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Romance: The Campus Player: A College Romance

Page 12

by Caroline Lake

  Liam pulled into the circle drive in front of her dorm building. His car was black, and a thin layer of pollen coated it from parking under the trees by his apartment complex. Liam got out of the car and opened the passenger side door for her.

  “Thanks,” Alex smiled as she climbed in the car and buckled up.

  “You ok?” Liam looked over at her as he put the car back in drive.

  “Yeah. Just family stuff.” She fiddled with her purse strap in her lap.

  “You wanna talk about it?” Liam turned down the radio.

  “Did you,” Alex paused trying to find the right words, “find it hard when you first started college? Like to balance life at home and at school?”

  Liam smirked at the windshield as he turned onto Lincoln Avenue. “This is your first big transition in life. You’re going to have to find out who you are and what you want. You’re going to have some growing pains and you’re going to mess up. It’s part of it.” He tapped his middle finger on the steering wheel absent mindedly as the car in front of the slowed down to make a turn.

  “Gee thanks.” Alex slouched in her seat.

  “Let me finish,” Liam chuckled at her. “You’re going to mess up, but as long as you learn from it, who cares?” He glanced over at her, “My freshman year sucked. My mom kept dropping by two, maybe three times a week. That’s the down side of going to college in the town you grew up in. Finally, I just had to sit down with my parents and tell them I would come visit a few times a month, but that they needed to give me space to grow into whoever I was going to be.”

  “And they were ok with that?” Alex tilted her head to the side and watched him as he drove.

  “Dad more so than mom.” Liam turned onto another street, “Mom took it harder, but she came around.” He pointed to a house with white siding to their right, “See that one?” Alex nodded as she followed his finger. “That’s my house. Well, my parents’ house anyway.”

  “It’s nice.” The front porch had planters filled with flowers dangling from its eaves and a white, wooden swing with pristine sliver chains hung off to the side. It looked like the perfect place for an ideal childhood. Alex watched as it faded behind them. “I just don’t want to disappoint them.” She looked at the floorboard.

  “You’re their daughter. They’re going to love you no matter what.” He glanced from the road over to Alex, “Unless of course they find out what you did in my bed this morning.”

  “I’m being serious!” Alex looked out the window huffily.

  “I’m just teasing you.” Liam laughed. “In all seriousness though, I’m sure you could never disappoint them. Just be you.”

  She rolled her head back in his direction, “That’s the problem. I’m still figuring out who I am.”

  “Well,” Liam stopped at a red light, “from what I’ve seen so far, you’re a sweet, caring young woman who wears her heart on her sleeve.” His eyes searched hers, “And that’s not necessarily a bad thing.”

  They smiled at one another. The car behind them honked at them. “Oh, light’s green.” Alex pointed at the traffic signal in front of them. They rode in silence for a while.

  After a few minutes, Liam pulled into a gravel parking lot. “Here we are.”

  Groups of threes and fours were drifting into a building a few yards away. A couple of high schoolers were sitting on a tailgate, legs swinging. Liam got out of the car and walked over to Alex’s door. Alex had already opened her door and had one foot on the gravel. Liam let out a sigh and held the door open the rest of the way.

  “When a guy is trying to be a gentleman,” He raised his eyebrows at her, “let him.”

  Alex stuck her tongue out at him and laughed, “Fine, I’ll let you get the next one.”

  Liam held out his arm, and Alex wrapped her own through it. The gravel crunched and rolled under their feet as they walked towards the auditorium. The interior was filled with brightly colored posters from past productions and abstract metal sculptures. Alex looked at the one closest to them. She couldn’t tell if it was an elephant or just a fat dog. She was still puzzling over it as Liam led her to the box office.

  “Two please,” Liam smiled at the girl working the booth and pulled out his wallet.

  “Fourteen dollars please,” Her smile was polite, but Alex felt a twinge of jealousy. She struggled to suppress it. She wasn’t used to being jealous, or even having someone to be jealous of, but it seemed like Liam brought that out in her. She reprimanded herself in her head for being so childish.

