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Sexy Bachelor

Page 65

by Maggie Monroe

  “And what exactly does it have to mean?” I held her chin with my finger and thumb. “Haven’t you ever had sex because you’re attracted to someone and you know it’ll feel fucking incredible?”

  She lowered her eyelashes. “I don’t think so.”

  “Then you’ve been missing out, Doc.” I brushed my lips over hers. It took everything in me not to devour her on the spot.

  “I can’t.” She closed her eyes. “I’ll get fired.”

  My left hand found the zipper on the back of her dress and threaded it down to her ass. The sleeves slipped off her shoulders.

  “And who’s going to tell them?” I asked, peeling the fabric from her skin. Her breasts pointed toward me as the dress fell to the floor around her ankles. She was wearing a black lace thong.

  Her chest heaved with heavy breaths. “I’ve never—this isn’t a good idea.”

  “Shh.” I placed my finger over her bottom lip before pushing it into her mouth. She started sucking lightly and groaned as I pulled it out.

  Her eyes opened. “I can’t sleep with you. This is a mistake.”

  “Who said anything about sleeping?” I crushed my mouth over hers again, pulling her naked body against mine. My dick twitched inside my pants. All I had to do was bend her over the kitchen counter and with a flick of my zipper, I could thrust deep inside her. I slapped her ass and she squealed.

  “Wes, I don’t think this is me. I’m not like your other girls.”

  I whispered in her ear. “Why don’t you try it?” I slid my hand over the roundness over her ass. “Let me show you how much fun we can have.”

  “And what kind of fun is that?”

  “The dirty kind.” I grinned. “The kind that will make you feel so good, you’ll forget everything else in your life.”

  She sighed. “You can do that?”

  “Oh, yeah.” I nodded. “But you have to do as I say.”

  Her sapphire eyes darted back and forth. “One night,” she stated.

  I wasn’t going to give her a chance to change her mind. She was going to be mine.

  “I want you to sit on the couch,” I ordered.

  For a moment she hesitated, but stepped out of the dress and walked to the couch, slowly sitting on the center cushion.

  I smiled. “Now I only have one good arm, Doc.” I sauntered over to her. “So you’re going to have to help me.”

  She stared at me as I sank into the seat next her. I pushed against her chest until she was lying on the couch.

  “Spread your legs.” My hand ran over her nipples and down the soft skin of her stomach. She didn’t move. “I said, spread your legs.” My voice was firm. I wasn’t used to repeating myself.

  She moved one leg and then the other until I could see her beautiful center. I traced over the small patch of lace covering her clit and slid it to the side. She moaned as I slipped a finger inside her and curled it deep. She bucked off the couch. Damn, she was tight.

  “God, I’m going to love fucking you.” I grinned as I lowered my head.

  First I licked her thighs, kissing and sucking as I moved closer to where my finger was pumping in and out of her. Her head thrashed to the side as I gnashed my teeth once before sucking her clit.

  “Oh, God!” Her legs fell to the side and I licked and sucked, tasting her with a thirst I’d never felt. My tongue plunged inside her as her walls squeezed against me. I flicked her tight little bud as I dipped in and out, over and over, while her hips frantically fought against me. Her hands were in my hair, and she was moaning and screaming as I picked up the pace.

  With one long, slow lick I had her. She convulsed around me. Pulsing and mewing. I lapped at her juices while her body vibrated against my tongue. Just when I thought the crest had fallen, she started again, this time screaming my name, pressing my tongue deep inside her. I licked and sucked harder, wanting her, needing her. Loving every second I tasted her. I looked up, watching her writhe on the couch. Her nipples hard. Her beautiful body glistening while she came down from her orgasm. I’d never seen anything so fucking sexy in my life.

  She ran her fingers through her hair, opening her eyes to catch me admiring her.

  I kissed the inside of her thigh, and she let it fall to the side, hitting my right hand.

  “Shit.” I winced.

  “Oh God, I’m sorry.” Lennon scrambled from the couch to look at my hand.

  “It’s fine.” The pain fired through my fingers up to my elbow.

