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Bound to Be a Groom

Page 14

by Megan Mulry

  Anna had spent much time with Farleigh’s mother over the past few weeks, and eventually she began asking the duchess all sorts of questions about their country estate, Mandeville House. The old woman had the fluttering heart of a swooning sixteen-year-old girl and soon suspected the direction of Anna’s inquiries. She regaled Anna with a litany of all sorts of suggestions for clandestine meetings: secret bolt-holes, abandoned play cottages in the forest, discreet swimming locations that would permit all manner of folly, and an area of the stable yard that must have conjured wonderful memories, if the duchess’s wistful expression was anything to go by.

  “How soon can we depart?” Pia asked breathlessly, resting her hand over Anna’s.

  Oh, to be back in the open air with this woman’s body beneath my hands. It was Anna’s turn to sigh.

  “The sooner the better, I say.” Farleigh’s voice was irritated and short. He called across the room to one of the footman and ordered their things to be packed at once. “We leave in the morning.” He pushed his chair away from the table with a grating scuff and stormed out of the room.

  Anna took a slow sip of her tea and smiled over the rim at Sebastian. When he resituated himself in his seat, she set the teacup back in the saucer and said lightly, “No squirming, my sweet. You’re almost there.”

  With the footmen gone to do Farleigh’s bidding, she turned to Pia and kissed her full on the lips, then said, “We are going to have quite a show. Don’t you think?”

  Pia whimpered and reached up to grip the back of Anna’s neck, pulling her in for a deeper kiss.

  Moving away slightly, without taking her eyes from Pia’s, Anna said, “Why don’t you go for a ride in the park with Farleigh, Sebastian? I think we all need to blow off a bit of steam.” With that, she began kissing Pia again and trailing her hand up Pia’s bodice and cupping her breast. As Sebastian was leaving the room, smiling at the two women, Anna called, “Be a dear and tell the footmen Pia and I are going to have a leisurely breakfast and don’t wish to be disturbed.”

  “Yes, my love.” Sebastian pulled the door closed with a gentle smile and an erection that Anna could see from across the room.

  After the door had closed, Anna kissed Pia once more, hard and quick. “Let’s move down to the other end of the table. I’ve been thinking of having you here.”

  Anna gestured for Pia to sit atop the far end of the dining room table—where it was clear of dishes and food—then she pulled Pia’s legs apart and positioned her chair between Pia’s spread thighs. Reaching her hand beneath Pia’s skirt and feeling her slick heat, she said, “God, you are so beautiful. Lean back for me.” She pushed gently but firmly against Pia’s stomach until she was lying back fully, with only her legs dangling off the edge of the table from mid-thigh.

  Anna began lifting the layers and layers of petticoats and expensive silk that now constituted Pia’s wardrobe. “I almost miss the simplicity of our old dresses.”

  Pia laughed and reached down to rub her hand briefly against Anna’s soft blonde hair. “I don’t. I’m almost ashamed to confess how much I already love the feel of satin and fine linen against my skin.”

  “You do?”

  “Yes . . .” Pia’s voice faded as she rose up on her elbows and Anna’s kisses began to trail up her inner thigh. “Because all that luxury reminds me of your lips,” she whispered.

  “Oh, darling. What a sweet thing to say. I’m going to have to give you many silky kisses then.” She kissed Pia between her legs as an example.

  Pia moaned her pleasure. “Please hurry, Anna. Seeing Farleigh and Sebastian getting so bothered has got me all riled, as well.”

  “Me too,” Anna chuckled. “But now I’m very hungry for you, so there won’t be any hurrying. In fact, you are going to have to be extra patient.”

  Pia’s head arched back, and a hiss of pleasure escaped her when Anna’s lips and tongue began their tender, patient assault on her sex.

  The next day, two carriages were packed and the four of them were on their way out of the city shortly after eight in the morning, Farleigh and Sebastian riding ahead on horseback, the ladies in one of the closed carriages.

