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The Royally Broke Billionaire_Royal Wedding Blues_A sweet billionaire and royal mash-up romance novel

Page 10

by Ann Omasta

  Tess felt stunned that Sebastian and the others were avoiding them. It also irked her that the royal family apparently thought they could simply tell everyone where to be and when. They must be used to others falling over each other to comply with their demands. It was tempting to decline their presumptuous invitation, but they had too much unfinished business that needed to be settled.

  Her irritation was nothing when compared to Trey’s. “So, Tess and Mo were summoned here, and now they are being told to sit around all day waiting to see the very people who demanded they come?!?” It was obvious by his pursed lips and slashing brows that he was displeased. Tess wondered if this was how intimidating it would be to sit across from her powerful brother in a boardroom.

  Ellie’s dreamy look and excited voice transformed his face almost immediately. She grabbed his hand and said, “A real royal ball… how exciting!”

  With that, Trey turned to gaze at his love. “You want to go?” The question was almost rhetorical, since it was glaringly obvious that she did.

  “Oh, yes!” she gushed, “But I didn’t bring anything fancy to wear.”

  “It does sound like fun,” Millie weighed in. “It would almost be like being in a real-life version of a magical fairy tale.” She was normally the more grounded of the two women, but her eyes had taken on a glassy, faraway stare.

  “Being in a real castle seems to make everyone loopy,” Trevor decided. When he saw Millie look down, he quickly amended his opinion. Rubbing his thumb lightly on her cheek, he said, “It’s contagious, though, and I can’t wait to spend the evening dancing with my beautiful princess.”

  Millie’s face brightened. “I know it’s silly,” she admitted. “I’m normally such a strong, opinionated woman, but being here makes me want to put on a fancy dress and get a true love’s kiss from my prince.”

  When Trevor leaned close to her and said, “That can be arranged,” Trey announced, “It’s settled then… Tonight, we will all attend the royal ball.”

  Ellie looked at the other women at the table. “This means one thing, ladies.” Her eyes sparkled with barely-concealed excitement as she spoke. “We need to go shopping!”

  Millie whooped her agreement with this plan and Tess smiled at the fun-loving ladies. Even Mo tried to drum up a grin.

  When Tess and Mo locked eyes, they shared a long, meaningful look. They could both sense the pressure of unanswered questions adding to the monumental importance of the coming evening. For better or worse, both of their fates would be sealed with the events that transpired at tonight’s royal ball.


  The four ladies took one of the castle’s awaiting limos to the tiny island’s main street shopping district. There were only a few storefronts, but each had local, unique items to peruse.

  Ellie and Millie didn’t hide how enamored they were with the quaint, pristine village. Their enthusiasm was endearing and contagious. Tess reaffirmed her initial impression that both women were friendly, lovable, and down-to-earth. She had never before imagined either of her womanizing brothers finding everlasting love and settling down, but now she couldn’t imagine either of them without his perfect counterpart.

  It truly thrilled her that her siblings had found such wonderful happiness with their true soulmates. Now, she just wished the same fate for Mo and herself.

  At the island’s one clothing boutique, Ellie found a seashell pink, shimmery, slinky gown that suited her perfectly. When she tried it on, all three of the other women gasped at how the dress hugged her curves like it had been custom made for her.

  “Trey won’t be able to keep his hands off you,” Millie told her, which made Tess shiver with disgust.

  Ellie went to the makeshift counter to pay the gray-haired, local woman who owned the store, and was told the dress would be fifteen dollars.

  “What?!?” Ellie balked.

  When the storeowner stammered and finally said that she couldn’t accept less than ten for it, Tess felt dismayed. Perhaps Ellie wasn’t as gracious as Tess had previously believed.

  Walking boldly around the counter, like she owned the place, Ellie pulled the stunned woman into a hug. “Did you make this dress?” she asked when she pulled back.

  At the woman’s confirming nod, Ellie said, “It is the most exquisite piece of finery I have ever seen. You are an extremely talented seamstress, and I refuse to pay less than two hundred dollars for this masterpiece.”

