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The Maxwell Series Boxed Set: Books 1-3

Page 59

by Alexander, S. B.

  Kade moved. I couldn’t take it anymore. I trailed my fingers over his scruffy jaw then over his lips. Before I could blink, he was sucking my fingers into his mouth.

  He groaned. “Tastes good.”

  “I didn’t mean to wake you.” Maybe I did a wee bit.

  He shifted onto his side, facing me. “Hi, stranger. It feels like I haven’t seen you in ages.”

  “Is sucking on my fingers your new thing? I thought you liked my ears and abs?”

  “Baby, I crave every part of your body. If I’ve been negligent, I’ll just have to fix that.”

  I closed my eyes, relishing the erotic sensation. I didn’t get many chances to sleep with Kade. And since Dad was back in California working with his lawyer on the sale of Zepplins, I didn’t want to be alone. I’d gotten used to Hunt or someone being in the house.

  “I’m not complaining.” I slipped a leg in between his.

  He snaked his hand over my hip to rest on my butt. I went in search of Mr. Steel, who was fully awake.

  Lust burned in his eyes. Then he was on top of me, crushing his lips to mine. His tongue pushed through. I moaned as our tongues fought each other in a heated tango. Desire coated my body, raising goosebumps on my skin.

  He broke the kiss, sucked my lip, then made his descent down my neck, chest, and stomach. When he reached my sleep shorts, his fingers dipped inside the band. With hooded eyelids, he slowly removed my shorts, his chest rising and falling. He flung the shorts somewhere behind him. He grabbed my hands and pulled me to a sitting position then knelt between my legs, reached out, and tugged on the hem of my tank top.

  I raised my arms as though I was programmed to do so. Like with the shorts, he took his time removing the garment, treating the act like he was unwrapping a Christmas present, careful not to mess up the bow.

  I almost whined then thought better of it. While I usually wasn’t patient when I wanted something badly, I knew complaining would only make him go slower, infinitesimally slower since he had the patience of a saint and liked to tease me. The air of the room breezed over me as he exposed my breasts, and my nipples hardened. I lowered my arms as he tossed my tank over his shoulder.

  “You’re fucking beautiful.” His voice was sexy and needy.

  I raked my gaze over him. His stomach muscles tightened as though he was holding back a sea of desire. The four hearts tattooed over his chest rose with every intake of breath. He softly caressed one of my breasts before moving to the other.

  Electricity jumped between us, the intimacy growing thick, driving us both to explore each other as though it were our first time together. His hands moved effortlessly over my entire body, stopping to spend precious time exploring my abs. I traced the thin line of hair that snaked down below his belly button until I was inches from Mr. Steel, and oh, boy. Mr. Steel was more than ready to play. Kade’s eyes fluttered closed as he groaned.

  I shivered with the need for him to consume me. I wanted his arms around me, his lips everywhere and anywhere on my body, and Mr. Steel inside me. But I’d learned with Kade that touching was more sensual, more intimate than a kiss. Touching evoked tingles, shivers, butterflies, and a sensual feeling that traveled from head to toe, front to back, and side to side. His fingers dipped lower, brushing up one leg then the other, yet never touching the one spot I craved him to. I knew he wanted to savor the moment to heighten his arousal and mine.

  “Anticipation heightens the senses,” he’d once told me.

  My anticipation was at its peak. I knew one way to break his resolve. I scraped my nails along his scalp then tugged hard on his hair.

  In an instant, I was on my back and he was hovering over me. With his eyelids at half-mast, he stared down at me with love blazing in his eyes. “I need you, baby.” His tone emerged vulnerable, desperate, and with a sprinkle of sadness.

  A pang of hurt gripped my heart. Since we’d started dating again, we’d gotten along great. He’d asked my opinion before he gave my dad his answer about working for him. He’d apologized to Tyler. He was cordial to Aaron. I wasn’t in danger. So why was he sad? “I’m yours, Kade Maxwell,” I said, hoping to assure him of my commitment to him, to us.

