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Erotic Deception

Page 11

by Karen Cote'

  “Well, how about lemonade?” Lily offered, shaking her head.

  “Sound good,” Cheryl said and her dark brown eyes glazed over as she bit into the warm dough.

  “These cookies are divine,” she cooed.

  Lily’s heart melted with genuine affection. Why couldn’t they have met under different circumstances?

  “I’ve been craving them all day,” Lily confessed wryly.

  Seated beside Cheryl, she asked, “How long have you and Don been married?”

  “Seven years next spring.”

  Lily sipped on her drink and rolled the tart taste around her tongue.

  “He seems like a wonderful man,” she said.

  “He is,” Cheryl agreed. “He’s one of those rare types you don’t find very often. Except for Jet, of course,” she laughed. “But then I’m biased on both accounts.”

  Since Cheryl brought him up, Lily went on a fishing expedition.

  “How long was Jet married?”

  Cheryl’s mouth turned down. “Only slightly over a year, thank goodness.”

  So Jet’s sister didn’t approve of Celeste. Interesting.

  Lily casually bit into a cookie. “That’s not long,” she said. It was a leading statement and Lily didn’t feel guilty. She needed answers, darn it. Since Jet wasn’t talking…

  “Well,” Cheryl licked a crumb off her finger, “it’s the typical story of boy gets girl pregnant followed by marriage.”

  A dreadful feeling filtered through Lily’s soul. That explained a lot.

  “What happened?” she coaxed.

  “Celeste had a miscarriage,” Cheryl sighed.

  Lily’s hand shook and she quickly hid it in her lap. “I’m sorry to hear that,” she said and didn’t have to fake sincerity or empathy. “It must’ve been devastating for them. Was that the reason for their divorce?”

  “Jet doesn’t really talk about it but evidently the baby was the only reason they’d married in the first place. There wasn’t enough to keep them together so they divorced and Celeste moved to Kansas City. That was a few years ago. Celeste’s father died recently and after the funeral, she stayed on here. It’s obvious she wants to reconcile with Jet but I don’t think he’s interested. Old history and all that.”

  “They left together the other night,” Lily commented.

  “I know,” Cheryl glowered like a protective big sister. “Jet was close to Celeste’s father so he probably still feels a sense of responsibility for her.” A mischievous smile touched her lips. “But I have a friend named Rachel. She and Jet along with Don and I spent the weekend at a nearby lake cabin. Jet wouldn’t have done that if he was still involved with Celeste.”

  Lily tensed. “A few weeks ago?”

  “Yes.” Cheryl reached across for another cookie. “I think it was the weekend before you caught Bob McEvers breaking into your house.”

  With Cheryl’s preoccupation, she didn’t notice Lily’s ashen face. Jet had been with someone else the weekend before he’d been intimate with her. Sickness gripped her again as the bitter truth and jealousy struck. Jet Walker was nothing but a player.

  “Anyhoo,” Cheryl said, “Enough about Jet, what about you? You grew up in Missouri, right?”

  Lily jumped at the change of subject and told Cheryl how Jerry had practically raised her and they even touched on the rehab center Jerry had started and her work there.

  “Your brother sounded amazing,” Cheryl said sadly.

  “Yes, he was,” Lily agreed wistfully.

  The rest of the afternoon passed pleasantly enough, but Lily couldn’t quite shake the sense of betrayal from Jet. It was stupid, as she had no claims on Jet. She was just a repeat of his past mistakes.

  When Cheryl eventually left, Lily sat down to confront her pregnancy predicament. There was no question about keeping the child. She was so stoked she could hardly keep her shirt on.

  Telling Jet, that was the dilemma.

  It was Murphy’s Law for him to phone later that afternoon. For Lily, she wasn’t crazy about speaking to Mr. Casanova just yet.

  His next few calls joined the first one in voicemail as Lily decided to visit the drug store again. She was convinced of her pregnancy, but wanted to take one more test to make sure.