  Tess watched the storeowner’s eyes transform from disbelief, to giddiness, and finally to overwhelming gratitude when Ellie handed her two crisp hundred dollar bills from her wallet. Tears pooled in the older woman’s eyelids and her arthritic hands shook as she stared at the money Ellie had given her.

  “Thank you!” she gushed, making Tess wonder if this was the most money the woman had ever seen in one place.

  “No, thank you,” Ellie said warmly. “I just got the bargain of the century.” The kind smile she gave the lady was genuine.

  When Mo mentioned that she should probably find something suitable to wear to the ball, Tess admitted that she had secretly packed the other woman’s discarded gown and brought it with them. Mo gave Tess a warm hug and murmured a thank you for always seeming to know what she needed, even before she figured it out herself.

  As the four women continued their exploration of the town, Millie found a sleek, short black dress at the beach hut, of all places. When she emerged from the tiny dressing room that utilized an oversized beach towel as a curtain, Tess marveled at how both of her brothers’ girlfriends had a unique and classy sense of style.

  After changing back into her shopping clothes, Millie found a beaded pair of sandals to go with the dress. She also purchased a giant, floppy sunhat, and a pair of oversized, crystal-encrusted sunglasses that made her look like a movie star.

  Mo and Tess tried on a variety of hats, but cackled at each other and decided they all somehow made them look like mushrooms. “Some people just aren’t meant for classy hats, I guess,” Mo decided as she put the last one back on the turning rack.

  Millie proved herself to be incredibly generous as well, when she told the surprised and thrilled clerk to keep the change for her purchases. Not wanting any acknowledgment for her kindness, she quickly turned to the other women and announced, “I’m famished!”

  Ellie nodded her agreement. “Yes, shopping is hard work.” They all laughed over the ridiculous statement as they headed back out to the island’s main street.

  After settling on a tiny, waterfront restaurant at the end of a long pier, the women relaxed outside with iced teas as they waited for their lunch of fresh seafood. Looking out over the glassy, turquoise water, Ellie said, “This picturesque island is truly a hidden gem.”

  Millie agreed. “I know… I want to tell everyone about it, yet I also want to keep it to myself, so it will remain untouched by tourism.”

  Their ponderings made Tess’s mind begin toying with a partially-formed idea, but she was distracted from her musing when their food arrived.

  “Oh my gawd!” Mo exclaimed around a mouthful of coconut shrimp. “This is the best thing I have ever tasted.”

  The other three women shared smiles, relieved to see Mo enjoying something. Although her moping had been warranted, they all wanted her to be happy.

  Proving that her reprieve from sadness was fleeting, Mo said, “I wish Pierce was here to taste it.” She turned to look at Tess when she went on. “Nothing seems real anymore, until I’ve shared it with him.”

  Tess had never seen her friend like this. She reached over and placed a reassuring hand over Mo’s. “I know,” she told her. “I have the feeling that things are going to somehow work out for you two.” The hope-filled look Mo gave her made Tess silently pray that her gut instinct was right about this. She couldn’t stand to watch her friend deal with this heartbreak and devastation.

  Obviously wanting to lift the mood, Ellie pointed out to a secluded jetty that jutted far out into the water. “What a perfect and
romantic spot,” she said dreamily, before adding, “I bet Trey would love my body all through the night out there.”

  Millie nodded with an ornery smile. “Only if you arrived to claim the location before me and Trevor got there to initiate it a time or two.” Her eyes sparkling with mischief, she added an outlandish exaggeration, “Or ten.”

  Tess covered her ears dramatically and loudly sang, “La-la-la,” as she rocked back and forth in her seat. The last thing she wanted to discuss was either of her brother’s sexual prowess or stamina.

  Their boisterous laughter at the ridiculous moment made everyone else at the restaurant smile. Even Mo chuckled, which Tess took to be a very good sign for the future.


  The day with Ellie and Millie passed quickly, and the four ladies were thrilled to discover they had already forged a tight bond with each other.

