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Pieces of Stronghold

Page 4

by Golden Angel

  It hurt in the most delicious way, a burning agony that felt so right, so good. The arm around her waist slid down so that he could dip his fingers into her pussy, pinching her clit, as he began to pull out and then thrust roughly back in. Gina tightened around him, crying out her pleasure as he began to fuck her ass, nearly as roughly as he'd been fucking her pussy. The empty hole dripped cream over his fingers, her ass spasming as it struggled against the rough assault, and her climax was growing higher and higher.

  He'd taken over her entire body, left her sobbing, breathless, and so damned needy. The burn of his cock in her ass just completed the erotic symphony that he'd built, using her body, the flogger, and the cane as his instruments. She screamed as the orgasm crashed over her, her clit pulsing against his fingers, her ass gripping him as he ravaged her from behind.

  It was ecstasy wrapped in pain, burning through her like a wildfire, purifying her and leaving her free. She flew through the flames, embracing them as she climaxed, drinking in the hot liquid that erupted, spilling into her darkness. Master Will's hands caressed more gently as he leaned his head against her shoulder, his cock jerking inside of her as her grasping ass milked him of his cum.

  Gina couldn't remember the last time she'd felt so satisfied, so satiated. He'd finally taken every part of her, and in return, she felt that he'd given her every part of himself.


  Will had always liked aftercare. Smoothing the arnica onto a soft, happy submissive, while she hummed and purred under the attention. Cuddling her and stroking her back to reality. Gina, in particular, was especially snuggly with him.

  Sitting on the couch in the aftercare corner, his bag at his feet, he adjusted his blanket-wrapped girlfriend in his arms, smiling as she sighed happily.

  "Hey, sweetheart," he said, when she finally tipped her head back to look up at him, her vision clearing for the first time since the scene ended.

  "Hello." The smile she gave him was almost shy, but also very pleased. Her eyes were shining at him in a way that they hadn't before. It wasn't until now that he realized she'd always been holding a little part of herself back from him.

  "How are you feeling?"

  "Good, Sir."

  Bending his head, Will kissed the tip of her nose, making her giggle. He knew that his own smile was a little bit loony, but he just felt so damned good inside. Everything seemed right. Of course, he always felt better after a scene, it was tension release, but tonight it was even more pronounced.

  "So, sweetheart. Are you coming home with me tonight?"

  Her angelic smile made him feel like the fucking king of the world. "I'd like that, as long you can bring me back here to get my car tomorrow. My family has a pre-Christmas gathering tomorrow evening. You're more than welcome to join us if you'd like."

  Will gave a low whistle. "Straight into meeting the family, huh? You don't fuck around."

  "No, I don't," Gina said, teasingly. "But you don't have to come if you're uncomfortable. My feelings won't be hurt."

  "Maybe next time, then, sweetheart," he said, genially. Not that he objected to meeting her family, but he didn't want to barge into a big gathering when he'd never met any of them before. "I'll meet them another time before I start imposing myself on family celebrations."

  "Okay." She took his decision well, her feelings very obviously not hurt. Which was the kind of response he expected from Gina, she didn't play games like that.

  "What do you want for a Christmas gift?" he asked, changing the subject. Since she was sitting on his lap, even if he wasn't dressed as Santa, it was one of the first questions that came to mind.

  "Don't you know?" she teased. "All I want for Christmas… is you."

  Groaning, Will shook his head. "Could you get any cheesier? I should beat you again just for that."

  "Oh no, Master Will," Gina said, widening her eyes as far as they would go. "Anything but that."

  "Brat," he growled, lowering his mouth to hers. She clung to him, her slim hands wrapping around his neck, and he realized that if he truly thought about it, she was all he wanted for Christmas too.

  Chapter 3 – Patrick and Lexie

  "What the hell is up with all these stupid decorations? This is supposed to be a BDSM club, not the fucking North Pole... what kind of idiot thought this was a good idea?"