  “Thank you,” Liam took the tickets and placed his hand on the small of Alex’s back. He guided her gently towards a theater entrance. Alex smiled to herself. Her jealousy faded at his touch.

  The usher led them to their seats. The auditorium was dotted with audience members talking to one another. Kitschy folk music played over the speakers. A maroon curtain was closed across the stage. Every now and then, the shadows of feet passing behind the curtain would stir across the space. The curtain rippled slightly as crew members and the cast took their starting positions. Alex scanned the list of cast member names in her program, “Which one is your sister?”

  Liam reached over and pointed at the actress’s name playing Annie Oakley. “There’s Lainey.”

  “Wow! I didn’t realize she was the star.” Alex looked up at Liam excitedly.

  “Yeah, she’s pretty good.” Liam winked at her, “Not that I’m biased or anything.”

  The lights dimmed and the music faded. A voice came over the loud speaker, “Thank you for joining us for this evening’s production of Annie Get Your Gun. Please turn off your phones or other electronic devices. Exits are on both sides of the theater. Please note there is no food or drink allowed in the auditorium. Thank you, and please, enjoy the show!”

  Alex heard the curtain move across the stage, and a spot light came on. The show was fairly decent for a high school production, but Liam wasn’t being biased about Lainey’s talent. Alex got tingles on her arms every time Lainey started singing. Liam watched Alex almost as much as he did the show. She would sit on the edge of her seat during the parts of the musical that captured her attention the most. He reached over and took her hand in his. She looked at him and smiled.

  Liam leaned over during a set change, “Are you having a good time?” He whispered in her ear, trying not to disturb anyone else.

  “I really am,” Alex smiled and nodded enthusiastically. Liam squeezed her hand lightly and turned his attention back to the show as the lights came up again.

  After the performance, Liam and Alex waited in the lobby for Lainey to come out. Alex caught snippets of conversation from the people milling around them. Some were talking about the show; others were making dinner plans. Laughter and flowers broke up the chitchat as the actors made their way out the dressing rooms to find their friends and families.

  “Hey there, Sport!” Liam grabbed Lainey in a bear hug, “You did great tonight!”

  Lainey groaned from the tightness of the hug and faked gasping for breath until Liam let her go. “Thanks!” She took a deep breath, recovering from his hug, “I’m glad you could make it.” Lainey looked expectantly from her brother to Alex waiting for an introduction.

  “Hi,” Alex waved nervously, “I’m Alex.”

  “Nice to meet you. I’m Lainey.” She tossed a playful look at her brother, “So, are you guys boyfriend and girlfriend?”

  Alex’s face turned redder than the stage curtain, but Liam spoke up, “We are dating, actually.” He grabbed Alex’s hand. Suddenly she was all too aware of the physical contact. She felt as if she were being peered at from under a microscope.

  “Wanna go grab some pizza?” Lainey was texting on her phone as she talked. She still had stage makeup painted across her face. Without the starkness of the lights, the shadows and highlights of her cheekbones looked bizarre. She scowled at her phone.

  “That’s fine with me,” Liam turned to look at Alex to see if she had any objections.

��Sure,” Alex chimed in. She hoped she sounded more cheerful than she felt. She was surprised by how intimidated she was by Liam’s little sister. She wanted to make a good first impression, and if that meant eating greasy pizza, then so be it.

  “Do you wanna ride with us or take your own car?” Liam held open the door for them as they walked out into the muggy parking lot. It was dark now. A few stars twinkled in the black sky above them. A light illuminated the parking lot as bugs buzzed around it, obscuring some of the light.

  “I’ll drive myself,” Lainey pulled some keys out of her pocket and jingled them in Liam’s direction.

  “Alright. Meet you there.” Liam and Alex headed off to his car while his sister walked to another parking lot on the side of the building, “Be careful!” Liam called after her, “And don’t use your phone while you’re driving!”

  Lainey sounded annoyed as she yelled back, “I know!” She waved one hand at him dismissively.

  Alex waited for patiently Liam to open her door, “See, I’m learning.”

