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Wade's Woman

Page 4

by Christina Carlisle

  * * * *

  "But, Daddy, I don't want to go to bed yet."

  "You're going and that's that. It's getting late."

  "Ben hasn't gone to bed yet.” Emma's voice was indignant as she faced her father in her Harry Potter pyjamas, small hands firmly placed on her hips.

  Tara turned her face to hide a smile as she continued to spoon egg custard into Ben's open mouth. Emma was a very determined little person.

  "Ben's going to bed as soon as Tara finishes feeding him. Come on, sweetheart, you have school in the morning."

  Emma's bottom lip began to quiver as Ryan held back a sigh of exasperation. “Will you read to me, Daddy?"


  "Harry Potter?"

  "Okay. Say goodnight to Tara and Ben."

  Obediently Emma kissed Ben's dark curls and then placed her arms around Tara's neck, hugging her tightly. “I'm so glad you're here,” she whispered, pressing her soft, rosebud lips against Tara's cheek.

  Tara hugged her back, feeling a rush of love for the little girl. “So am I,” she replied.

  Ryan lifted Emma in his arms, rolling his eyes at Tara as he did so. “I'll be back,” he growled in a fair impression of Arnold Schwarzenegger.

  Laughing, Tara turned her attention to Ben who was now treating her to huge grins showing off his new teeth. Tara grinned back. “Oh, you are such a beautiful boy,” she cooed, lifting him clear of his high chair and cuddling him close.

  As she sat by the fire to undress him, putting on his little nightshirt and pants, she wondered if every night would be like this. Ryan and she working together, sharing magical, special moments. She might have refused to marry him, but already she felt part of this family—Ryan's family.

  It was all quiet from Emma's room as Tara put her small charge into his cot a half an hour later after allowing Ben the luxury of playing with his toy bricks on the hearth. She had watched him with a strange, fierce pride, not knowing why she should care so much and so quickly for these two beautiful children. Was it because their mother had deserted them? Or was it because they were Ryan's children and he was prepared to go into battle to keep them?

  Ben's eyes were already starting to close as she stayed to watch him settle. She wondered why Ryan was so long. She was sure he would like to kiss his son good night.

  Tara tiptoed along the passage. The house had been successfully converted from an old farmhouse and was spacious with five bedrooms and two bathrooms as well as large living areas. Tara considered herself fortunate to have one of the larger bedrooms and the use of her own bathroom, while Ryan shared the other with the children. Although big, it was also a warm, comfortable house. Tara knew that she could be happy here. She tentatively pushed open the door to Emma's room and stopped short at the sight that met her eyes.

  Ryan lay fast asleep next to his daughter, both squashed on the narrow bed, the book he'd been reading propped on his chest. Emma was also asleep snuggled into Ryan's protective arm, one small hand clutching his thick knit pullover. Tara's eyes were drawn to Ryan's face, all the troubles of the day wiped from it, his lashes creating dark shadows on his cheeks and his sensual mouth relaxed in repose. She moved closer and studied the shape and sheer perfection of his lips. What would it feel like to have those lips touch hers, to feel them caressing her throat, her breasts?

  She drew back, feeling heat burning through her body. Dear God, but I want him. Deep shame coursed through her. Ryan murmured something in his sleep and turned his head into the pillow, his hair falling across his forehead.

  Reaching for the blanket on a nearby chair, Tara carefully removed the book and covered Ryan's long body, protecting him against the cooler air in the room.

  She hurried outside and leaned against the passage wall, her heart pounding as if to burst. What an idiot I am! To be attracted to the first man I associate with after leaving Melbourne—and not just any man. It was her boss—the person she would have to spend almost every waking moment with. She cursed her vulnerability and vowed there and then not to let her feelings show. He must never know, particularly since he'd asked her to marry him. Tara groaned and hid her burning face in her hands.

  * * * *

  In the morning at breakfast, Ryan apologised for falling asleep while reading to Emma the previous night. “Put it down to sheer exhaustion,” he laughed as he wiped Ben's sticky vegemite face and fingers.