  When they returned to the castle, they each carried several purchases from talented local artisans. The palace was bustling with activity as the royal staff made preparations for the evening’s festivities. When the women peeked into the ballroom, they were astounded by the elegant decorations and sparkling crystal tableware.

  The air practically crackled with excitement as they agreed to go to their rooms and rest before getting ready for the ball. All four of them sensed that tonight would be a night to remember.

  Tess and Mo tried to take naps, but neither was able to sleep. The anticipation of seeing Sebastian and Pierce again, and the overwhelming sense that tonight would be monumental in the big scheme of both of their lives made their pulses race too fast to lie still. By silent mutual agreement, they sat in the rocking chairs outside on their balcony and tried to relax.

  As they rocked, they realized that the castle’s staff was busy with last-minute preparations outside as well. The gardeners were fine-tuning the shrubbery with a final snip here or there to make sure they were perfectly shaped. Other workers were efficiently setting up chairs, sweeping, and carrying colorful floral arrangements inside. The staff seemed to be a well-oiled machine, with each person knowing their tasks and happy to accomplish them.

  Watching it all made Mo worry her lip between her teeth. “I’m not sure what to wish for,” she admitted quietly to Tess.

  Unsure what she meant, Tess turned to face her friend and await further explanation. Instead of prompting her, Tess was still until Mo could formulate her thoughts to continue.

  Taking a deep breath, Mo finally went on. “I so want to be with Pierce. Nothing would make me happier than finding out our breakup was a crazy misunderstanding and having him choose me at the end of the ball tonight.”

  Tess nodded, since she had already been confident that was the case.

  “But,” Mo continued, “I know that our relationship would be fraught with insurmountable problems.” She ticked off issues on her fingers as she spoke. “His mother hates me. I would have to live like a prisoner in this castle on this tiny island.”

  Tess silently thought that living in this idyllic paradise sounded heavenly, but she decided not to interrupt her friend’s monologue.

  Pointing to her third finger, Mo said, “I’m not princess material.” When Tess took a breath in preparation to object, Mo expanded, “I’m too loud and daring and free-spirited to be a royal.” She looked down at her feet when she added, “Everyone thinks so.”

  Tess wondered what she meant by ‘everyone,’ but she was scared to ask. Turning to give her a sad look, Mo confirmed Tess’s worst fears. “I’ve seen the tabloids.”

  Sucking in an involuntary gasp, Tess said, “Oh, honey, you can’t listen to those ridiculous rags. They are just looking for ratings.” She placed a reassuring hand on Mo’s arm, even as she cursed the gossip columnists. She had done everything in her power to keep Mo from seeing the vicious articles flying around the internet and on the cover of nearly every print magazine, but evidently Mo had found out anyway.

  “They call me Mo-zilla,” Mo choked out a sob before adding, “And they’re right. You are so much classier and more graceful than I am. You are the one that should be the princess. I’m just an obnoxious slob, who should settle down with an Average Joe and start pumping out loud-mouthed babies that take after me.”

  Tess knew the exact article that had planted that particular seed of doubt into Mo’s head, and she wanted to wring the author’s neck. “The idiot who wrote that doesn’t know you,” Tess reassured her friend.

  “But he’s right,” Mo wailed. Standing in a huff, she added, “There’s no way this is going to end happily for me. Either I’m going to be broken-hearted without Pierce in my life, or I’ll end up with him and be known as the most inappropriate, sloppy, obnoxious, ill-suited princess in the history of… EVER.”

  With that, she stomped into their room, leaving Tess on the balcony to try to figure out how they could possibly make this work out well for Mo. After much ruminating, she reluctantly went back inside without a single viable idea for getting her best friend’s fairy tale ending.


  Disheartened, but not seeing another alternative, the women got ready for the royal ball. They knew they should be bouncing with excitement, but Mo’s declaration on the balcony hung heavy in the air between them. As much as they didn’t want her words and sentiment to be true, they both knew there was no denying their accuracy.

