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Romance: The Campus Player: A College Romance

Page 120

by Caroline Lake

  “You can’t keep me here! You’re going to get in big trouble!!”

  “Drink,” a two-toned voice says from beyond the walls. Ashton looks over at the glass.

  “You want me to drink?” Ashton questions. A white light glows under the drink.

  “Drink,” A deep, low and high voice harmonizes the word.

  “This is like a bad after school special. Besides, aren’t you doing this backwards? You already knocked me out, and now you want to slip something into my drink.”

  There’s no reply. Ashton looks around the room. She examines the glass and sniffs it.

  “I’ll make a deal with you; whoever you are. You want me to drink. I want to know what’s going on.”

  She places the drink down and steps away from it.

  “For every question you answer, I’ll take a step toward the glass. If you’ve answered all my questions by the time I get to the glass, I’ll take a drink.”

  Silence fills the room.

  “What’cha think? We have a deal?”

  “Yes,” says a harmonizing, almost electronic voice.

  Ashton positions herself almost 4 steps away from the glass. She looks at her bare feet and looks over at the glass, imagining how many steps to get there.

  “Okay, good. This is like something I’ve seen in the movies or read about. Are you from this planet?”

  “No,” says the alien voice. A laser light quickly projects images on the ground, on the walls and on Ashton. The laser images depict a blue and green earth that gets smaller and smaller, until star maps and 3D planets show a line that leads to a distant planet many solar systems away. Ashton’s impressed and mesmerized by the visual display. She glides her fingers over the lights.

  “Wow, I knew there was something else out there. No one’s ever going to believe me.” Ashton takes a step toward the drinking glass and ponders her next question “Why did you choose me?”

  “You called for us,” says the alien voice distorting and reversing. The sounds of the ham radio playback along with Ashton’s earlier messages. A graphical display of sound waves dance on the floor. They get smaller and shorter depending on the words and the voice level.

  “Someone heard me. You heard me,” Ashton says to herself and brushes back a tear. She takes another step forward.

  “Why are you here? What do you do with us when you abduct us? Or whatever this is?”

  “We examine. We watch. We learn. We want to know more about your kind.”

  “What’s in the drink? Is it poison? Are you going to hurt me?”

  “We will not harm you. The drink is a gesture of good will.” Ashton steps toward the drink. She sighs.

  “Goodwill, huh?” She reasons to herself that if they wanted to harm her, they would have by now. She grabs the glass and takes a sip. She’s surprised. It’s the same drink she had at the lake. A perfect recreation of her favorite alcoholic drink.

  “Uh, how did you know? Why did you choose this for me?”

  “We’ve been watching you. We’ve been learning. It’s what you like, yes?”

  “Yes.” Ashton takes another sip.

  “Can we ask you questions?”

  “Uh, sure? You have a captive audience,” Ashton says, humoring herself.

  “Why do you cry?”

  “Wow, going straight for the Oprah questions first,” teases Ashton, as she readjusts her towel, wishing she had actual clothes on.

  “I do not understand.”

  “Never mind. It’s a TV show. Uh. I guess I cry because I’m lonely.” Ashton sits at an extrusion of the wall that almost resembles a chair.

  Graphical text in different languages project on the floor and the walls. The text soon turns to the word lonely. Other words form nearby, “no friends, no company, without love, solitary.” The words are then overlaid with moving images of Faith and Ashton hanging out as seen from an extreme overhead view. More moving images follow. From another extreme overhead view appears on the wall Ashton interacting with and taking care of her horses.

  “I do not understand.” Questions the alien captor. “Alone, solitary?”

  “No, I have friends, family, and I love my animals probably more than most people. But it’s…” Ashton’s at a loss for words. “I guess I crave a soul mate,” The floor below Ashton slightly turns red. Images start to form on the walls. Paintings of famous couples flash on the wall. First Romeo and Juliet, followed by Cleopatra and Mark Anthony. Then, other statutes and paintings of couples through time in passionate embraces. Other words form on the walls: Lust, love, romance, sex… Images of kissing and bodies wrapped in sexual embraces follow. Ashton finds herself aroused. The floors turn pink.