  "It's okay,” Tara had replied. “At least you trusted me to look after Ben."

  Ryan threw her an odd glance. “I trust you all right,” was all he'd said, but it was enough to light a warm glow inside her.

  Ryan and she were due to visit a couple of his patients that morning and her eyes revelled in the magnificent vista before them as Ryan swung the vehicle down a narrow, twisting road towards a cottage Tara could see nestled in the valley below. It was a sparkling, fresh morning but it was cold and Tara could feel the beginnings of winter in the chill air.

  "Normally you'll have two days out a week to visit patients. Occasionally David or I will go with you. It's pretty straightforward and involves mostly our older patients requiring such things as dressing changes, tests, baths and injections and so on.

  "There's an old couple that live in the cottage, Harry and Edna Norman. Neither of them is in the best of health but they have lived here all their married lives and refuse to move into town.” Ryan gave the background of their health problems as he drove the last few metres to pull up outside the small, but neat cottage.

  "Harry's the worst off. He has chronic type II diabetes and has to be monitored regularly."

  "Can they drive to the surgery?"

  "No. Harry had suffered from diabetes for a number of years before I diagnosed him when I set up practice here three years ago. His sight has gradually deteriorated and he is now legally blind. Edna has arthritis and doesn't drive. They have a son who visits occasionally and the neighbours are pretty good, but they both need regular health visits."

  Ryan pushed open the squeaking door to the cottage. “We're here, Edna,” he called loudly and then turned to Tara, his face close to hers. He was so near that she could see herself mirrored in his dark eyes. She stepped back afraid of what he might see reflected in hers. Anxiety? Longing? Lust? Tara pushed her glasses more firmly on to her nose, aware that her hand was trembling.

  "I'll introduce you and let you take over for all the usual tests,” he said quietly. “They're used to regular home visits by my nurse."

  Tara drew a deep breath. It was an obvious thing for Ryan to suggest but she couldn't help thinking that this was her first big test with two of his patients and he'd be watching her every move.

  "G'day, Ryan dear. How are you? Come in—I've put the kettle on.” Edna, a tiny, frail lady well into her eighties, welcomed them and greeted Ryan like a long lost son. She hobbled ahead of them into the kitchen where Harry sat by the fire in a leather chair that had seen better days. Although the furnishings were sparse, everything was clean and tidy. Harry had a broad grin on his face as he peered at Ryan and then shook hands with Tara.

  "We're glad to meet you, dear.” Edna came bustling over carrying a huge teapot with a multicoloured cosy. “Harry's been a bloomin’ pain the last few days. He's got some sores on his legs and he keeps on about them."

  Ryan exchanged a knowing glance with Tara as he placed a tray set with teacups and slices of fruitcake on the large kitchen table in front of them.

  "I'll pour dear,” Edna said. Tara and Ryan watched with a certain amount of apprehension as Edna grasped the teapot in her gnarled, swollen hands and poured the steaming liquid, filling the cups to the brim.

  "Edna always believes in treating us to her homemade cake when we visit,” Ryan explained giving Tara a broad wink.

  "Thank you, Mrs. Norman.” Tara quickly rescued the wobbling cup that Edna held out to her and rested it on her lap. How would the couple manage here in this isolated cottage during the harsh winter to come?

  "Edna dear, call me Edna,” th
e old lady responded. “You'd better take this too, dear. Harry's done a nice fresh sample this morning knowing you and Ryan were coming."

  She pushed a sealed specimen bottle containing urine into Tara's hand and as her fingers automatically closed around it, Tara realised it was still very warm. Her shocked eyes met Ryan's who was struggling not to laugh and she felt her mouth curve into an answering smile as she managed to juggle the hot tea and urine sample, placing the bottle carefully into her medicine kit.

  Tara washed her hands in the kitchen sink and then dutifully finished her tea and ate a piece of cake. Ryan continued to chat to Edna as Tara began her tests on Harry, asking him various questions as she went. His blood pressure was up substantially and she checked his medication. He was on quite a high dosage of Lopressor and she puzzled over the rise in his blood pressure.

