Drift Series 1)

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Maisy's Keeper: Club Drift, Book One (The Club Drift Series 1) Page 6

by Saffron Hayes

  “Many Doms, myself included, like to teach their submissives positions like this. Positions that they should perfect and display when asked. How do you feel about that?”

  “I think I like it,” she smiled shyly, her heart beating faster in her chest. How did she feel turned on just from this?

  The crooked smile he wore as he watched her reactions was sinfully sexy, “May I touch you, little Maisy?”

  Maisy nodded, skin tingling with anticipation.

  He smoothed his hands down her arms, easing the goose pimples away with his tender touch, “Don’t forget your safe words. Your only job is to relax and obey. Don’t worry about anything else.

  She realised she had tensed up and took a deep breath. It was strange, being touched by a near stranger in a public place. Even though he’d only touched her arms so far, her position made even the most chaste touch seem intimate. Her arms relaxed under his touch.

  “Brave girl,” he said, his approval evident. Why did that approval feel so valuable to Maisy? She hardly knew him, but obeying his orders gave her a deep thrill that she couldn’t quantify. It was turning her on, sure, but it was something more than that too. “We’re going to have to talk about whatever it is that makes you frown so adorably at some stage, sweetheart.”

  She scowled at him briefly before remembering where she was. “I’m not adorable, Sir.”

  Amusement lit his eyes, “Is that so?”

  She bit back her reply, sure that it’d come across as rude no matter how she phrased it.

  “Hm. Can I touch you more?” He asked, his line of sight telling her exactly what he wanted to touch.

  “Yes,” she said, subconsciously pushing her chest out further.

  Dan cupped the little sub’s breasts, enjoying her startled squeak. She was shy alright, but she was new so it was to be expected.

  “Push your breasts together for me, that’s it.” Her little hands pushed her cleavage up beautifully. She hadn’t hesitated, although her brow wrinkled again now as if she wasn’t sure why she obeyed so easily.

  Dan bent to take a kiss, over-leaning to push her off balance. Her right hand shot out to his chest to support herself. He steadied her then growled in her ear, low and dangerous “I said push your breasts up, subbie.”

  He smiled as he watched a deep pink blush roll up her cheeks, her eyes darken, her hands quivering as she pushed her heavy breasts up for him. She was definitely submissive. She was enjoying carrying out his orders, even if she didn’t understand why.

  “Good girl.” Christ, there was that shy, proud little smile again. That smile was catnip to a Dom. Sweet surrender willingly offered and control gratefully accepted - all in that simple expression. “Stay where you are, sweetheart.”

  He stood, watching to see if she moved her head to follow his movements. No, she sat perfectly still. She would be a joy to train properly, shame he wouldn’t get the chance.

  He hadn’t been sure what, if anything, he’d use from his toy bag when he’d asked Matthew to pass it over. He’d merely intended to ask Maisy what she thought about using various toys at a later date. However, now he’d seen her ample breasts jutting out from under the flimsy fabric of her dress, he knew exactly what he wanted to do to her.

  “You said you liked bondage, little Maisy?”

  Her lips parted involuntarily and he thought he saw the colour in her cheeks deepen. “I like the idea of it.”

  I’ll say you do, Dan thought to himself, but out loud he said, “Good, let’s find out what you think about it for real.”

  Chapter 9

  Rope and Whips

  Maisy looked up, forgetting the previous order to stay still, and was startled to find he was now holding a neatly coiled length of rope.

  The line of his mouth turned hard when he saw her move. The rope thudded onto the table and he gripped her chin between finger and thumb. “I said to stay still, sweetheart. Don’t make me remind you again.”

  Maisy’s breath quickened, “Sorry Sir.”

  He kissed her forehead, accepting the apology, and forced her face back down to its proper position.

  Maisy felt sure that she shouldn’t be aroused by Daniel manhandling her like this, but she was. What’s more, knowing that he was watching her so attentively that even the smallest deviation from the rules would be observed and punished... well, it was just hot.