  I sucked in a quiet breath. My declaration had unlocked something in him. My hard-core, protective, badass alpha boyfriend had water in his eyes. I couldn’t recall ever seeing Kade with tears in his eyes before, at least not while we were lying naked, making love, and for some reason, it was powerful to see his emotions so exposed in such an intimate setting.

  Lightly, I dragged my fingertips along his jaw. “I don’t know what’s going on in your head.” I brushed my lips over his, warm and soft. “But I love you.” My heart beat like a rock-and-roll drummer.

  He plunged his tongue into my mouth as he rolled us over so that I was on top. His hands were everywhere as our tongues fought for control. When I moved against him, he growled, grasped my hips, and gently guided me down onto Mr. Steel. I broke the kiss with a moan. The pleasure of him inside me was pure and explosive, shooting a bolt of lightning up to my core. Flattening my hands on his chest, I pushed up to a sitting position. We began a rhythm. Up then down, slow and steady.

  “Polar bear,” he said as he traced the tattoo on my lower left hip.

  He flipped me onto my back again.

  He pinned my hands over my head. “Seeing my initials on that bear drives me crazy.” His ab muscles bunched as he snuck his hand between us, feeling for my clit.

  My breathing ramped up, and I squirmed beneath him. When his magical fingers touched the sensitive spot, I cried out. His mouth slammed against mine, hungry and greedy, masking the groans coming from me. He released my hands, planted his on either side of my head, then began rolling his hips. Sweat coated our bodies, making the glide against each other slick and smooth. I dug my nails into his butt then his back. He growled, plunging in and out harder and faster. Then he slowed. His gaze was intense, as though he was trying to hold back, trying not to let go.

  “Don’t hold back.”

  “I want this to last.” He lowered his head and sucked on one breast then the other, his hips rolling forward then back.

  I wanted it to last too, but I wanted that exhilarating high that came with the feeling of falling off a cliff even more. So I tapped on his sculpted butt, harder than I’d intended.

  His head came up. His eyes flared in shock before one side of his mouth turned upward, and he drove into me, in and out. A fire started to build inside me, spreading wild flames down my stomach to settle between my legs. My mind became foggy as his heady scent covered me. With each thrust, he took me closer and closer to the edge.

  “Put your legs around me,” he said.

  As I did, he grabbed my butt, pushing in deeper, harder, and faster, ratcheting up my arousal. The world around me disappeared, then suddenly I was falling into pure white-hot bliss. My body quaked as I rode the wave.

  “That’s it, baby.” Thrusting one last time, he growled before his body tensed then stilled. A bead of sweat dripped from his forehead onto me.

  “I’m not sure I can move.” I didn’t want to.

  Untangling our bodies, he moved to lie on his back with me on top of him. I rested my head on his chest, placing my hand over his racing heart. My head bobbed up and down as he tried to regulate his breathing.

  “Did you just slap my ass earlier?” he asked with amusement in between breaths.

  The fire transferred from my legs to my face. I was glad I wasn’t looking at him. “I didn’t mean to.”

  “It was kind of hot.” He traced circles on my back.

  My mouth fell open. Okay, that was a first. I’d known he liked it when I pulled his hair. “You’re into pain, aren’t you? Wait, don’t answer that.” My face felt like an inferno.

  “You’re more beautiful when you’re
embarrassed.” He massaged my butt.

  I snuggled into his chest. “Have you thought about what you want to do after graduation?”

  He let out a huge breath. “College isn’t for me right now. My dad suggested I take a year and travel around the country. I don’t know though. My mom has been doing better with her new medication. It might be nice to be around.”

  Sadness washed over me. If I went to ASU, I’d be leaving Kade and Dad. I didn’t know if I was ready to be out in the world on my own with all my fears and PTSD triggers. I could ask Kade if he wanted to come with me. But I wouldn’t. His family was in Ashford. His brothers were staying in the area after graduation. There was a possibility his mom could come home to live with them, and that was Kade’s dream. I thought of my own mom and our mother-and- daughter moments where we’d talked about boys and life. I would never have that again, which was why I’d never take the chance to spend precious time with his mom away from Kade.

