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Romance: The Campus Player: A College Romance

Page 7

by Caroline Lake

  Lucas adjusted his position so that he was on his side, their lips still connected.

  “I love it when you wear my clothes,” Lucas murmured against her lips as he pushed the shirt upwards. Ella wasn’t wearing anything under it save for her underwear. As his hands brushed her nipples, he felt them harden. He pulled the t shirt all the way up and attacked her hardened breasts with his soft, warm lips. Ella sighed as he trailed down and before she knew it, he was pulling down her underwear. It lay discarded at their feet as Lucas bent her right knee and brought his face down. Ella whimpered in anticipation. His tongue discovered her wetness as it gently nudged into her. Ella’s heartbeat increased. Her hands desperately curled around the duvet covering the bed as she tried to suppress her increasingly loud moans. He licked her aching core, making her arc her back and cry out his name. He sucked her clit and Ella cried out with pleasure. She was grateful that Adam wasn’t at home or he would have heard and that would have been extremely embarrassing.

  Ella entered the basketball court earlier than the time for onlookers. Donna was warming up with the rest of the team as Ella took a seat in the stands. She waited idly for the match to start. Lucas jogged up to her when he saw her.

  “You’re here early,” he commented. He was breathless from the warm up.

  Ella shrugged. “Got off from classes early and didn’t want to drive back home before I came here.”

  They watched Adam and Leah (another girl from the team) dunk a few balls before Lucas turned to her again.

  “I have my exhibition at The Gallery this weekend.”

  “I know. I remember.”

  “Should be exciting.”

  “Are you nervous about it?”

  “A little. Are you nervous about the tournament?”

  Lucas grinned. “I’m never nervous.” Ella stood up from where she sat in the stands and stepped over the remaining seats to reach him. She tiptoed up and kissed him softly. His hand rested on her hip as he reciprocated. They were interrupted by Adam’s arrival.

  “I’d suggest you two don’t do that. Mary looks like she’ll kill both of you,” Adam said before he withdrew from where they stood and caught the ball that Donna had thrown at him. Ella fell back on her tiptoes and glanced around. Sure enough, Mary was there accompanied by one of her friends. She caught Ella’s eye and looked away as they took a seat in the stands.

  Ella sighed. “I didn’t think she would come this soon.”

  “I’ll see you after the match?” Lucas asked.

  “Yep, you will.”

  Lucas turned and jogged back to the court. Ella sat down again and tried to look anywhere but at Mary. Eventually, Mary came and sat next to her.

  “That was cute,” she said.


  “No, really, it was. I break up with my boyfriend and not two weeks have passed before he’s kissing my best friend in public.”

  Ella looked down at her hands.

  “You know, Ella,” Mary continued. “I’m not sad about my relationship being over. Frankly, it’s quite a relief. I wasn’t even angry when Lucas told me about the kiss because deep down, I always knew that you guys… well, that you guys are more than normal friends. What I was angry about is that you went behind my back, Ella. You could have admitted your feelings for him to me first but you went behind my back and kissed him.”

  “How was I supposed to admit my feelings to you?” Ella asked incredulously. “Hey Mary, I’m in love with your boyfriend and I only realized that the moment you started dating him? Is that what I was supposed to say?”

  “You’re in love with him?”

  Ella was silent.

  “Well,” Mary said. “At least I made you realize your true feelings for him. Some good came out of this.”


  “I forgive you,” Mary said.


  “You heard me. You can kiss Lucas in public without feeling guilty. But don’t expect me to forget what happened.” She got up and walked away.

  Ella sighed. Suddenly, she wasn’t interested in the game anymore.

  Their team won the game which led to an extravagant after party at a hotel booked by one of the sponsors of the team. Ella didn’t feel much up to dancing but a very drunk Adam dragged her on the dance floor and she had no choice but to go along with it. She noticed a few girls throwing envious stares in her direction.

