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The Maxwell Series Boxed Set: Books 1-3

Page 26

by Alexander, S. B.

  “Beautiful,” he breathed, as he traced the outline of my breasts, teasing, but never touching the sensitive peaks that ached for his magical fingers or even his mouth.

  I pressed my hips into him, feeling his arousal. Desire swirled down my belly in a slow, sinuous slide.

  He groaned, deep and sensual. “Baby, tell me what you want.”

  My body tingled. My brain went blank. “You.” All I wanted to do right now was feel him and everything he had to offer.

  His eyes widened with a savage intensity that frightened me, yet calmed me. He pressed a kiss to my breast, gliding his warm mouth over my nipple before sucking on it. I arched into him, rubbing against him. He moaned, giving my other breast the same attention.

  I fisted my hands in his sweater, tugging it up. He eased back, raising his arms. I lifted his sweater and T-shirt over his head before tossing it aside. My gaze wandered over him, drinking in every muscled inch of him from the line of light brown hair that disappeared into his jeans, to the six-pack abs that sculpted his midsection, to the tattoos on his chest. Pushing his fingers through my hair, he brushed his lips over mine.

  “Are you sure, Lace?” His voice was barely audible.

  “Very,” I whispered.

  In an instant, my back was pressed into the soft fabric of the couch, goosebumps popping up all over me. He unbuttoned my jeans, his gaze melding with mine.

  Zeal’s song, “She was Beautiful” filled the room. Ignoring his ringtone, he continued his quest to get me completely naked. The song stopped. He unzipped my jeans, and the phone rang again.

  “Fuck,” he muttered as he stood, removing the phone from his jeans pocket. He touched the screen. “This better be fucking good,” he said to the caller.

  I sat up, covering my breasts with my arms, feeling cold from the loss of his warmth, but also self-conscious. It was weird to sit bare-chested, completely exposed when the mood was ruined.

  “Is he okay?” His voice dropped, his nostrils flaring. “When?” Then the skin around his eyes tightened. “I’ll kill him this time. Yeah. We’re on our way.” He shoved the phone into his pocket, hard. “Fuck.”

  “What’s going on?” I grabbed my bra and sweater and dressed quickly. The word kill sprang my nerves to life.

  “That was Kelton. Kody and Tyler are on their way to the emergency room.” He strode over to the couch and snatched his sweater off the cushion, mumbling to himself.

  I gasped. “Are they alright?”

  “Kody’s banged up, and Tyler has a dislocated shoulder,” he bit out.

  “What happened?”

  “A fight broke out immediately after the football game between my brothers, Tyler, and Greg and some of his buddies.” He jammed his arms then his head into his T-shirt then sweater, yanking the garments down over him.

  “What about Greg?” Not that I cared. I just hoped like hell that Greg was just as battered.

  “I don’t give a fuck. The guy’s lights are about to go out.”

  “Hey,” I whispered, carefully stepping closer to him. Somehow I needed him to calm down. “Take a deep breath.” It wouldn’t be good for anyone if he was a madman. Rage led to violence. I didn’t want to think of the end result. I had to stop him from doing something brainless, so no one would get hurt, including him.

  He grabbed my hair, pulled back my head and destroyed my lips in a turbulent kiss. I reached around his waist, slid my hands under his shirt and traced lazy circles on his lower back, hoping to tame the beast inside him. His touch always helped to ease my tension. A groan erupted from him, low and dark. I should’ve been frightened, but his dominance only sparked a burning desire that inched up my legs and down my belly—a desire on a collision course to erupt in the exact spot that was pulsing out of control. It was weird how my body reacted to him, even in his state of rage. I let him take as much of me as he needed in the kiss and prayed we could both walk out of there.

  The ride to the hospital was intensely quiet. I rubbed Kade’s hand as he drove, trying to quell his nerves, or maybe I had to soothe mine.

  The light ahead flashed red, and the car in front of us crawled to a stop. I checked the speedometer. Forty miles per hour. Oh crap. Did we have enough distance between us and the Nissan to brake safely? “Um…Kade?”

