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The New Guy (Office Aliens Book 2)

Page 20

by V. C. Lancaster

  “Nothing,” he replied, his face still hidden.

  With a scowl, she pushed herself up the bed and out from under him. He sighed.

  “I don’t believe you,” she said.

  “Maggie…” He reached for her again but she pushed his hand away. “Maggie, why are we fighting?” he sighed, not even sounding mad at her. “Didn’t you like it? Did I do it wrong?”

  He looked upset, his pink eyes glittering at her, and she felt her resolve crumble. “No, of course you didn’t, you were great. I loved it,” she reassured him.

  “Then why are you upset?”

  “You won’t let me touch you,” she pouted.

  “Of course you can touch me,” he said, picking her hand up and placing it over his heart, the velvet of his thumb rubbing over her knuckles.

  Maggie chewed her lip. What was she upset about? That he didn’t want to have sex with her tonight? That was his right. What kind of woman was she? He’d still taken care of her, even when he wasn’t in the mood, if he wasn’t in the mood. But it still felt hollow when it was one-sided like that, and it still felt like he was hiding something.

  “We haven’t had sex in three weeks,” she whispered, trying to hold onto her argument but she could feel it slipping away.

  He sat next to her, pulling her into his side and nuzzling the top of her head. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know it was hurting you,” he said.

  “It’s not hurting me, I just… Are you still attracted to me?” She didn’t like the way her voice wobbled, and bit down on her lip again to keep it steady. This was nothing to cry about.

  “Maggie, yes! Of course I am!” He hugged her tighter, rocking her slightly and kissing her hair. He cupped his hands under her jaw and tilted her face up to meet his eyes. “I am attracted to you. I always want you,” he swore, and she saw no trace of a lie.

  “…Okay,” she mumbled, nodding, accepting it. She was pleased to hear it, but there was still something that didn’t feel right, like a splinter inside her. But what could he be lying about? She didn’t doubt the need in his eyes, as if he was afraid she would leave him. “I was just afraid that, you know… Once you’d had it once… You didn’t want me anymore.”

  “Don’t say that! Not even in your head,” he commanded, actually sounding a little angry.


  He sighed again. “Don’t apologise. I should apologise. It didn’t occur to me that you’re… human. But don’t worry, I’ll look after you.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Nothing. I’ll take care of it. I won’t leave you needing again. After all, you came to me when I was needing.”

  Maggie frowned a little at the tone of the conversation, as if he was talking about something she wasn’t. “You don’t have to force yourself,” she said, wanting to reinforce that at least. He was talking like he was planning something, but she didn’t want anything that needed to be built up to. She just wanted him.

  “No, I want to make you happy,” he said, and he traced a claw tip along the curve of her breast.

  “Are you trying to distract me with sex?” she said, watching the movement.

  “No,” he replied, dropping his hand between her thighs so he could rub his velvet against her clit.

  She gasped and snapped her legs together, which only succeeded in pushing his hand tighter against her and didn’t stop his movement. “Sometimes I think you’re some kind of evil genius,” she gasped as he worked her.

  “Nonsense,” he growled in her ear, tipping her onto her side and climbing over her. “I only use my powers for good.”

  Chapter 25

  Ro exhausted her again.

  He made her come four times, and she had to beg him not to push for a fifth. It felt determined, deliberate, as if he was proving a point, or distracting her from her earlier line of questioning, hoping she’d forget all about it – or punishing her for asking questions in the first place. He’d kept his pants on, but by the end of it she had no complaints. By the time she’d convinced him it was enough, that she was perfectly satisfied, all she was interested in was sleep.

  Looking back on it the next day, she did wonder. She tried to dismiss the voice in the back of her head that said it was a little too perfect, he had been a little too light-hearted, a little too charming. She had started out wanting answers, then ended up comforting him? She didn’t want to believe that he had pretended to be upset to distract her. She refused to believe it. Ro wouldn’t do that. But it had occurred to her. It had felt like a veneer, what he thought she wanted to see.

