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Dark Titan Journey: Finally Home

Page 15

by Thomas A. Watson

  Nathan narrowed his eyes at Amanda. “You can’t threaten members of our group.”

  Amanda bobbed her head as she talked. “She does what I said not to, I’ll pop a cap. I won’t kill her but I’ll sure as shit pop her kneecaps,” Amanda warned. Nathan was at a complete loss for words, just what do you tell a teen girl that said that. Jasmine giggled, watching Amanda square off with Nathan. She could see Amanda loved both of them by not telling Nathan about what was said but Jasmine was under no illusion; Amanda thought the world of Nathan.

  Turning his head when he heard Jasmine giggle, Nathan was again at a loss for words. Amanda had just threatened to kneecap her and Jasmine was giggling. “You don’t find this a little concerning?” Nathan asked. Jasmine shook her head. Nathan looked from Amanda to Jasmine. “You do know she’s serious?” Nathan asked, wondering about the stability of Jasmine’s mind.

  “Oh, I know she’s serious,” Jasmine said, shocking Nathan to the core.

  It must be because they lose the power to control men’s minds and they lose their grip on reality, Nathan thought.

  “Damn right I’m serious,” Amanda huffed and spun around and sat beside Casey. Nathan didn’t take his eyes off Jasmine.

  Seeing Nathan really worrying about her, Jasmine said, “I will never do what she is worried about, so I’m not worried.”

  “Can I at least know?” Nathan asked.

  “No,” Amanda and Jasmine said together. Well, Amanda shouted it.

  Nathan gave John a piercing stare. John started sweating. “John, that was private. You say something, I’ll shoot you in the pinky toe,” Amanda warned.

  John looked down at his feet and really liked having ten toes. “Sorry, Nathan,” he said looking back up.

  Nathan glared at Amanda. “You need to chill, woman,” he barked. “You don’t threaten our group.”

  Amanda returned the glare. “You need to mind your business. I can’t kick their asses yet, so I have to take other measures.” Everyone noticed Amanda stressed yet.

  “Keep on and I won’t brush your hair,” Nathan threatened.

  “The hell you won’t, keep on and I’ll get you to paint my toes,” Amanda replied. The grumpy expression on Nathan’s face fell off as visions of him painting little toes filled his mind. Amanda stood up and Nathan almost ran away as she walked over and sat down in his lap. Amanda picked up his right arm and put it over her shoulder, then hugged Nathan. “It’s for your own good, so trust me.”

  Nathan returned the hug but was having an emotional catastrophe. A thirteen-year-old girl was managing his welfare. He just didn’t know how to respond. “Amanda, I think you are going to give me gray hair,” Nathan finally concluded.

  “That’s okay, I will learn how to dye it,” Amanda informed him with her face buried in his chest. Jasmine rolled around on the floor laughing, holding Chip. Chip didn’t know what was funny but he liked the way Jasmine was holding him tightly as she laughed.

  “Just to clarify, you are tough,” Nathan said, kissing the top of Amanda’s head. She stood up, kissed his cheek and switched places with Casey. Without asking, Nathan wet her hair and started brushing. During this entire time, Emma sat beside Nathan looking at everyone, bitching in gibberish.

  Jasmine slowly pulled herself up. “This is the best family ever,” she declared.

  Nathan scoffed, “Whatever, I’m being controlled by kids.”

  Casey looked up tilting her head back looking at Nathan upside down. “But we love you,” she acknowledged.

  Seeing her little eyes, Nathan smiled. “I guess I don’t mind then.”

  John cleared his throat. “Nathan, could you continue about our route and what we need to do?”

  “Thank you for bringing me back to reality,” Nathan said as he started braiding Casey’s hair. “Like I said, watch me and always think. That’s what separates the living from the dead in survival: the ability to think through a problem and come up with a solution. You guys are actually doing great. It took me years to get where you are now.”

  They all smiled, except Emma, who threw her sippy cup. John got up and filled it and handing it back to her. Emma took the cup and scowled at John. “Tank ou,” she grunted.

  “At least she said thank you,” Nathan said as John sat back down. “When we get home I will teach you more. You will be able to read and your knowledge will expand exponentially.”