  Nothing. His trance-like state sent me into freak mode.

  “Kade!” I slapped him on the arm. “Stop!”

  “I am,” he barked. His knuckles were white as he gripped the steering wheel, his face a mixture of pain and anger.

  “When? After we crash?” I was going to kill him if he killed me.

  He slammed on the brakes, the tires screeching to a halt mere inches from the red taillights. My breath lodged in my throat, and my heart either stopped or fell out of my chest.

  “You need to calm down,” I all but screamed. “I would like to see my eighteenth birthday.” The hospital wasn’t far now. Maybe I should get out and walk the rest of the way.

  His phone rang as the light turned green. Giving the car gas, Kade jabbed a button on the steering wheel. “Yeah.” His voice was as calm as the ocean on a windless day.

  “What’s your ETA?” His brother’s voice filled the truck.

  I still struggled to figure out which triplet was speaking over the phone. The caller had to be either Kross or Kelton.

  “I’ll be there in five,” Kade responded. “How is he, Kel?”

  “Kody has a broken rib and nose. He’ll be fine, Bro.”

  “Where is that fucker, Sullivan?” A violent undertone wove through the steadiness in Kade’s voice.

  “Not sure. Just get here. Then we can talk.”

  “What about Tyler?” I asked softly.

  “Hey, Lacey,” Kelton said. “Tyler has a dislocated shoulder. Coach Preston is furious.” Mr. Preston was the football coach, and according to Tyler, meaner than Coach Dean.

  “Where’s Kross? Are you two okay?” Kade turned into the visitor’s lot.

  “We’re good, Bro. You know no one can touch Kross.” Considering Kross was into boxing, I didn’t doubt it.

  “We’re here.” Kade pushed a button, hanging up on Kelton.

  I flew out of the truck, not waiting for Kade to kill the engine. Once the cool air hit my face, I took a deep breath, trying to cleanse my system of the freaking nervous butterflies still in my stomach. As I breathed out, Kade’s arms closed around me.

  “Don’t touch me.” I pushed him. Either he didn’t expect the force behind my strength or he let me push him. He shuffled backward. “Did you want to kill us or something?”

  “I’m sorry.” He tried for me again.

  I backed away. Ha! I was quicker than he was, this time.

  “Lace, my brothers are my life.”

  “Oh, so it’s okay to put mine in danger?” My voice edged with fury. Calm down, girl. They’re his family. How would you react?

  “I didn’t mean—”

  “Look, I get that you love your brothers.” My tone was less frantic. “But you love me too, don’t you?” Doubt broke through my voice as I said the last two words.

  In a blur he had me pinned against his truck. One hand in my hair, the other on my hip. “I do love you. I love the crap out of you.” He tugged on my hair as he lowered his head. “I had flashbacks to two years ago. Greg put Kody in the hospital then. I saw stars when Kelton called me tonight.” His eyes softened. His voice gentled. His hand skated up my waist to cup my cheek.

  “I’m sorry. I’m a little freaked out and scared, Kade. I don’t want to see you get hurt or anyone else. I couldn’t handle it. Not after my mom and Julie.” I choked back tears. I didn’t want to imagine any images of him like the ones burned into my memory of my family.

  He rested his forehead against mine. “I’m not go
ing to do anything stupid. I promise, baby.”

  I locked my arms around his neck and held on for dear life. I wanted to believe him. My intuition wouldn’t let me. Kade and Greg had a longtime hatred of one another.

  He kissed my bottom lip, which was sticking out. “Let’s go see Kody.” Easing away, he held out his hand.

  When my palm touched his, warm and strong, another notch in my heart opened.

  We started our journey through the large, packed lot full of cars.

  “Kade, what did Greg do to Kody two years ago?” I asked.

  He glanced at me then out across the dimly lit parking lot. “Sullivan and a few of his buddies ganged up on Kody. They beat him until he couldn’t breathe.”

