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Claddagh and Chaos (Shamrocks #2)

Page 11

by Cayce Poponea

  I let go of her hair, reached around, and pinched her swollen clit. I could feel my balls slamming into her lips as I continued to thrust into her, hard and fast.

  “Ohhhh!” she chanted as I felt her walls begin to vibrate around me. I was far from done with her, but I let her orgasm finish before I wrapped my arms around her tiny waist and took her across the room, placing her against the wall. I didn’t give her a second to recover, before I slid inside her again. Her legs wrapped around my waist as she began to cry out my name over and again over.

  She was right, I needed this. I’d always been so careful with her, always making it a point to be a tender lover. But, goddamn, it felt so good to just fuck her.

  “Patrick ... I-I oh, God ... right oh ... oh ... oh ...” She couldn’t even finish her sentence as her second orgasm rocked her body. Her face and neck flushed and her eyes closed as she savored the feelings and the emotions.

  Her forehead hit my shoulder and she was panting so heavily. I continued to pound her into the wall.

  “You like that, baby? You like me fucking your perfect pussy?”

  Her head raised and the look on her face nearly did me in.

  “My turn,” she spoke as she removed her legs from around me, causing my dick to slip out of her.

  Christi shoved me back toward the bed, straddled my hips, and slammed her wet pussy down on my hard cock. I watched in awe as her breasts bounced as she rode me hard. I was losing the battle to hold off my climax. She looked just too good riding me for all she was worth.

  I looked down and watched as my cock disappeared into her warm core every time she moved, over me. However, when Christi placed her fingers on her clit, I lost the battle.

  The combination of my climax and Christi’s fingers brought her to a finish as well.

  We lay side by side, sweating and panting, while as we tried to catch our breath.

  “Baby, I think there’s a good chance you knocked the balls off our next child. It will probably be a girl.”

  I wanted more children with her;, we had discussed this at great length. Just to be certain we did conceive, I took her three more times that night. After all, she wanted a girl.

  “I BAPTIZE YOU IN THE name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

  I stood proudly beside my beautiful wife. Her hair was pulled back into a low ponytail, teasing me with her soft creamy neck. I shouldn’t have been having these thoughts here in the middle of church, during my son’s baptism, but I wanted her, I always wanted her.

  Ever since Christi’s checkup, we had been tearing each other’s clothes off as often as possible.

  Declan’s baptism drew in more people than our wedding. Ma had insisted Maggie help plan the event, and looking at the number in attendance, I was glad she had.

  Christi decided she wanted to have Angus and Maggie as Declan’s godparents. She wanted someone outside of the immediate family so that no feelings were hurt. I knew Angus and Maggie would raise our son in the proper manner, if the need arose.

  Declan didn’t move a muscle as the priest trickled the holy water over his forehead. Maggie was waiting with a towel and a new diaper once the priest was done.

  I could hear the voices of some of Ma’s friends talking about how calm the baby was and how that was a sign of a good leader. I silently chuckled. Ma had just told Christi I was so upset during my christening I screamed the whole time and then peed on my godmother. I guessed I wasn’t such a good leader after all.

  Once the ceremony was over and the reception had begun, Da pulled me aside and asked if I had shared Theresa’s fate with Christi. I smiled and rubbed my thumb along my bottom lip as I recalled the conversation we’d had one night after we’d placed our son in his crib.

  “Patrick, I want to ask you a question and I really need to know the truth; even if you don’t want to share it with me.”

  I looked at Christi and then took her by the hand, leading her to the living room. I curled around her and softly traced my fingers alongside of her.

  “I wondered when you were going to ask me this.”

  Christi turned and looked at me with her big, expressive eyes. Her fingers softly caressed my stubble that I had decided against shaving that morning.

  “She’s dead isn’t she?”

  Christi’s voice was full of emotion, which surprised me. Theresa had caused us so much pain and nearly cost us our marriage. My wife had a pure heart and this was evident in her words.

  “No, my love, she isn’t dead. Not that I didn’t consider it.”