  “What’s been the biggest surprise to you?” Jasmine asked.

  Thinking about it as he finished Casey’s hair, Nathan finally answered. “I didn’t expect to kill the first day.”

  They all thought about what he said till John asked, “Anything you didn’t expect?”

  Nathan laughed. “Yeah, I never thought dogs would be a problem. I should’ve taken that into account.”

  “Dogs haven’t bothered us,” Casey said, standing up when Nathan finished. Natalie came over as Casey left, and Nathan started on her hair.

  “I’m sure they will. There is enough cattle, helpless prey, and dead bodies now, but soon their food will run out and they will become a pain in the ass,” Nathan said.

  “They’re just dogs,” Natalie objected.

  “Descendants of wolves. There were an estimated sixty million in America,” Jasmine pointed out.

  “Damn, I didn’t think there were that many,” he admitted.

  “If cavemen can beat them, we won’t have a problem,” Amanda stated with certainty.

  John laughed. “You are starting to sound just like Nathan.”

  “Yeah?” she replied. John just laughed.

  They sat there till dawn as Nathan gave more lessons on moving under fire till dawn. Then he made them take their rifles outside and go over what he taught. He didn’t get to participate. Emma informed him she had been denied too long and demanded to be carried around.

  The sun was just over the horizon when they stopped, noticing they had an audience. Greg and several members of his family were watching them from the porch. Nathan told the group to get dressed. They were all barefoot with shorts and t-shirts on. Nathan went to the porch and held out his hand.

  Greg shook it. “You look much better,” he said with a big grin.

  “You have no idea how much better,” Nathan replied.

  “On that you may be wrong,” Greg informed him. “I have six boys, but my youngest is my daughter. When she was born, I knew I was done. I love that girl to death but she can make me mad enough to chew a tree down.”

  Nathan thought about that. “Yes, you do have an idea.” Emma yelled and started clapping her hand on her sippy cup. “This one is determined to drive me insane,” Nathan admitted as he snuggled his face in Emma’s neck, making her squeal.

  “I said the same thing once, and now I have five granddaughters. I’m starting to think being insane can’t be that bad,” Greg said, tickling Emma’s belly.

  Nathan had to agree. “What do we owe you for your hospitality?” Nathan asked.

  Greg held up his hands. “Nothing.” Nathan just looked at him, shaking his head. “While you were asleep, John came over with your memory stick things for the computers. He uploaded so much useful stuff for us I wanted to ask you what we owed you. Then they told us about what y’all have been through and what you told those people in Mississippi about how to make their farm safe. We are starting on ours today,” Greg said.

  “You shoed our horses,” Nathan objected.

  “I can shoe a horse in ten minutes. I was national champion six years in a row. My oldest is the current champion,” Greg informed him.

  “I’m grateful,” Nathan admitted.

  “When you thinkin’ about leaving?” Greg asked.

  “This afternoon,” Nathan answered. Greg was visibly disappointed. “I’m sorry but this is moving faster than I thought it would,” Nathan answered the look.

  “I understand. But you have knowledge I would really like to have some time to learn,” Greg admitted.

  “If you have that informatio
n on your computer, you will learn what I know,” Nathan said.

  “That’s what we were all doing last night. No one over the age of thirteen slept last night,” Greg informed him. “The missus is putting breakfast out back on the tables. Get your group and come on.” Greg headed to the house.

  “Looks like we’re eating breakfast,” Nathan said, looking at Emma and she curled back her lips and smiled at him. It still sent a shiver down Nathan’s spine. “You’re so weird.”

  When Nathan walked into the barn the others were shocked to hear him talk gibberish to Emma that she answered. “They have been together too much,” Jasmine said, pulling on her vest. Chip sat at her feet, watching the conversation between Nathan and Emma, then turning to look back at Jasmine.

  Amanda walked over as Nathan put Emma down and started getting dressed. “Do you know what you were saying?” Amanda asked, picking up Emma.

  Nathan looked at her confused. “About what?”

  “What were you saying to Emma when you came in?” Amanda said.

  Nathan stopped tying his boots. “I wasn’t talking to her.”