  She tried to sit straighter, to push her breasts a little higher, spread her legs a little wider, knowing that he was watching.

  “There’s a good girl. You learn quickly.”

  She thrummed with pride, eager and ready for whatever was next.

  “Stand up.”

  She stood, keeping her hands on her breasts as she did so, certain she’d earn some sort of reprimand if she didn’t. He stepped closer, looming over her. She grinned at him, every order and correction made her feel more comfortable, less nervous in these strange new surroundings. His eyes crinkled at the corners, as if he wanted to grin back but had taught his features not to display his feelings. She adopted a less gleeful expression.

  “You can smile, I like you smiling.” He undid his cuff buttons and neatly rolled his sleeves up to the elbow before picking up the loop of hemp rope again. Her smile widened and she forgot all about her nerves as he stalked towards her.

  He really was a sight to behold. His broad shoulders and thick arms flexed beneath his tight t-shirt as he unwrapped the rope with easy, practised movements. The hair on his arms was thick and dark like the unruly mop on his head. Everything about him from muscles to gait to confident smile screamed strength and power.

  He swooped in for a brief kiss then spun her so she was facing away from him and the table.

  “Give me your arms, Maisy.”

  She moved her arms behind her, stretching away the slight stiffness from holding her arms in one place for so long. She hoped that the rope was for what she thought it was for. She had so many fantasies about being immobilised by rope and strong hands.

  A joyful shiver shook her as he gripped her wrists firmly and arranged them one on top of the other behind her back. With deft movements that betrayed experience he carefully bound her wrists with loops of rope. Then he added another separate rope which encompassed her shoulders, waist, and each breast.

  She rolled her shoulders experimentally, she could move, but only a little. It was snug, but not uncomfortable. Daniel went around each loop slipping his fingers between the rope and her blouse to test the tightness. His obvious care and attention was almost as arousing as his skill. Her breasts jutted in little peaks, pushed up and out by the bondage. She felt beautiful.

  “Thank you, Sir,” she said, grinning widely.

  “You like that?” He returned the smile and ran his hands along her waist and around to her breasts. When he pinched her nipples, she moaned aloud at the rush of pain and pleasure.


  “The bondage lightly restricts blood flow to your breasts, makes them swollen and sensitive. Now make sure you behave or I’ll add a clit knot.”

  A what? She must have looked appalled, because Daniel chuckled. She almost wished her hands were free so she could swat at him.

  “You look beautiful bound for me, Maisy,” he said as he turned her towards him by pulling her tied wrists. “Kneel over here for me, please, on the cushion again. Face this way.”

  She took a step forward, but she wasn’t used to being bound like this and she staggered slightly. “Please Sir,” she said, feeling shy about asking for his help with something so simple, “Will you help me?”

  He nodded and she saw something like approval cross his face before he helped her down to the cushion. She arranged herself as elegantly as she could with the new impairment.

  “How do you feel?” He knelt in front of her, a kind hand on her cheek. “Your knees holding up okay?”

  “Yes, thank you. I’m comfortable.”

  “Good, but make sure you speak up if you get stiff, little Maisy.”
  Daniel moved to sit on the bench behind her. He tugged her cushion back towards the wall and she giggled as she briefly tipped into his thigh.

  “There, we’ll both be comfortable for William’s demonstration now.”

  “Daniel, I really -”

  He tugged her hair gently and pushed her head onto his thigh, encouraging her to relax, “I know it’s not your thing and that’s okay, but you’re going to see a lot of stuff you’re not into on a weekend here. You’ll need to figure out how to cope with that. Maybe you’ll learn something about yourself too.”

  Maisy leaned into him while she considered his words. She was half pissed off that he’d tied her up before bringing this up, but she knew in her heart of hearts that all she had to say was ‘red’ and they’d be out of there. And, truly, deep down she was a little bit curious.


  “Okay.” He stroked her hair as she leaned into his knee.

  Kneeling there with him was surprisingly peaceful. The hand in her hair and the ropes on her body both restrained her gently and she felt comfortable. She was at his mercy and it was fun and relaxing, not scary at all.

