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Romance: The Campus Player: A College Romance

Page 5

by Caroline Lake

  “Hmm,” Ella replied.

  “Want to get out of here?” he asked.

  “Oh god, yes,” Ella said who had been trying to look anywhere but at Lucas and Mary who were now kissing. Adam stood up and held out his hand to Ella.

  “We’ll be seeing you lot,” Adam said. Lucas looked confused but the rest were too immersed.

  “Where are you two going?” he asked.

  “Ella doesn’t like PDA,” Adam said winking before draping an arm around her and leading her away.

  They walked in silence in the general direction of Ella’s apartment.

  “I had a date today,” Adam spoke up. “Missed you terribly when I wanted to get out of there. Lucas was too busy with the girlfriend.”

  Ella laughed.

  “Don’t you hate it when your best friend gets a boyfriend?”

  “Normally, no. This time, yes.”

  Adam lit a cigarette but didn’t respond.

  “Ella,” he began quietly and suddenly, it was clear in the utterance of that word that this was the real reason he had pulled her away from the group. “Do you- do you have feelings for Lucas?”

  It ought to have been a shocking question. She should have been surprised, stunned, taken aback. She had done everything to hide it, hadn’t told a soul. But someone must have noticed. Especially someone as observant as Adam who noticed her relationship problems with Patrick before she even realized them herself.

  “Please don’t tell him,” Ella said wearily. She did not have the energy to deny it.

  “When did this happen?” he asked. “Or when did you realize?” he modified.

  “The day of Liana’s anniversary.”

  He frowned. “Because of Mary?”

  “About ten second before I found out about Mary,” Ella replied. “Convenient, isn’t it?”

  Adam was silent. He took another puff before responding.

  “What are we to do, then?” he asked.

  “Nothing,” Ella sighed. “Mary is my best friend and Lucas is…”

  “The dream?” Adam offered.

  Ella rolled her eyes. “I’ll get over it. I mean, he did too, right?”

  Adam wished he could contradict that and tell Ella the truth but he couldn’t.

  “If it makes you feel any better, I’ve never really liked Mary.”

  “Hey, she’s my best friend!” Ella protested but she was laughing.

  “Remember how I told you that the two of us would agree on certain things?”


  “Well, those things include the fact that Mary is so completely wrong for Lucas and you are so completely right for him.”

  Ella looked at him, incredulously.

  “I’m totally betting on you, Scott,” Adam continued.

  Ella shook her head. “You’re crazy.”

  They had reached her apartment by now.

  “I’ll go now,” Adam said.

  “Why don’t you come inside?”

  “I have an… arrangement,” Adam replied which made Ella roll her eyes. She knew what he meant by arrangement.

  “You and Mary are one of a kind. You should have been dated her.”

  “So that your path to Prince Charming Number Two is clear?” Adam teased.

  Ella hit him playfully before the reality of the situation hit her and she sobered up.

  “Well, I’ll see you around,” Adam said. “And then we can decide how to get you and Lucas together.”

  Ella shook her head. “Have fun at the arrangement. Call me if you need an escape.”

  Ella was still awake hours later, when she heard a car pull up. The canvas was spread on the table as she sketched a larger image of the ship she painted earlier. The ship had a very deep meaning to her since her father was a travel writer and was always away. She remembered one particular time the summer after her mother passed away. Her father took a ship called The Chevrolet and he had waved at her from the dock as the ship glided away. She had been terrified at the thought of the ship sinking; she would lose another parent. That summer, she had drawn ships after ships, some magnificent, some small, some sunk and some flying.

  Ella looked up when the door opened and Mary and Lucas entered. Mary was slightly tipsy from the drinks they were having earlier. Lucas had an arm around her.

  “Oh, more ships!” Mary exclaimed when she saw Ella’s drawing. “What is with you two and ships?”

  Lucas was watching Ella’s paintings very intently. Mary noticed this fact when none of them responded to her question.

  “Well?” Mary demanded.

  “Ella likes ships,” Lucas replied as he tore his eyes away from her painting. “Her dad took The Chevrolet to Europe once.”

  Ella glanced at him and Mary thought she saw a glint in her eyes. Mary felt uncomfortable for one fleeting moment. It was as if the other two in the room shared something much deeper than she would ever understand. She watched as Ella looked at Lucas and they shared a smile. It was a friendly smile but it somehow bothered Mary.

  Up in Mary’s bedroom, she was silent as she lay next to Lucas.

  “You okay?” Lucas asked her.

  “I’m just tired,” Mary told him.

  There was a brief silence before Mary spoke up again. “Hey, Lucas?”


  “Do you remember back in high school, you used to like Ella?”

  Lucas was quiet and then, “Yes.”

  “That was cute.”

  “Hmm. Why did you bring it up?”

  “You were very adamant on getting her despite all the girls who lining up to date you.”

  “I was an idiot.”

  “Why do you say so?”

  Lucas turned to look at her. “Because Ella was never going to like me back.”

  Mary noticed at the intensity of apathy behind his words.

  “How did you get over her?” Mary said.

  Lucas shrugged. “I grew up, I guess.”

  “That’s it?”



