Book Read Free

For the Good of All

Page 23

by Marc Stevens

  As she was walking away, I called out to her. “We will be there as soon as possible!”

  She never turned around and threw all her arms up. I did not know if it was acknowledgement or exasperation. I moved off to check on young Felix’s progress on our armor.

  Justice called to me. “Commander, I have moved Tria to your quarters.”

  “Thank you, Justice, please keep me posted.”

  Looking over at the replicator I could see the stacks of crates and supplies were less than before. When the engineer completed his task, I would have Jaran and the scientists build a dedicated enclosure around the replicator. I would have them make half of it a warehouse for our supply of materials and the other half the production floor. I would let Felix have a hand in the design and tell him to build his private quarters inside as well. When I stepped around the pile of crates I could see four large black pulsating blobs where our armor once stood. They were encapsulated in Justice’s mechanical nanite extrusions. Felix stood staring with an incredulous look on his face when he noticed me approaching he met me halfway.

  “Mr. Myers, your A.I. is hampering my work by barring me from my final inspection. If it continues, I will disavow the validity of my work and the responsibility will be placed on the A.I. to ensure quality control.”

  “Felix, you have done well. Justice will take responsibility for the armor from this point forward. I know you have been working very hard with little to no rest. Take some time off, and when you are rested, I want you to submit a design for a building enclosure for the replicator that will include your personal quarters. Submit it to the scientists for any additions they might feel it will need. When you feel the design is satisfactory, turn it over to Justice so he can verify my final approval.”

  This seemed to mollify the Zaen and he headed to the lifts. “Justice, what is the status of the armor?”

  “Commander, I must commend the young engineer for his precision execution of my designs. His meticulous attention to detail is brilliant. He is a worthy addition to your team. Hopefully his bouts of immaturity will quickly pass when he realizes the importance of his new duties.”

  “So, I take that as meaning we can confidently go into combat knowing the suits will perform as designed?”

  “Commander, all of my system checks indicate you will notice no significant difference from the previous model battle armor. As for the additional weapons, my subsystem will insure seamless integration.”

  “Is Eagle Two loaded aboard the Legacy and ready for combat?”

  “Yes, Commander. All systems are optimal and DEHD core operations are available for immediate use after our departure from Alpha base.”

  “Tria’s status?”

  “She is recovering surprisingly well. Her Chaalt physiology is adapting quickly. She will experience some discomfort from the bone lamination process but shows very little system stress from the other procedures.”

  “In your opinion, will she be combat capable?”

  “I suggest you ask her yourself. She wishes to speak with you when you are available.”

  “Thank you, Justice. Please alert the crew that we will depart when our loadout is complete. Better give the scientists a heads-up on our plans as well.”

  “Roger that, Commander. ETD is one hour and forty minutes.”

  I made my way to the Legacy and quickly went to the command deck. I stood for moment in the hallway leading to my cabin. I steeled myself so as not to alert Tria to what I might be thinking. It was probably a worthless gesture because the girl was very much attuned to my emotions. I entered my cabin and looked to my bed, where Tria lay. I quietly stood looking at her. The first thing I noticed was her skin was almost black from bruising. She had a blanket over her but I could see her shoulders were a little broader and her arms thicker. It was not what I expected. I thought she might go all out and end up looking more like me.

  Tria must have felt my presence. She opened her eyes and held an arm out to me. I carefully sat on the edge of the bed and she looked up at me with a look of concern on her pretty face. She placed a hand on my lap and I held it.

  “I am sorry that I did not consult with you before I ordered Justice to proceed with the weaponization protocol. I knew you would attempt to talk me out of it. With all of the events that have been taking place, I felt that if I did not proceed now, there was the possibility our future missions would not allow the time necessary to do so.”

  I was not sure what to say to that, and the truth of the matter was that she might be correct. I was lost for words and could only come up with the weakest attempt at a useful conversation.

  “Are you in pain?”

  She rolled her eyes and released my hand. She pulled the blanket off her body and my eyes got bigger. My mouth was suddenly dry and I attempted to swallow but was having difficulty. I was thinking she would be the muscle-bound caricature the Operative turned out to be. Her muscles were more defined and she was not quite as willowy. Other than being five or six shades darker from bruising and her thighs being more muscular, she was magnificent. Justice placed a glass of water on the nightstand and I was so flustered I could not comment on the intrusion.

  Tria looked at me with those big, beautiful green eyes. “I hope you are not disappointed. I did not wish to resemble the Operative.”

  I gulped down the water in two big chugs. Things were going to get awkward quickly. In a move that hinted at her new strength, Tria grabbed my uniform and pulled me down to within inches of her face. She could not hide the pain her effort caused, but she tried.

  “You have not answered me.”

  I was not sure if it was the warrior or the woman talking to me. There was little doubt she expected an answer — now!

  “Tria, you could never disappointment me.”

  She gave me a warm smile and kissed me. “That is acceptable for now.”