  While they’d been talking, William, his set up complete, had disappeared from the main area. Now he returned with a topless young woman in tow. Maisy recognised her as the barmaid she’d spoken to on newbie night. One of the trainees, then.

  The trainee smiled at the various people who stood and sat around the fenced off post; a small crowd had gathered to witness the demonstration. Maisy saw Claude and Matilda talking to Matthew at the bar on the opposite side of the cavernous main room.

  Although there were still some hushed conversations going on, everyone’s attention was on the couple making their way to the centre of the room.

  Daniel leaned down to speak quietly in her ear, “They’ll just get right into it out here, but they’ve just come from negotiations. Claire’s a masochist and an exhibitionist. Everything’s agreed upon.”

  Maisy nodded, trying and failing to keep an open mind. She accepted that Claire had agreed to it, but she couldn’t quite get her head around why or how she could possibly enjoy it. A whipping was a whipping, right? A painful punishment, surely. How could it be for fun too?

  William fastened Claire’s arms to the post at a point above her head using the soft black handcuffs she already wore and some chain. He stepped back to take in her position then pushed her legs open a little further. From where she sat Maisy could see Claire laugh at the unexpected adjustment. William embraced her from behind, saying something that Maisy couldn’t make out, but she did see Claire nod. When William walked away and picked up his coiled whip the huge room fell completely silent.

  William was an imposing figure. He was average height, only a couple of inches taller than Claire, but the way he held himself made him seem taller. He wore a tight, plain black t-shirt with short sleeves that made his pale skin and blond hair seem almost white by comparison. He had a lithe, powerful build; all muscle and no fat.

  Maisy was reminded of a tiger stalking its prey as he prowled around the whipping post’s make-shift enclosure. The prey, meanwhile, had closed her eyes. Claire seemed poised and ready. Maisy saw the bound woman smile a little wider when the footsteps behind her stopped. The lash landed on her shoulder blade or at least Maisy gathered it had from the way Claire’s shoulder moved. The whip moved faster than her eye could track.

  A pause, thick with tension, then the thunderclap of the whip again. Maisy winced, the cracking noise alone was enough to turn your stomach. Claire, however, tensed when the blow hit then immediately relaxed with a tiny groan of pained ecstasy.

  Maisy watched, fascinated, as William set to work. From where she was sitting she couldn’t see Claire’s back, but she figured the blows must be much lighter than they sounded. Although the whip was obviously hurting, Claire’s expression became increasingly serene between groans and grimaces. Maybe she was drugged. Maisy glanced around the bar then up at Daniel. No, it wasn’t like that. They didn’t even let you have more than a few drinks here, it said so behind the bar. Whatever high she was on it was natural.

  Maisy wriggled her shoulders, slowly becoming aware of the stiffness there. Dan placed his finger and thumb on the back of her neck, applying light but persistent pressure.

  “What should you be saying, sweetheart?” He said, quietly so as not to disturb the performers.

  “Um.” Her mind had gone completely blank. She was focused on William’s taut muscles and fierce countenance, his concentrated and skilled wielding of a vicious weapon that she’d never seen outside of a picture book before. A weapon that he was using to give what Maisy could only assume was a twisted kind of pleasure, given Claire’s reactions.

  Maisy was vaguely aware of Daniel muttering under his breath before she realised he was loosening the ropes on her wrists and shoulders. She was going to protest, but when she realised her breasts were still happily wrapped in pretty rope she let it go.

  “Roll your shoulders, sweetheart. Come on, move.”

  If she’d been anywhere else she would have shushed him, she wanted to watch the performance. After a slow beginning, lashes dished out with tension filled lulls holding them apart, the whip was cracking in a more regular rhythm now, building to a crescendo.

  Gently, Dan moved her arms to a more natural position. Maisy hissed so loudly that several people in the crowd turned to look. Carl, who was nearby with a statuesque blonde Domme, laughed then gave her a sympathetic look. He received a sharp swat on the arse from a be-ringed hand in retribution.