  “Mary,” Lucas said and there was a hint of amusement in his voice. “Are you worried that I used to like Ella two years ago?”

  “No,” Mary replied truthfully. “No, I’m not. It’s just that… sometimes, you and Ella… you seem to have something that’s… hard to understand.”

  Lucas reflected on the bare honestly of the girl besides him. She was incredibly blunt.

  “We’re friends,” Lucas said shrugging. “I’ve been around all the difficult times in Ella’s life.”

  Mary nodded. That was probably it, she told herself. She lifted herself up and let her hair fall over Lucas’ shoulders. Leaning forward, she placed a kiss on his lips.

  “Enough talking,” she told him. “You couldn’t have invited yourself into your girlfriend’s room just to talk.”

  “I don’t plan on doing much talking,” Lucas replied back playfully as their lips met again.

  Chapter 8

  The warmth of the sunshine spilling into the room coaxed Lucas out of his deep stupor. It was 10am on a Saturday morning. It took him a moment to realize he wasn’t in his own room.

  Mary stirred besides him. Her black hair was sprawled on the blue duvet and she looked just about perfect for someone who had just woken up. She snuggled closer to him and Lucas felt her naked body press against his.

  “You’re cold,” he murmured, pulling her closer.

  Mary drifted to sleep again but Lucas stayed awake, thoughts racing one another. Would Ella be out in the living room if he went there? And if she was, what would she think of him spending the night in Mary’s room? She would think nothing of it, he told himself. Ella didn’t care about what the two of them were doing. Except, she apparently didn’t appreciate them kissing in public. He thought back to their conversation yesterday, rolling bits of it in his head.

  Gently, he detached himself from Mary and went to take a shower. Minutes later, he entered the living room and there she was. Ella was seated
in a couch by the window, her blonde hair shining in the morning sun. Her back was towards him so she did not see him coming. She had a book in her hand and a cup of coffee lay on the table next to her. Of course, he thought. Ella always woke up early. He remembered that from the days she had ended up falling asleep on his bed. And the days after Liana’s death when she practically started living with him because her house seemed too empty.

  “Hi,” he said.

  She turned in her seat. “Hi, Luke.”

  And nothing had still changed. In the moment of clarity, Lucas understood that his attempts to get over Ella were futile. Every woman, the latest one being Mary, had been an attempt to forget Ella. And none of that mattered because she was still perfect, she was still too good for him. Despite everything he told Adam, despite all the time he tried to tell himself that he was happy with Mary, he knew deep down that none of that was true.

  “Come sit,” she said, gesturing to the couch next to hers. He complied. “So are the three of us going to start living together now?” she attempted at humor.

  Lucas forced a smile. “Probably not.”

  “I got a call from The Gallery’s manager,” Ella said at length. “He saw the paintings you sent to the magazine. He wants to display my work.”

  “That’s incredible, Ella.”

  “But he wants to meet me first. Something about doing an interview with me before he made the final decision.”

  “Go for it.”

  Ella paused. “Will you come with me?”

  “Of course.”

  Mary appeared at that moment. She was dressed in a nightgown which fell off one shoulder. Her right leg was visible through the slit in the gown. The silk slithered on the floor as she walked. Mary looked flawless in whatever she wore.

  “Good morning,” she said happily. She gave Lucas a kiss before sitting at the edge of Ella’s couch and draping an arm around her. “What are you two talking about?”

  “I got an offer to display my paintings at The Gallery.”

  “That’s big, Ella!” Mary said. “Why am I just hearing about this?”

  “I found out last night.”

  On Sunday, Ella and Lucas drove to The Gallery to meet Nate, the manager. Lucas waited long enough to meet and greet Nate before wandering off to give them time alone.

  After their rendezvous was over, Ella and Lucas walked in a park next to the café.

  “Thanks for coming with me, Luke.” Ella said.

  Her meeting with Nate had revealed a lot about her art to her and she was a little emotional. He had agreed to display her paintings and even pay her to work for The Gallery.

  She still struggled with her feelings. In the past two years, she didn’t remember a single time Lucas hadn’t been with her at an important moment. And maybe, admitting her feelings was more important that the consequences. Because it was such a shame that she had to keep something from Lucas. Perhaps the fact that she was so overcome by emotions led to what transpired next.

  She reached out and took Lucas’ hand. “Luke,” she begun. “I love you.” He turned around to look at her and smiled.

  “I love you too, Ella,” he said. But he didn’t understand. He meant it platonically as was obvious by the way he looked at her warmly. He meant he was glad she was a part of his life, he was grateful to have her as a friend. But it was all wrong.

  “No, Luke. I’m in love with you.”

  His expression was blank, unreadable. Somewhere along the line, they had stopped walking and stood facing each other.

  She wasn’t thinking straight. She stepped forward and pressed her lips against his. He was still for a moment. Then, he responded and Ella pulled him close. The kissed moved too quickly, deepening, growing more heated and needy at once. Because they knew they only had about a minute before reality would strike again and they would have to stop. In a minute, they will have to pay for this or realize this was wrong or do something other than what they were doing right now. And there was so much to communicate and experience in this moment. They couldn’t possibly feel every missed opportunity, every unvoiced though in that one moment. So she clung to him tightly and he pressed more fervently against her as if in doing so, they might be able to make each other understand.

