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Maisy's Keeper: Club Drift, Book One (The Club Drift Series 1)

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by Saffron Hayes

  “You’re fucking useless, you are. Good job you’ve got a good pair of tits”

  Maisy blinked, taken aback by the crack in Michael’s usually flawless city boy veneer. John must have been dishing out the good stuff today. She opened her mouth to respond, righteous anger rising in her chest, but was stopped by something in his face, or his posture, or maybe just in the intangible human scents that animals might understand better than she could. Something told her that she was tiptoeing around a sensitive tripwire.

  “You should watch yourself, a woman like you-”

  A loud, clear ‘ding’ rang through the hallway and he paused, the unspoken words heavy in the air between them. His eyebrow twitched involuntarily.

  The cleaning lady, Roberta, an elderly and good-hearted woman that Maisy spoke to most evenings, stepped out of the lift and started towards them, pausing when she saw her way was blocked. Michael clumsily stood aside and Maisy walked on without another word, unspeakably relieved that Roberta had arrived when she did. The tension of the moment did not pass. She could still feel the potential violence rippling in the air between the three conscious human beings left on this floor.

  “You can’t even sell to that frog you’re fucking.” He called after her. Maisy froze, shocked by the naked vitriol in his voice. The cleaner’s eyebrows disappeared behind her fringe.

  Both women stared at the floor, caught in the apex of the flight or fight moment, waiting for the red-faced man to continue or stand down. He laughed at his own joke and stepped back into the office, slamming the door behind him.

  Both women visibly relaxed and Roberta shook her rubbish bag soundly. “He’s bad news, that one,” she said, simply, before turning the vacuum cleaner on and drowning out all other noise in the building.

  Chapter 23

  A Proposal

  Claude was waiting at the bar when she arrived at Club Drift that night a little before ten. Carl had been uncharacteristically quiet in reception, swapping his usual effusive greeting for a nod. Maisy’d raised an eyebrow at him, “What’s up?”

  He’d nodded at a roll of duct tape that had been placed on prominent display on the counter, then rolled his eyes. She’d let him stamp her hand in silence so as not to tempt him further.

  Claude was deep in conversation with William, Matilda, and Daniel when she approached the bar. Daniel spotted her and smiled. Even though she was still feeling stiff from the tensions of the day, his smile soothed some deep part of her mind.

  William and Matilda waved at her then left the bar, walking off in opposite directions.

  “Evening sweetheart,” Dan pulled her into a casual embrace that left her facing Claude.

  “How are you, Maisy?” Claude asked, something a little different about his bright blue eyes tonight.

  “Oh god, did Claude tell you how embarrassing our meeting was?” She laughed and hid her face behind Dan’s arms, hoping that confronting it head on with humour would make any awkwardness pass faster.

  “Mm. Something like that.” Surprised by the cold note in his voice Maisy twisted to look up at Dan. He was frowning, but soon eased his expression. He kissed her forehead again, “Sorry sweetheart. Just pissed off with your arsehole colleagues.”

  “Oh, don’t worry about that,” She pasted a smile on, redoubling her resolution not to tell Daniel about Michael’s behaviour as she was leaving work earlier.

  If either man noticed her discomfort they didn’t mention it. Claude cleared his throat, “I know this may be difficult for you, Maisy, but I’d like to put the offer to you all the same.”

  Maisy held Daniel’s arm like an anchor. Whatever Claude said now could alter her relationship with the club forever.

  “I liked your pitch very much and would like to hire you, but I cannot work with those...imbeciles at the company. Would you consider doing it yourself? Off the books? I know this is impolite to ask and could get you in trouble, but if you are interested please do let me know.”

  Maisy was stunned, thrilled, started thinking of the possibilities. Long buried plans for a solo business began to rise to the surface of her mind, then fear of losing her job and failing to make anything of herself, then remembering Michaels venom.

  In the end she said, “I’d love to.”