  Thankfully, William either hadn’t heard or was above distraction. Claire was completely oblivious to her surroundings. Her skin was lightly sheened with sweat and her head was bowed, a small smile played on her lips.

  Still entranced, Maisy did as she was told and moved her shoulders and arms until they felt natural again.

  “Now the legs. Keep stretching out until you can sit up here.” Dan’s hands rubbed her shoulders encouragingly.

  Maisy managed not to hiss out loud when she unfolded her legs, but Christ did they burn. She must have been sitting like that much longer than she’d realised.

  Eventually she managed to stretch her rebellious limbs out enough to sit beside Daniel. Before she could settle he pulled her onto his lap and held her tight. She didn’t think to protest, because really it was exactly where she wanted to be.

  She nuzzled into him happily, feeling the after burn from her frozen joints fading away. He shifted her slightly so she could see the performers again. Maisy had missed the grand-finale while she was settling in Dan’s arms.

  Now, William was taking Claire down from the post. He rubbed her shoulders and arms just like Daniel had rubbed Maisy’s. William, however, took care not to rub his sub’s back. Claire’s face was streaked with sweat and tears, but she was still smiling, laughing even, as William spoke to her and made sure she was steady on her feet.

  While William folded his whip and gathered his belongings, she waved at the gathered people as if she’d only just become aware of them.

  William raised a hand to Daniel, who nodded in return, before taking Claire’s hand and gently steering her towards one of the quieter areas in a tunnel.

  “So, little Maisy, what do you think?”

  She saw the livid marks on Claire’s retreating back. Maisy thought about it, but was unable to come up with a meaningful sentence to describe how she felt about what she’d witnessed. Claire had obviously been in pain, but she’d been relaxed and happy as William helped her down from the post. She’d looked peaceful when she was up there, even when the whip made that awful noise. How did that work? “I don’t know,” she said, honestly.

  “You flinched a couple of times.”

  “I did? It’s the noise, I think. It’s so loud.”

  Dan nodded, absentmindedly stroking her arm, “It is that. It’s a skill many admire, making the whip crack like that loudly, but still controlling the strength of the
lash. Making the blow featherlight. He’s very good.”


  Dan paused a moment then tried a different approach, “How do you feel about what we did?”

  “What we did?” Maisy frowned, they’d just been watching the performance.

  “I bound you, took away your freedom of movement. It hurt after a while, didn’t it? You got sore because you’re not used to it, but you still liked it.”

  Maisy nodded slowly, “Yeah, it did hurt a bit, but I liked it. It felt... peaceful. And it’s a totally different thing.”

  “It is and it isn’t.” He pulled her closer to him with the ropes that still bound her breasts. “You and Claire both gave your bodies to someone else to play with and you both enjoyed it, even though it hurt. Your limits and experience and desires are vastly different, but trusting me or William to use your body in any way requires a similar power exchange, you see?”

  “I guess,” Maisy said, doubtfully. Various groups who had gathered to watch the demonstration now settled in free seating areas. The bar felt busier than before because the silence had been filled with echoing talk and laughter.

  “Get over my lap, Maisy.”

  “Excuse m-” Daniel cut her off by pushing her head down and arranging her over his lap himself. His hand caressed her neck even as it held her down. Her arse was up in the air and the ropes around her torso felt tighter in this position.

  “No hesitation.” He said, his steady voice seemed at odds with his actions, “We agreed, did we not, that if you broke a rule you would be punished like this?” His lips brushed against her ear making her shiver even as she bristled in outrage.

  “I didn’t break any rules! This is ridiculous!” She kicked under his hands, feeling helpless as she realised he could hold her for as long as he wanted to.

  “Shh, sweetheart. People are looking. Do you want to get spanked with an audience?”

  She froze, mortified.

  “There we are. Now, I’m not going to hurt you, but we agreed that if you were in pain or uncomfortable in the ropes you’d let me know. We agreed that you’d use a safe word if you needed to. Instead I had to figure out myself that you were hurting. That’s fine, but I’m not a mind reader. I’ve got to know you’re going to look out for yourself.”


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