Maisy's Keeper: Club Drift, Book One (The Club Drift Series 1)

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Maisy's Keeper: Club Drift, Book One (The Club Drift Series 1) Page 7

by Saffron Hayes

  “Oh.” Maisy said, realising that she had sat there in pain, then going numb without saying anything, too distracted by the show to pay herself any heed. “I’m sorry. I’ll remember next time.”

  “I’m sure you will.” He kissed her cheek and sat up, then spanked her left arse cheek hard. She cried out, surprised by the sting in the blow.

  “Hey! I apologised.” She twisted in his unshakable grip.

  “I accept your apology.” He said, then spanked her again, lighter this time. “But we didn’t agree on an apology, we agreed on this.” Another blow, and another, three sharp hits in quick succession.

  Maisy felt like she would cry from the unfairness of it all. It didn’t hurt that much and in any other context it might be exciting, but she resented being punished like a toddler.

  Daniel was watching her face as anger began to turn into angry tears. “Oh sweetheart.” He pulled her up into an embrace, “You’ve got to understand, Maisy. I need to be able to trust you to safe word or at least speak up when things aren’t 100%. What if it was something more serious?”

  “I would say something!” She said, wetly.

  “I don’t know that until you prove you can. You’re putting a lot of trust in me, but I’ve got to put trust in you too, for both our sakes.”

  Maisy shook her head, but the logic of what he was saying got through to her. He’d given her one rule. Just one. And it had been a simple rule about safety. She’d agreed to this, hell, she’d been turned on by the idea earlier and now she was crying.

  Unable to speak without spluttering all over him she loosened the embrace and placed herself back over his knee.

  Chapter 10

  What Happens After

  He looked at her wordlessly for a moment, then nodded. “Good girl.” He spanked her five more times, rounding it up to ten. Not too hard, but not limp handed swats either. She deserved more for her bravery.

  He couldn’t remember ever seeing a newbie accept she’d been wrong and admit it with her body so eloquently. It was alluring to see a submissive present her arse for punishment, sure, but seeing her vulnerable eyes full of tears as she acknowledged that she’d earned that punishment - it tugged at his heart. He wanted nothing more than to scoop her up and hold her for the rest of the night.

  He knew, though, that it was risky to hold her for too long after a scene. The heightened emotions and sensations that came from even light scenes in the early days could easily be mistaken for other feelings. He didn’t want to cause this sweet, brave little subbie any unnecessary heartache. Although, if he was honest, it wasn’t her heart he was worried about.

  No. He’d hold her until she stopped feeling unbalanced, as any Dom should, and then he’d let her go.

  Until next week. Fuck, Claude had put him in quite a position here. However appealing Maisy was, he couldn’t afford to get too close. He’d promised himself he’d never go beyond casual dating again, not after Alicia ripped his heart out and trampled all over his career in the process.

  Seeing as Claude had sentenced Dan and Maisy to six tantalising weeks together, he’d have to be up front with her to prevent any sort of attachment forming. He’d have to be more disciplined with himself too. The urge to reward her bravery with affection had surprised him, but maybe it shouldn’t have.

  He’d stuck to demonstrations and casual play with experienced submissives, mostly trainees, for so long. How long since he’d done something slow, intimate, or training focused like they’d done tonight? It was a different kind of domination. A restrained waltz instead of the wild tangos he’d grown accustomed to. He’d missed it.

  He signalled a passing waiter and pushed the troubling thought away. He mouthed ‘basket’ at the man and shifted his focus to taking care of Maisy. She was overwhelmed and confused right now. He should be taking responsibility, not going around in circles in his own mind about things that couldn’t be changed.

  He helped the still sniffling Maisy sit up on the bench beside him. He smirked a little when the cold hard bench met her pink backside and she winced. She didn’t notice because she’d turned her head away, apparently embarrassed by her tears. He put an arm gently around her shoulder and drew her closer.

  The sub waiter returned quickly, placed the basket on the table in front of Dan, gave a little bow, and departed.