  Besides, I was a strong girl. I fought a killer and won. I fought my demons and rose out of a deep depression to play ball again. I couldn’t let my illness drive my decisions. I had to do what was in my heart. Gloria had counseled me on that.

  “What time is it?” I asked.

  He reached over and snagged my phone from the nightstand. The light on the phone lit up his relaxed features. “Five a.m. Plenty of time for round two before school.”

  I dug my chin into his chest. “Or sleep.” I was sleepy all of a sudden.

  “Are you having nightmares?” he asked.

  “A couple. Nothing to worry about.” I’d always had nightmares. I didn’t think they would just vanish, and even with Weeks dead and Lorenzino in jail, I was still a little paranoid. I had the sense someone was following me. It was probably my own paranoia. Even so, I’d asked Dad how Lorenzino had known he had the ledger, and he’d said Lorenzino had probably had men watching us.

  “Baby, your nails are like claws.”

  “Sorry.” I removed my hand from his shoulder. I hadn’t realized I’d been gripping him so hard. “Pitt’s bodyguards aren’t following me anymore?” I knew Hunt wasn’t. He’d taken a job at one of Pitt’s clubs in Boston.

  “No. Why?”

  “I thought I saw an SUV following me home from practice last week. But it’s probably nothing.”

  Chapter 37


  I stood outside Wiley’s Bar and Grill, texting Kade to let him know that I was hanging with Becca, Tyler, Shaun, and Renee. We were meeting to celebrate our win and our last game of the season. I also owed Shaun a rain check for bagging out on dinner the day of my almost head-on collision. Hunt had suspected the mob was responsible for running me off the road, but when he’d finally located the driver of the vehicle, he discovered it was a high school student from Lancaster Christian. The boy’s phone had fallen to the floorboard, and when he’d tried to pick up it up, he’d swerved into my lane. It didn’t matter to me who was behind the wheel. I was just relieved that no one had gotten hurt.

  After I sent the message, I scoured the street. I couldn’t shake the feeling that someone was watching me. When I’d mentioned my unease to Kade, he’d checked with Wes to see if Pitt had ordered his guards to babysit me. Since Pitt was family and he had a bodyguard on Chloe, we thought maybe he had one on me. But that wasn’t the case. Even so, Kade asked if I wanted protection. I declined. There was no reason for me to think I was in danger. He agreed, although he was still scratching his head as to the timing of my kidnapping and Dad getting the ledger. The same question sat in the back of my mind, but I didn’t dwell on it. I had decisions to make about my future.

  Except for people window shopping or ducking into a pizza place across from Wiley’s, no one was around. And my internal radar gave me the all clear, so I marched into Wiley’s. Utensils dinged, patrons chatted, and someone shouted in the bar. A Red Sox game was on the large TV screen that filled the entire backdrop of the bar. I checked the score. The Red Sox were up by two runs against the Oakland A’s. I wasn’t a big fan of either team, but since I lived in Red Sox Nation, I quietly rooted for them unless they were playing the LA Dodgers.

  “Lacey!” Shaun waved from a table in the dining room.

  I skirted around packed tables, inhaling the varying aromas of the delicious foods, especially the plate of nachos a waiter was carrying.

  Shaun and Tyler rose like gentlemen as I approached.

  “Sit with me.” Renee patted the empty chair in between her and Tyler.

  “Where’s Becca?” I knew she wasn’t with Kross. He was at a boxing gym in Boston with Kody.

  “Restroom.” Tyler took his seat then draped an arm over my chair.

  Shaun arched an eyebrow. “No Kade or Hunt tonight?”

  “Kade is working at my dad’s club in Boston.” I’d never explained to Shaun why Hunt had been following me the night of the accident. I guessed it wouldn’t matter now. Everyone at school knew I’d been kidnapped. “Hunt was my bodyguard for a while. Since my kidnappers are no longer a threat, I don’t need protection anymore.”

  “I’m glad you’re okay.” Shaun’s gaze probed deep as though he was trying to figure out if I was telling the truth.