  She shook herself at her desk, pushing all the bad thoughts away. Everything was perfect and she should just enjoy it. What was it about her that made her suspicious, try to pick it apart? She wasn’t going to do it. She believed that he hadn’t known she was bothered by their lack of sex. She believed him when he said that was going to change. He was an alien after all. There were bound to be some bumps, but she knew him, and when he said he was going to try, she believed him.

  And maybe he hadn’t immediately ripped his pants off at her invitation, but she could give him time. She had only told him of the problem the night before. She shouldn’t expect an immediate solution. Maybe he had a reason for not wanting to use his dick without a little forewarning. That was fine. Maybe he hadn’t been in the mood, that was fine too. The important thing was that they’d talked about it. Communication was key. He knew how she felt now, and she wasn’t sitting on it, simmering.

  And she still liked him. She felt it every time she looked at him, as she did now, watching him across their desks. He was taking a call, his voice smooth as late-night radio, but he smiled at her when he noticed her watching, a slow, natural smile as if he couldn’t help it. She smiled back. She loved him. She loved that she knew the curve of his shoulders under his shirt, and that he had two pink crescents either side of his ass that followed the curve of the muscles. She loved that, even if he didn’t want to get off, he would still touch her until she felt like she was going to die. She loved that he was so into soap operas. She loved falling asleep with her head over his heart and his claws stroking tracks through her hair.

  She wasn’t going to throw all that away over whether or not he wanted to make love to her using his cock, or his mouth, or his hand.

  And it proved to be a non-issue anyway, because a couple of days later Ro wrapped his arm around her waist by the printer and tugged her against his body.

  “Want to come over tonight?” he purred in her ear, his tone leaving no doubt as to what he intended.

  She lay her hand over his where it splayed over her stomach. “Why don’t you come to mine instead? I have a surprise for you.”

  He kissed her cheek. “Deal,” he said, slipping away from her and going back to his desk. She watched him over her shoulder, appreciating his strut, smiling as she thought she had done that. Then she remembered that they were supposed to be being subtle, and while the exchange had probably only taken a few seconds, they were in full view of the whole department. She caught Isabelle from Visas watching her with raised brows. Maggie turned back to the machine, trying to look innocent.

  Maggie and Ro had dinner after work in the sports bar and grill, then progressed onto her apartment. Dinner felt functional, like they were getting it out of the way, knowing they would have to eat at some point but really wanting to get somewhere and be alone. They enjoyed it, but Ro kept shooting her looks like he was remembering what she tasted like, and of course then she couldn’t help but remember the way he would growl with his hands on her body. She squirmed in the booth, overheating, and he watched every minute movement.

  They didn’t talk on the bus home. They just held hands and sat quietly, impatiently waiting to be alone.

  Ro followed her to her apartment, and she could feel him behind her like a coming storm, a weight in the air. His intent was palpable.

  As soon as she unlocked the door, he hustled them inside, his hands going to her waist and his mouth dipp
ing to her neck like they’d been there the entire time. He kicked the door closed. She pulled his hands off her.

  “Give me a second to get ready,” she laughed. She had something planned too.

  He groaned, but she could tell he was only playing this time. He let go of her, and when she looked at him, he had his lips in his mouth as if he was tasting her. “Fine,” he said, but the look in his eyes made her want to hurry.

  She scurried off to her bedroom, shutting the door behind her and stripping out of her clothes as she crossed the room to her chest of drawers where she had hidden the Balin outfit. She kicked what she had worn to work, including her underwear, under the bed, then pulled the silk up her body. She had forgotten how soft and light it was. She jiggled around as she forced the top piece to go around her boobs, figuring that she wouldn’t be wearing it for long at least. She checked herself in the mirror, feeling a wobble of insecurity, hoping Ro liked it and didn’t think she looked silly. She didn’t look much like the slim, firm Balin women at the party. She brushed her hair out quickly, not giving herself time to talk herself out of it, then opened the bedroom door, not wanting to keep Ro waiting.