  “I can’t believe I did that.” She looked horrified. “When’s the last time you took something?”

  “Really. I’m good.” I grinned at her. “How did that feel?”

  “Like I just did something really, really bad.”

  “You didn’t act like you felt bad.” I held my right hand to my chest, trying to forget the pain, and traced the side of her face with my good hand. I had tried to cut out the painkillers. I didn’t want to be on that shit any longer than I had to be.

  She blushed. “I shouldn’t have let that happen.”

  “But you liked it. And you weren’t thinking about anything else, were you?”

  She shook her head. Her lips opened as I traced them with my fingertips. Her tongue toyed with the edges and I groaned. God, I wanted to fuck her beautiful mouth.

  I let my finger run from her lips, down her throat, to her breast. I squeezed and twisted one of her nipples until she let out a cry.

  I’d wanted to touch them since I met her. They were perfect, like the rest of her body. I lowered my mouth to take her nipple between my teeth. She bowed at the impact, but I felt her hips rock slowly as I sucked harder.

  “Oh,” she moaned.

  My cock strained against my pants. I was harder than a block of concrete. This woman was killing me. I wanted to fuck her every way possible. And I would.



  The entire ride to Wes’s apartment, I thought of every excuse to give the driver and have him turn around. I knew exactly what was going to happen tonight. When Wes opened the door and I saw his green eyes, I was angry he had lured me here. Angry enough to walk back out, but that kiss. He kissed me, shaking my soul, firing my blood, stealing the anger right from my breath.

  I leaned into him, convincing myself that for one night it was okay to be played. The words in my ear promised I’d forget everything else. And it was true. He had sent two orgasms ripping through me with the heat and rhythm of his tongue. Nothing had ever felt like that. This was a man who could deliver on his promise. And it was what I needed. I wanted a night during which I wouldn’t remember everything else in my life. A night I could be a woman.

  “Let’s take this to my bed.” He pushed off the couch and helped me up. I was still wearing my heels and lace thong.

  My legs felt weak. I couldn’t believe what I had let Wes do to me. I splayed myself on his couch, letting him lick me like a lollipop. And he did it so perfectly I forgot everything and only felt the sensations surging through my core.

  As we walked into his room, I reached down to unlace the ties around my ankles, but Wes stopped me.

  “No. I didn’t say you could take those off.”


  “My bed. My rules.” He reached for his buckle, and I watched his pants hit the ground. I swallowed hard, remembering his glorious cock from our first meeting.

  I walked toward him. With one arm in a sling, he was doing considerably well, but I started to unbutton his shirt.

  “This okay?” I asked.

  He nodded as his mouth dipped toward mine. I groaned as his tongue twined along mine. I almost forgot to continue unbuttoning, but I felt the hard planes of his chest as I slid the shirt off his shoulder. My nails traced over the athletic muscles, memorizing every inch of skin. Feeling the heat between us.

  He planted a hard kiss on my lips before pulling back. I stood there, waiting for his next move. I’d never let a man tell me what to do in bed. Sex wasn’t like that for me. But right now
, it felt electrifying. My entire body pulsed with new life. My skin tingled. My nipples were hard, and my panties were soaking wet.

  Wes circled me. His eyes trailed every part of my nakedness. I fought the urge to cover my breasts. I felt my nipples get harder, aching for his mouth. Aching for some kind of release. I liked how his tongue felt when it flicked over me. I liked how his teeth nipped, combining pain and pleasure in all my sensitive spots. He took me to a place I’d never been. I still couldn’t believe I was doing this.

  He reached for the sling over his shoulder. “You can’t take that off,” I warned, going into doctor mode.

  He glared at me. “That’s not your decision.”

  I bit my lower lip, trying to remind myself I wasn’t his surgeon right now. I was the naked girl in his bedroom. I was the girl he had taken to orgasm heaven. I was the girl that had let him lick me until I was begging for more.

  “Take off the panties,” he whispered.

  I hooked the edges of the black lace and scooted them over my hips, careful not to trip in my heels when I stepped out of them.