  Eyes narrowed, Lexie swiveled around on her bar stool, where she'd been sitting and waiting (not so patiently) for Patrick. He'd sat her down there with strict instructions not to move her cute, little butt until he'd come back. There was a problem with the sound system, so the music wasn't playing until Patrick and Andrew could get it fixed, and the asshole Dom who was denigrating her decorations was very audible. To everyone.

  "Excuse you," Lexie said, just as loudly, crossing her arms over her chest. She kept her cute, little butt planted right where Patrick had told her to though. The plug nestled between her cheeks jostled inside of her, as if an internal reminder of his directions. Even though she was getting used to wearing the plug, she could always feel it more when she was tempted to do something against Patrick's orders. She knew it was psychological, but it was also true. "Those decorations were approved by Patrick. They were a lot of work to put up. If you don't like them, don't look at them. Or better yet, go somewhere else."

  The man, whom Lexie recognized from his file, was a new member named Roland Thompson. New enough that he wasn't allowed to play yet, although he was here anyway; maybe he enjoyed watching in anticipation. Once he'd gone through the Dom Introduction Class and had an Introductory Scene or two with one of the club submissives (monitored by either Patrick or someone whose judgment Patrick trusted), then he'd be able to go on the floor. For right now, it appeared he didn't have anything better to do than be an asshole.

  She supposed he was attractive enough. He looked like he was in his late thirties, with hazel eyes and light brown hair that was swept back from his face, but a sour personality was the fastest way to ruin good looks.

  Standing next to him was Zach, another newbie Dom, but one who'd been around the club for about a week longer than Roland's couple of days - long enough to look nervous that Lexie had overheard them. He should be nervous. Lexie's decorations were awesome, she wasn't going to let some Scrooge-Dom insult them, and Roland was damn lucky that Patrick wasn't here to overhear their conversation too. Patrick might not have been excited when Lexie had first started decorating Stronghold every holiday, but even he admitted that he liked having it done now. The club looked damn good.

  "No one was talking to you, little girl," Roland sneered, making his words into an insult. He looked her up and down, taking in her bare feet, short skirt, waist cincher and bare breasts with her silver nipple rings gleaming. The little jingle bells that Patrick had hung from them as weights probably didn’t do anything to garner respect from Roland either. "I don't care if you're the boss' toy, you need to keep your mouth shut when Doms are talking."

  "Maybe you should keep your mouth shut instead of spewing idiocy," Lexie snapped back. In the back of her head, she realized that conversations around the bar were quickly dying down, and people were starting to pay attention to her and Roland, but he was seriously pissing her off.

  "Rol, maybe we should-" Zach muttered, putting his hand on Roland's shoulder, obviously trying to break up the stare down between the dumbass Dom and Lexie, but Roland just brushed him off, talking over him.

  "Just because your Dom is pussy-whipped doesn't mean the rest of us are," Roland said, looking down his nose at her as he stepped closer, obviously thinking to intimidate her by looming over her. Dickhead. Had he not noticed how big Patrick was? Her boyfriend, owner of Stronghold, and the most naturally dominant Dom she'd ever met (and she'd met a lot here at the club), was at least four inches taller than Roland and with four times the air of power around him. Roland didn't intimidate her in the least. She just wished she was wearing spiky heels so that she could stomp on his foot. Roland looked her up and down again, his eyes ling
ering on her nipples. Lexie had the immediate urge to cover herself, but she didn't want to give the asshole the pleasure of knowing he'd made her uncomfortable. "Although, if you ever want to know what it's like with a real Dom, I could put aside an hour or two for you."

  Oh hell no. He did not just imply that Patrick wasn’t a real Dom. Lexie hopped down off her bar stool, fists clenched at her sides, balancing on the balls of her feet, which were shoulder-width apart. The same stance both Liam and Angel had taught her - Liam at Kung-fu and Angel in the Women's Self-Defense class that the club now had. Insults to her or her decorations were one thing; disrespecting Patrick while simultaneously disrespecting her relationship and hitting on her was something entirely different. She didn't really lose her temper often, but she was thisclose to it right now.