  Christi’s eyes became huge and she turned fully in my lap.

  “Then ... what?”

  I eased her back on the couch, kissing her warm, pink lips.

  “We decided to cooperate with the Feds on this one.”

  Christi looked more confused than ever. She opened and closed her mouth several times.

  I kissed her forehead and snuggled in beside her. I had my hand in her hair, letting the silky strands fall between my fingers.

  “Babe, sometimes doing the right thing in this family doesn’t require a bullet.” I tilted my head against hers as I closed my eyes and continued. “We decided to cooperate with the Feds and turned her over, along with the tapes from the security footage. In exchange, they managed to get a virus in their evidence files against us.”

  “So, she’s behind bars now?”

  “Yes, Christi. She’s behind bars for the crimes she committed against the government.”

  Christi took a deep breath and then let out the cutest hum.

  “Someday I’ll forgive her, not today, but someday.”

  I opened my eyes, turned, and kissed her head again.

  “I’m glad one of us will.”

  “I don’t even have to ask if she was comfortable with our decision, do I, Son?” Da chuckled as he took a drink of his scotch.

  “You’d be wasting your breath if you did. She’s amazing and I thank God she’s mine.”

  “I feel the same way about your mother.”

  “I’ve always known you and Ma were two of a kind. You’ve made your love and respect of her known to all of us.”

  I looked over my father’s left shoulder; Ma was taking Declan from one of her friends. He was fussing and she was quick to act. Christi was crossing the room to join her.

  “Patrick, do you ever wish you’d gone after Christi when you saw her for the first time?”

  I hadn’t really thought about it. I didn’t want to. I was just grateful I got to wake up to her beautiful face every morning.

  “Honestly, I’m just glad I have all that we have now. I refuse to question the timing.”

  Da only nodded as he turned to watch Ma gently patting Declan’s back as Christi kissed his cheek. Like a true Malloy, Declan was surrounded by women; granted, the two most beautiful were his mother and grandmother, but they were women nonetheless.

  “I heard you had a talk with Dustin this week,” Da spoke, changing the subject.

  “Yes, I got him set up and gave him his assignments. I think he’ll work out just fine.”

  “Of course he will. He has a purpose. Give a man a purpose and you have a man that’ll work hard.”

  I couldn’t have agreed more. My reason to live was currently standing not ten feet away with my other reason resting on her shoulder. The conversation I’d had with Mouth came to memory.

  “So, is Megan’s baby yours?”

  “No, Mr. Malloy, but I plan to make him mine, if she’ll agree.” His eyes told me he spoke only the truth.

  “Are you sure about that? Children aren’t something you can just toss aside, not in this family, anyway.”

  I looked to Tonto and he nodded his head, silently giving me his word that he would make Mouth understand.

  “She’s my world. I know it’s fast, but I can’t explain it. It might make me sound like a pussy, but it’s the truth. I ... crave her.”

  His words spoke volumes. I knew exactly how he felt.
/>   “I don’t have to tell you that you can’t tell her anything that happens in this room, correct?” Mouth only nodded his head.

  “Tonto, get him fixed up with a car,” I instructed as I reached into my desk and pulled out a business card. “Give this guy a call and tell him to set you up with a decent house. Tell him you work for me and he’ll know where to put you.”

  Mouth took the card, placed it in his jacket pocket, then turned to leave the room.

  “One more thing.” Mouth stopped and turned back to me. “Mrs. Malloy wants you and Megan over for dinner this week. Don’t even think about telling her no; she owns my balls, if you know what I mean.”

  Mouth snickered as he nodded his head. As Tonto and Mouth left the room, I clearly heard Mouth ask Tonto why I referred to him as Mouth.

  I heard the sound of a hand slapping a back as Tonto replied, “Dustin, trust me when I say that you want Boss to give you a nickname. It’s a sign that you’re going to be family.”

  I guffawed as I returned to my work. Tonto was correct. I had nicknames for all of my family; well, the family that wouldn’t rip off my balls for saying them out loud, anyway ...