  Tyler leaned his elbows on the table and said to Shaun, “You pitched a great game tonight. Any plans for college?”

  I looked past Shaun and spied Becca gliding our way.

  “Dude, I asked you a question.” Tyler’s innocuous words did nothing to mask the bite behind them.

  The tension grew thick. Renee kicked me under the table.

  “Hi,” Becca said, taking the seat beside Shaun. “What did I miss?” Her bubbly personality was a welcome relief.

  “I’m sorry.” Shaun switched his attention to Tyler. “No plans as of yet.”

  A haggard-looking waiter came over to the table. We ordered a pizza and a round of soda.

  “Is your father doing better?” I asked Shaun. His father had been in some sort of work accident not too long ago. I’d asked him about it, but he’d brushed it off.

  “He’s fine. I’ll be right back.” Shaun excused himself.

  “What was that all about?” Becca asked as she scooted into Shaun’s chair.

  “It was weird the way he was staring at Lacey.” Tyler unfolded his napkin.

  I appreciated Tyler playing big brother. If Kade were here, he would’ve been talking with his fists.

  “He definitely likes her,” Renee said.

  “Um. I’m right here,” I said as I tucked my hair behind my ear. “And he seems lonely.” There’d been a sadness in his hazel eyes when he was gawking at me.

  “Here he comes,” Renee whispered as her gaze roamed the restaurant.

  “Sorry, I got to run,” Shaun said. “Something came up with my dad. See you in school on Monday.” He darted out of the restaurant like he had a fire to put out.

  A veil of silence hung over the table for a second before Becca piped up. “Way to scare him off, Tyler.”

  Tyler shrugged. Then Renee launched into a conversation about the playoffs followed by Becca telling us about the nursing program she’d been accepted to at NYU, and Tyler shared his excitement about his football scholarship to Florida State.

  The waiter delivered the food. We each grabbed a slice of pizza.

  “Any idea what you’re going to do, Lace?” Tyler asked.

  “Not really. I’m waiting to hear from Colby College and UMass. But I’m considering walking on to the ASU ball team.” I picked at a pepperoni.

  Tyler wiped his mouth with his napkin. “Baseball is your passion, and walking on isn’t a sure thing.”

  “I know.” My conundrum was that for so long I had thought only of ASU when I thought of playing college ball.

  Becca started in about some movie she wanted to see. Not l
ong after we’d finished eating, we said our goodbyes. I wanted to get home anyway. Dad had been gone for over a week, and he was due home from California tonight. I couldn’t wait to tell him that we’d made the playoffs.

  I hurried to my car. Once inside, I set my phone on the passenger seat, turned on the Red Sox game, and headed home.

  Ten minutes later, I wheeled into my driveway, and my world blurred into immediate panic. The house was dark. Not one light was on. Dad’s Impala was parked in the driveway, and the garage doors were wide open. All the air left my lungs. The only sound in my car was the buzzing in my head. I envisioned Mom and Julie’s dead bodies. Breathe. I inhaled the vanilla freshener that hung from my rearview mirror.

  Why was the house dark if Dad was home? A voice somewhere in my subconscious whispered beneath the buzzing. We have automatic lights. They should be on. I argued with myself. Maybe the electricity cut out. That has happened during storms.

  I closed my eyes. That was it. The electricity went out. No, I remembered passing the other houses on the street. They had their lights on. Why was I worried? Weeks was dead. We didn’t have the ledger, and Lorenzino was in jail.

  On that note, I cut the engine but kept the headlights energized. I opened my door and climbed out slowly. I rolled back my shoulders and stuck out my chin. A full moon sat high in the sky. I scanned the yard—for what, I wasn’t sure. Maybe someone had broken in again. I should call Dad or Kade. No, don’t call Kade. You want him to stop treating you like you’re fragile. You’re his hero. Show him. Buck up, and push forward.

  I laughed out loud. I was always giving myself pep talks. Sometimes that was the only way to get through a scary situation. Then I laughed again. I was going to need more than my own subconscious to help me with the dark, ominous scene before me.


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