  "You wouldn't know about being a real man, much less a real Dom, if someone whacked you a hundred times with the man-stick," Lexie sneered right back up at him. "You aren't going to last long here."

  "What, you think you can kick me out?" Roland snorted, crossing his arms over his chest and trying to loom. Lexie didn't back away at all, which seemed to tick him off. "No matter how much of a pussy your Dom is, he can't kick me out when I haven't broken any rules, just because you go whining to him."

  "You know, for someone who wants pussy, you sure insult it a lot," Lexie said. Someone giggle,d and she couldn't help but grin. God this guy was a moron. "That's why you're not going to last long. Good luck getting any pussy with your attitude. Fucktard."

  Roland's face went red, and he swung his arms down from his chest. Even though she recognized the look of a man about to snap, Lexie didn't back down. She tilted her chin up, bouncing slightly on the balls of her feet, her arms at the ready to come up in case he was actually dumb enough to come at her. It was doubtful he’d be able to do much before someone in the bar jumped in to help – or everyone. Being Patrick’s sub meant that people were never sure when it was okay to intervene in whatever she felt like doing, but there were some things that none of them were going to tolerate. No matter whose submissive she was.

  Suddenly, he went down and Lexie stared at him as he dropped to his knees, his back arching as he tried to lift his hands to his shoulder. Behind him, her grey eyes blazing like silver, Olivia was pissed. Going by the expression on Roland's face, whatever nerve she was pinching was extremely painful.

  Sighing, Lexie put her hands on her hips, her anger draining out of her as she gave Olivia a look. "Thanks for the assist, but I had it handled."

  "I didn't do it for you," Olivia said, raising her eyebrows at Lexie and jerking her chin over Lexie's shoulder.

  Turning, Lexie almost slammed face first into Patrick's broad chest as he yanked her against him. Olivia must have seen him come in and decided to save Roland's life, because if the guy had actually been dumb enough to lay a hand on Lexie and Patrick saw it... Well, the last time there had been a fight in the club it had been for a similar reason. And Lexie's ex had been lucky he hadn't needed a ride to the hospital.

  "What the hell is going on here?" Patrick thundered, the scar on his face tugging his lip up as he scowled. Damn he looked sexy scary when he was pissed. Too bad for him that Lexie found it more sexy than scary, usually. He glared at Roland and then down at Lexie. "What the hell are you doing out of your seat? Did I or did I not tell you to stay put?"

  "You did," Lexie said, stepping back so that she could cross her arms over her chest again and glare up at him. His eyes dropped immediately to her nipples. Lexie hadn't exactly meant to distract him, but she wasn't going to cry over it either. "This asshole-"

  "Quiet, little one." Funny how Patrick calling her that could make her feel warm and fuzzy inside, at the same time she quailed a little bit, whereas when Roland had done it she'd just wanted to knee him in the balls.

  Patrick's dark eyes swept around the room. Thanks to the current lack of sound system, it was practically silent, despite the amount of people. Everyone was watching, fascinated. Lexie narrowed her eyes at a couple of the subs who looked kind of starry-eyed at Patrick, making sure they didn't get any ideas. While most people were happy that Patrick and Lexie were 'finally' a couple, there were a few of the subs who were also disappointed they'd never gotten the chance to play with him.

  "So what the hell is going on here?"

  Multiple voices chimed in at once. To his credit, Roland's buddy Zach didn't lie for him; he told Patrick exactly what had happened and what had been said. Olivia confirmed the part that she'd overheard. Including Lexie's less than respectful responses.

  Tucking Lexie behind him, so that his body was between her and Roland, Patrick loomed over the other man as he got to his feet. He was a really good loomer. Roland was obviously trying not to look intimidated, but his shoulders were slightly hunched in defensive instinct, and he was glaring at Patrick's face but not quite looking him in the eye.

  "Anything you want to say for yourself?" Patrick asked, looking down at Roland, his voice deceptively calm. Lexie knew him well enough to know that he was royally pissed, he was just hiding it. Although, going by the grip he kept on her wrist, it wasn't just Roland that he was pissed with. She scowled.