  “Hey, Adam,” Ella said over the blaring music. “I think you shouldn’t keep your admirers waiting. They look like they’ll kill me any second.”

  Adam turned to look at the girls and laughed. “Alicia Kyle looks exceptionally nice today.”

  “Go on, then,” Ella urged.

  “You just need an excuse to stop dancing and go skulk in a corner,” Adam accused. “And why are you so sober?”

  Ella shook her head. “We’ll talk later, Adam. Now go get Alicia before that other boy does.”

  “Not worried about any other boy,” Adam said before he walked away.

  Ella turned away and headed for the door that would lead her to fresh air and silence. She only had a few minutes of solitude before a girl she mildly recognized came up to her. “Your friend Mary is in the bathroom. I think you should go see her.”

  “My God, Mary, how many bottles did you have?” Ella asked the moment she saw her. She held Mary’s hair back as the latter girl threw up. Mary looked like she was ready to pass out.

  “A few,” Mary replied when she was calmer. She sat on the tiled floor. “I’m such an idiot.”

  “It’s alright, we’ll get you home,” Ella told her.

  “Normally, I have you to keep check of how much I drink,” Mary continued in a low, faint voice.

  “I’m still here.”

  Mary heaved again.

  Afterwards, Ella half carried Mary outside and in the direction of her car. She left Lucas a message and he joined her moments later. He relieved Ella of the duty of carrying Mary and lifted her up towards the car. When they reached their apartment, Lucas carried her to her bedroom.

  They watched as Mary stirred. Then Ella turned to Lucas.

  “I’ll stay here with her. You should probably leave. She wouldn’t like it if she wakes up and finds you here.”

  “I don’t mind,” Mary murmured in her sleep. “He can stay.”

  Ella stared at Mary before addressing Lucas again. “I still think you should leave,” she whispered.

  “Call me if you need anything,” Lucas said.

  An hour later, Ella still sat on Mary’s bed, waiting for her to wake up. Eventually, she did.

  “I feel terrible,” Mary said.

  “You look terrible.”

  “Thanks,” Mary groaned. “Did the boyfriend leave?”


  “He didn’t have to.”

  “It’s alright.”

  “Have you been here the whole time?”

  “It had only been an hour.”

  Mary sat up. “I have a headache.”

  “You should sleep.”

  She nodded. “I will.”

  Ella stood up.

  “Thank you, Ella,” Mary said before she fell back on her bed again.

  Hours later, as the morning sun broke through the blinds in Ella’s room, Mary knocked on her door. Ella was sleeping as Mary slid into the bed besides her.

  “What time is it?” Ella murmured sleepily.

  “6 am.”

  “Are you better now?”

  “Never been better.”

  They lay next to each other just like they used to before they started fighting.

  “I miss you, Ella Scott,” Mary said at length.

  “I miss you too.”

  “I know I said we can’t be friends like we were before… but maybe we can try.”

  “I would love that.”

  In the silence of the morning, the two girls drifted off to sleep again. Things seemed infinitely better after that.

  Chapter 12

p; Lucas’ lips were warm against hers. They were perfectly synchronized with hers and felt good against her lips. Ella pondered on this fact as she kissed him. They were interrupted with the sound of the door banging open.

  “I’m not a fan of PDA,” Mary mocked.

  Ella smiled. “Hi, Mary.”

  “Hello, Ella. Lucas.”

  Mary stepped between them and draped an arm around each of them. “Let’s go, then. I’m excited for this exhibition.”

  Mary felt a sense of relief when she made up with Ella. Ella and Lucas’ relationship didn’t bother her as much as fighting with Ella did.

  Mary and Lucas helped Ella carry her paintings and art work into The Gallery. A few major artists were displaying their work too which is why all tickets were sold out and the halls were going to be packed in a few hours. The exposure was excellent for emerging artists like Ella.

