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Steamy Fairy Tales

Page 3

by Bast, MaryLynn

  I took her hand and climbed down from the bed, grabbing the sheet in the process and placing it in front of me, like that did any good.

  The woman walked around the bed and around me, looking me up and down. “So, this is the one?” Her dark eyebrow lifted slightly.

  “Yes Mistress.” Brandi, Robin and Tasha all responded as one.

  “You are sure she will not perish like the last ones have?” She continued to look at me, grabbing my face, turning my head from side to side.

  “Yes Mistress, she broke from our spell each night.”

  What? I looked at them as if they were crazy. Was I in some kind of cult of witches?

  The woman jerked my face around and looked directly into my eyes. “So Goldie Locks, what do you have to say for yourself?”

  I didn’t know what I was supposed to say. I felt as if I had just eaten the little bear’s porridge and was being confronted by the big bad bears. “I was curious.” It was the only thing I could think to respond as she had in the book.

  “Prepare her.” The woman turned and walked away.

  The long flowing black skirt of her dress drifted around her. She really did look like a witch with her long dark curling hair falling across her shoulder.

  All three of them grabbed me and I looked at them like they were crazy. “Prepare me, for what?”

  The woman turned back around and was standing before me in a flash. She is mine tonight.

  I screamed when I saw the fangs a moment before they sank effortlessly into the soft skin of my neck. All I heard was the three girls speaking in unison again, “Yes Mistress Anna.”

  His Little Mermaid


  The king of the sea wiped a tear from the corner of his eye before anyone could see the emotional side of him.

  His other daughters were singing happily as they dove into the water to go back home. He wondered who was going to be next. By allowing his youngest daughter to marry a human, would this start a rebellion? Would they all want to find a human and leave their underwater world?

  He wondered if maybe he could fall in love with a human. Frowning at his own thoughts, he followed his daughters back to the castle.

  He was happy with his underwater world. He was King Neptune, after all. Or King Triton, as the human children called him because of some damned children’s book. How they had known his daughter would marry a human was beyond him. Maybe they consulted with the Moirai. In which case, he would need to have a talk with Zeus. The three women could not go around telling humans of their world, even if they were only being represented in a children’s story.

  He was swimming towards the castle one moment, finding himself standing in the Great White Hall the next.

  Zeus lounged on his marble throne staring down at Neptune with his eyebrow arched. “Brother, you have something you want to discuss?”

  Neptune squared his broad shoulders. “Yes. The Moirai are allowing too many humans to know of us through silly fairy tales,” his voice thundered through the great hall.

  Zeus shook his head, a look of pity and sadness showing on his youthful face. “You are angry that your daughter chose a human over her own kind.”

  Neptune’s light colored brows met in the middle. He began to deny the accusation and stopped. Even though he acted like he was happy for her, deep down he was furious that she had chosen the human world. His shoulders drooped slightly. “Will this end with her?”

  Lounging at the end of the great hall with the other goddesses, the three sisters turned towards him. The deities wore flowing, satin gowns. Their skin pale as white porcelain, platinum blond hair waving in the slight wind. Suddenly, they appeared before Neptune. Each of the goddesses’ brilliant, blue eyes turned translucent.

  He watched in disbelief as Lachesis’ staff of destiny appeared in her hand. The book of fate began to hover in front of Clotho and the scales of justice floated around Atropos.

  The women began to chant, the soft humming sound grew louder. The echoes through the chamber and halls of the entire castle caused the occupants to stop and look around. It wasn’t often that the three sisters handed down a judgment within the halls. They generally preferred their own palace.

  Clotho’s all-seeing eyes snapped towards Neptune. “You have fathered many children, yet have never found true love.”

  Standing tall, he glared past the women to his brother. Neptune knew the sisters were about to alter his fate and was powerless to prevent it.

  He floated along, stretching slowly. The dream had felt so real. His eyes snapped open when he realized it wasn’t dream. The fates were real and he was staring up at blue skies.

  Floating on his back in the middle of the ocean, he turned to dive under the water and back home when he felt something strange. Looking down, the lower portion of his body was that of a human.

  His head sank under water. Kicking and flapping his arms frantically, he reached the surface. Sputtering, he fought to keep afloat while shaking his fist to the skies in frustration. “Damn you, Zeus!”

  Clouds began to form and a bright orange life jacket dropped out of nowhere nearly hitting him on the head. Grabbing it, he quickly wrapped it around his body and glared up at the sky.

  “You could have at least let me keep the ability to swim, you ass!”

  A clap of thunder sounded, causing Neptune to flinch. The amused voice of Zeus echoed all around him. “The fates have spoken. Once you find your true love, you will be returned to your natural form.”

  “They are playing with my life like they do in those fucked up human fairy tales!” He yelled up into the now clear, blue skies. The clouds had disappeared as suddenly as they had formed.

  Slamming his fist against the water did little to relieve his frustration since it broke the surface with only a stinging impact against his human skin.

  Neptune yelled once more up into the heavens. “What happens if I don’t find true love?”

  He was met with silence.

  “Fucking great!” He muttered angrily.