  As suspected, it showed positive. Suddenly the cabin seemed claustrophobic and the need for air was overwhelming. Deciding exercise would fuel her need, Lily went out through the French doors. She crossed the yard to the trees where it was cooler. She was glad to be wearing a ventilated halter-top while her jeans protected her legs from wayward branches and weeds. Deeper into the trees, she came across a small creek. As she crossed over, her flip-flops caught on a hidden tree root and she lost her balance and fell to her knees. She extended a hand to prevent pitching forward while her other cradled her midsection in a protective gesture. This time, her womb wasn’t empty. She smiled.

  Lily got up and brushed off her jeans. With melancholy appreciation, she noticed how green everything was as if she were viewing it all for the first time. She breathed in the fresh scent of the growing plant life, smiling at the rabbits and squirrels ducking away as she approached.

  Wading through the foliage, the covering of trees lessened as she neared the other side. A road running parallel to her property was a few yards ahead and she was crossing out of the trees to it when a sensation of being watched tingled along the back of her neck. She stopped and scanned the area behind her. Seeing nothing amiss, Lily still hastened her step until she reached the dirt-paved road. It was dusty and it would take her longer to get home, but it was flat and the air had cooled.

  Despite the cooler air and without the protective cover of the trees, Lily felt the sun beating down on her head. She tightened her ponytail, wrapping the long ends into a makeshift bun to get it off her neck. She wasn’t far from the main street that ran into town when a vehicle turned onto the dirt road. Great! She just prayed it wasn’t the sheriff at the wheel of the blazer. The vehicle made short work of the distance and her stomach plummeted. It was him. He stopped beside her.

  “Why haven’t you called me back?” He glowered.

  Lily stiffened her shoulders and ignored him by continuing her pace. Some interesting variations of curses came from his direction, but her steps didn’t falter. She had no desire to speak to him. A message she intended to make clear…a message he obviously intended to ignore. The door slammed and seconds later, a vice-like grip grabbed her arm.

  “I asked you a question,” he gritted between his teeth. “And what are you doing out here anyway?”

  “What’s it look like I’m doing? I’m walking. That’s Detective 101, Sheriff.” She wrenched her arm out of his grasp and took off again.

  Chanting a few more obscenities, he reached for her again. She spun around, her temper blazing.

  “How many times do I have to flush before you go away?” she yelled.

  Fire shot from his eyes before in a sudden fierce movement he scooped her up and carried her to the blazer. She beat at the tight grasp around her waist. When that didn’t work, she resorted to scratching and kicking, but her wedge-heeled flip-flops were ineffectual as he easily held off her attacks. In desperation, she reached for his gun. He didn’t guess her intentions until she’d unsecured the latch on the holster. Realization made him bark out an incredulous laugh and he checked her hand.

  “You little she-cat,” he countered. “What are you going to do, shoot me?” He shook his head in exasperation. “Don’t you know reaching for an officer’s gun is an automatic jail sentence?”

  “Then arrest me, Sheriff!” She spat, breathless from her exertions.

  “What’s wrong with you?”

  He swung her down and used his body to brace her against the blazer.

  “Nothing. I told you I felt like a walk so I’m walking. What’s the mystery?” Her voice was heavy in sarcasm.

  “Why didn’t you return my calls?” He asked unmoved by her ire.

  “Maybe I didn�
�t want to,” she said childishly.

  “Well, maybe I was worried,” he returned.

  “Well, maybe you should’ve called your wife. No, wait,” she said, pausing in mock perplexity. “Maybe you should call Rachel instead.”

  His gaze flashed angrily. “Did my deputy tell you about Rachel too?”

  “No, your deputy didn’t tell me about Rachel,” Lily mimicked jealously. “Your sister did. Enlighten me Jet, how many women do you need to feed your ego?”

  His heated blue eyes searched her face before settling on her mouth.

  “Get in the truck,” he said softly.

  “Are you taking me to jail?” She tilted her head in defiance. “Because that’s the only way I’m going anywhere with you.”

  He gave her an exasperated look and before she could protest, opened the door and lifted her in. He followed and clamped a hand on her arm to prevent her escape from the passenger side.