  He was already facing her as if he had just been waiting for the door to open. His eyes widened and his brow went up as his eyes went down her body, but otherwise he didn’t move.

  “Hm,” he choked out.

  Maggie shifted, not knowing what to do with her hands after her big reveal. Should she lean against the door jamb like on TV? “How do I look?” she asked, keeping her voice light.

  “Come here,” Ro said, his voice hitting that deep, rough note she associated with sex with him. He held out his hand, so she obligingly went over and took it. The lights were on full, which was rare for them. He was still looking at her body, so she knew he liked it, and she grinned.

  “Show me,” he said, using his hold on her hand to lead her into a slow twirl as if they were dancing. She giggled as he stopped her when her back was to him, one hand sitting on her hip, his thumb running over the curve of her butt. “Hmm…” he considered, then she felt the point of his claw trace slowly down her spine, making her shiver as if he’d tickled her with a feather. He pulled her back around to face him.

  “What’s the verdict?” she asked, cocking her head as she looked up at him. She wished she could see his eyes, his real eyes, without the shaded lenses that hid their amazing pink colour, but she also appreciated being able to see the rest of him for once.

  “It looks good,” he said. “Very good. But you know, this part…” He slipped his claws under her top, the warm bones just brushing her breasts. Her heart started to beat faster in anticipation. “I think it actually goes here,” he said, and with one sharp tug he pulled the top off her so that it hung loose around her waist.

  Maggie squeaked at the sudden exposure and instinctively grabbed her breasts to hide them.

  “Yes, much better,” Ro purred, staring at her body.

  Maggie laughed. “I don’t think that’s right…”

  “No, it is. This is how all the females wear it on Teiss,” Ro replied, nodding sagely, his hands on her hips, one thumb rubbing back and forth, the velvet alternating between silk and skin.

  “It’s not how they were wearing it at the party,” she reminded him.

  “That was out of respect for… silly human customs. You should always wear it like this around me, or you will be…” He took a deep breath, improvising. “Offending my ancestral culture.” He glanced at her face as if to check whether or not she was buying it and she laughed.

  “Someone’s been attending their sensitivity seminars,” she said, and he smiled that smile, innocent and charming, that always gave him away. “So this is okay, is it? Next time there’s a party, I’ll just go like this? I don’t want to offend anyone, after all,” she teased, trying to keep a straight face.

  “No, no, no, because if you do that, they’ll be embarrassed.”

  “Oh, they’ll be embarrassed?”

  “Yes, because they will know that you know that they are wearing it wrong.”

  “Oh I see… Well, I couldn’t do that to them.”

  “No. You are kind.”

  “Yes, I try.”

  “So you should only wear it like this, the proper way, when we are alone. Because I understand, and will not be embarrassed. I will appreciate the gesture for what it is, and no one’s culture will be offended. Now you can move your hands.”

  Maggie kept her hands where they were. “I’m glad we understand each other’s cultures so well,” she laughed.

  “Yes, we have a perfect inter-species relationship. Move your hands.”

  “The perfect Balin-human blend,” Maggie agreed. “And you first.” She gestured at his clothes with her elbow, keeping her grip on her boobs. She didn’t know where this shyness was coming from, maybe something to do with how well-lit she was, or how exposed she already felt in the silky shorts with their big slits up the sides compared to him, but she wanted him more engaged before she gave him what he wanted.

  Ro took his hands off her hips and tucked them behind his back, standing straighter. “You can undress me if you want to,” he said, smirking.

  She huffed. Sneaky. “I have my hands full,” she objected.

  “I wish I could have my hands full, but…” He shrugged, his smirk growing into a grin.

  Maggie sighed, and tried to juggle both boobs into one hand without giving Ro the satisfaction of a flash, knowing she was pushing them together and giving him an impressive cleavage anyway. When she got her hand free, she reached out and started unbuttoning his shirt, which proved surprisingly difficult with one hand, and with his long torso, the buttons looked like they went on forever.