  By the time we had retrieved Declan from all of the ladies who had attended the reception, Christi was exhausted. I loaded both of them into Christi’s SUV and headed home.

  It was less than two weeks later when I was awoken very early in the morning. I followed the sound and found my poor wife wrapped around the toilet, vomiting violently. I rushed to her side while she tried to shove me away.

  “Patrick, you don’t need to see this.”

  I shushed her as I ran a washcloth under the cold water and laid it along her neck. Christi was pale and her skin cold.

  “Do you think it was something you ate?”

  Christi turned her face in my direction and gave me a ‘go to hell’ look. “I highly doubt it since I’m three days late.”

  The smile on my face was hard to hide. Christi was as regular as they came. If she was late then that could only mean one thing.

  “You’re pregnant?”

  “Good fucking detective work there, Sherlock,” Christi tossed at me, as she leaned her head over the toilet and began to dry-heave again.

  I rubbed her back and ignored her shitty attitude. We were pregnant again and nothing was going to separate us this time.

  “Well, how about I run to the store and get a test?” I asked. Her body convulsed again as she continued to dry-heave over the toilet.

  She lifted her left hand and pointed to the cabinet under the sink. I opened the door and sure enough, there were several home pregnancy tests and a box of tampons.

  Once Christi had her vomiting under control, I left her in the bathroom to pee on the little stick. It was the longest three minutes I had ever waited through in my life. When she emerged from the bathroom with a smile, I rushed to her and hugged her tight.

  “We’re pregnant, Patrick. Our children will be Irish twins.”

  Eight months later ...

  “Christi, I know you need to push, but just hold it till I can get my gloves on.”

  While Christi’s first pregnancy had been a breeze, this pregnancy had not. She was sick for the first four months, then had to watch her diet as she had developed gestational diabetes. Christi was a rock star, vowing to do anything to make sure this baby was healthy. The one thing that was like the first pregnancy was that she was delivering quickly.

  “Okay, Christi, let’s get this baby out.”

  Christi had called me back home not long after I’d left for work this morning. Just as I was getting her into the car, her water broke. I told her to close her eyes as I drove like a bat out of hell to get her here. Once I had her in the doors, the nurse rushed her to delivery and ten minutes later, we were about to meet our second son for the first time.

  I watched Christi’s face turn red and she nearly took my hand off with her grip.

  “Here he is ...”

  My attention turned to the tiny pink and screaming, perfect baby who now rested on Christi’s stomach. I watched as Christi took her hand and rubbed his tiny head.

  “Hello, Connor, happy birthday.” Christi spoke, although clearly out of breath.

  “Patrick, do you want to cut the cord?” Her doctor stood at the end of the bed between my wife’s legs. Her hand was extended toward me, scissors waiting for me to take. With a shaky hand, I took them, cutting the umbilical cord and severing the tie he’d had to Christi for the past nine months. I watched as they took him across the room and began to clean and weigh him.

  “Eight pounds, ten ounces.”

  I smiled as I bent down and kissed my wife. Her hair was stuck to her forehead and I brushed it off before placing more kisses there. “Thank you,” I whispered to her.

  “For what?”

  “For your faith in me, for giving me two perfect sons, and for saying yes.”

  I watched as a tear rolled down her face, I kissed it away.

  “Well, then, thank you for asking me.”

  Her eyes were bright with love and happiness. I could only smile back knowing I put that look on her face. I loved her with every cell in my body.

  “Are you ready for the next one yet?” I jokingly questioned her.

  “Hell no! You keep that baby making thing away from me. I want to enjoy the two we have before we plan any more.”

  I could do that. As much as I loved my wife pregnant, I would give her time with our boys.