  “Why? Aren’t you the one Greg hates?” I barely missed the side mirror of a white van we passed.

  “Sullivan hates all of us. Our rivalry began when he and I were freshmen. We tried out for the same sports, same spots on the team. He never got selected. Things didn’t heat up until our sophomore year, when he didn’t get picked for football or baseball. My brothers did, though, as freshmen.” His voice was even, with a hint of anger leaking through.

  We stopped to let a car back out of a spot, the taillights glowing red.

  “Then there were four Maxwell brothers who had beat Sullivan out for spots on the team.” He looked down at me. “He went off the deep end. After school, I’d find my tires slashed or deep scratches in my truck.”

  “Was it Greg?”

  “Don’t know. The only thing we did know was that he beat Kody.”

  We followed behind the car as the driver took off. “Did you report him or call the police?”

  “We did. But his father’s a big-time lawyer in Boston. Got him off with a warning.”

  The lights of the emergency room brightened the area as we approached. A car skidded to a stop in front of the portico leading into the ER. A man leapt out and slid over the hood as though he were in some action movie. Grabbing the door handle, he wrenched it open. “Come on, sweetie,” he said frantically, offering his hand to the passenger.

  “Get your paw out of the way. I can walk, you moron,” the lady snarled. She pushed off the seat, and her pregnant belly lifted into view. She trembled as she clutched the doorframe.

  Kade ran to her. “Here, ma’am.” He offered his hand. “Why don’t you park the car,” he said to her companion. “Lace, can you get a wheelchair?”

  The man obeyed Kade, flying into the vehicle before peeling out.

  “You’re so kind, young man,” the woman cooed.

  Kade guided the pregnant lady under the portico toward the glass doors as she held her stomach. “Lace. Wheelchair,” Kade said again.

  My feet wouldn’t move. Kade directed traffic like he had extensive experience in commanding an army. At this moment, I wanted to tackle him to the ground and kiss him until we both couldn’t breathe.

  “Lace!” Kade’s voice stung me. His eyes were wide.

  I ran in through automatic double doors. I found a wheelchair. “There’s a pregnant lady outside. I think she’s in labor,” I said to a male orderly in blue scrubs who was helping an old man to a chair in the waiting room.

  The woman clutched Kade’s bicep as they shuffled in. Just as she moaned, the male orderly walked up and took the wheelchair from me.

  “Her husband is parking the car,” Kade said to the man in blue scrubs.

  Sitting, the lady blew out a few breaths. Then the orderly wheeled her away. “Thanks again, young man,” she said in between breaths.

  “No problem,” he replied.

  “You’re so sweet.” Now I was the one purring.

  One side of his mouth curled.

  “There you two are,” a familiar male voice boomed from behind me.

  I turned to find Kelton coming our way, composed and self-assured.

  Kade grabbed my hand. “Where is he?” Kade’s mood darkened suddenly.

  “This way,” Kelton said, nodding to his right.

  The three of us walked in silence down a hallway lined with empty stretchers. At an intersection we turned left. We passed the restrooms and a nurse’s station before reaching a wide wooden door with a number two painted in red on it. I didn’t recognize this part of the hospital from other day.

  “Are we allowed to be here?” I asked. I didn’t know a whole lot about emergency rooms. The one I’d been in three years ago when Julie broke her ankle from cheering wouldn’t allow more than two family members to go in with her. Then again, I was just here two days ago, and they let Kade, Kelton and Kross in my room, although the nurse did tell them to leave.

  “I cleared it with the nurse,” Kelton said. Then he looked at Kade. “Before you go in there,” Kelton warned, “I called Buster.” His gaze was fixed on Kade.

  “Why?” Kade’s eyes narrowed.

  “Did you want me to call Dad?” Kelton shoved his unruly hair from his forehead. “The cops showed up. I managed to talk Tanner out of taking any of us down to the station. The only way I could do that was to call Buster.”

  “Buster? The bouncer at the Cave?” I asked incredulously. Was Buster family?