  Claude beamed and Daniel squeezed her arm gently in approval, “You don’t have to decide now, petite, you can have some time to think or-”

  “No.” She said firmly, imagining squashing Michael the cockroach under the purple doc martins that she usually wore at outdoor event sites, “I’d like nothing better, Claude, thank you. Can we meet tomorrow, perhaps? Or Sunday? I’d like to get the paperwork and planning in order to show you properly. I might have to jiggle some logistics to get it to work without the company infrastructure, but there’s no reason you can’t get the same service with just me.

  Claude grinned and placed a grounding hand on her shoulder, “Relax, little one. Tonight is for fun, work can wait until tomorrow, non?”

  Chapter 24


  Maisy was still buzzing with ideas and anxiety when Dan returned with her water.

  “You doing okay, sweetheart?”

  “Yeah, totally. I’m totally fine. I wonder if Claude has strong opinions about the language of flowers. You know, whether he wants to keep traditional with the flower message or more contemporary. Have you ever seen him buying flowers?”

  Dan raised an eyebrow and sat beside her, apparently happy to let her rattle away until she ran out of steam. “I can’t say that I have.”

  “Never mind that now. I’ll ask him tomorrow. Do you think he’ll break the no photos rule so I can take some reference shots? I’ll need the dimensions too, of course. And guest numbers. Are they having plus ones or is it members only? Dress code? Fetish or formal? Or fetish-formal!” She paused a moment, picturing all the fabulous things people like Xavier and Matilda would no doubt come up with if tasked to produce fetish-formal wear.

  “Do you think I can do this? It’s such a big event.” She didn’t leave a space for him to reply before continuing. “I mean, I’ve never done anything by myself before. I should have done a birthday party or something first. Maybe a cosy wedding. This is huge. This would be huge even if I was doing it for the company. Oh Christ, what if I ruin it? What if I ruin Claude’s lovely event and he makes me leave and...”

  “Okay, I’m going to stop you there.” If Daniel wanted to laugh at her scatter-brained ramblings, he hid it well. He pulled her into his side and settled his arm around her shoulders, a comforting weight.

  “Of course you can do it.” Was the first thing he said. “I haven’t seen your work, but I know you’re thoughtful, diligent, and you have excellent taste in men, so I’m sure your taste in other areas is alright.”

  Maisy rolled her eyes at him, “But-”

  “Nope,” he squeezed her shoulder as gentle admonishment, “No buts. Not tonight. You’ve had a long, hard, weird day and you should put work out of your mind for now. Tomorrow. Tomorrow we can talk about the party and you can talk to Claude and plan to your heart’s content. Tonight we’ll take your mind off of everything, deal?”

  Maisy thought through her anxiety that morning, the cringe inducing meeting itself, and the nasty confrontation with Michael that Dan didn’t even know about. All of that with Claude’s generous offer on top was quite a lot, really.

  Maybe he was right. She should decompress tonight and return to her higgledy piggledy work life tomorrow.

  "Okay sure. That makes sense." She drained her water bottle in one go then took his hands, ready for whatever he had planned.

  "How do you feel about blindfolds?"

  She shook her head, "Not right now. I need to see a bit or I’ll -" She was going to say ‘freak out’ but she realised that Daniel would probably worry if she did so. There was just too much going on in her head right now. She didn’t know how to put that into words.

  He gave her a piercing look, "Right. Follow me."r />
  He led them to an empty booth and sat on the velvet seat before placing a cushion on the floor by his side. "I want you to kneel and face the wall."

  She smiled, calmer already just from hearing the order. His straightforward orders had a way of calming even the most chaotic thoughts.

  She bent her knees as gracefully as she could and settled neatly on the cushion.

  "Most submissives remove their shoes when they’re in role here," he said matter of factly.

  She uncurled her legs and removed her heels, handing them to him with a coy smile.

  "Thank you, sweetheart." He stroked her hair and took a sip of his drink, "Relax there for a bit. Don’t speak or look around without permission. Matt, good to see you. Time for a catch up?"

  "Dan! How’s it going? Alright Maisy?"