  “What is lust?” questions the voice beyond the walls.

  “Uh, well… “Ashton’s freckled face turns red with embarrassment. The floors turn green.”

  “Are you embarrassed by the question?”

  “Well, it’s just something we humans don’t talk about. It’s something you feel. You crave. You desire. You want with every part of your body. You feel like you’d die if you couldn’t have…”

  “I apologize, you must go now,” says a voice beyond the walls.

  “Wait, what? I uh. What’s going on? This is it? This??”

  “We … I can’t complete the study.”

  “Hey, we just started. We can’t stop. We are having a dialogue. Don’t just drop me back off. I want to see you. Who are you?”

  “I apologize. You must go now,” repeats the voice.

  Ashton quickly stands and hurls her drinking glass at the wall. “Show yourself to me!” She demands.

  The room rumbles. Lights flicker. The floor turns a silvery liquid and starts to wrap around Ashton’s legs. The room goes dim. Sounds of steam hiss as an entryway slides open from the walls. Clouds of steam flow into the room. Beyond the clouds stands a tall, stoic figure, almost human in appearance. The figure walks slowly into the room. Its skin fluctuates between silver and reflective to various shades of colors. Its eyes are like miniature mirrors. Its head is rough and jocular with short hair. Despite its reflective surface, its form shows muscles and torso more pronounced than anything Ashton’s ever seen. It seems naked, very naked, and from what Ashton can see, it’s a male figure - a very well-endowed male figure.

  “Oh wow,” whispers Ashton. The liquid wrapped around her turns pink.

  “I’m showing myself,” speaks the humanoid figure in a deep tone. As it steps up and towers over Ashton’s five-foot-four frame, her reflection can be seen on his built chest and torso.

  “Um, yes. Yes, you are.” Ashton can’t help but stare up and down his body and his large man- hood. She tries to compose herself. “You aren’t what I was expecting…almost like a silver Mr. Universe.”

  The creature looks away. His form turns slightly green.

  “That’s not a bad thing,” she explains. “You’re amazing looking,” Ashton defends as she sees his color change.

  “What’s your name? Mine is Ashton if you don’t already know.”

  Orion is what it sounds like he says, though she thinks his name is not pronounceable in a human language.

  “Why did you all of a sudden say I had to go? What happened?”

  His color turns a reddish tint. He looks over at the walls and a faint word appears. “Lust.”

  “I don’t understand,” says Ashton, trying to look into his eyes.

  “I can’t be subjective. I lust you,” says the overpowering figure looking down at her.

  Ashton’s heart starts to pound out of her chest. This whole experience is surreal. She didn’t know what this thing was that was in front of her, but she desired it, possibly the same way it desired her. The liquid from the floor vining around her legs started to shimmer in rose-like shades. She unwraps her towel and drops it to the ground. Her bare chest exposed, her nipples hardened, and her breath shallow with excitement.

  The color liquid from the ground explodes and wraps around her legs and bo
dy. It lifts her to eye level with Orion. He grabs her and pulls her to him with giant firm hands. His silver lips devour hers. She reaches and feels his solid chest. It’s warm to the touch. She moans with excitement. He reaches around her backside with an unyielding grip and lifts Ashton even higher so he can suck on her breasts. Her nipples harden even more as his silvery tongue rolls back and forth with a passion Ashton’s never felt. The alien liquid, now a boiling red, wraps inside Ashton’s thighs and starts to vibrate. The liquid molds between her legs, hardening and softening, moving in circular vibrating motions. Ashton starts to moan louder and louder. “Yes, yes! Oh!!” Her back arches. She reaches down and feels his huge shaft. Smooth and muscular, she strokes him but becomes too distracted by her own pleasure. Her moans echo throughout the room. Right as Ashton is about to orgasm, Orion lifts her and places her on his manhood. She screams in pain and ecstasy. Her body shakes with excitement, her body pressed against his. He thrusts again slowly, but with force. Each thrust a mini orgasm following the last.