  When they emerged from their separate bathrooms into their shared bedroom, they gave each other sad smiles. “You clean up pretty good,” Tess said to her friend. It was a huge understatement. Mo’s long, black, silky gown, that Tess had secretly stowed away in her luggage for their trip, accentuated the woman’s impressive height and her fiery red hair. The simple elegance of the dress suited Mo perfectly.

  “You look like a real princess,” Mo gave her honest assessment of Tess’s blush-colored, floor-length sequined stunner.

  Tess did her best to ignore the wave of guilt that swept over her regarding her dress choice. There was no denying that her gown made her look like a princess. It was classic Tess. She had always veered towards anything pink and sparkly. She truly hadn’t chosen it with any intention of outshining Mo. It was merely the dress that had spoken to her in the boutique.

  Deciding that neither woman could ignore her natural tendencies––in fashion or otherwise––Tess walked over to loop arms with her friend. “We both look gorgeous, and any man would be lucky to dance with us tonight.”

  With that, they nodded at each other, and headed downstairs to follow their destinies.

  The ballroom was already swirling with activity. An orchestra was playing lovely, classical music and numerous couples were gracing the dance floor.

  Tess saw her brothers and their beautiful dates standing on the sidelines watching the rhythmic, nearly-synchronized dancers. When Tess and Mo joined the foursome, the ladies exchanged sincere compliments on how lovely they all looked.

  Ellie swayed and enjoyed the activity on the dance floor with wide-eyes before saying, “It feels like we’ve been transported into an elaborate, magical movie.”

  The others nodded in agreement with her assessment, unable to deny the anticipation and palpable excitement that sizzled in the air. Ellie had described it perfectly. Tess felt like she was so engrossed in an epic movie that she had stepped inside it and lost track of her own life.

  When Tess saw the completely enamored way Trey gazed down at Ellie, she almost couldn’t believe her eyes. Her tough, bossy, stubborn, and goofy brother was obviously head-over-heels in love with this magnificent, starry-eyed, caring, and sweet woman. Tess grinned and decided that these two opposites couldn’t be more perfect for each other. They both deserved their giddy happiness, and she didn’t think she could possibly feel any more thrilled that they had found it.

  Not to be outdone, Trevor was looking at Millie like she was a hot fudge sundae with whipped cream and a cherry on top. The no-nonsense, straight-talking, brilliant, and sophisticated woman was impossible not to like. Being the middle child, Trevo
r had always worked hard to show his worth and stand out against the shining star Trey had always been. Millie’s love and affection was already helping Trevor to be his own man, outside of Trey’s overpowering shadow.

  Both of her brothers, whom Tess had assumed would remain playboy bachelors for many years to come, were obviously madly in love with the women by their sides. It wouldn’t surprise Tess a bit if both of her siblings were happily married within a year. She smiled to herself as she pictured miniature versions of her handsome, ornery brothers running around and asking to spend the night with ‘Aunt Tess.’ She couldn’t wait to spoil her nieces and nephews rotten before sending them home to their unsuspecting parents.

  Unable to resist the call of the exciting atmosphere, Trey and Trevor both elegantly swept their love interests onto the dance floor. Tess enjoyed watching them whirl and twirl, even though she was anxious about where Sebastian, Pierce, and the queen were.

  She had suspected that the ever-tipsy king might be hidden away for the evening, so she wasn’t surprised that he hadn’t yet made an appearance. They would probably shuffle him out for a quick photo opportunity later before promptly ushering him back to his quarters. She didn’t blame them for trying to keep his drinking problem quiet. The whole world didn’t need to know every little detail about the royals’ private lives––even though royal watchers and paparazzi seemed to assume they had the right to investigate and report on their every move.

  She bit her lip as she glanced at Mo’s stiff spine and solemn face. Tess worried about what would happen when the royal entourage arrived. If the prince hurt Mo any more than he already had, Tess thought she might actually deck him. That would give the news hounds something to howl over.

  The entire room silenced and turned to look when the royals walked in. Tess and Mo glanced at each other, before turning back to the stage, as they waited with bated breath to see how the evening would play out now that the stars of the ball were in attendance.


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