  She tensed, but Daniel kept stroking her hair and Matt didn’t push her for a response. Apparently it wasn’t strange for her not to reply. She smiled at him instead and leaned into Daniel’s knee.

  “Eyes, sweetheart,” Dan reminded her gently.

  She lowered her eyes and listened to the sounds of the club. Quiet conversation was everywhere. Some people, such as Daniel and Matt, were discussing club gossip. Who’s been playing together a lot recently, how the trainees are doing, whether William had been turning up for his shifts (more than usual was the answer to that one, Maisy was glad to hear).

  Others were talking about sex; negotiating scenes, or reminiscing like the laughing couple one booth over. The scent of leather and sex was less overwhelming than it had been when she first came in.

  Somewhere in the distance she heard a loud female moan. This was a strange place. A good place. She placed a hand on Daniel’s leg and smiled when he glanced at her.

  This was okay. More than okay. Kneeling by his side as his sub, no-one to heed but him, no responsibilities, and his attention tangibly on her even when he was looking the other way - it was pleasant. Calming even. She realised that had been his intention all along.

  She hardly noticed the time passing. It was something like meditation, sitting there peacefully. She didn’t notice the conversation above her changing tone either.

  "Maisy," his voice was quiet but commanding, "I want you to get on your hands and knees facing Matt. Get your back as straight as you can."

  She began to obey his command before she’d even processed it. She smiled to herself, apparently her subconscious was obedient if nothing else. She arranged herself as he’d described and found herself face to face with a stranger.

  "Hello," she said, bemused.

  Daniel tugged her hair gently, "Neither of you have permission to speak right now, sweetheart."

  The woman, a striking red head in trainee handcuffs, smiled at Maisy and rolled her eyes slightly.

  "I wonder if you’d be rolling your eyes if Master Matthew could see you, Laura."

  The red head gaped at Daniel as if she wanted to call him something rude then winced when Matt swatted her arse casually. "No Sir," she muttered.

  Maisy swallowed the urge to laugh at the poor girl’s plight; her sulky face really was a picture.

  "Straighter Maisy."

  She stretched as smoothly as she could, not sure how much straighter she could get.

  "Good girl," he said, then balanced his cold tumbler on the small of her back.

  "What the fu-"

  "Maisy." The warning in his voice was clear so she shut up, but she scowled freely. Laura seemed to be used to this treatment as she was resignedly balancing Matt’s glass of red wine on her back. Maisy wondered if that was why she was wearing a white dress tonight. It’d make for an effective punishment – balance this glass well or walk around covered in wine all night.

  "I suggest you try a different facial expression, Maisy," Matt sounded amused rather than commanding, for which she was glad She wouldn’t have stood for a near stranger bossing her about, even if Matt was one the club Masters.

  She schooled her features just as Daniel leaned over to see what his friend was talking about.

  "Hmm. Careful sweetheart, you really don’t want to spill that." She stiffened, recognising the threat. This wasn’t something she’d ever imagined doing. It seemed harmless, but she couldn’t see the sexual appeal.

  Being a table was just pointlessly humiliating, surely? She was glad that there was someone else there going through the same thing because it made it seem easier to laugh at, but she did wish they could talk.

  The men resumed talking as the women concentrated on staying still. Daniel lifted his drink to take a sip then placed it further up her back in a more precarious position. She tensed further. Might as well try to do this thing well if it was something he wanted.

  Although the men continued talking about current affairs Daniel reached down and cupped Maisy’s breast, teasing her nipple through her clothes. She gasped and pulled away, completely forgetting about the glass. Daniel had thankfully anticipated this and lifted the glass to safety.

  "Last chance, Maisy," he said, calmly gesturing for her to resume the position. She glanced at Laura and realised that she was concentrating extremely hard and making strange mewling noises. Maisy was baffled until she saw the remote control in Matt’s hand. Ah. Poor Laura. Maisy was getting off easy after all. She knelt back down with as much grace as she could manage and offered him her back again.