  “Can’t you help?” she said.

  “Of course, I would be happy to hold your breasts for you while you undo my shirt. I promise I won’t even look at them,” Ro replied, still grinning, adding what he probably thought of as a helpful tilt of his head.

  She squinted at him, willing to play. Who was she kidding anyway? She wanted his hands on her and the sooner the better. “Fine. Close your eyes.”

  He smiled in victory and closed his eyes, holding his hands out as if waiting to catch a basketball. Maggie pressed her lips together to stifle her laugh and took the small step forward. She planted his hands so that each palm had a breast flattened against it. His claws relaxed against her chest.

  “You can open your eyes again,” she giggled, feeling the minute involuntary tremors and flexes of his hands against her. She set to work unbuttoning him, loving the spread of black and pink scales being revealed inches at a time and the way they contrasted so sharply against his white shirt.

  He rubbed his thumb over the inside curve of her flesh.

  “I don’t think we said anything about petting them,” Maggie chastised, even as goosebumps rippled over her skin.

  “But they need to feel loved,” Ro replied, obviously never at a loss for a cheeky response when it came to being allowed to touch her.

  “They feel loved, don’t worry about that. I love them every day,” Maggie told him, chuckling at the nonsense he was making her speak.

  “Not as much as I do. In fact, I demand shared custody,” he said, his voice dropping a register as she got his last button free and his shirt fell open, framing his tight stomach. She didn’t have a chance to respond as he ducked his head to her chest, his breath warming her skin just before his tongue licked between his fingers. Maggie gasped and held onto his shoulders. His hands moved to cup her breasts for real, teasing one nipple with the velvet of his thumb while sealing his mouth around the other one.

  Maggie whimpered, her stomach tightening, and she pressed her thighs together as she started to ache. He pulled away just enough to speak, close enough that she could almost feel his lips moving. “No, open your legs,” he said, voice deep and dark.

  She looked down at him, dazed and slow to respond. He held her eyes even as he moved his hand down, curling
it behind her thigh and pulling gently.

  “Spread your legs,” he said again, and she shuffled her feet apart as if she was hypnotised, unable to look away from his stare. “Feel empty and drip for me,” he told her, before breaking the hold he had on her and sucking her nipple into his mouth again.

  Maggie didn’t say anything, she couldn’t make a sound. All she could do was feel the clench of her sex around nothing, the tensing of muscles deep inside her wanting him, like a pain. Exactly as he’d said, she felt empty like she only ever did when he was teasing her like that, and her body softened and soaked as if it could tempt him to her, summon him, conjure up what it wanted. Wetness tickled through her.

  He sucked on her breast like he wanted to mark her, then he let it go and knelt at her feet, one knee next to his other foot. She stared down at him, waiting. Ro looked dishevelled with his shirt hanging open and untucked, split to either side of his hips, all scales and claws. The short ragged ridge of his crest was up, but his eyes looked determined as he faced her hips.

  “You look really hot like that,” she panted.

  He glanced at her as if she’d thrown him off his beat. “Like what?”

  “Shirt open, in front of me like that. You just look sexy as hell, is all.”

  “Thanks,” he acknowledged, a glimmer of self-consciousness coming into his face.

  “Just thought you should know. I don’t normally get to see you in much detail when you take your clothes off so… In case no one ever said it, you’re really, er… Gorgeous.” Now she felt stupid. Was that the best she could do? But in her defence, her blood had better places to be than her brain, like giving her a full-body blush as she shifted under his stare.

  He didn’t say anything for a moment, he just watched her, considering. Then he blinked and looked away as if he’d caught himself in a trance. He slipped his hands into the slits in the sides of her shorts, rocking her hips forward as he cupped her ass. His hands felt big and sharp, but also warm and safe, and he pressed a kiss to her belly just over her waistband, and she understood. He’d heard her.


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