  Eventually, both succumb to the pleasure and lay on the white glowing ground. Ashton’s head lays on Orion’s chest. Her fingers move down his reflective firm body, exploring in a soft way.

  “That was amazing,” says Ashton.

  “Out of this world,” says Orion seriously.

  “Was that a joke? Oh my god, you just made a joke,” Ashton laughs.

  Orion holds her tight. Her body is almost like a doll in comparison to his muscular build and length. He glides his large hand as gently as he can through her hair. He wasn’t supposed to connect with her. He couldn’t resist her. It’s something that would typically be forbidden and frowned upon among his kind. He’s been watching her for some time from afar, but seeing her in person changed everything.

  He could relate to her. Even though they lived light years apart, their worries, concerns and loneliness bonded them past several solar systems. In his world, he was average, uninteresting and he felt that way about most of the opposite sex. But in this world, he was a novelty, and in some way, so was Ashton. Beyond the novelty of it, making love to her was beyond anything he’d ever expected. She was soft, so vulnerable, yet so passionate. She falls asleep in his arms on the floor of the alien chamber. He knows she can’t stay there. It wouldn’t be safe.

  Chapter 6 – The Morning After

  The light blinds and burns her face. Ashton’s eyelids stress to open. She moves a hand in front to block the beams. It’s morning. The sun blasts with no cloud cover. As she moves to get up, she feels the hard crunchy ground below and something hard poking her in the back. She reaches around to see what it is and finds a corn husk. As her eyes refocus, she sees that she’s on a flattened area of corn field. She’s amazed. It looks like something she’s seen on YouTube. “How did they all get flattened here?” she wonders to herself.

  Ashton finds herself in the middle of an ornate crop circle. Completely bare, her skin is warm and tanning from the beating sun. It takes her a while to get her bearings. Was it all a dream? Was that amazing creature real?

  The sounds of a large motor clacks and cranks nearby. Adrenaline shoots through Ashton’s body. She stands up and realizes her situation. She is fully naked in a corn field. Ranch workers would be harvesting her area of corn soon. The last thing she wanted was for them to see her naked. She could never explain what happened. No one would believe her.

  She quickly sneaks into the standing crops and looks for the tractor. She walks to the edge of the plot between the corn and the grass field. When the tractor disappears into the corn, a naked redheaded blur shoots across the field. Ashton races for the house. The tractor driver glances over and almost falls off his seat once he glances a look. Ashton opens the screen door and runs past the den into the kitchen to get to her room.

  Faith sits in the kitchen eating a sandwich and drinking coffee, which she almost spits out when she sees Ashton. Ashton freezes, not knowing what to say. Ashton’s Dad can be heard from the other room. Faith signals with her eyes for Ashton to get out of the kitchen. “Where’s Ash?” yells her dad from the other room. Faith tries to hold back a laugh and lies. “She’s not feeling well, Pops, she’s still in her room.”

  Meanwhile, upstairs, the dresser drawers are flung open as Ashton digs for panties and a t-shirt. As she dresses, Faith bolts into the room and plops on the bed.

  “Well, who’s the skank now? What happened to you??”

  “I can’t really explain? It’s just that…well, it wouldn’t make much sense.”

  “Who we bang often doesn’t. I’m just glad you got some. You were wound like clock.”

  “Why are you assuming I did anything or anyone?” Ashton answers coyly.

  “Well, first off I haven’t seen you this loose and relaxed. Second, you are glowing.”

  Ashton turns red with embarrassment and covers her face with her light green t-shirt.

  “So, it wasn’t Danny?” questions Faith, trying to pry more from her.

  “Ouch, what the…” Ashton squeals as she feels a sharp pain in her belly.

  “Oh no! Pregnant already. That’s some potent stuff,” jokes Faith. “

  Ashton throws a sock at Faith, “Enough already, I’d tell you but you aren’t going to believe me. I don’t even believe it.”

  Faith sits up in attention. “I’ll believe you. What is it?”

  Ashton pulls up her shorts and sits next to Faith on the bed. She tries to explain the events from last night. She tells it in order; Bobby leaving for his ex, her leaving the lake; her storming out of the house; the lights; the ship; the humanoid lover. Faith just stares and nods her head.