  I heard a low growl come from his chest. “Get on the bed on all fours.”

  I swallowed hard. Oh my God. But I crawled onto the navy comforter more turned on than I had been in my life. I was getting ready to let Wes fuck me from behind. He had already studied my body, but I was giving him an entirely new view. I felt the wetness between my legs. I’d never been this reckless. I’d never been this sexual. I’d never been this dirty.

  I heard him pull open a drawer and rip into a foil packet. I looked over my shoulder as he rolled a condom over his erection. I was impressed he was so masterful with his left hand, but I shouldn’t have been. He was proving he was a master at so many things. He pressed the tip of his cock against my entrance, and I sighed. I needed him to sink into me—take my mind to a place that was filled with nothing but skin, heat, and sensation. With one hand, he gripped my hip as he slammed into me, pushing every inch of his enormous shaft inside.

  I screamed at the searing heat, but immediately felt the scorching sensation turn to pleasure as he pumped in and out of me. I rocked into him, giving him as much of me as I could. I wanted more. My body craved something primal from this man. It was as if a switch had been flipped in my soul, igniting a hunger I couldn’t satisfy. I couldn’t think or process what I was doing.

  I panted his name. “Wes…”

  My breasts grazed the bed as we frantically moved against each other.

  His breath was ragged as he thrust harder, and I clawed at the bed with each powerful movement of his cock. I didn’t care how animalistic it was. I didn’t care that we had skipped dinner and went straight to fucking. I didn’t care that this was only one night. Wes made me feel my body in a whole new way.

  “Fuck, Doc. You’re a goddess.” And he made me feel that way.

  “Don’t stop. Don’t, please,” I begged for more as I stretched around him, clenching and releasing his hardness. My core tightened in exquisite pleasure with each strike of his cock.

  I didn’t know what kind of torture game he was playing, but he suddenly pulled out of me and I felt emptiness where he had been.

  “What’s wrong?” I felt panic spread through me. It couldn’t be over. I was on fire. Every part of me burned for him.

  “I want to see you when you come. Roll over.”

  There was something about being taken from behind that made it seem like casual sex. It felt like it was all for pleasure. All just fucking. But the instant I rolled over and locked eyes on Wes, I melted.

  “I could fuck you all night,” he growled into my ear.

  I didn’t recognize my raspy voice. “Don’t stop fucking me.” My legs spread wide for him, inviting him back. Showing him how desperate I was to have him inside me again.

  He slid against my clit, taking his time to tease me, linger between my folds. I wrapped my legs around his waist. He thrust deep inside as his lips landed on my mouth, inhaling every part of me. Our breaths aligned as he moved in and out of me. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. I wasn’t supposed to feel connected and whole, but with every thrust I was falling. Falling over the cliff that was the great abyss of Wes Blakefield.

  “Come, baby. Come with me.” He grinned, sucking on my bottom lip until my body was a convulsing, shaking mess. I couldn’t control anything as he brought my orgasm to a peak. My toes curled. My head thrashed. My fingertips tingled. And my core exploded as he ground deeper into me, giving into his own release.

  I whimpered as my body desperately clung to him.

  He collapsed on my chest, kissing my breasts. “That was fucking incredible.”

  I smiled, running my fingers through his hair. I didn’t know what label to give it. Incredible. Fantastic. Erotic. Perfect.

  He rolled on his side, avoiding his injured hand. “And I managed it all with one arm. Imagine what I can do with two.” He winked.

  Could he see it? Could he see the change in me? Could he see what he had just done to me? My eyes locked on his and I felt the hammering in my heart. What in the hell had I just done? I had revealed parts of myself no man had ever seen. I had made noises no man had heard. I had obeyed all of his commands, feeling more confident and powerful than I ever had in bed. I didn’t want it to be true, but Wes was a sex god.

  He drew a lazy circle on my stomach. “You okay?”

  I blinked. I wanted to reach out and trace his strong jaw. I wanted to stare in his eyes. I wanted him back inside me. I wanted to see what other moves he had. I knew I had only seen a preview of what he could do. And it had me desperate for more.