  “Yeah.” Kelton grabbed Kade by the arm. “Look, man. We need to be careful this time. I’m not going back to the academy. I’m sure you don’t want to go to jail again, either.”

  All of a sudden, my mind rioted with thoughts of Kade in jail. Kade lying in a hospital bed. Kade covered in blood. The images flashed like a screen saver sliding through picture after picture, over and over. I was definitely losing my mind. I shuffled over to lean against the wall next to the water fountain. I took in a breath, inhaling the sterility of the hospital. Maybe the scent of bleach would white out the images. I glanced at Kade. His eyes swirled with despair and anxiety. At this moment, I wanted to do whatever I could to protect him, to take away every ounce of his pain and conflict. Maybe by helping him, I could help myself.

  He angled his head. Did he know what I was thinking?

  “Kel, give Lacey and me a minute. We’ll be in in a sec,” Kade said, shifting back to Kelton.

  Obeying his brother, Kelton pushed in the door to Kody’s room, leaving us in the hall.

  A phone rang in the distance. A tall male orderly pushed a wheelchair with an old man in it toward us.

  “Lace, you’re seeing that ghost again. Aren’t you?” he asked as he stood in front of me. “I see it in your eyes.”

  Whatever he was seeing in my eyes, it wasn’t the pain of a flashback like he saw in the funhouse the other afternoon. This time, I was feeling his pain.

  The orderly dipped his head, and the old man smiled as they strolled by.

  “I’m good.” I touched his cheek with my fingers. “The word ‘jail’ kind of freaks me out, that’s all.”

  “I’m not going to jail. If anyone is, it will be Sullivan this time.” His shoulders relaxed as though the weight of the world was lifted from him.

  “Go see Kody. I’m just going to get a drink of water,” I said. I needed something to cool the sandpaper feeling coating my throat.

  He brushed his hand along my stomach before ducking into the room.

  Bending over the water fountain, I pushed in the bar and took a much-needed long drink of refreshingly cold water. I’d barely swallowed when Becca stormed out of the room.

  “There you are. Kade said you were out here.” Her voice sounded hoarse.

  “What are you doing here?” I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand.

  “I drove Tyler.”

  “How are they?” I propped my hip against the wall.

  “They’re overdosed on adrenaline. They’re talking like they won the war.” She shook her head, her ponytail wagging. “I don’t like fighting. I hate to see people get hurt.�
�� Her eyes were downcast. “I can’t stand blood either. It makes me woozy.”

  We had something in common. I knew why I hated the sight of blood. But why did she?

  “Tyler and Kody are waiting to see you,” she said. Her delicate hand circled my wrist.

  “Wait. Why is Tyler involved?”

  She let go of me and rubbed a finger over her chapped lips. “He came out of the sports complex when Kody and Greg were about to go head to head. He tried to help Kross prevent a brawl. Greg had a couple of friends with him.”

  Tyler reminded me so much of my brother. Rob always went out of his way to help people. He was the guy among his friends who had the level head. He thought with his mind and not his emotions.

  “Come on. I’m sure you’ll hear all about it in there,” Becca said.

  Voices inside ceased as Becca pushed open the massive door, leading the way in. Kody stretched out on the bed to my left with what looked to be tampons packed in his nose. To my right, Tyler sat restlessly on the edge of his bed, bouncing a knee, his arm in a sling. I hadn’t talked to him in a while. His blue eyes regarded me with pain and sorrow. He and I needed to clear the air about our friendship at some point.

  Kross lounged in a chair near Kody’s bed. Kelton sat at the bottom of it with his feet planted firmly on the floor. Kade rested against the wall next to Kelton, grimacing. Even with a scowl, he took my breath away.

  Becca went to sit with Tyler. I went to stand near Kade. “Is that what I think it is inside your nose?” I asked Kody with my brows slightly arched.

  “Kind of gross,” Kelton piped in. “Who would’ve thought tampons could be used for something other than plugging vaginas?” His tone was serious, to match his expression.

  The room fell silent until Becca and I burst out laughing.


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