  While Ryan was talking, he was watching her closely. Tara shrugged. She was a good nurse and she knew what she was doing. She carefully drew blood from Harry's arm and placed it in a phial to be tested later for protein and kidney functions. She then tested his blood sugar, which was also high.

  "Can I have a look at your legs and feet, Harry?” Tara asked softly and the old man nodded, attempting to remove his slippers.

  Tara put her hand on his. “It's all right. I'll do it.” Her heart sank as she gently removed his socks. Both ankles were covered in ulcers with open sores, surrounded by scaly, purplish brown skin.

  "How long have you had these sores, Harry?"

  "I dunno. A few days."

  "I've bathed them, Tara dear, but they're not getting any better,” Edna piped up.

  Tara looked around at Ryan. He reached into his medical kit and pulled on a pair of surgical gloves. He knelt beside Tara and together they examined the sores.

  "They look like arterial ulcers,” Tara said quietly to Ryan, holding Harry's legs so Ryan could see them more clearly.

  "Yep. What was his blood pressure?

  "One fifty over a hundred and ten, and his blood sugar was eighteen."

  "Hmm.” Ryan stood up and placed a hand on Harry's shoulder. “We've got a few problems here, mate,” he said, his voice tinged with concern.

  "What ya mean, Ryan?” Edna said. “He's going to be okay, isn't he?"

  "Harry, I think Tara would agree that it's better for you to go into hospital for a few days and bring the diabetes under control."

  "No! I won't go!” Harry's voice was loud and clear and very determined.

  "It won't be for long. Perhaps Edna can stay with your niece in Marlston.” Ryan turned to Edna for support.

  "If he says he won't go, Ryan, then he won't. You know how obstinate he is.” Edna gave Tara an apologetic smile. “He's always been like this, Tara dear. He won't leave his home, you know. He'd rather die in that old chair."

  "I won't go!” Harry repeated, his hands waving through the air in his agitation.

  "All right, Harry. Calm down.” Ryan patted his shoulder reassuringly. “Tara, can I speak to you outside?"

  Tara had left her jacket on the back of her chair and she shivered in the cold morning air as they faced each other in the tiny garden. “Harry's also got a drawing pin, or some sort of pin in his foot,” she explained. “He's obviously losing the nerve endings and can't feel anything sharp if he steps on it."

  Ryan frowned. “He's definitely deteriorated quite badly. I wonder that Margaret didn't pick up on it."


  "Yes, she was the nurse who you've replaced. She visited the Norman's at least once a week.” Ryan kicked a small stone at his feet sending it skidding into the bushes.

  "Jeez! This makes me so mad! Both Harry and Edna were handling his diabetes really well and now they've slipped back. And Edna's arthritis looks very painful, although she'd never admit it."

  "Could you try again to persuade Harry to go to hospital?"

  "No. It's useless. You'll find out in time how proud and obstinate the High Country people can be.” Ryan's eyes traced the tops of the rugged hills surrounding the cottage. There was a low mist settling on the top of the peaks and he could see some bad weather coming in. His gaze returned to Tara, looking city smart in a fitted navy pullover and matching tailored slacks. On her feet she wore stylish low-heeled black boots.

  It was the first time he'd really noticed how slender she was—too slender perhaps with a long, elegant body and almost boyish hips, although her breasts were full and rounded. To his astonishment his body hardened with the need to hold her, feel her body pressed against his, ready and wanting to be loved.

  "What do you intend to do?"

  Ryan pulled off his coat and wrapped it around her, his lustful longings turning into a wave of tenderness at how small and vulnerable she looked with the coat draped over her shoulders. Could she cope with what lay ahead? The long hours, the harsh weather and the sometimes dangerous situations that occurred were all part of living in the High Country. She was a city girl through and through and he was very afraid that they had all made a terrible mistake in employing her. But it was too late now. Perhaps she needed the added protection she would gain as his wife.