  “Yes, you were. You were talking in that blabbering she does,” Amanda said.

  Looking down Nathan finished tying his boots and put on his vest. “No, I wasn’t.” Nathan slung his rifle across his chest and held out his hands for Emma, but Amanda turned away from him.

  “Maybe you two need some time apart,” she stated.

  “I’ve carried that child across three states and have been humiliated as a butt wiper and toilet. She has peed on me, pooped on me, spit on me, thrown up on me, and beaten me, and now all of a sudden you are worried about my state of mind,” Nathan said in a crazy-sounding voice.

  Not liking the look in Nathan’s eye, Amanda handed Emma over. “Here.”

  As Amanda walked away, Nathan looked at Emma. “Yeah, I know you’re a mess but at least I can hang you on a coat rack.” Emma giggled. “Greg said breakfast is ready in the back yard,” Nathan said, handing Emma back to Amanda.

  “Oh, you give her back,” Amanda snapped.

  “Yeah, I just wanted you to know the humiliation I go through and that you aren’t the only one who controls me,” Nathan said walking over to the pack saddles.

  Amanda narrowed her eyes at Emma. “I found him first, he’s mine.”

  Emma curled her lips back. “No!” she shouted.

  “Hey I can kick your butt,” Amanda informed Emma. Emma blew a raspberry, covering Amanda’s face with spit. Wiping her face off, Amanda mumbled, “If you weren’t so cute I would bounce you.”

  “Bitch,” Emma said very clearly, and started giggling, more from the shock on Amanda’s face than the actual word.

  Finally the shock wore off and Amanda glared at the two year old in her arms. “Ah, I know you didn’t call me a bitch. I will kick your ass.”

  Emma squealed with laughter, clapping her hands. Amanda couldn’t help but grin. “Bitch,” Emma stated again, and the grin left Amanda’s face. Emma squealed and clapped her hands at the other shocked faces.

  “I’m going to bounce you like a basketball,” Amanda vowed.

  Nathan stood up. “You try it and I’ll wear your ass out with a belt.”

  Amanda spun around. “You didn’t even say anything to her!” Emma clapped harder in Amanda’s arms hearing her yell.

  “Look how many times I told you, and that hasn’t done any good,” Nathan pointed out. Amanda glared at Nathan, who glared right back. “Take her to the table in the backyard and I’ll be there in a few minutes.” Casey grabbed Amanda’s free arm and pulled her outside with Natalie following. Laughing, Jasmine picked up Chip and headed to the backyard.

  John and Tom walked over to Nathan. “Nathan, you were talking to Emma in gibberish,” John said.

  “I know. I was trying to figure out what she was trying to tell me. I don’t even know what I was saying,” Nathan replied, making Tom and John laugh. Nathan pulled some things out of the supply pack and headed outside.

  Reaching the backyard they found several picnic tables were set up and one was covered with food. Nathan walked over to Greg, “You don’t need to do this for us. You need to ration your food.” Greg and his family laughed. Nathan didn’t see what was so funny.

  “Nathan, this is a normal meal for us. We made everything on this table,” Greg said. “We have over a year stored up here and another year’s worth over at my oldest boy’s farm.”

  Nathan barely heard him. He was staring at the platter of homemade biscuits. “Then you only have to worry about protection,” Nathan said, taking his eyes off the biscuits. “I noticed you only had two AR-15s and a shit load of hunting rifles.”

  Greg nodded. “Yeah, and we can shoot with those hunting rifles. I was in the service and so was one of my boys, and we have ARs. To be honest, we only bought them to plink with. I wish I had a few more.”

  Lifting up his hand, Nathan handed over one of their extra M-4s. “We can only spare one.” He set down a metal ammo can and pulled out a Beretta, laying it beside the can. “That’s five hundred rounds of 5.56 and two hundred 9mm for the Beretta,” Nathan said. He took Emma from Amanda. Amanda had totally forgiven Emma and really didn’t want to let her go.

  Greg and his family stared at the weapon and the other gifts. Greg rotated the gun and saw “Property of the U.S. Government” stamped on the side. “Shit,” Greg stated and most of his family nodded in agreement.

  “You got this off some of those you killed didn’t you?” Greg asked.