  Roland drew himself up - puffed himself up, Lexie thought derisively. "Your sub interrupted a private conversation, insulted me, and behaved in a disrespectful manner. Then this Domme," he practically sneered the word as he glanced over his shoulder at Olivia, "assaulted me."

  "He was getting in Lexie's face," Olivia said. Her eyes were still glinting with silvery fire, her expression full of disgust as she glanced at Roland. "I decided to step in before he got more physical."

  Holding his hands up in front of him, as if to ward of Patrick's rage, Roland shook his head. "I would never touch someone else's sub, no matter how badly she was asking for it."

  A tense silence hung in the room. The firm grip of Patrick's fingers around her wrist kept Lexie from speaking up. Even though she really, really wanted to. Lexie wasn't exactly used to keeping quiet and letting someone else speak for her, but here at Stronghold, with Patrick, she knew that's exactly what she was expected to do. There were definitely times when she struggled with the kind of relationship Patrick wanted, like now. It was easy to let him have control when it came to anything sexual, much harder when it came to something like this.

  Patrick tugged on her wrist, pulling her to his side, although keeping her just slightly behind him.


  It took her a second to realize that he was talking to her. She gaped at him.


  Patrick's dark brown eyes were hard and uncompromising. "Apologize to Roland for disrespecting him in the club. While he may not have gone through the class yet, he is still a Dom and, inside the club, you owe him a certain amount of respect, as well as the fact that you interrupted a private conversation."

  Heat and fury simmered inside of Lexie. She glared up at Patrick, kind of hating him. Was it too much to ask for him to be on her side, no matter the rules of Stronghold? Yes, she understood that the subs were supposed to be respectful of the Doms, but Roland had started it. Sort of. Except that he hadn't been talking to her. Even if he'd been talking loudly enough that she could overhear him.

  Subtly, she tried to yank her wrist out of Patrick's grip, wanting him to know that she was pissed right back at him. Of course, it didn't work because he was a hell of a lot stronger than her, and she wasn't able to use even half her strength without making it clear what she was doing.

  They were going to have words about this later... but not right now, because in public, and especially in the club with everyone watching, Lexie was expected to do as Patrick said.


  She turned cold eyes on Roland, focusing on his shoulder rather than his smug, smirking face. "My apologies, Sir. I shouldn't have responded with insults and disrespect, no matter the provocation."

  The expression on his face slipped a bit at her less than sincere phrasing, but dammit, tha
t was as much of an apology as he was getting. She wasn't sorry that she'd stood up for the decorations or for herself. Roland glanced at Patrick, but apparently Patrick was satisfied.

  "You should apologize to Lexie as well," Patrick said, giving Roland a hard stare. "She worked hard on the decorations, and whether or not you appreciate them, it's rude and disrespectful to belittle her efforts in public. Whether or not you knew she was there." Okay well that was better. It mollified her that he realized she wasn't totally in the wrong. His voice lowered just enough that Lexie could barely hear what he was saying, and she knew that she and Roland were the only ones close enough to be able to make out Patrick's words. "Besides which, all the subs have been helping her do the decorations, so if you ever want someone to scene with, you've got some groveling to do."

  The mutinous expression on Roland's face, which had appeared at Patrick's words, suddenly became more worried. He glanced over his shoulder towards the Lounge. None of the subs were sitting there, like they usually were, they'd all clumped together and come closer, drawn in by the drama. Most of them were watching him with slightly narrowed eyes.


  Every single one of them had helped Lexie with decorations at one point or another, whether or not they’d assisted with the current ones, they'd helped with previous holidays. From the look on Roland's face, he was just realizing how much he’d fucked up with his loud and careless words.

  Turning back to Lexie, he gave her a superior little nod, raising his voice so that the subs would be able to hear him clearly.

  "I'm sorry you felt insulted by my words," he said, looking down his nose at her. "I don't feel that a fetish club is an appropriate venue for decorations, but I didn't mean to denigrate the effort involved in decorating it. It's very festive, even if it has nothing to do with the club."


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