  Justice broke the magic of the moment. “Commander—”

  “Justice, if the Operative is in route, please inform her I am indisposed and will contact her when I am available!”

  “No, Commander, that is not the case. If you would have let me finish, I was going to alert you that Klutch and Coonts are outside of your cabin requesting permission to check on Tria’s status.”

  I reached over Tria and pulled the blanket back over her. She smiled at me and pulled it up to her neck then shooed me away. Klutch and Coonts were part of Tria’s extended family and I would not deny them time to check on her. I kissed her once more and went to the door and let them in. They both nodded to me then went to Tria.

  I was headed to the bridge when Justice hailed me again. “Commander, the Grawl scientists have gathered outside of the Legacy and wish to see you before we depart.”

  “Thank you, Justice. I am on my way.”

  I made my way down tube and to the personnel boarding hatch. All the scientists were gathered around the boarding ramp, and I was pleasantly surprised to see Felix among them. He was having a discussion with Jaran but turned his attention to me when I exited the Legacy. Graf came forward and met me.

  “Nathan Myers, Justice has informed us of your amazing generosity. You have made us wealthy beyond any of our expectations. We came to thank you and wish you luck on your missions.”

  I looked out over the crowd and I smiled. With the exception of young Felix, all were holding a hand up to me. The Zaen looked confused by their gesture but reluctantly did the same. I walked out among them touching each of their hands and stopped in from of Felix. I reached out and touched his hand and he looked puzzled. One by one the scientists came forward and held a hand out to the Zaen. He reluctantly held his hand back out and each scientist touched it. He looked at me with a questioning look.

  “Felix, it seems all have accepted you into our clan. Your hard work has not gone unnoticed. Everyone here is devoted to changing the galaxy for the better. We are at war with the corruption that takes place on a daily basis. Even though we are but a few, we are determined to s
tand and fight for the good of all.”

  Felix looked at me grim-faced. “I have had a hard time believing all of the incredible stories I have been hearing since I got here. The Grawl say you were the one who killed Drayen and destroyed his outpost. They also say you did the same to Eiger’s outpost and now you seek him out to kill him as well. Is this true?”

  I wondered if the young Zaen was getting ready to bail on me. The look on his face had me thinking yes. “For the most part, I guess you could say it was true. I could not have done it without the help of my crew. We are a team that believes anything is possible. Even if our goals seem unrealistic, it will not keep us from trying to help those who cannot help themselves. Are you up to the task? We could really use your help long-term.”

  “When I saw the monstrous images the A.I. put on your armor, it made me wonder about the rumors that are being whispered by many races. The stories say there is an alien who hides behind the mask of a demon. They say the demon mercilessly slaughters any who prey on the weak and defenseless. Are you that demon?”

  I did not know how to answer that question and wondered if I even should, so I didn’t. I stood with a neutral look on my face until the Zaen finally looked away.

  When he made eye contact with me again, he said, “I will stand with you.”

  A cheer rippled through the crowd of scientists and they pushed in close to touch the Zaen’s hands once more. I smiled at him and waved goodbye to the gathering. “I will see you all when I have completed my mission.”


  “Justice, are we ready to get underway?”

  “Yes, Commander. Our loadout is complete and I am prepared to jump to the Operative’s location.”

  “Take us out and jump at your discretion. If you need me, I will be in my cabin.”


  As I walked past the ready room I stopped and backed up to take a second look. Coonts and Xul were inside standing next to Coonts’ old battle armor. Coonts waved me over. “Commander, since we now have fourth generation armor, I am going to instruct Xul on the operation of the older model. The suit fits him well and one never knows when we might need a helping hand.”

  Xul did not look convinced this was in his best interest. His expression suggested he would rather be doing something else. Just behind the two stood four very ominous looking battle suits. After I checked on Tria, we would give the suits a test drive. I hoped the smile I gave Xul would give him encouragement. His reaction said otherwise. I gave them a thumb up and moved on without further comment.

  I exited the lift tube on the bridge level and met Klutch heading in the opposite direction. “Commander, Justice says that our armor is ready to test.”

  “Roger that, Klutch. I will be down after I check on Tria.”

  The Tibor disappeared down tube and I went to my cabin. The door opened, and to my surprise, Tria was attempting to get dressed.

  “Whoa! Where do you think you are going?”

  The pain on her face was not well hidden. She sat back down on the edge of the bed with her smart cloth uniform only partially covering her. “I have been lying around much too long and feel physical therapy will be required to shorten my recovery time.”

  “I know for a fact that is a load of scat. Take the uniform off and lay back down.”

  At first, she frowned at me, then the look changed to something else. “I have been wanting you to tell me that for some time, but now is not that time.”

  That wiped the stern look from my face and replaced it with a smile. I held my hand out. “I am going to need the uniform.”

  The look in her eyes made me feel hot and flushed. She gave me the tiniest touch of her aura as she let the uniform fall free of her body. If it were not for the deep dark bruising on her body it would be hard to say what might happen next. I took the smart cloth and backed up a step because my legs were feeling rubbery.