  Nathan shook his head as he started filling a plate. “Naw, they killed those ones.” Nathan motioned to the others.

  The family looked at the kids and Jasmine. Amanda waved at them. “Nathan was just going to talk to them till they tried something. We got tired of waiting.” It took no prodding of Nathan’s group to start eating. Greg’s family was shocked that the kids and Jasmine could kill so quickly. The new rules of the world had begun to come home to them.

  Chapter 12

  After breakfast Nathan walked around with Greg and his sons, showing them how to improve their defenses and supplies. Then he told them about making fall-back positions. They walked and talked till noon, stopping as lunch was laid out. Again Nathan was amazed at the amount and variety of food.

  When they were finished eating, reluctantly Nathan told his group to get ready. They headed to the barn with most of Greg’s family following. Once the horses were saddled Greg held out his hand to Nathan.

  Nathan shook it. “You be careful,” Greg said.

  “I’m trying, but people keep trying to kill us,” Nathan replied.

  “You just shoot them first,” Greg said. “I put some supplies in your gear for the horses. You know how to shoe a horse?”

  “I’ve done it a few times but it takes me forever, about half an hour a hoof,” Nathan admitted.

  “As long as you do it right it don’t matter. I put a hammer and nails with a few spare shoes and some shoe boots in case they throw one till you can fix it,” Greg said looking at the Nathan’s kids hugging members of his family. “My wife put some food in your bags as well.”

  Nathan sighed, “You need to keep that. We have food.”

  “You will learn a valuable lesson here. When a woman wants to do something, let her. It’s better for you in both the short and long term,” Greg said. “Besides, you’ll have good stuff to eat.”

  Nathan liked that piece of advice. “You read that stuff and keep an eye out. If you can, move a few more people closer. Remember, always be ready to run.”

  Greg looked around at his farm. “We will. I can’t promise we will run far.”

  “As long as you get away, you can come back and rebuild. You can’t do much dead,” Nathan said.

  “That is the truth. We will be waiting on your broadcast to let us know you made it,” Greg said as Nathan put Emma in her sling. Greg’s wife had given Emma a sucker that was as big as her face and she licked away. Nathan could see the next bath t
ime was going to be a challenge.

  “Just don’t broadcast from here,” Nathan said, climbing up on his saddle.

  “Don’t worry, we won’t.” Greg held up the M-4 Nathan had given him. “And if trouble comes, I’ll let my gift say hello.” The rest of Greg’s family came over to shake Nathan’s hand. Nathan heard sheep bleating and saw Ares chasing them in the backyard. “Ares, will you quit!” Nathan shouted

  Ares stopped and looked at Nathan like he lost his mind. Giving one last glance at the sheep, Ares trotted over to the group. Athena had just sat down to watch Ares and got up, following Ares to the group. Greg laughed as he stepped back from Nathan’s horse. “You can’t be too mad at him, he just chases them. He never bit one.”

  “That’s all he does, sheep are his one weakness. One of my group has about twenty. Ares will be in hog heaven when we get home,” Nathan told Greg as he adjusted Emma and his equipment. Like always, it was for Emma’s comfort, not his. When he thought she was comfortable, Nathan glanced back and saw everyone was ready. “Good luck to you, Greg. If this ends we’ll come back and see you,” Nathan said, kicking Smoke.

  “You too, Nathan. I’ll keep the rocking chair on the porch for ya,” Greg called out as Nathan reached the road.

  The rest of the group waved goodbye when they reached the road. A mile down the dirt road, Nathan turned west. On their left they could see Greg’s farm off in the distance. Hearing hoof beats behind him, Nathan glanced over his shoulder seeing everyone spread out across the road behind him. “Guys, when I say a line I mean parallel to the road, not perpendicular,” he said.

  “Nathan, even Mr. Greg said this area doesn’t have many people,” Natalie said behind him.

  “Better to break bad habits before they start,” Nathan replied.

  “You think they will make it?” Jasmine asked.

  “They have an excellent chance, that’s for sure. Unless the government or a large gang comes at them they will do fine,” Nathan said.

  Jasmine smiled letting out a sigh. “I’m glad to hear that.”


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