  MAISY WATCHED THE PERFORMANCE with ill-disguised fascination. “Does everyone have to bow to you?” A thought hit her and her noise wrinkled, “Do I have to bow to you?”

  He chuckled, “Glad you’ve got your insolence back, sweetheart. No. I don’t go in for much high protocol stuff. Xavier there is just a bit...formal. Good bloke though. Great goalie on our five-a-side team.”

  Well, that response raised more questions than it answered.

  The basket that Xavier had fetched for Dan had a folded blanket on top, concealing its other contents. Dan lifted it, shook it out, and threw it over Maisy’s shoulders. Before she could protest that she didn’t need a blanket he passed her a handbag sized packet of tissues and a bottle of water.

  While she blew her nose he rummaged in the bottom of the basket. She got the feeling he was giving her privacy more than he was looking for something, but he did emerge with a small bar of chocolate.

  She reached for it, feeling more herself now her eyes were dry. He pulled it away at the last second. “Water first, subbie.”

  She rolled her eyes and pouted, enjoying playing the brat now they were... what did you call it anyway? He was obviously still in control, but they weren’t doing anything bondagey. In recovery? She did have a shock blanket, for goodness sake.

  Once she’d taken a few big sips he passed her the chocolate and relaxed into the bench, pulling her back into his side at the same time. “I once told Claude that I thought chocolate was an essential part of aftercare. The subbie baskets have had some ever since. Can’t say the man doesn’t listen.”

  She leaned into his comfortingly solid torso, too tired to feel any surprise at how secure she felt there. The rich, dark chocolate was like a restorative elixir. “It’s exactly what I needed, I know that much. What’s aftercare?”

  He squeezed her shoulder through the blanket, “This. More or less. Everyone’s different, just like everything else in kink, but for me and a lot of Doms I know play ends with a cuddle and a chat about how the scene went. Some people just do the chat, some people have a nap, some feel like they need to exercise, others just shake hands. I think it’s best to do the chat thing, at the very least. In fact, it’s another non-negotiable of mine: No play without a debrief after. The cuddle is optional.”

  She snuggled deeper into his chest. After the bewildering array of sights and sensations she’d just experienced the anchoring cuddle was very welcome. “That wasn’t a scene though, right?”

  He shrugged, “Depends how you look at it, sweetheart. You let me take control. I punished you. You were turned on, in pain, confused, and all sorts of other things in a short space of time. Seems to me it’s a scene for all intents and purposes.”

  She was quiet. It’d been almost disappointing to think that was a scene. Shouldn’t there be more...stuff?

  But he was right, she had been turned on by the orders and the ropes, some of which still encircled her. The spanking had been painful and she still didn’t know how to feel about it, but she did know she’d deserved it and taking it had felt right.

  How comes she was crying and being swaddled in a blanket whereas Claire had just walked away smiling? Was she really that pathetic?

  Dan sighed, “New rule. Stop thinking whatever you’re thinking.”

  She snorted, “Good luck enforcing that.”

  Dan followed her gaze and saw the tunnel William and Claire had vanished into. “They’re probably having a cuddle too, you know. Master William is an avid snuggler, don’t let it get around or I’ll let him snuggle you.”

  Maisy giggled at the absurd threat, but her eyes still seemed troubled.

  He gave her h
air a playful tug, “Out with it, little Maisy. What’s bothering you?”

  She shook her head, dismissing him, “I’m fine. Just a bit hormonal.”

  He hadn’t meant the tears, but that’s what her mind jumped to. Interesting. Maybe she was bothered by showing emotion during a scene. He wanted to push her on the issue, get a straight answer, but he hesitated. She’d had enough for the moment. Chances were she didn’t know exactly what she was thinking yet. Some bloke who wasn’t even really her Dom nagging her immediately after her first public scene, however light it might have been, wouldn’t help her tumultuous emotions.

  “What do you think about saving the debrief until later. Your drink’s ruined, we could go get another?”

  She nodded, grateful for the reprieve.

  MAISY FELT ON EDGE as they made their way back to the bar. It was an irrational feeling, an inexplicable one, a confused one.