  As the exhibition progressed, Ella was in the middle of a conversation with a few people who had seemed interested in her work earlier but were now going on about their own art endeavors and how they had to give them up in favor of “real careers”. Ella listened politely and looked around for an escape which came minutes later in the form of Lucas.

  “Mind if I borrow Ella?” he asked the group. Without waiting for an answer, he led her away into a small room at the end of the hall.

  “You just saved my life,” Ella told him.

  “I had my reasons for saving your life,” Lucas said. Ella was pressed against the wall and Lucas’ lips lingered near hers.

  “Like what?” Ella breathed.

  Lucas closed the distance between them as his lips crashed into hers. The kiss was urgent, a sign of how they had only a few minutes to steal from the exhibition before the manager would start wondering where Ella went. Ella reciprocated with equal fervor. Their tongues fought for dominance. Lucas pushed up her dress. A finger hooked her underwear to the side and nudged into her. Ella clutched his shoulder tightly as he rubbed and pumped with his fingers. Her back arched and she clung to his neck.

  Ella could hear people walking around outside. As Lucas withdrew his hand, Ella looked around. There was a small couch in the corner of the room.

  “I don’t like the idea of having sex on someone else’s couch,” Ella told him.

  “Good,” Lucas replied. “Because I was going to take you against the wall.”

  “Hurry up,” she told him. Unbuckling his belt, Ella pushed down his jeans. Lucas lifted up her right leg and wrapped it around his torso as he brought her down on his erection. She bit down on his neck to stop herself from crying out loud. Lucas lifted her leg up further which gave him deeper access. Ella stifled her cries and suspected that she might be hurting Lucas with the bites but he didn’t seem to mind. She thought her left leg would give way so she wrapped that around him too. He thrust into her easily, making her moan his name.

  Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

  “Ella?” She recognized the voice as that of the exhibition’s manager.

  “Y-yes,” Ella managed to stammer.

  “Are you in there?”

  Lucas slowly moved into her again and Ella’s head rolled back. She knew he was doing it on purpose.

  “She’ll be out in a moment,” Lucas replied loudly. Ella wanted to reprimand him for making the situation obvious but she didn’t have the strength too.

  When they exited the room, Ella felt lightheaded. The manager didn’t mention her brief disappearance. Ella smiled inwardly. People should get used to it.

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  The Campus Bad Boy

  Veronica Cross

  The Campus Bad Boy

  Copyright 2016 by Veronica Cross

  First electronic publication: August 2016

  All rights are reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal.


  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to person, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Warning: Due to mature subject matter, such as explicit sexual situations and coarse language, this story is not suitable for anyone under the age of 18. All sexually active characters in this work are 18 years of age or older, and all acts of a sexual nature are consensual.

  The Campus Bad Boy

  Chapter 1: Move-in Day

  Alex slammed the trunk of her car shut. She had already made two trips from the parking lot to her dorm room on the second floor. She grabbed the sleeve of her t-shirt and wiped the sweat from her forehead. The heat was almost unbearable, and the humidity made it hard to breathe. Alex took the hair tie from her wrist and bent her head forward. The hair on the back of her neck was drenched. A light breeze cooled the sweat on her shoulders as she wrapped her long, blonde hair into a pony tail. Alex flipped her head backwards, and her hair arced towards the sky before landing against her back. Ok, last trip.

  Wedging her laundry hamper between her arm and her hip, Alex made her way across the parking lot. Heat waves rippled up from the pavement. Her flip-flops smacked into her heels with each step. As she walked, she saw a guy leaned up against a tree. He was wearing a black shirt and faded jeans. His hair was dark and slightly curly. Alex stumbled as she missed the first step up to the dorm entrance. Her flip-flop ripped, and the plastic toe piece broke free from the foam bottom.

  Alex’s hamper flew from her hand, and clothing scattered around her. She picked herself up from the concrete and dusted herself off. She held up her shoe. Great. With a groan of frustration, she started grabbing her laundry from the sidewalk and the steps. She stuffed the clothing haphazardly back into the plastic hamper.