  Bobbing gently up and down with each smooth wave, he knew first-hand how the calm seas could suddenly change. Granted, it was mostly him who caused the changes. He floated, helpless in the vast open waters.

  Turning in all directions, he could see nothing but softly rolling waves and the sun reflecting brightly off the surface. He was tempted to yell at Zeus again, but it only caused his throat to hurt. With the sun beating down, stinging his face, he was just too tired to lift his arms any longer.

  Closing his eyes for a moment, he sought to clear his mind and figure a way out of this. He and his brother had played tricks on one another during childhood. Zeus usually outsmarted him, but he had never taken away his power like this. Neptune had no clue how to go about trying to find love. Especially with a human!

  Head aching, he closed his eyes for a moment to calm his jumbled mind. He must have fallen asleep. When he felt a nudge on his leg, his eyes popped open and he jerked upright just in time to see a triangle cutting through the water past him.

  Growling menacingly, he glared at the retreating fish. “You run at me again, you little shit, and your entire kind will end up on the human’s dinner plate as soon as I get my powers back.”

  As if it understood Neptune’s words, the great white shark made a wide sweeping turn. It made an ever widening circle before diving to the dark depths below the surface.

  Neptune knew this particular shark was tricky and would come at him from below. Peering down into the water, he could see nothing but darkness. On alert, he continued to watch the water, the shark must have headed his warning and left.

  The sun had long since set and the moon hidden behind clouds was completely throwing his sense of direction off.

  Looking around helplessly, he couldn’t just float like a piece of driftwood. He had to do something to get out of the situation. The problem was, for the life of him, all he could do was doggy paddle through the water.

  After hours an
d hours of relentless paddling, exhausted, he leaned back, allowing his arms to float along the surface of the water. Closing his eyes, he inhaled deeply. A calm came over him. Opening his mind, he thought of his kingdom below. “I understand my fate is to find love. Stuck in the middle of the ocean with no one around, is not going to make that happen. So, someone, anyone, get me out of this and I will give it my best shot.”

  As soon as the words left his mouth, a big, grey mass shot from the water, blowing and snorting air. It fell onto the surface with a big splash, came back up for air, and glided towards him.

  “If I had known it would be that easy, I would have asked to just return home.”

  Sire, you need assistance?

  At least he hadn’t lost his ability to understand what the dolphin was communicating to him with its high pitched noises and clicking sounds.

  “Yes. Get me the hell out of here.”

  The dolphin swam to him and came to a stop.

  Others popped up, swimming excitedly around him as he tried, unsuccessfully, to climb onto the first dolphin’s slippery back. Only after an embarrassing nudge from behind by one of the other dolphins, was he successful.

  His arms and legs were weak from treading water. With his legs wrapped awkwardly around the fish, he tried to hold on. After a couple miles, and numerous times of nearly slipping off, he figured it out and was finally able to remain seated.

  That is, until Neptune slipped from the slick, smooth back and went flying over its head, straight into the water when the dolphin suddenly stopped.

  Lucky for him, he was still wearing the life jacket so it shot him straight back to the surface. Turning around, he glared and was about to give the dolphin a piece of his mind when they all suddenly disappeared. Moments later, he was startled to hear a woman’s voice off in the distance.

  He realized the reason for the dolphin’s sudden stop was the small cruise ship. Dumping him before the humans saw him riding his back, Neptune grudgingly admitted that it had been a smart thing to do.

  The woman called out again, her arm waving as she leaned over the front of the ship.

  He lifted his arm, waving back. Within minutes, he found himself being hauled unceremoniously onto the deck of the yacht by two big, burly, intense looking men.

  Glancing down at himself, he was as large, if not larger, than they were. At least Zeus had the good sense to give him a good, sturdy body. Which, at the moment, decided to give way when he tried to stand.

  His mouth was dry, his throat parched. Licking his cracked lips, something damp pressed against his forehead. Forcing his eyes open, a pair of startlingly, bright, green eyes met his. For a moment his heart raced at the memory of that same color centuries ago. He saw the guarded look on the woman’s face and forced the thought from his mind as he watched her lean towards him.

  The smell of her skin hung in the air as she wiped his face with the white cloth. “You’re awake.” A bright smile curved her full lips. “You gave us quite a scare.” Twisting away, she picked up a glass from the bedside table. She tipped it to his lips, allowing the cool water wet his tongue and quench his thirst. “How is it you are in the water this far out?”

  There was no way he could tell her the truth. He could make up some far-fetched story. No, he didn’t want to do that either. “I don’t know.”

  Her brow twitched slightly at the sound of his deep voice. He noticed how her eyes kept searching his face and glancing down at his chest as she inspected his form. Though, she avoided looking directly into his eyes again.

  “Coast Guard said there were no reports of anyone missing.” A deep voice sounded from the doorway.

  “Thank you, Jake.” She turned and stood, picking up the bowl from the bedside table and handing it to one of the women who hurried forward.

  He’d been so distracted with her that he failed to notice the other women in the room. That was unusual for him. The sun must have really done a number on his senses because he always knew when a female was near.

  The man she’d called Jake gave him a stern look before backing out of the room.