  Deftly starting the blazer with his left hand, Jet slammed it into gear and performed a U-turn. Lily sat beside him, her lips mutinous; attention straight ahead. She couldn’t stop him from manhandling her, but he couldn’t force her to converse with him. She’d combat him with her silence and see how he liked that.

  A flash in the trees near where they’d been standing caught in the corner of her eye. She searched along the area to capture it again, but it was gone. She encountered Jet’s raised brows. Discounting the fact that she wasn’t speaking to him, she definitely wasn’t going to tell him she was seeing things again. She jerked her attention back toward the front.

  Chapter Ten

  Jet pulled into the driveway of a charming old colonial house with big pillars. Too bad Lily wasn’t in the mood to be charmed.

  “Come on,” Jet said opening his door.

  Lily stayed right where she was. “This isn’t jail.”

  Jet’s forehead wearily dropped against the steering wheel and Lily battled against the pull of his vulnerability.

  He turned his head sideways. “I’m not taking you to jail. This is my home.”

  She swallowed to maintain a tough façade. “What are we doing here?”

  “I wanted you to see it,” he responded simply.

  Her bravado wavered, but she tried one more stance of rebellion.

  “Won’t your wife mind?” His steady gaze made her look away first. “Okay,” she conceded albeit with ill grace. “But just for a minute and then you’re taking me home.”

  His mouth twitched, but he nodded.

  She opened the door and walked around the blazer while keeping a comfortable distance between them. If he noticed, his motion for her to precede him didn’t show it. When they reached the door Lily jumped as Jet’s arm stretched in front of her, but after shooting her a wry look, he inserted the key into the lock. He opened the door and gestured her in, and with a slight hesitation she entered, curious in spite of herself.

  * * * *

  Jet tensed, waiting for Lily’s reaction. He didn’t know why he cared what she thought, but for some reason he didn’t care to contemplate, it was vitally important.

  “Nice home,” she complimented with reluctant sincerity.

  The décor was modern with two-toned tan and white accents with mixed Noche and Classico Travertine gracing the floors. Several rugs were strewn carelessly about to keep the warmth of the room intact while the adjacent kitchen was equal in modernization.

  He relaxed and a smile crinkled the corners of his eyes.

  “Thank you.” He stepped down into the bonus room toward the mini bar. “Would you like a drink?”

  “Nothing alcoholic,” she accepted and followed him into the room.

  She meandered to the windows overlooking the pool.

  He raised his brows, but went to the refrigerator. He poured pink lemonade and brought it to her. She made a point not to touch him when taking it and he scowled. Going to the bar, he poured a generous amount of scotch in a glass.

  “Should you be drinking on the job?” Lily scolded, her fine arched brows ascending facetiously.

  The corners of his mouth creased. “Since I have the most capricious trouble of the town standing in my living room; I think I can risk it.”

  Lily’s gaze speared him, but she didn’t rise to the bait and resumed her study outside.

  Jet smiled to himself. The woman was anything but boring. Quick witted and not shy on smartass remarks, he was beginning to enjoy their skirmishes. He chuckled silently thinking of how she’d reached for his gun. And he’d bet his left nut she would’ve used it on him.

  Even right now, it was cute at how she was trying to ignore him. That wouldn’t do at all. He walked up behind her soundlessly and spoke in her ear.

  “Like what you see?”

  She jumped and spun around, almost spilling her drink. She frowned darkly at him and put some space between them. He allowed it for now.

  “It’s beautiful. It must be great for all the entertaining you do.”

  Damn. I’m going to have to work for it.

  * * * *

  Lily knew he was trying to rile her. What was he up to?

  “I thought you wanted to show me your house?” She challenged, realizing too late she was in the main living areas.

  His next question wasn’t unexpected.

  “Do you want to see where I hang my hat?” He asked wickedly, blue eyes twinkling.

  Drat the man! In this playful provocative mood, things could get out of hand very fast. She needed to deflate that puffed out ego of his and let him know she wasn’t one of his groupies.

  “So how long were you married?”

  Jet’s lips twitched at her tactic, but he did humor her. “Less than two years.”