  When Lucas’ grip relaxed on the back of her shirt under her jacket, Ella felt it slipping away. She fell back on the flats of her heels; she didn’t open her eyes. He kissed the side of her mouth one last time, rested his forehead against hers. She struggled to regain her breath, trying not to remember the reason this was wrong.

  Eyes still closed, she cupped his face in hers. His hands dropped but he didn’t move away. Then, she opened her eyes and the word that she had forced out of her mind screamed at her from her conscience.


  Her best friend. Her partner in crime. The only one of her friends who had made it this far. Her oldest friend. Her companion. Mary, who was inconsiderate and stupid at times but extremely loyal at heart.

  Ella backed away.

  “Ella…” Lucas begun but words failed him too.

  “I’m sorry,” Ella managed to choke out as tears came to her eyes.

  But Lucas felt a strange satisfaction, if he managed to push the guilt aside long enough.

  “I should go…” Ella said, looking around as if expecting a door to appear where she can run to and hide behind.

  “I’ll take you home,” he said.

  “No, no, not home. I can’t-” Ella took a deep, calming breath and ran a hand through her hair. She couldn’t face Mary.

  “Ella, relax,” Lucas said.

  “Luke, I-” Ella’s voice was becoming increasingly high pitched now as she panicked.

  “It’s been an emotional day, I understand.”

  Ella looked at Lucas and realized that he was trying to offer her an excuse she can use as a shield. She felt a rush of gratitude for the boy who had always been there for her, always knew what she needed.

  “I’ll take you home.”

  They drove in silence. Lucas didn’t come inside when he dropped her and when Mary inquired as to why he didn’t, Ella feigned ignorance and retired to her room, stating that it had been a long day. Donna looked suspicious but let it pass, as she normally did.

  Safely in the confines of her room, Ella picked up her phone and called the only person who would be able to help her.

  “Hello, babe,” Adam’s voice sounded over the phone.

  “Adam,” Ella said. “Are you home?”


  “I need you to come get me.”

  “I’ll gladly get you,” Adam said.

  Ella rolled her eyes. “Come now, please.”

  “Alright. Is everything okay?”

  “Help now, questions later.”

  “So she said before. I’ll be there in five.”

  Mary wasn’t in the living room as Ella left. She told Donna she had important work on which Donna did not comment. In the confines of Adam’s car, she could breathe easier.

  “Drive. Go somewhere far away.”

  “Just you and me?” Adam said, suggestively but he begun to drive.

  Ella rolled her eyes. “Have you met Lucas yet?”

  “No. What is this about?”

  “I- I kissed Lucas.”

  “About time.”

  “Adam!” Ella complained.

  “Is that what you’re so panicked about?”


  “Hmm,” he mused. “Well, is Lucas as panicked as you?”

  “Not that I know of.”

  “I thought so,” Adam muttered to himself.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Nothing, nothing. So you’re wallowing in guilt for kissing your best friend’s boyfriend?”


  “Well, that is a dilemma.”

  “What would you do if you- if you kissed Lucas’ girlfriend?


  “Let’s suppose.”

Well, from my experience, cheating is a lot easier if there are no feelings involved. You case is a little different because of the feelings involved.”

  Ella was silent as she watched the town rush away.

  “Cheer up. It’s not so bad. On the bright side, at least Lucas knows how you feel now.”

  “That’s the bright side?”

  “Of course.”

  “I only made myself look like an idiot by admitting it. All those times that he asked me and I turned him down. And now I’m in love with him. How the tables have turned.”

  “It’s not so bad. Maybe the tables will turn again.” Adam hesitated and then spoke again. “You two are such idiots.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “He’s still in love with you, Ella. The tables haven’t turned. The tables have become… even, I guess.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “He’s my best friend,” Adam said as if that should say enough.

  “But that doesn’t prove anything. Unless he said the words. Unless he told you explicitly. I love Ella. Those three words. Did he say them?”

  Adam sighed. “No,” he admitted.

  “There you have it.”

  When Ella still looked miserable, Adam said, “Let’s go dune buggy racing.”

  Ella looked at him incredulously but didn’t protest. Anything to take her mind off Lucas.

  Chapter 9

  Lucas was in the balcony, smoking a cigarette when he was joined by Adam. It was almost 1am.

  “Another date?” he asked as Adam came into view.

  “Nah, I was with Ella.”

  “With Ella?”


  “Well, how is she?”

  “She’s good.”

  Lucas was quiet and Adam did not elaborate, purposefully.

  “Where is she now?” Lucas spoke up again.

  “You seem interested,” Adam said amused. “You always told me you were over the girl.”

  Lucas shook his head.

  “She’s back home now, I presume. She’s fine, just a little panicked about what happened between you two.”

  “So- so she told you?”

  “Hmm.” He took a puff of his cigarette. “Just tell her you feel the same way.”

  “I would have if there was no Mary in the middle.”

  “Ah, I never liked that girl.”


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