  She was aware of Dan’s arm around her waist. As they reached the bar she noticed William and Claude were having a quiet, but obviously intense, argument. She couldn’t hear their words until William loudly stated, “Bollocks” and stalked away in the direction of the whipping post. A small group greeted him, evidently they’d been waiting to ask questions about the demonstration.

  Claude shook his head and then, as if nothing had happened, smiled broadly at Dan and Maisy. “How are you, little Maisy? The ropes suit you well.”

  She blushed to her bones. She loved the ropes and how they clung to her curves, how they made her feel more womanly, and somehow erotically connected to the man who’d bound her. Having someone else comment on them, however, felt extremely odd.

  Claude was friendly and generous and... well, he was gorgeous. If ever a man deserved the moniker ‘silver fox’ it was Claude. The compliment was thrilling and confusing in equal measure.

  “Thank you, Sir. I’m well.” She said with the formality she was slowly becoming accustomed to. Claude’s bright blue eyes scanned her face closely then glanced up at Daniel.

  Whatever Claude saw in Daniel’s expression seemed to satisfy him, because his smile returned. “I must go deal with some paperwork. Please excuse me.”

  Matthew placed a gin and tonic in front of Maisy with a warm, “Here you go, pet.” She grabbed it and took a refreshing gulp, she felt like she needed it.

  “That’s her first drink, Matthew,” Dan said.

  “No worries.” The big redheaded barman adjusted his mental tally effortlessly. He leaned forward on the big metallic bar. “You busy? I’ve had a thought about the trainees.”

  Daniel glanced at Maisy. She nodded, hoping for some time to think. He paused for a few moments then kissed her forehead. After securing his arm around her waist he turned back to Matthew, “Go ahead.”

  Maisy almost sighed with relief. She’d never have guessed that just being under Daniel’s keen scrutiny could be so tiring. It was exciting too, of course. Everything here was just so...much. So much more real and intense and strange and satisfying than she could ever have imagined. She ran her fingers over the smooth rope around her waist, following its path up her breast and over her shoulder.

  He’d said he wanted to talk more about what they’d done that evening. A ‘debrief,’ he’d said. Maisy clung to her glass, grateful for the cool soothing beads of condensation. What would she tell him? What could she tell him?

  It was amazing. It was scary. It was everything she hadn’t understood she needed. A booth near the bar housed a quiet couple. The willowy submissive knelt, her head resting on her Dom’s knee. His hand rested gently on her shoulder. They looked so peaceful, so at home. Maisy realised that without even knowing what to call it, she craved whatever it was that couple was enjoying. Peaceful submission?

  She didn’t know how to describe it and she was sure she couldn’t ask Daniel to explain, but she wanted to be where that serene submissive was. Not just on her knees, but more honestly herself somehow.

  Slowly, she tuned back into the conversation. She didn’t follow all of it and there were a lot of unfamiliar names, but the gist of it was that the trainees on early evening bar shifts were often too tired to play afterwards and were missing out, so there needed to be a fairer system for divvying up work. Something like that. She wasn’t entirely sure how the trainee system worked. She’d have to ask when she wasn’t so full of her own feelings.

  “Ready for drink number two, love?” Matthew said.

  Both men had turned their attention to Maisy when they heard the embarrassing gurgling noise her straw made at the bottom of her empty glass.

  Suddenly under the intense gaze of two Drift masters, Maisy understood how the proverbial deer in the headlights felt. “Yes please,” she said, in a voice that was nearly a whisper.

  Matthew gave another of his echoing laughs, “Look here, Dan, we’ve scared your girlfriend.”

  Maisy felt Dan’s arm leave her waist as she saw Matthew’s face fall. “Sorry pal, didn’t mean to...”

  “It’s fine.” Dan snapped. Maisy scarcely dared look up at his face. All the warmth and care and thoughtfulness had vanished to be replaced with icy nothing.

  Without his comforting arm around her she felt a lot colder. Within a minute he’d smoothed the hard look from his face and replaced his arm around her waist, but Maisy was shaken.