  At least that was encouraging.

  “What happened?”

  He shook his head , advancing toward her. “Incompatibility.”

  She retreated until she backed into the wall behind her. “Are you too chicken to talk about it?”

  Jet put out his hand to prevent her exit. The mini bar barricaded her escape from the other side. When he placed his drink on top of the smooth oak, her drink was all that stood between them. Jet’s mouth curved when her fingers clung to it in desperation.

  “The last time we exchanged confidences we ended up on your couch,” he said in a provocative tone. “I’m okay with it as long as we can repeat the end result.”

  Lily tilted her chin. ‘Is that why you brought me here?”

  She jumped when he slipped the glass from her fingers and placed it on the bar next to his.

  “I’d be lying,” he murmured pulling her closer, “if I said it hasn’t been playing around in my mind.”

  “You’ve been playing a lot of things lately,” she boomeranged back. “Namely people.”

  “Shh,” he lowered his mouth to the soft area of her neck

  Lily closed her eyes at his nibbling and clenched her fists between them. He moved back a fraction and with a sardonic twitch of his brow, unbuckled his duty belt.

  “Can’t have you trying to shoot me again,” he said, stretching to drape it across the barstool.

  He returned his attention to her neck and Lily trembled when he caressed his way up to her ear.

  She swallowed to regain sanity. “So tell me about Rachel. Is she blonde? Brunette? Short?”

  As a deterrent it wasn’t very effective, but then again, she wasn’t fighting too hard to get away either.

  “How can I talk about Rachel,” he asked in a husky voice, “when I can’t stop thinking about you?”

  He took his wanderings across her cheek and paused at the corner of her lips. The touch of his tongue turned her knees to butter.

  “Really?” She clung to her scant resistance. “I wonder how many other women you’ve brought here and said that to.”

  Without a hitch he said, “You’re the first”

  “The first woman you brought here or that you said that to?” she asked in disbelief.

r />   His answer disconcerted Lily. “Except your wife, of course.”

  She felt his mouth tilt. “Of course.”

  She struggled and felt the fan of his laughter on her cheek.

  “There is nothing between my ex-wife and me,” he said, stressing the ex-part. “We’re finished. Finito. I took her home the other night because she’d been drinking. To her home, not mine. That’s all.” He tipped his head to the side. “Can’t you see? Ever since meeting you I don’t want to be with any other woman.”

  In disbelief, Lily countermanded his claim. “You slept with Rachel.”

  “That’s a fact,” he concurred. “But nothing happened.”

  “What do you mean?”

  He gave her an old-fashioned look. “You want me to spell it out? In a nutshell, the only thing up that weekend was thoughts of you and a lot of excuses.”

  At a loss for words, Lily finally murmured, “I don’t believe you.”

  “Oh, you can believe me,” he responded. “I can vouch for every humiliating second.”

  Lily gripped his shoulders to steady the dizzying effect his words were having.

  He dropped a heated look to her mouth. The whisper of his breath fanned over her cheeks. “I keep thinking about that damned jewel in your navel and its eating me up inside.” The intensity of his gaze was overwhelming. “And if I don’t get inside of you soon, I’m going to positively explode. I want you; in a bed, skin-to-skin, all day, and all night.”

  He leaned his brow against hers.

  “The truth is Dr. Delaney, you wrecked more than my car that day you hit me. You’ve wrecked my peace of mind.” He ran his lips over hers in a light caress, whispering against them. “I lay awake at night remembering how sweet you tasted.” His tongue mimicked the words, a feather light touch over her lips. “Until all I want to do is taste you again.” He increased the pressure allowing his tongue to slip inside for a brief contact with hers, only to retreat. “But not just part of you, I want to taste all of you,” he murmured covering her mouth with his, no longer teasing.

  Seduced by the content of his words and the touch of his mouth, it took Lily only a second to respond. She groaned and slid her arms up his chest and around his neck, wrapping her fingers into the soft hair at his nape. He moved his hands down the curve of her spine to her hips, grinding her into the swelling turgid hardness straining against his fly.


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