  Farleigh thought he’d seen a glimmer of amusement in Anna’s eyes when he had briskly declined her suggestion that the four of them ride together in the carriage. He couldn’t imagine a more irritating prospect than jostling up against Sebastian for the entire nine-hour journey while Pia’s curious, encouraging eyes bored into him. If Anna de Montizon had been a man, Farleigh would have killed her—or fucked her—weeks ago. She was making his life a burning hell.

  And burning was not too strong a word for it. He burned for Sebastian like he’d never burned for any man. The way Anna toyed with Sebastian, the way Sebastian looked at her and obeyed her. The mere thought of it made Farleigh’s cock tighten in his trousers.

  He kicked his horse harder.

  “Relax, man,” Sebastian said as they turned the horses into the stable yard in front of the Falcon.

  Farleigh had sent word by messenger yesterday that the Stevenage inn should have a lunch ready for their arrival. “I am not of a mind to relax, Sebastian. And well you know it.”

  Sebastian tried to repress a smile and failed.

  “There is nothing humorous about how badly I want you,” Farleigh ground out. They had both dismounted and were standing near each other in the empty yard. A stagecoach had recently left and the next had yet to arrive, so they were granted a moment of quiet in the usually bustling yard.


  “Don’t!” He was still holding his riding crop and swatted it through the air with a quick snap of irritation.

  The smile left Sebastian’s mouth, and he licked his dry lower lip and stared at Farleigh with raw need.

  “And don’t you dare look at me like that! I should throw you into one of those stalls right this minute and fuck you blind, you beautiful man.”

  Sebastian shut his eyes and bit his lower lip. “How divine . . .”

  Much closer to Sebastian, nearly kissing his ear, Farleigh whispered hoarsely, “Anna had better release you into my care when we arrive at Mandeville House, or I shan’t be held responsible for my actions.”

  The clatter of the next stagecoach snapped them both out of the hot intimacy of their conversation. Farleigh called into the darkened stables. “Change out the horses, man. We’ll be ready to leave immediately after lunch.” With that, Farleigh turned toward the entrance of the inn and began walking across the stable yard. “Come, Sebastian. Anna and Pia will be here shortly, and I want to make good time this afternoon.”

  Sebastian followed him into the inn, where the two men were led to the private room the innkeeper had set up in anticipation of their arrival. A wide array of cold meats and fresh vegetables were neatly presented, and then the innkeeper left. The food remained untouched, Farleigh and Sebastian sitting silently at opposite ends of the table, until Pia and Anna came tumbling in, full of laughter and gaiety.

  “What a splendid journey!” Anna crowed. “The English countryside is as refreshing and verdant as I’d always imagined.” She must have sensed the tension in the room. And she obviously liked it. She smiled sweetly at Farleigh then lifted her lips to Sebastian’s cheek. “My lord.”

  Both men had risen when the ladies entered. The next hour passed in tense silence interspersed with the occasional comment. Near the end of the meal, when Anna realized Sebastian had barely touched his food, she asked, “What is it, love?”

  “Oh, I don’t have much of an appetite.”

  “Of course you must eat, darling,” Anna chastised. “You are going to need your strength for all of those country pursuits. Isn’t that right, Your Grace?” She looked at Farleigh with wide, questioning eyes, then she had the impudence to give him a suggestive wink.

  “Damn you, Anna.” He threw down his napkin. “Apologies, Sebastian. For damning your wife, that is. I am going to ride ahead to Mandeville House to ensure everything is in order
for your arrival. The drivers and footmen are well acquainted with the route. I beg you forgive me.” With that, he bowed formally and left the room.

  “Well, well, well.” Anna popped a crisp radish into her mouth. After she finished chewing, she looked at Sebastian. “I think tomorrow’s the day, don’t you?”

  Sebastian leapt from his chair and pulled her face between his hands, kissing her wildly.

  “I love you,” he said between kisses. Then he reached over to Pia and pulled her in for a kiss, as well. “I love you, too, sweet Pia. You and your inquisitive eyes have been driving me to distraction.” He kissed her again, then whispered hotly, “I want to see your eyes aglow when Farleigh takes me.”