  “You’re right,” Faith whispers.

  “About?” questions Ashton.

  “I don’t believe you,” Faith Says right before hitting Ashton with a pillow.

  “If you don’t want to tell me, you don’t have to tell me something you read in one of your books. I’m gullible, but come on.”

  Ashton knew anyone believing her would be a long shot.

  “Fine, I plead the fifth.” Acquiesces Ashton. “I need to get ready for the fair anyway.”

  “You’re so mean. You know how scared I am of Aliens.”

  “That’s why I said it,” she says to change the subject. “Let me finish getting dressed. I need to check on Autumn and grab something to eat before I head up to the stock yards and fairgrounds.”

  Chapter 7 – Naming the Foal

  Ashton grabs a handful of apples and rolls off the kitchen table, before heading outside. She takes a bite of the apple and heads toward the stable. The barn door opens and her father steps out. Red from the sun and wearing overalls, he’s who’d you imagine running a farm.

  “Well hello, pumpkin. Your sister said you weren’t feeling so well,” Mr. Alexander says while limping toward her.

  “Oh yeah, that. I’m doin’ better now.” She’s horrified at the idea that her dad and some of the farm workers almost caught her streaking naked through the yard. That would be a hard one to explain away. “How’s the little one?” Ashton hurriedly changes the subject.

  “Healthy. Curious. Takin in everything. You know you’re going to need to name her soon.”

  “I will. I will. How’s Autumn?”


  “I bet, can’t imagine being pregnant for 355 days.”

  “So, what’s with the picnic?” He asks and points to the apples and rolls.”

  “Starving, but couldn’t wait to see Autumn,” Ashton says right before taking another bite into the apple.

  “Well, she’ll be happy to see you. I checked on the rest of the stock for the sale…all good and ready to go for tomorrow,” the old farmer says before reaching down to his bad leg with his good hand, as if he felt a tinge of pain.

  “How you doin’, Pop?” Ashton asks worriedly.

  “Doin’ as good as I can. Always real sore after a good rain. Ache everywhere.”

  “Guess that means you ain’t going to the stock yard
s with us.”

  “No honey. You know me. You’ll do fine.”

  “I’m not worried about me, Pops. But like you said about me, I don’t want you all cooped up here, alone forever. Just wish you’d have a chance to get out and have some fun.”

  “I am having fun sweetheart. You two girls are more fun than I can handle”

  “Well, that’s probably true. Okay, well I’m going to go see Autumn,” Ashton says before hugging her dad.

  A spark shocks both of them. Possibly static electricity. They laugh it off and walk their separate ways. Ashton takes a bite off her roll and opens the stable door. She doesn’t notice that her Dad is starting to walk with less of a limp.

  Ashton steps into the stable and looks over to see Autumn Spirit and her newborn foal. She puts down her food on a nearby stool and giddily rushes to see them both.

  Autumn rests in the corner of a stall surrounded with hay, her foal nearby, brushing hay back and forth with its head. She’s black and spotted like her mother. Autumn senses Ashton and neighs.

  “Well hello, mama. How are you? I missed you. A lot’s happened since I saw you last. A lot. I love your little one.”

  Autumn Spirit nods her head toward Ashton.

  “Oh wait, I got something for you.”

  Ashton heads back to the stool and grabs an apple to feed Autumn. The tired mare slowly bites on it.

  “Autumn, I have to tell you what happened to me. In fact, you’re probably the only person who won’t think I’m crazy when I tell you. You aren’t going to believe what happened to me.”

  Autumn finishes the apple and Ashton continues. “It was amazing. I don’t know where to start. But there was a light, and then I was in this room. Then I saw this amazing man - or creature - or something. We had the most passionate…” She stops herself when she looks at the young filly, as if she doesn’t want to say anything too graphic for such young ears. “Well, it was amazing. He was amazing. He was from another galaxy.”

  She looks over at the foal and realizes that she wants to name her Galaxy.

  Chapter 8 – The Stock Yards


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