  “Commander, Tria has ordered me to mind my own business and to not report her actions. While I might find this behavior unacceptable coming from you, I am inclined to take her directives with more credence.”

  “SAY WHAT?!”

  My temperature went up several degrees and it had nothing to do with Tria’s Sha’leen. I pointed at Tria. “You are confined to quarters until further notice. That is a direct order!”

  Tria carefully lay back on the bed with all her arms crossed. I could not tell if the expression on her face was pouting or mild anger at my order. It was all I could do to maintain my stern look. It was extremely difficult to be angry with a beautiful naked warrior lying in my bed. The room suddenly got brighter and everything started fading from reality. That was one surefire way for Justice to shut me up.

  When we faded back into existence, I pointed my finger at Tria and waggled it. That got me the smallest of smiles in return. I walked out into the hallway and made it a point to stand there until I had Tria’s full attention. She looked at me wondering what I was up to. I took her smart cloth and made a show of throwing it down the corridor. This had the desired effect when I heard her lovely laugh. The door closed and I headed to the bridge.

  “Justice, open a secure IST channel to the Operative.”

  I sat in my command chair and Justice acknowledged my order. We were back to business as usual.

  The Operative came on the transmitter and she was her normal irritable self. “Nathan, it took you long enough to get here. I am glad we did not need your assistance for any reason.”

  The one thing I did not need at the moment was more irritation, and it showed in my response. “Sael, you should really find a mate and get yourself laid because I am getting tired of you being a bitch all the time.”

  The transmission went quiet for almost thirty seconds then I heard a raucous laugh. “You are an intolerable moronic primate, if any other being in this universe was to speak to me like that, I would slit their throat.”

  “I love you too. Sael. What intel do you have on the target?”

  She quickly recovered from my pleasantries. “For one thing, there is still good quality scan shielding present in the outpost. It is hard to say if this was by design or it was installed at a later date. I have no good return information other than the superficial information gathered from the damaged and decayed areas. The other thing would be the fact that there has only been one ship to pass through this sector and it landed on the outpost several hours ago.”

  “I haven’t got a clue what to make of that, so you will have to tell me what you think.”

  She snorted out loud. “Of course, I will. I did not expect a mindless Throgg like you to do anything smarter than stack your scat.”

  I rolled my eyes in exasperation. My humanity rubbed off on aliens in all of the wrong ways. I sighed, “Sael, please enlighten this backward-thinking alien before I grow old and wither away.”

  The Operative regained her composure. “Hold while I send you a data burst.”

  I heard an electronic tone. “Justice, did you get that?”

  “Yes, Commander. It is a video of the target area. I will put it on the view screen.

  “Shithole” would have been a kind description. The outpost was in total decay. From what I could see of the side we were facing, it was a corroded, fractured, falling-apart hazard to galactic navigation. “Justice, what are all the emissions coming out of that thing?”

  “Most are sewage and atmosphere. There is some potable water and a mix of gases both toxic and harmless.”

  “Sael, judging by that wreck’s appearance, there can’t be a lot of habitable living space.”

  “You would be surprised, Nathan. This place was known as a gathering place for the worst scum in the galaxy. If you had no other place to go, you would figure out a way to survive, even on a deathtrap like 79584. We would be doing ourselves and everyone else a favor by destroying that cesspool.”

  “I would agree with you if it were not the fact there are Murlak from Eiger’s clan h
iding in that mess. I want to talk to them first and kill them second.”

  “I guess we can do it in that order. The large boxy protrusion on this side of the station is where the Sitch fighting pits used to be located. I have no current intelligence and can only assume that is where they are. Surprising as it may sound, that particular area is leaking less atmosphere than the rest of that dump. We are bound to find someone or something there, and it is as good a place as any to get started.”

  “OK Sael, I usually shoot my way in. Since you have had eyes on the target, I will follow your lead. How do we get our feet in the door?”

  “We have good scan data on three entry points. My team and I are going to make a combat entry and open that hangar door closest to the target location. You bring your shuttle in and join up with me. We will fight our way down to the Sitch pits and see what there is to see. My flagship and the Legacy will ensure that we do not get any surprise visitors that might feel obligated to help the locals. If the scat gets bad, we get back to your shuttle and clear the area.”

  “Would it not be easier if we jumped in with you? We can go in place of three of your strike team members.”

  “Not going to happen, Nathan. That is one rule I will not be breaking. The transporter is off limits. Our systems carefully record all biometrical information on any strike team personnel that uses the device. I will not test the theory whether or not it would even transport an alien, let alone me allowing one to try.”

  “Fine, Senior Operative, we will follow your lead. Give me some time to get organized and I will call you when we are ready to launch the shuttle.”

  “I will be ready when you call. Before I sign off, I do have a request.”

  “Sure, Sael, what can I do for you?”

  “Nathan, I need you to keep a leash on the vile creature that resides in you. If you endanger my team, we will leave you to your own means.”


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