  “I see that,” Liam laughed as he waited for her to pull her legs in. He closed the door and walked back to the driver side. Alex had her hands clutched in her lap. Her nails were digging into her skin, and her fingers were white. “Hey,” Liam reached over to touch her hand. His voice was soft, “Are you ok?” His concern was genuine as he looked at her.

  Alex could see apprehension in his eyes as she looked up at him. “I just really want her to like me. I didn’t know it would bother me this much.” Panic was starting to swell up inside her.

  “Whoa, hang on, didn’t know what was bother you this much?” Liam brushed a loose strand of hair out of her face. “You worry too much what other people think about you.”

  “I just, I wasn’t prepared for hanging out with her.” Alex lowered her head ashamed of feeling this way.

  “Hey, you’re doing fine.” Liam lifted her chin. “Just relax and be yourself. You’re stressing yourself out over nothing.”

  Alex let out a long slow breath, “Yeah, you’re probably right.” A small smile crossed her lips.

  “You know; we don’t have to go eat with her tonight if you don’t want to. I’m sorry I kind of sprang that on you.”

  “No, I’ll be fine.” Alex shook her head, “I was just over reacting.”

  Liam stroked her cheek, “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah.” Alex looked into his eyes, “I can tell she means a lot to you.”

  Liam smiled and his eyes lit up, “Yeah, she does.” He leaned over and kissed Alex lightly on the lips.

  Alex felt her nerves settle as he started up the car. They drove through town until they reached the local pizza joint. The smell of melted cheese and sauces drifted through the parking lot to mix with car exhaust. Lainey was waiting by the door for them. Liam helped Alex out of the car, and the two of them walked hand-in-hand to the restaurant.

  Lainey plopped her purse down in a booth. “Get me a coke?”

  “You got it.” Liam said as she bounced over to the buffet table. He jerked his head towards the food, “Go grab yourself a plate. What do you want to drink?”

  “Just water with lemon is fine.” Alex walked slowly to the food bar. Lainey was putting another slice of Hawaiian on her plate. Alex looked at the salad portion of the buffet and then back at Lainey’s plate. So much for avoiding the freshman fifteen. Alex sighed as she took a piece of cheese pizza out from under the heat lamp. The girls walked back to their booth while Liam went to grab his own food. A waitress brought their drinks and set them on the table.

  Lainey tried to say thank you with a mouthful of pizza, but the words became garbled and made her laugh.

  “Don’t mention it.” The waitress smiled and walked away.

  “So,” Lainey took a drink and looked across the table at Alex, “How do you like college so far?”

  “It’s good. A little hectic, but I’m adjusting.” Alex sipped her water, “Are you planning on going to college here when you graduate?” Alex took a bite of her pizza. It had been so long since she had eaten any. The cheese burned her tongue a little, but the taste was worth it. She chewed slowly, savoring the greasy goodness.

  “No,” Lainey laughed. “I want to go somewhere with an actual musical program.”

  “You really were great tonight.” Alex smiled at her as he swallowed her food.

  “You’re not just saying that because you’re dating my brother?” Lainey arched her eyebrows. Alex couldn’t help noticing the family resemblance.

  “No. I promise.”

  “Well, then, thanks.” Lainey smiled back and took another bite of pizza as Liam came back to the table.

  The three of them sat and talked while they ate. After dinner, Lainey waved goodbye and got in her car. Liam drove back to campus and parked in front of Alex’s building, “See that wasn’t so bad, was it?”

  “No, it really wasn’t.” Alex reached over to hold his hand. “I had a really good time tonight.” She let her fingers explore his palm.

  “Me too.” Liam leaned over and let his lips brush lightly up against hers. He tried to pull away, but Alex reached up and grabbed his hair, pulling him back into the kiss. His lips and his smell made her heart race.

  Alex broke away. “You’re a really good kisser.” She rested her forehead on his.

  “You’re sweet.” Liam smirked.

  “Oh, hey!” Alex grabbed her phone, “I don’t have your number yet.”

  “Here,” Liam took her phone and punched in his number. He sent himself a text and the phone in his pocket vibrated. “Problem solved.”

  Alex smiled and bit her bottom lip, “Goodnight.”