  Pia softened into him, a low moan escaping from deep in her throat. Anna let her fingertips trace the edge of Pia’s bodice near her breast, driving all three of them into a frenzy. Sebastian’s firm hand tightened at the back of Pia’s neck. Anna was ready to order Sebastian to his knees, the anticipation of Farleigh entering their intimate world creating a hot wave of longing in all of them—

  The door to the private eating chamber swung open and all three of them stumbled to their feet, standing up far too quickly to be graceful—moist-lipped, wide-eyed, and guilty as sin.

  “Enough!” Farleigh cried. “Into the carriage. All of you.” When none of them moved from their frozen spots, he practically bellowed, “Now!”

  They swept past him and hustled out the front door of the Falcon, where Farleigh’s carriage awaited with fresh horses. After both women were inside, Farleigh shut the door for a moment, holding on to the handle with a knuckle-whitening grip that prevented Sebastian from joining the ladies. Still, Anna could hear the conversation through the thin glass.

  “So, I take it you no longer wish for me to ride with you on the rest of the journey to Mandeville House?” Sebastian asked.

  “That is correct.”

  “Will you care to see me once we arrive?” Sebastian asked. Anna adored the sound of clamoring desperation that tinged his words.

  Farleigh’s voice took on a menacing tone, “Oh, I will care to see you, Sebastian. Naked and on your knees.” Anna gasped as Farleigh pulled open the door with a violent tug. “Get in.”

  Sebastian quickly jumped up to join the ladies in the carriage. Farleigh slammed the door shut, quite nearly taking off Sebastian’s foot at the ankle while he was at it.

  Pia looked out the carriage as the tiny village of Gamlingay passed by. In some ways, it reminded her of Burgos. It was difficult to comprehend how much of her life—how many long years—had faded into a blink while the past month had erupted into a rich and varied tapestry that would stay with her for the rest of her life. It was high summer, and they had been on the road for many hours. Anna and Sebastian had fallen asleep shortly after they departed Stevenage, but she was too excited to be tired.

  About fifteen minutes after they trotted through Gamlingay, the carriage turned between two grand columns and passed through a large wrought iron gate. A kindly looking older man waved his cap in welcome from where he stood on the low step in front of the gatehouse.

  “Wake up, you two,” Pia whispered, nudging each of their knees. “We are here.”

  Sebastian stirred first. His beautiful blue-green eyes looked glassy and youthful, opening slowly like a child’s after a long snooze. He smiled at Pia then leaned down to kiss Anna awake. “We’re here, darling.”

  Anna opened her eyes and stretched her slender arms above her head, then let out a big yawn. Within seconds she was fully awake. “How exciting!” She clapped her hands together, startling Pia and Sebastian. They all laughed, and a few minutes later they were pulling in front of the massive portico with its eight enormous columns and wide, shallow steps.

  A dozen liveried servants were lined up, six on either side of the imposing front door, to assist with their arrival. There was no sign of Farleigh.

  The three of them were escorted into the dining room where a splendid repast was waiting for them. Still, no sign of Farleigh.

  Once they had eaten, sharing a bottle of extraordinary Spanish wine, they were shown to a large suite of three adjoining rooms. What had probably been designed as a guest suite for dignitaries who traveled with valet and lady’s maid suited the three of them admirably. Their luggage had been unpacked and put away while they’d been down at supper. The butler asked if they were in need of any additional assistance.

  Sebastian replied that they were very well situated, thank you. “But where is the master of the house?”

  “His Grace sends his regrets. He was quite tired when he arrived and hopes you will excuse his absence this evening. He anticipates feeling better on the morrow and asks that you be ready to leave for a picnic at eleven.”

  “Thank you very much for all your kindness,” Anna said.

  The butler bowed and withdrew.

  Once they were alone, Anna turned to Sebastian. “Farleigh’s quite put out, isn’t he?”

  “Yes,” Sebastian said, pulling her into his arms. “Quite.”

  She kissed him once, then patted him on the chest, over the lapel of his jacket. “Off you go.”

  “What?” he said with a smile of surprise.

  “You, too, Pia.” Anna gestured in the opposite direction. “I think we should all get a good night’s sleep, don’t you? Something tells me we’re going to have a very busy day tomorrow.”