  EVERYONE’S HEARD THE PHRASE, “KIDS say the darndest things.” Christi’s and my two were no exception. Mouth and Megan had fallen hard for each other. It wasn’t long before he moved her and her son, Lucas, into his house. He insisted she go back to school and finish her degree. Lucas had called Mouth daddy from day one. Mouth hired a private investigator and found Lucas’s biological father. He and Tonto went to visit him and convinced him to terminate his parental rights. I’d never seen a happier man than Mouth on the day he adopted Lucas. Two years later, Megan had finished her degree and they were ready to expand their family.

  Since Megan wasn’t Catholic, she chose to have their wedding in Ma’s backyard. The ladies in our family went to work and turned the backyard into a wedding paradise, my wife’s words, not mine. Abby had just turned seven and was a junior bridesmaid. Lucas and Declan were best of friends, and while Lucas walked Megan down the aisle, Declan was the ringbearer. It was during that time when children witnessed someone doing something wrong, that they felt the need to tell their parents.

  Declan had insisted he and Lucas would stand beside the “big guys” during the ceremony. Christi had assured me that it wasn’t a big deal as long as they behaved. Everything had gone really well with the boys until the minister said, “Do you take Megan to be your lawfully wedded wife?”

  Mouth didn’t even get the opportunity to respond before Declan yelled, “Mommy, that man said Auntie Megan is awful! That’s not nice; he has to sit in time out.”

  Everyone laughed for several minutes, while Declan got very angry. I had to take him aside and explain why everyone thought that was funny.

  About a year later, Christi got very sick and it just so happened to be Father’s Day. I had been taking care of the boys for her and letting her rest. On that morning, however, I woke up early and couldn’t go back to sleep, so I decided to get up and get some work done. I went downstairs, found that the kitchen light was on, and I could hear voices. I crept around the corner to find my two sons buck naked, flour and eggs all over the floor. They had two bowls between their legs and they were mixing the contents while they sat on the floor. When I asked them what they were doing naked on the kitchen floor, they looked me in the eye and Declan said, “Mommy doesn’t let us cook unless we have play clothes on. We didn’t want Mommy to get mad if we got pancakes on our pajamas.” I couldn’t even be mad at them. I helped them clean up the mess and together we made breakfast for Christi. That was by far one of the best Father’s Days I had ever had, also b
ecause we found out Christi had been sick because she was pregnant again.

  Growing up, Declan was exactly like me. Anything I did, he wanted to do. Connor, on the other hand, was a person unto his own. He loved to read and discover things. He would catch bugs and then study them. He would watch television, not for the cartoons; he enjoyed the educational channels, such as the Discovery and History channels. Christi always encouraged him.

  When Christi gave birth to Katie, the boys were none too happy to have a girl in the family. Declan said he would’ve rather had a new toy than a sister, and Connor, he wouldn’t go anywhere near the baby. They had even asked Ma how to send her back because they didn’t want a baby sister.

  One afternoon, I had to stop by the house. I walked into the family room to find Declan and Connor sitting in front of the fireplace with baby Katie lying at their feet. When I questioned them as to what they were doing, they said they had sent an email to Santa and since he had worker elves, they thought he could have Katie. I took my children in my arms and explained we loved all of them, and one day they would do everything in their power to protect their little sister. We never told Christi about that one, I feared she would never sleep again.

  Even though they were so young, I had no doubt they remembered my words from that day. Katie was in first grade when a little boy in Connor’s class pulled her hair and then pushed her down on the playground. Connor was playing nearby and saw the entire thing happen. He called out for Declan, who helped Katie up off the ground while Connor walked over and punched the kid in the nose. Christi was called to the principal’s office, she in turn called me when she learned what had happened. I took Connor to the side and had a talk with him. Many parents would have disagreed with what I told him, but he was a Malloy and he might run this family one day. I told him I was proud of him for sticking up for his little sister, however, not to go around punching people for sport.

  I gave credit to Declan and Connor for making Katie the tough-as-nails woman she was today. Her brothers had no problem picking on her or teasing her, they just wouldn’t let other children do it. Our children had a bond I could not possibly put into words. It was more than just protection; it was honor and courage. It had no boundaries and for them it was real.


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