  Whatever that was about. Neptune snorted silently and turned his attention back to the woman.

  She was walking towards the bed. The sun shone through the small window, casting a warm glow around her. Long, blonde hair hung in waves about her bare shoulders.

  He was used to the human female form. In fact, he’d slept with many humans. Looking at this beauty, he grew suspicious. She was too perfect to be human. Zeus had to have a hand in this somehow. It was her eyes that made his suspicious. Neptune knew he needed to proceed cautiously. Even while thinking this, he couldn’t seem to drag his eyes away from her.

  Her tanned skin looked warm and soft, just begging to be touched. The bikini top she wore did nothing to hide the large breasts that peaked out from the sides of the white material.

  As he stared, her nipples tightened, causing a smile to spread painfully across his cracked lips.

  Her rounded hips were wrapped with a slip of material that barely covered the front of her. He wanted to ask her why she even bothered to wear it.

  In his appraisal of her perfect body, he didn’t notice that she had stopped and was standing by the bed, looking at him expectantly. Neptune didn’t apologize for not paying attention. Instead, he cocked his brow at her, waiting for her to repeat the question.

  Her brow twitched in a momentary show of irritation. “What is your name?”

  If Zeus had sent her, then she would already know. “You tell me.”

  Her hands went to her hips. “How can I tell you? I fished you from the water. Where is your boat and why were you in the water?”

  The woman scanned him from head to toe, then back again. All she could see was his bare chest since there was a white sheet draped over his body. A strange sensation washed over him and he felt the stirrings of desire, responding to the look in her eyes. Clearing his throat, he pushed himself to a sitting position, trying to hide his sudden attraction to her.

  Being in human form, he had no way of telling if she was a demi or associated with his world. He had to be very careful of what he said. It would be easier to claim amnesia. “I don’t remember anything.”

  Her bright, green eyes scanned his face once again before she lifted her hand with a light twisting motion. The two women standing near the door turned silently and left the room.

  The women never raised their eyes from the floor, nor did they speak. This spoke volumes to him, she had to be from Zeus.

  “Exactly where am I and who are you?” Twisting, he turned his body, throwing his legs over the edge of the bed. He wasn’t accustomed to having human legs for such a long period of time and it felt strange when he tried to stand. His body tipped forward.

  She steadied him with a hand on his shoulder.

  Warmth spread through him at her touch. His body was on fire and he became instantly hard.

  Her eyes followed a slow, burning path down his bare chest to the dark sprinkling of hairs that formed a line below his belly button. “You are nearly a hundred miles off the Key Largo Coast.” The tip of her tongue slid across her lips, leaving a wet sheen.

  It was then that he remembered he was completely naked. Zeus had been an ass and only provided him with a life jacket. Which was on the floor in the corner.

  Lifting her chin, her eyes slowly rose to meet his, a slight smile on her face at seeing his reaction to her. One hand trailed down his arm to his hand. “You have been staring at my boobs since you woke up. Is this what you want to do?”

  Her eyes never left his as she lifted his hand and placed it on her breast.

  What the fuck? He couldn’t help but frown at her, even while his head nodded ‘yes’ to her throaty laugh.

  His nursemaid was suddenly a vixen who was in complete control and he wasn’t sure what to think about it. The thought of taking pleasure in her body was just an added perk.

  Okay, brother. I will play your game.

p; Taking in a slow deep breath, he waited for her to tell him what she wanted him to do.

  She moved his hand down her smooth stomach to the thin material at her hips. “You want me.”

  It wasn’t a question, but he nodded again. Damn, this woman was hot with her sexy, sultry voice. “I am yours to command.” When those words left his mouth, he was startled. But, the revelation was true. He would do anything, at that moment, to be buried deep inside her.

  She pressed his hand against the heat between her legs. “On your knees. From here on out, do not look at me or speak unless I give you permission.”

  Every fiber in his body told him to tell her to go to hell, but he wanted to see how far she was going to take Zeus’ little game.

  He knelt slowly, fighting the urge to look her in the eye. He realized this was how his servants must feel. However, there was never sex involved with them. So, no, it probably wasn’t the same.

  He watched her feet turn and walk away from him. His cock twitched as excitement coursed through his body. Not knowing what she was up to, was turning him on even more.

  Her voice came from the other side of the oversized cabin. “When you speak, you will address me as Ma’am or Mistress.”

  He nearly shook his head. If only she knew who she was dealing with. With his back to her, she didn’t see the smile playing at his lips. Neptune nodded.

  She rustled around inside a cabinet before he heard her close the door with a small thud. Her steps were silent on the plush carpet, yet he knew she was moving towards him.

  A knock sounded at the door. “Enter.” Her tone sounded somewhat irritated.

  “Mistress Alina, I came to check on you.”

  Neptune recognized the voice of the man who had helped to pull him onboard the ship.

  “Thank you, Jake, but I can handle it from here.”

  Her back was to him. Neptune raised his eyes, meeting Jake’s over her shoulder.

  A look of concern crossed Jake’s face. “Madam, are you sure? You don’t normally take on the clients yourself.”


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