  “Is that all?” he teased.

  “How would you feel if I took off these high heels?”

  He laughed. “You have my permission.”

  I leaned forward, unlacing the heels that had accomplished their mission. I dropped them to the floor and lay back on the bed to admire Wes’s body. He was rippled in places I didn’t know were possible on a man. He had a solid six-pack. My fingertips traced the lines between his muscles. I couldn’t help it. I wandered down to the tops of his muscular thighs, raking my nails over his skin.

  “Careful, Doc. You’re dealing with a professional athlete. I have the kind of stamina most men would kill for.”

  But I didn’t heed his warning. I wanted more. More of him. More of his body. More of his cock. I began to stroke along his shaft until it came to life under my touch. He groaned and I smiled. He rolled on his back as my hand slid up and down, making him harder with each stroke.

  “I like how quickly you recover,” I teased. I eyed him hungrily as I lowered my mouth to take him inside. I tasted the drop of salty dew on the tip before sliding my lips over his entire cock.

  “Fuck,” he moaned, thrusting into my mouth.

  My instincts took over as I moved over his shaft, swirling my tongue, sucking, licking until he was thrusting deep into my throat. I cupped his balls and he growled.

  I don’t know how it happened, but even with one hand, he was stronger than me. He forced me upright until I was straddling him. I sank onto his cock, taking it deep inside me. I rocked harder and harder against him.

  “Oh, God,” I cried. “It’s so intense like this.” I closed my eyes as my body took over.

  “Fuck me, baby. Hard,” he commanded, grinning as he watched my tits bounce as I lost all control.

  I couldn’t stop. There was fire between my legs and with him inside me, all I could think about were the sensations exploding through my skin. I forgot the second condom. I forgot he was a womanizing playboy. I rode him harder and harder, driving us to the next cliff, not knowing what would happen if we fell off the cliff. Only knowing that as long as Wes was inside me, I’d do anything to keep him there.

  He twisted my nipple between his fingers and I screamed as my orgasm began to shatter through my veins.

  It was an intensity I’d never had as he pushed up, releasing inside of me, sealing our b
odies together with the sweat of sex, the pulsing of our limbs, the kisses that stole my breath. He reached for my neck, bringing my lips to his, as he pumped everything he had inside me. My mouth sucked at his as our orgasms claimed us both, and the heat of his release spread through me like lava. I finally dropped onto his chest with exhaustion.

  He traced my spine with his fingers as he kissed my forehead.

  “I might have been wrong about something.”

  I closed my eyes. “What?”

  “I lied to you, Lennon.” It was the first time he used my first name. It somehow sounded endearing coming from his lips. Those dirty lips that had licked me raw. I sat forward. I felt the anger start to creep in my chest.

  “What? What lie?”

  “There’s no way this is a one-time deal.” He grinned.

  I couldn’t help the smile that slipped onto my face. “Well, so far it’s already been a two-time deal.” I giggled. I couldn’t remember the last time a sound like that had come from my lips. I wasn’t a giggly girl.

  “True. And I think it’s about to be a three-time deal.” He slapped my ass, singeing his handprint into my flesh.

  My eyes widened. There was no way I could do that again. I was sore and raw. And I felt the come oozing between my legs. That was a mistake. Condom next time, for sure.

  He chuckled. “Dinner first?”

  I nodded. My stomach was rumbling. Wes hopped from the bed and threw a T-shirt in my direction. “You can wear this. Meet you in the kitchen. I had dinner ordered in.”

  I watched as he slid on his pants and walked out of the bedroom half-naked. I had just had the best sex of my entire life and my body was still humming from it. I slipped on the shirt that smelled like Wes and padded out to the kitchen.



  “Fuck, no. You are not running that play on Monday night.” I slammed my good fist down on the table in the conference room.

  “It’s not your call, Wes. You’re not starting. Cosech is our starter tomorrow night.” Coach Howell wiggled his visor back and forth. I could tell he was nervous as hell.


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