  “Need a hand?” Alex looked up to see the guy from the tree standing beside her. One of her bras was hanging from his fingertips. He smiled cockily at her.

  Alex’s face turned red. She jerked her bra away from him. “I’ve got it. Thanks.” She buried the bra under a pile of tank tops and hobbled up the steps. It wasn’t even one of her cute bras. Ugh! Why couldn’t he have picked up the pink, lacey one? This year was already off to a fabulous start. Alex rolled her eyes as she entered the air-conditioning. Her cheeks still burned with embarrassment.

  She made her way down the hall to her dorm room. Doors lined the hallway in an offset pattern. Handmade welcome signs were taped to the doors with names listed to help students find their rooms. Alex’s name was posted on the last room on the right. At least she wasn’t on the third floor. Alex watched as a family struggled to carry a small loveseat up the stairs. She wiggled her key into the lock and threw the door open. There was a dark haired girl shoving a bin of snacks under the desk by the far wall.

  “Oh, hey!” The girl stood up and put her hands on her hips, “You must be Alex. I’m Tish. Nice to meet ya!” The girl held out her hand.

  Alex set down her hamper and wiped the sweat off of her palm before shaking the girl’s hand, “Same.”

  “This is the last of it.” An older man with graying hair said as he wheeled in a mini fridge.

  “Sweet! Thanks, Dad!” Tish bounced over to him and gave him a hug. “Where’s Mom?

  “Taking pictures of some squirrels outside.” He jerked his head towards the window.

  “Mmkay. Hey, Al, I’m gonna go say goodbye, then I’ll be back to finish unpacking.” Tish waved as she and her dad headed out to the hallway, leaving a pile of bags in the middle of the room.

  Alex kicked off the shoe she still had
on and dropped the broken flip-flop on the ground. It smacked against the tile floor. She opened one of the drawers on her dresser and started shoving clothing in it. Her dorm room had a large mirror with two sinks wedged between twin closets. There were two lofted beds, one on each side of the room. Under the beds, both she and Tish had a desk, dresser, nightstand, and a chair. Alex examined the faded red upholstery on her chair. There was a black mystery stain on the edge of the seat. She glanced at Tish’s chair. No mystery stain there. Alex shot a furtive glance at the door before lugging her chair over to Tish’s desk. She swapped the chairs and skidded the stain free one back to her side of the dorm. As the lock clicked open, Alex quickly sat down on her newly requisitioned chair, trying not to look guilty.

  “Okie dokie! I’m back.” Tish smiled as she started to unpack her things. She scooted her chair back, paused for a moment looking at the seat, then shrugged her shoulders. “So, where ya from?” Tish peered over her shoulder while she draped a feather boa around her bed post.

  “Texas. You?” Alex pulled her fitted sheet out of the hamper and climbed up the end of her lofted bed until she was at the foot of the mattress. The wood rungs were at awkward intervals, making climbing and balancing difficult.

  “Colorado. It’s crazy how hot it is here!” Tish said incredulously. Alex smiled as she tossed a fleeting gaze over to Tish. Her roommate was balanced precariously on top of her nightstand while she tossed a bright orange comforter over her bed.

  “Knock, knock!” An older blonde girl was standing in the open doorway. “Time for student I.D. pictures!” She stood off to the side and waited while Alex and Tish climbed down from their perches to join her in the hallway. Alex rummaged around quickly for a pair of flats. She slipped them on and joined the other two in the hall. Other freshmen were already filing past. “I’m Emily, your Resident Assistant. My room is on the second floor if you need anything.” She gestured to the stairwell as she guided them to the door that led out the back of the dorm. “Just follow the crowd to the Nathaniel Building. You’ll get your I.D.’s there.” Emily smiled warmly and went back to rounding up other freshmen.


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