  Sebastian laughed out loud. “Oh, Anna. You are fabulous.” He gave her one last kiss, quick and innocent on the lips, then reached for Pia and gave her a similar buss. “I love you both. I’ll try to rest up for the big day, but I’m awfully excited.”

  “Well you’d better not do anything about it tonight.”

  “How do you mean?”

  “No frigging,” Anna chided. “Now, go to bed, Sebastian.”

  His eyes blinked slowly. “Yes, my love.” He walked away, turning to blow each of them a kiss before entering the connecting room and pulling the door shut behind him.

  “You, too, darling.” Anna kissed Pia one last time. “I feel like I did the night before you and I first walked into the forest . . . I was so nervous and excited. I knew I had to tell you how I felt—even if you didn’t share my feelings and it meant you would shun me. I am set to burst at the prospect of seeing Farleigh take Sebastian.” She shivered.

  “So am I.” Pia’s body quaked with an answering ripple of anticipation, and she reached up to feel the throbbing of her own pulse at the base of her neck.

  “Ah. No touching yourself tonight, Pia.”

  “Anna!” She glared at her tormentor.

  “What? I’m only making it better for you. Think how worked up you’re going to be. The two of them, finally ripping each other to shreds, and Farleigh making—”

  “Stop!” Pia pleaded. “I can’t spend another moment picturing the two of them or I’ll combust.”

  “Precisely. Tomorrow we combust. Give me one last kiss, then off to our separate beds we go.”

  Anna taunted her with one final caress, dipping her finger into the edge of Pia’s bodice and teasing her nipple into hard awareness.

  “Anna . . . please let me . . .”

  “Off you go.”

  Pia eventually fell asleep, but only after a restless hour spent imagining Farleigh pacing around his ducal suite like a caged panther.

  “So this is your home, then?” Pia asked the next morning.

  Farleigh looked startled when he turned to see her descending the staircase, probably fearing she was accompanied by Sebastian and Anna. Then he smiled, likely relieved she was alone. “I suppose.”

  “Why only suppose?” She stepped off the last tread and stood near him in the front hall.

  Farleigh shrugged. “It still feels like my father’s home, even though he’s been dead these three years. I’m not sure how I will ever fill it. My life is in town. Gallivanting, as it were.” He smiled again, but Pia saw something wary around his eyes.

  “Ah, I see

  “You do? Please enlighten me.”

  “You are looking for home. For the contentment the idea inspires. Aren’t we all?”

  His face turned stormy. “If that shrew of a woman—whom you both adore for some reason I shall never comprehend—would release Sebastian into my keeping, I think I should be entirely content.”

  Pia shook her head. “You adore Anna, too. I know you do. She’s only . . . impeding you at the moment, and you don’t like it.”

  “That’s a very temperate way of saying how I feel about the current situation.”

  “But you think if you and Sebastian were together, that you would be . . . content?”

  He nodded with total certainty. “Absolutely. Seeing him again after these years apart has only fomented the feelings I had for him while we were together in Spain. Sebastian is . . . wonderful.”

  “I agree. I mean . . .” She blushed. “Of course, I agree.”

  “You still blush, Pia? After all the things . . .”

  She raised a quizzical brow, looking at him boldly. “All what things, Farleigh?” Yes, she had done all the things with Anna and Sebastian, but it was so much more than that. They were her home—in their arms she felt the contentment and peace Farleigh alluded to.

  When he did not answer her question, she stated coolly, “I fear you do not possess emotional gravity.”

  “Why?” He was angry now. “Because I have admitted to my gallivanting ways, to my wild youth, you think I am incapable of a deeper feeling? That’s a hateful thing to say, Pia.”

  Good. She liked to see him angry like this. It meant he cared. On the outside, he was so immaculate. She looked at how his clothes were practically sewn on to his muscular frame; she let her eyes travel to his perfectly polished Hessian boots. But for Sebastian’s sake—for all their sakes—she needed to see not only the physical lust which was practically emanating off him like sparks from a flint but the emotional depth, the desire for commitment over consummation, that would keep the four of them together for the rest of their lives.


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