  "Right. Here's what we're going to do. You apply the dressings to Harry's legs and feet. I'll give him a tetanus shot to bring him up to speed. I also put him on a course of antibiotics to make sure we counteract any infection. I'm going to increase his blood pressure medication and take it up to one hundred milligrams."

  "What on-going nursing care can we give?” Tara pulled Ryan's coat more closely around her and caught the faint whiff of his aftershave on the collar.

  "They've got a diabetic specialist at Marlston who's a mate of mine. I'm going to ask him to check Harry over, including kidney and nerve functions. I'm also going to arrange for the diabetes educator to visit and take them both through the diabetic management again, particularly Edna, as the caregiver."

  "What about general nursing care?"

  "I can't really afford to lose you too often, but I want you to come out here every other day for the next ten days or so until those ulcers start to heal. You can also keep an eye on his general health."

  "That's fine.” Tara removed his coat and held it out to him. “We'd better go and tell them.” She lowered her head, hiding the relief in her eyes. I don't care what I do, as long as you let me stay here with you.

  They explained what was to happen and Tara carefully cleaned and dressed Harry's ulcers and the sore on the bottom of his foot. They left a much happier couple behind them. Ryan drove up the winding lane to the main road.

  "I'm not sure that my car will withstand all these pot holes,” Tara remarked. “It's a bit of an old bomb."

  "Didn't Lauren tell you? The practice has another four-wheel drive vehicle especially for your use. A normal car would never be able to cope otherwise, particularly when the snow arrives."

  "But I've never driven a four-wheel drive.” Tara felt stunned.

  "There's nothing to it; you just need a bit of practice. Here, change over with me and you can drive this one now."

  Ryan stopped the vehicle and was around at Tara's side before she could protest. “Take it slowly and don't break suddenly or you'll slide,” Ryan said, fastening his seatbelt.

  Tara started the engine and nervously set it in gear. “I'm not sure this is a good idea, Ryan. Surely we're running very late now?"

  Ryan grinned. “Yes, we are, but people expect doctors to be late.” He undid his seatbelt for a moment to reach his mobile phone. “The other thing you must do is carry your mobile with you at all times so we know you're all right."

  As he spoke, Tara swerved violently to avoid a huge hole in the lane way and the next moment the vehicle took on a life of its own as Tara jammed her foot on the brake in a vain endeavour to stop the slide into a ditch.

  She heard herself shriek as her head hit the side of the vehicle as it shuddered and rolled against a stone wall. Ryan managed to stop the weight of his body falling against her.

  "Are you oka
y?” Ryan levered himself free and opened the door on his side. He pulled Tara out, and they both leaned against the side of the vehicle.

  "Oh, I'm so sorry,” Tara panted, breathless with shock.

  "You've knocked yourself.” Ryan's fingers were gentle as they probed the large bump on Tara's forehead. “No harm done, but you're going to have a nasty bruise. Any other injuries?"

  Tara stilled as she realised Ryan was holding her close.

  "Just a moment. Your glasses are broken.” Ryan carefully removed them, showing her the large crack across one of the lenses.

  "It doesn't matter. I ... I don't need them.” She found herself floundering at his nearness, her eyes riveted on his sensual mouth so close to hers.

  Ryan's eyes darkened to almost black as he watched the colour flare across her cheekbones. “You mean they're part of your disguise, in case your boyfriend comes looking for you?"

  Tara nodded, her colouring deepening with embarrassment.

  Ryan lifted her chin with a long finger. “You have the most beautiful eyes, Tara. You shouldn't hide them."

  She could feel the energy pulsating between them and could scarcely breathe she wanted him so. But she also knew she must break away.

  "We'd better get on,” she murmured.

  Ryan let her go.

  "I think I can manage to drive us out of the ditch you managed to land us in,” he said, opening the door and climbing across to the driver's seat.

  Tara breathed a sigh of relief as Ryan manoeuvred the vehicle out of its hole and continued the drive to the main road.

  "Over the next couple of days we'd better give you a bit more practice.” He slanted her a rueful grin.


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