  "Good girl." The approval in his voice spurred her on. He placed his glass on her back again and reached down to put his hand down her top so he could pinch her nipple a little harder. She remained still, very glad that her underwear wasn’t full of something battery powered.

  Poor Laura was shaking somewhere between ecstasy and agony as she fought the urge to come. Maisy watched transfixed. She’d never been with a woman before so witnessing female arousal was a new and fascinating experience.

  "Jealous sweetheart?" He whispered in her ear so as not to disturb Laura’s concentration.

  "No way," she said quickly, shaking her head as hard as she dared. The growing wetness in her underwear betrayed her real answer, but this was enough for the moment thank you very much.

  "Hmm. Maybe next time," he ran his hand over her arse and under her skirt, toying with the elastic band of her underwear. “I’d like to see you balance this while I fucked you."

  She laughed, "You’d be dry cleaning my dress, Sir."

  "Would I now, little subbie?" He grinned and pinged her underwear strap hard causing her to jump. His other hand was ready to catch the glass, but she knew she’d failed the challenge. There was a pause while Daniel waited for her to acknowledge her mistake.

  Laura moaned, frustrated, and Maisy felt an unexpected flush of arousal. She blushed red and turned to watch Daniel’s stern gaze, waiting for his next command.

  He placed his glass on the ledge above his head as he assessed her red cheeks with a pleased eye, "Over my knee."

  She knew better than to argue. Glancing around to see if anyone was watching she stood and carefully arranged herself over his knee.

  She looked down and saw the redhead trembling as Matt pushed a different button on the remote. Laura was obviously nearing orgasm, in fact Maisy was impressed she’d held on so long. Despite his affected indifference, Matt was ready to grab the glass when she went over the edge.

  Daniel’s hand landed on Maisy’s arse with a resounding crack. Laura startled and looked straight up into Maisy’s eyes as the second blow landed. Maisy blushed even redder and closed her eyes but opened them again with a gasp as a third hard blow landed.

  Laura groaned loudly and shook into what looked like an extremely powerful orgasm. Maisy felt a jealous clenching in her cunt as she watched the curvy submissive buck and moan in the American Dom’s arms.

  "Not counting, sweetheart?" Daniel asked before spanking her even harder for a fourth time causing her to cry out loudly and squirm away.

  She heard the smugness in his voice and realised that the men had planned every moment of what had just happened
right up to Maisy’s arousal tipping Laura over the edge.

  "I’ll start counting when I get an orgasm, Sir."

  Loud laughter drew her attention to a breathy and flushed Laura who was now curled up in Matt’s lap.

  "Now you’re for it. Master Daniel doesn’t like mouthiness."

  "Shh pet," said Matt, but he too was grinning.

  She turned to look at Daniel and was met with a cold stare. Whoops.

  "I mean sorry, Sir, I can count." She wriggled her arse as if inviting him to spank her again.

  "I think you might need a stronger lesson, sweetheart, what do you think?"

  As much as it was a threat it was a genuine question. They both knew how aroused she was and she could feel that he wasn’t unaffected by their situation. The stresses of the day were entirely forgotten. She felt calm, relaxed, and extremely turned on. She’d come this far, what did she have to lose?

  Chapter 25

  The Bench

  Daniel led Maisy to a thing that reminded her of her senior school gym class. It was solidly built from wood and leather. Anywhere else it would have been obscene, but in the cavernous otherworldly space of the club it just blended in with the staff uniforms from another era and the clientele who left their inhibitions at the door.

  There were long adjustable leather straps with buckles attached to the frame and the floor around it. It was an intimidating piece of furniture, but she was still riding high on the surreal intimacy of watching a strange woman have an orgasm.

  Daniel pulled her dress over her head and she was pleased to see his mouth drop open slightly when he caught sight of her embroidered under things.

  When Daniel stroked her back gently from base to hairline she bent over the bench obligingly.

  He moved slowly, deliberately, making sure that his tread was audibly heavy. His hands never left her skin unless their eyes were locked on each other’s.


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