  Alex walked to her dorm and opened the door. “Oh my gosh!” Alex around quickly and covered her eyes. Tish was wearing her Indian feather headdress and only her Indian feather headdress. Alex had seen a glimpse of skin and a guy in Tish’s bed underneath her. The image was seared in her brain.

  “Whoops!” Tish called out, “I thought you would be out later than this. Just a sec.” Alex heard creaking and footsteps. “Ok. We’re decent now.”

  Alex turned around slowly, peeking between her fingers. Tish had put her headdress on the sink counter and was in a loose t-shirt and some gym shorts. Her guy friend was tugging up his pants.

  “Alex, this is Grayson. He’s the one who took our pictures for our I.D.’s.”

  “Hey,” Grayson said as he zipped up his pants.

  Alex was having a hard time looking at either of them, “I’m really sorry,” she stuttered awkwardly, “I didn’t know.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” Tish shrugged.

  “I’ll see you later?” Grayson said as he pulled on his shirt.

  “Yes,” Tish cocked her head to the side, checking out his butt as he walked out of the room.

  Alex squinted at Tish, “That was so embarrassing! I’m so sorry.” Her cheeks began to blush. “We have to get a system to prevent that from ever happening again! I’m so, so sorry.”

  “Stop apologizing!” Tish shoved her headdress back into her closet, “It was bound to happen sooner or later.” She pulled out her desk chair and sat cross-legged on it. “Come on, tell me about your night.”

  Alex and Tish talked until they were about to fall asleep. Alex lay on top of her bunk, thinking about Liam. Just as she was about to fall asleep, Walter started running on the exercise wheel in his cage.

  “Shut up, Walter!” Alex heard Tish’s pillow thud to the floor as it bounced off of the hamster cage. Walter only ran more furiously despite her disdain.

  “Is he going to do that all night?” Alex looked over at her roommate’s bunk.

  “Apparently, hamsters are nocturnal.” Tish grumbled, “Which, by the way, the guy at the pet store conveniently didn’t mention.”

  Alex struggled to fall asleep as the sporadic clanking of the hamster wheel rattled throughout the night. About the time she would fall asleep, Walter would take a water break and ch
atter his teeth loudly against the metal spigot of his water bottle. Alex sighed in frustration and pulled her pillow over her head to blot out the sound.

  Chapter 5: Lo Mein and Misery

  Alex rolled over in bed and found her phone dangling precariously on the edge of the mattress. She looked at Walter who was curled up in a nest of cedar chips, sleeping peacefully. She glared at him while she rescued her phone. Her sleep had been restless at best thanks to Walter’s nighttime shenanigans. She punched in her passcode and pulled up her messages: nothing. Alex felt disappointment settle in her stomach as she opened a new text box. Her fingers indecisively hovered over the keys before she started typing. Good morning! Alex chewed the inside of her cheek. She didn’t want to seem clingy, but she wanted to talk to Liam. After a long pause, Alex closed her eyes and hit the send button. Instant regret mixed with impatient hope as she waited for him to text her back. The longer she waited, the more her hope diminished. I’m such an idiot. Alex berated herself for texting him first. She should have waited. Alex climbed out of bed, frustrated with herself, and threw on a pair of jean shorts and a blue tank top. She was already in a foul temperament due to lack of sleep.

  Tish sat up groggily, “Where you going?” She rubbed tiny crusts of sleep from her eyes. Her hair was matted and smashed into a tangle.

  “Breakfast. Wanna come?” Alex looked up at her roommate as she slipped on some shoes.

  “Kay.” Tish slid off of her bed onto her desk. Her feet made a slight smacking noise on the wood. Walter jostled awake and looked around. “Yeah,” Tish scolded him, “see how you like being kept awake.” Tish jammed her feet into her sneakers, not even bothering to pull the shoe up around her heel. She reached for the door knob.

  “Are you not going to get dressed?” Alex brushed the tangles from her own hair roughly as she spoke.

  “It’s before noon on Sunday. Pajamas are perfectly acceptable.” Tish put her hands on her hips defensively.

  Alex shrugged, “Ok.” She glanced at her phone again. He still hadn’t texted her back. She silently admonished herself again.


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