  What was so bad about the implication she was his girlfriend? What could cause a reaction like that? Matthew was still nearby, chopping limes while waiting for his friend to recover himself. He kept shooting glances at Maisy as if he’d like to explain, but he kept quiet.

  Eventually, after a long and awkward moment, Dan’s shoulders relaxed and he spoke. “Forgive me, Maisy. Matthew is an arse,” He gave the American a wry smile, “and so am I.” Matthew nodded as if accepting both statements as true and carried on chopping limes. “Look, we should take our drinks somewhere quiet and talk. I really should explain and -”

  “It’s fine,” she said, even as her rational side protested that it really wasn’t fine at all. “Maybe I should call it a night anyway, it must be getting late and I have to work tomorrow.”

  “No chance, sweetheart. Not until we’ve had that chat.”

  Non-negotiable he’d said, damn it. “Maybe we can-” Maisy’s disagreement was interrupted by a flurry of shouting and frenzied activity from the nearest tunnel.

  A man wearing a florescent armband ran out and waved in their direction. Matthew vaulted over the bar and ran towards the disturbance without a backward glance.

  Daniel grabbed Maisy’s hand and pulled her to a booth in the shadows near the bar. “I’m sorry, sweetheart, I’ve got to go help. I’ll explain as soon as I get back.” He paused, as if debating whether to leave her at all, but a female voice shouting from the tunnel Matthew had disappeared into decided him. “If anyone approaches you tell them you’re under my protection.”

  She nodded vaguely, her own attention focused on the increasingly loud disturbance in the darkened tunnel. Dan kissed her then ran towards the commotion.

  Maisy’s hands gripped the edge of the seat. She considered leaving without hearing Dan’s explanation or giving him his damned debrief, but she’d agreed to his terms. Anyway, she’d love to hear whatever his excuse was for that rudeness at the bar. Maybe the suggestion he’d date some incompetent newbie was inherently insulting.

  Dan and the man with the glowing armband emerged from the tunnel first, an unfamiliar man struggling in their unbreakable grip. They moved towards the private staircase that Claude had indicated led to his office amongst other things. Matthew followed, his arm around a young woman with a furious expression and a livid bruise on her cheek.

  As the unruly procession passed Maisy she saw that the woman wore trainee handcuffs and a t-shirt that had been ripped down the back. Maisy’s faint irritation at Dan’s behaviour faded with concern. What on Earth had happened? Thank goodness they’d reacted quickly, but it looked like that man had hit the woman hard, and obviously without consent judging by the
fury in their eyes as they led him away.

  Maisy was suddenly very glad that she had Dan as a mentor. She easily could have ended up meeting someone less kind if left to her own devices.

  “Hey! Hey, new girl!” Bewildered, Maisy looked around for the source of the whisper.

  “Carl? Where are you?”

  “In the corner behind you. Don’t make it obvious you’re looking!”

  “What in the world... Wow.” She stifled a giggle. Someone had obviously got bored of Carl’s attitude and ordered him to stand in the corner facing the wall. “No dunce hat?”

  “Well sure, darling, but it’s not on my head.”

  She spluttered.

  “Bless your innocent heart. I just wanna wrap you in cotton – shhhhh.”

  Maisy was going to ask what was up, but stopped when she saw William coming in their direction, fierce prowling mode turned up to the max. He was still in a mood after his conversation with Claude, by the looks of it.

  “Evening. Where’s your Dom, newbie?

  It took her a moment to gather the courage to answer him. “Daniel? Daniel is assisting with a disturbance, Sir.” William was looking past Maisy at Carl. She noticed his riding crop twitching. “Actually, I think they said they could use extra help. All hands on deck, you know?” She pointed towards the staircase.

  His alarmingly bright blue eyes focused on her properly, “Oh yeah? Sounds fun. Thanks for the heads up.” He tilted his head, catching the faint sound of a man shouting, before loping in that direction.

  “You lie to him, new girl?”

  “Not really, the guy who kicked off did look like a handful.”

  “Well, it’s your arse on the line, I guess. Can you hear me alright?”

  Maisy curled her legs up and shifted further towards the back of the couch, “Yeah, just about.”


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